Now onto this thread in general, I think if this system were to be implemented it cannot allow anyone to gain MMR in a lose condition, but minimalize their MMR lost to a very small number. That way if you performed well on an individual level, but your team lost, you’ll lose very little MMR from your current score to help keep players from dropping too fast. Whereas if you performed poorly as an individual and a lost condition happened, the system will factor that and you’ll lose whatever MMR that will help bring you to a skill level you belong the fastest.
Where as in a win condition and you did exceptional as an individual you’ll gain more then normal MMR to help boost you to where you belong. And if you did average you’ll gain normal MMR.
Now first thing is this system would be quite tricky to balance. But I think what Anet could do to help balance this system in the testing stages is take a wide range of players from ESL to just fresh sPvPers and group them by skill levels without a computer or algorithm. Just simple hand picking them and have them play a lot of matches within their skill range. Then take all the metrics from every match for each skill level and average them for a match.
So let’s say on average for a low skill tier, every player scored at 4 kills per the average of all the matches. Every player made at least 1 capture for the average of all matches. They healed XXX HP to their allies for the average of matches. They dealt XXX damage for the average. They revived XXX allies across all matches (Lord and any other NPC would not be counted to prevent abuse). And etc.
Now we roughly have an average of what a player at this skill level should be doing. If they go over the average we would have a formula to calculate what they would receive but it would have diminishing returns so doing 2X the average damage will not provide 2X the benefits. Like wise for all other metrics.
Deaths will not be factored into this unless their deaths exceed the average by a large amount. For example like 3X the average. That way players being focused will not suffer a penalty for being focused fired. This would need to be balanced to determine the number but that way players being fodder to an outnumbered situation (2v4, 1v4, and etc.) will have a larger MMR drop to attempt to place them where matches are better suited to them.
EDIT; And to add to the damage averages and healing and etc, you’ve set up a threshold to qualify for having average metrics in these so builds that deal less damage or offer less healing and etc are not left out and placed poorly for an individual performance factor. Maybe this could swing for kills, caps, decaps, and revives if the averages can accommodate a range below the average. You don’t want this range to extend to low but enough to make it so people are not penalized for their builds
(edited by Xter.6271)