Showing Posts For Yldrania.3879:
Bumping this for ya, Vanity!
We’re about to get a guild stash tomorrow after missions, and are now 26!
bump! We have reached level 10 and have unlocked the first arena upgrade!
Bump! We have found a good PvP Lieutenant for missions and stuff, and are now looking for one more and a competitive PvP leader.
bump! We’ve held our 3rd lottery draw, with a jackpot of 83.5 Gold and one secondary winner. We’re now starting our first Halloween Lottery Round with extra winners and special prizes!
bump! We have opened a YouTube channel for our guild, and will be regularly uploading videos to it. Check out our channel here!
We’ve successfully completed all 3 missions that were thrown at us today. Read up about our adventures here:
I went through your website and I have to say I’m impressed. I’m on EU and a guild leader myself but best of luck, you guys sound like a great guild.
Giving everyone a taste of our community! Tonight was riddle night, with two riddles instead of the normal one. Here are the riddles!
We are now able to offer our first jumping puzzle in the guild hall!
We have finally unlocked the Guild Decorations merchant. After a LOW on the guild, we are now looking to improve things again. Still looking for officers
Hello everyone and thank you for reading!
As part of a multi-guild community called E-Legion, I am pleased to announce that we are now looking for further branches to join in with our journey to an active, never-dying and never-boring community spread across different servers, timezones and maybe even languages.
Our Current Guilds:
- Main: E Legion [ELGN] –
- Trial: Enquisition [EQN] – NoOwnHomepageYet
We have one so called “Main” guild, which was the first guild founded in Gw2 under our name. I am the leader of that guild, which is why I make this post here. We are currently sized between 100-200 people, and between level 20-30. (The vague numbers to ensure it remains accurate even if I forget to update one time.)
How would it work to lead a guild for this community?
1.) What We Can Offer:
- Teamspeak3 Channels on our Community server, including admin rights for leaders & partial admin rights for officers of your guild.
- You will receive your own homepage ( with any software of your choice on it (e.g. Wordpress), and administration rights to it. If you are unable to design your homepage yourself, our web designer will aid you with the creation and upkeep.
- Every beginning is tough. Members of our main guild will help you get your guild hall, and jump in with missions if you don’t have enough people.
- We have community mentors for any PvE element. Should you or anyone else have issues, our mentors will gladly assist.
- As an experienced leader, I will personally assist you with recruitment, maintenance or anything else you would like support with.
- In community giveaways, you and your guild members qualify to receive gifts reaching from in-game items such as 250xGlobs of Ectoplasm, Precursors and more to real-life items such as t-shirts, hoodies and mousepads.
2.) What We Require:
2.1 Requirements For You As Leader
- Any of our guild leaders are required to be Mature, Dedicated & Active.
- As a guild leader, you must prove experience with the game at least to a certain degree. We require for each interested party to send us a screenshot of their home screen on Gw2 to show how advanced they are in their game.
- You must be able to communicate with WRITTEN English or German.
- You are required to use Teamspeak3 whenever possible, and own a microphone/headset to communicate with me.
- You are required to make a post on your homepage at least once a week with updates or happenings with your guild. Should you be unable to, feel free to appoint officers or co-leaders with the task.
2.2 Requirements For Your Guild
- Your guild follows the virtues of our community: Honor, Loyalty, Sincerity, Courage
- You choose your own guild name, however there is one restriction: It must start with an E. You can choose a name that simply begins with one (e.g. Eternal Warriors), one that you modify to fit with an E (e.g. Enquisition), or one where you just put the E ahead of the name (e.g. E Divine Guardians).
- You choose your guild tag. The first letter should be an E but that is not required.
- You choose your guild’s focus (PvE, PvP, WvW, PvX). We will not interfere there.
- You choose your target playstyle (casual, semi-casual, semi-hardcore, hardcore).
- You choose your guild language.
- You choose anything else that has to do with the guild (e.g. final size, ts3 requirements, ranks, permissions, etc.)
3.) About The Process
- You get in touch with me here on the forums with a message.
- I will respond to you, and invite you to chat with me on TS if it appears that you really are interested.
- We will have a conversation on TS, and if you decide that you’re up for it, we talk over the details for your guild.
- You get an invitation to E Legion, our main guild. You accept, but you don’t have to represent. This is just for us to see that you are still playing – and for you to have contact with our council in case you need help.
- You create your own guild according to the specifications previously agreed on.
- You immediately get your Ts3 Channels and Channel Admin rights for them.
- Now, there is a 1 month trial split into to halves:
- The first 2 weeks we watch to see if you fit to the community, and if you remain interested and active. After the 2 weeks, should everything go well, you will receive Administrator rights for our Ts3 server, and we will help you get your guild hall.
- The second 2 weeks we watch to see if everything continues to go well, and your community is developing in a good direction. Should everything go well, you will receive your own homepage for your guild.
- You are now a BRANCH LEADER for E-Legion, which entitles you to a multitude of benefits within the community. (We can talk about that in detail when the time comes.)
- Your guild is now an official part of E-Legion, which entitles it to a multitude of benefits as specified above. (We can talk more about that if you are interested.)
Well then, after this wall of text, I think that would be all. If you would like, check out our official homepage @ in order to get a better impression of our community! It is currently being recreated with a new layout and content, so please bear with us as we reconstruct it.
If you have any questions or are interested, please comment or pass me a message!
3/5 Missions done
We are now able to provide a Map Bonus Enhancement at the tavern vendor We are still stuck at 4 officers, 1 co leader and 1 leader for 130+ members, which isn’t perfect. We are still looking for further officers, especially for WvW and Raids!
Today’s Spring Break lottery produced 4 winners!
Trek & Bounty completed
We have hit level 22, and Plant Synthesizers are available now as well
Nice community Small, but I’ve known the leader for a while and wish you guys best of luck with your guild. You can count on my and my guild’s support
Challenge & Bounty completed
In today’s riddle event, we have a winner! An exotic gun was the prize!
One of our officers has been demoted back to regular member due to massive inactivity and no efforts at all.
We have unlocked the Lumber Synthesizer 2 upgrade and are now able to provide Seasoned wood logs every day!
We have a new recruitment officer ! Congrats to Lowen!
3/4 PvP missions completed!
Aetherium Capacity 3 unlocked, Sunday’s PvE missions completed!
Another 3 lottery and giveaway winners!
We have hit level 21 WXP boost is now available at tavern!
We have one more interested party for a Recruitment Officer post.
We have finished today’s PvP missions successfully.
We have completed another round of the riddles!
Today we have soloed TA Up and Forward successfully. Next week on Saturday Nights event we will be doing an HP run for all members in Auric Basin.
We have unlocked the Mining Rate 1 upgrade, and are now able to produce Aetherium faster.
We have completed yet another event successfully!
Today we have completed all three PvP guild missions – 2 medium and 1 hard. Thank you for all participants!
We have reached level 20. All members now get a 5% discount when using waypoints all across Tyria.
We have found our first PvP officer. We are still looking for 3 more, as one of our officers is inactive due to university.
Successfully 2/4 PvE missions done for the week!
We’ve unlocked the Arena Obstacles upgrade and will now be able to provide a more exciting arena environment!
Despite a bug, we successfully completed 3 rounds of guild missions today so a total of 12 members got their rewards for it. This was the most successful mission day for PvP so far.
We have got one more application for an officer position. 3 of our applicants have been kicked from the guild for inactivity last week, so we are happy to hear someone’s interested again.
If this officer application is successful, we will still be looking for 2 further officers.
We have reached level 19! Our newest addition is the Guild Miniatures trader who offers the Mini Gamli, Mini Rekka & Mini Brine.
I’ll join if possible, I have a lot going on between school and work but can usually play on weekends and sometimes during the week.
I passed you an invite! Feel free to whisper me in-game if you have any questions before or after joining
Today we completed the difficult guild race with a 10 man team.
Today we have solved yet another riddle! The second guild riddle ended with the correct answer and a Charr Backpack item for a prize!
Today we completed the dungeon event – today with CoF.
Read more about it here:
We have now unlocked the Guild Weaponsmith upgrade and are able to provide the first guild skins for your weapons!
We are looking for 3 officers!
Despite a bug, we have successfully completed the PvE slot guild race in today’s PvE event.
We have reached level 18 through the Mine Excavation 2 upgrade!
We have reached guild level 18 with the mine expansion 2, which has expanded our mines visibly in the guild hall and unlocked further upgrades for our community to get.
Awh I know Kerri. <3 You
We’ve reached 130 members, and are now looking for 3 more officers to join our ranks!
3/3 PvP missions this week threw at us complete. Read more about it & view our match scores by following the link below.