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In a way you can already do this. Make a new character and use your main characters funds to level all crafting professions on him (you get 10 levels per full profession). This is quite expensive though (around 60-90g in total) but much quicker than normal leveling.
Keep in mind though that part of the leveling process is getting to know your class, which you skip if you skip the leveling.
If you transmuted the skin to a white or blue piece of gear then it IS account bound, the tooltip just doesn’t reflect the change. It does work just like transmuting starter gear.
Yes, but OP was asking for a way to transfer the whole armor pieces, stats and all, not just the skin.
When you say “after one day” do you mean after 24h or did you do the JP’s during the night, then tried again during the day? My guess would be that they reset either after 24h or during the daily reset at 1am.
It would help if you could give us some examples of how the ‘game is evolving in a way that is making it harder for casuals to complete content.’
Question remains, is the achievement bad because it can be “grinded” or is it bad because it’s something that has no variety and has a huge kitten number which will take a stupid amount of time and resources, ie: a grind if you want to actually get it some time this year?
It would definitely be better if this was not tied into any achievements or titles and just be a statistic for curious people. Keep the kill and capture achievements, but remove anything that requires supplies.
Did it myself just yesterday, so whoever told you it’s not longer possible either lied to you or did it wrong, when he tried it.
(if you think the difference of one person in ZERG VS. ZERG is going to change rather or not your server wins, you are completely delusional), you just need to get over it.
Oh really? Here is a little story for you: a few weeks ago our server held Stonemist castle and one player (just one!) was using up all the supplies to build useless stuff like flame rams on walls and repairing a wall that was under fire, even though a wall upgrade was about to be completed.
When the castle was finally besieged in earnest it had zero supplies and no new defensive siege equipment could be placed, which forced our server to relinquish posession, so the new owner would destroy all the useless rams for us (at this point we weren’t even able to besiege anything, as we couldn’t place any rams anymore on that map).
Players behaving like this seem to have popped up on almost every server by now. The problem is that this behaviour is not strictly against the rules and while it is disruptive to overall WvW gameplay, players are not getting punished for it. I know that Anet is evaluating the situation, since our server has been struggling with someone behaving in this manner for quite some time now, although much worse than what the OP describes.
Let’s hope that Anet finds a solution to this mess in a timely manner.
You can use transmuting stones to change the bind status of an item from soulbound to account bound (or rather just the skin). Buy the item, use a transmuting stone to transfer the skin to a white or blue item (this is important!), the new items should now be account bound and can be exchanged with your other character via the bank.
Note that transmuting lvl80 gear requires a fine transmuting stone.
I disagree. If it cost me nothing to achieve, then I consider them as free. Doesn’t matter if they can be sold on the TP, if I didn’t spend any money on it, then it is free.
You are certainly free to think so, but in economics there is a term called “opportunity cost”, which means that by doing one thing you can’t do the other. i.e. if you use your resources for crafting, you can’t sell them and vice versa. The cost in this case is represented by the potential market value of your harvested resources.
Also it didn’t cost you nothing to get those resources. You invested time gathering them after all. Granted, most of the time it’s simply a matter of just hitting up nodes along your way, but it’s not nothing.
Chuck Son Of Norris
Die Fette Fee (→ The Fat Fairy)
ok so i think i am having trouble understanding the crafting to lv80 deal. maybe i am doing it wrong, maybe i am not as skilled as the rest. but i tried to craft to 80 over the weekend, spent about 1.5 gold, got to 100/400 artificer on an alt, but only gained xp for 1.5 levels. for my preparation for the grind to The Bifrost, my ele was already lv80, so the crafting things i did not get to experience the whole leveling to 80, starting from scratch.
do i need to stick with it more, or -
1. get crafting to 400 (max)
2. make high-tier (400?) items (spending more gold for those mats) to get the XP to get to 80i have 10 gold sitting in my bank, and have started a guardian. i would like to craft to level 80 this time around to avoid most of the PvE, and be 80 and geared before attempting my lv10 story mission. i was using the “discovering” method at pwniversity on my ele.
The xp you get rises dramatically the higher you get in your crafting profession. All in all you will gain ten levels per 400 crafting. So, yes, you need to stick with it more.
So far, other than the starting gear I’ve not seen anything thats exclusive to story/pvp
The studded leather thats obtainable from the story quest is also droppable by random mobs.
If that were the case they would be avilable on the trading post, which they are not. There are medium armor items available that are called “superior studded”, but neither shoulders nor helmets for it.
I used crafting on my mesmer to push him 60 levels. I can’t give you any actual numbers on the cost, but it’s probably somewhere in the range of 30-50 gold. The cost depends heavily on your own stockpile of resources though. Jeweler, chef and artificer are usually the crafting professions with the lowest cost to level to 400 and there are numerous guides on the internet on how to do it efficiently. Huntsman and leatherworker are the most expensive, while weaponsmith, armorsmith and tailor fall somewhere in between.
I leveled two characters to lvl80 and I only used pure crafting for my third because I wanted to have him available at a specific time. I usually use crafting to push every new character by twenty levels, simply because it makes the start so much easier.
It’s really up to you and your available resources (your gold especially) and what is more important to you: spending some gold or investing the actual time leveling.
Thanks for the info. I was going crazy looking for these particular shoulders. It really sucks that there are certain items that are only available once in the game, like the thieves starter hoods or these shoulders.
I played a minion necro all the way to lvl80 and I never needed any help with a skill challenge. Granted, some I did with other players, but just because they were doing them at the same time.
If you are having trouble with a particular challenge just switch out your skills to better accomodate the type of fight the challenge represents.
I don’t know if I want all my servers WvW people to drop out of WvW just because they finished the title. We’d be wrapping up about now.
ArenaNet thought this one through. IMO, the math proves out the soundness of their decision … people who stop playing once they have the titles complete will be coming back to WvW for the next 10 years or so. That’s great news!!!
You are assuming that the majority of WvW players is simply there to get the titles, whereas the majority is there to play WvW – any potential titles are just a nice side effect to these people. I doubt that a lot of people play WvW solely for the titles, especially since they are so hard to achieve for a hardcore player, and impossible for a casual.
Me thinks there will be some fine tuning at some point. Maybe not lowering the requirements, but implementing additional titles as you go through the respective tiers.
To me personally titles are so non-descript and bland, I hardly care about them. The WvW achievements act more or less just as a statistics site for me.
When you hit 80:
- look up and try out different builds until you find one you want to play (unless you already found one)
- look up the stats you need for your chosen build
- find out which dungeons offer the armor/weapons you need
- run these dungeons for token
- …
- profit!
My tip for you: go to the Heart of the Mists (the pvp lobby), go to the pvp locker and browse to your heart’s content. You can preview every existing piece of armor, even if you don’t own it.
Some armor pieces have different names than their pve pendants but researching their ‘true’ name is a piece of cake, once you know which pieces you want. Personally I use the anonimity hood, thieves get when starting out, plus the commando armor (conquest armor in pve, obtained from karma vendors in Fireheart Rise and the Strait of Devastation):
It’s not just annoying for weapons, but for armor as well. Why not let us store as many items as we want. They would have to rework the “withdraw collectible” option though, as right now you can’t take out just one items (as evidenced by pvp salvage kits, which stack in the locker, but not in your inventory).
I’m more disappointed in the fact that the choices I make during earlier parts of the story have no impact on later events, which basically makes them meaningless. I know this is not a single player RPG, but since we get to choose what to do every now and then it would have been nice if that actually mattered. If this would have an effect on later story parts then the story would feel less generic with different characters.