Showing Posts For YukBaron.8527:

Guild missions/commendations

in Guild Missions

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


I’ts not meant for that kind of setup. My advice to you is to join a guild that runs the missions and helps you guys level and learn about the game.

Missions are pretty much end-game for guilds.

Alphur – Thief

Guesting and Guild Mission Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


Bump, It’s really anoying… specially that you only find out once you’ve been burned…

Alphur – Thief

Megaserver MUST guest/login guild home world!

in Guild Missions

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


It’s very wierd, but even if I guest I can’t see any upgrades nad/or active guild missions. I don’t get any commendations even if I fight the same bounty as my guildmates… So I have to transfer to be able to do guild missions? 300 gold for xfering is a little too rich for my blood….

Am I doing something wrong? Or am I simply unable to get rewards for doing missions with my guildies?

Alphur – Thief

LF PVE Guild focusing on Fractals, Dungeons,

in Looking for...

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


I’m a NA – CST time player with a few 80’s equiped. Used to focus WvW and PVP but I’d like to learn to fractals and dungeon runs.

The only dungeon I know how to speed clear is AC (3 months ago) and on fractals I’m a total noob, but I can learn fast and try not to be a burden on the first run.

I hope to find a nice group of performance oriented people that I can have good times and learn from!

Alphur – Thief
Alphur Von Sai – Warrior
Alphur Marks – Necro
Alphurs – Mesmer

Alphur – Thief

"Connection errors detected. Retrying "

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


Our engineers have identified what was causing the issue and they made changes to address it. This problem should be resolved for now, but they will keep an eye on it.

If the “Connection errors detected. Retrying” problem persists, please post again in this thread.

If you are reporting about some other problem (such as lag, etc.) please use a different thread.

Thank you and we’re sorry about the inconvenience.

Thank you!

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


I just love pot more the more I read from him.

And I’m with Unrepentant there. This way we all get our kitten kicked from time to time and learn something from it (which is the actual fun part).

Alphur – Thief

(edited by YukBaron.8527)

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


It’s amusing how BG is doing blackouts to get even more guilds.

I mean they are the first server to cry when they lose, first server to gloat when they win, but the last server to try and help balance a tier.

I think it’s pretty safe to say, that you do not need more guilds, just organization. Try doing the right thing and sending your potential recruits to the server that does need them(JQ). At least, SoR refuses transfers and sends them both our way, BG on the other hand cares only about winning it seems and over-stacking their server.

Jeez really starting to sound like a SoR player there lol

Isn’t JQ getting RG again? If that’s the case it will make a significant difference to JQ’s coverage (and as a result, their competitiveness in the overall scoring).

No. he is probably starting to realize what SOR players knew for a long time, and why SOR generally has no respect for BG….

SoR didn’t think of balancing the tier when they accepted IRON and began getting 40-90k blowout wins.

What’s wrong with BG accepting new guilds to become more competitive?
What evidence is there to suggest that JQ needs transfers more than BG?

Also sorry if 1 or 2 people gloated and hurt everyone on SoR’s feelings

First: Accepting guilds into a server, that play in a time zone in which said server is ticking the lowest out of the three serves in a given tier does not sound like the worst attempt at unbalancing a tier to me.

Second: SoR was “Very High” in that time zone. What were we supposed to do? Log in to block the transfer? It is fundamentally different with logging off to allow a transfer.

Third: IRON scouted all 3 servers, this has been said repeatedly. I was in the ts channel when they notified us that they were transferring here.

Arguably, they would have upset the score in the tier regardless of the server they went to. But tier 1 has never been exactly balanced to be honest. And I think they fit the best in SoR :P.

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


It’s amusing how BG is doing blackouts to get even more guilds.

I mean they are the first server to cry when they lose, first server to gloat when they win, but the last server to try and help balance a tier.

Nah mate, that’s you.

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


Daam, this last resort JQ push o.O

The live map looks omnious.

Hang on to those garrisons SoR!

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


Am having trouble understanding why JQ decided to let BG roll them in what could likely be the final meeting of this T1 line up.

I’m sorry 5k difference is being rolled? O_o

It might just be that BG is doing some good things.

It is rare when JQ guilds decide not to fight with in WvW for diverse reasons, but this isn’t one of them (at least it doesn’t seem like it).

If something is to be commended about JQ is that they kept at it while being the underdog for a long time and even when they had a crisis.

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


Also I’d like to say thanks for SoR and JQ letting me (a BlackGater) stick around and watch the GvG between vH (I think?) and Choo on JQBL. It sucks that some BGers ruined the end fights but I gained a lot of respect for both servers for letting me sit and watch the action (and I don’t blame you for wiping the other BGers, what they were doing wasn’t cool).

They were great fights to watch!

[vH] won’t attack spectators. But we were being attacking by [ons] Onslaught a BG guild multiple times during our GvG with Choo. I personally recorded 11 different BG members hitting our vH team before, and during the actual GvG’s. This isn’t tolerated by any worthy guild. We will rush and smash any fake spectators without hesitation. We are currently trying to find out who is an officer or leader within [ons], we wish to GvG them.

Lmao… oh man. You want to Banner rez veil fight us? 25 stacks of blood lust? for the glory of dropping the coordinated bomb ! Don’t feed us. You’ll regret it. The amount of messages I received from JQ and SoR about GvG is funny. We aren’t a GvG guild however, one day we will step out there just for kittens and giggles. Keep the kitten alive ya’ll.

On a side note what you saw was 3 OnS trolling the kitten out of you guys while the rest of us were just watching laughing at the kitten show. Once you downed the trollers and we told them to stop and we proceeded to try and rez them. You didn’t like that I guess? we finally chilled out and you guys veil bombed us, some people that were just watching on the side. Not even the ones kittening around. You doing this opened the flood gates of hell BTW. vH, I’m sorry next time we see you no matter if you know its coming in a GvG or not.. you will be rustled. You will make another forum post and we will read it and laugh. PS- IDK why those three chose you guys and not Choo but.

Flood gates of hell? Really?

Yes wide open.

Are you going to at least lock it back up when you are done?

Yes. No one will want those to be constantly open.

I’ve been in this OnS guild. I’ve run with them on the small ops team they assemble and they used to talk like this back in the SoS days:

If they are roflstomped: “Your tactics are stupid and a child could do them. Stop playing like you saw it on the stream. We are better than that”.

If they win: “You suck you bunch of kitten losers, learn to play! Stay down you JQ minion! We rock!! Yeah!!!”

As far as I remember and have come to know about them, you win nothing from GvG’ing this guys. They don’t learn. They don’t shut up.

vH, I suggest you treat them with the same contempt as the boars that spawn in the spectator area: As soon as one goes rouge, obliterate them all.

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: JQ/BG/SoR 5/31

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


You sure are awesome fighting doors and guards.


Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


It is really amusing to see guys posting the exact same arguments that their enemies posted a few weeks back. It just shows how empty those arguments are.

Regarding the new match up system, I agree that it will only destabilize the top tiers. Maybe I’m wrong, but iirc, tier 2 / 3 doesn’t even come close to tier 1 servers on coverage (they may have the numbers and skill on a given timeslot, but I don’t think that is enough for an upset). Any server matched up to even 1 of the current t1 servers is in for a very tough ride.

P.S. Kudos to those still fighting against the overwelming odds.

Alphur – Thief

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


Both statements may be correct. Te point each of you is trying to make is WHY did the player participation increased.

I believe it was a little of both: There were some unrelated circumstances that hindered participation before IRON, and there was certainly a morale boost when they joined us.

NYS had internet provider issues for two weeks is the main reason of their absence actually. SYN said they disbanded a few weeks back though, i’m not even sure if MORD is big since i’ve never heard of them other than this Cover Girl character.

My point was, your player participation surged when IRON transferred. Am I wrong?

I believe there is a 50-50 chance that you are wrong.

Alphur – Thief

LF Guild Missions Guild on Sea of Sorrows

in Guilds

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


I’m looking for the exact same thing. Staff ele 80, PW thief 80.

Thanks for considering us!

Alphur – Thief

Dear European and British Players...

in WvW

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


I don’t post to hurt SoS, I post to save the WvW game.

I love fighting SoS, they have some great guilds (especially Merc themselves who we have awesome battles with) but when it gets to the point in the night when every bit of work we’ve done over 5-6 hours is undone in 30 minutes because SoS has 5 times the amount of people we have in WvW it game-breaking.

Last night I commanded the Oceanics through BG borderland, we took our entire map back (after owning nothing) and then left for EB, within 30 minutes we’d lost almost all of BG. We took about half of EB and just missed out on taking Stonemist (that kitten capture bar was at 90% when we got wiped lol). By the time we’d taken 4 keeps in EB we’d lost our entire BL again and there was nothing we could do about it.

SoS had at least four 40-50 man organised zergs in the various maps (plus a ton of pugs), we pretty much had 1 40-man force and various pugs for all 4 maps.

Nothing wrong with speaking up when there is an imbalance, I’m just disappointed that Anet are just making this issue worse by closing server transfers and announcing rewards for WvW all at the same time, did they even stop to think of the common reaction?

This is great. I admire your altruistic efforts to prevent the WvW Implosion… lol?

But seriously now. I’m a thief user, I don’t like stealth killing. I like to roam and burst down people before they know what hit them. I like to fight good guardians. I like rematches. I like to pit myself with the best player I can find yak slapping my borderland…

But most of all I like to win. Don’t you?


If we had perfect coverage we wouldn’t be recruiting.

If we had long queues to get in WvW, recruiting would be like shooting ourselves in the foot.

If we outnumbered them so badly as they claim, we wouldn’t win by 30K, we would win by 150K like HoD used to.

If we were as vicious forum users as they claim, we would be in their recruitment thread, not them in ours.

Numbers alone can’t win a match, dedicated and coordinated forces do. For that we need great commanders and great players across all time-zones. We already have some of the best commanders in the game. Now we only need YOU!

Alphur – Thief

Alphur – Thief

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: YukBaron.8527


SOS uncontested again just a minute ago.

Alphur – Thief