Showing Posts For Yuta.9487:

Entangle skill and Liadri

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yuta.9487


Only does 15k bleeding while well traited….

Ranger vs. Liadri: What pets?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Yuta.9487


I’ve done liadri a few times with my ranger now, whatever build you run its going to be a close call, pets are pretty much useless here, whatever you take. best thing to put yer pet to use is traiting your pet that when he drops below 50% health you get fury and might.

Anyway if you want to pass liadri I recommend taking either full zerg with LB/SB or full dire (cond dmg) with axe and torch and LB for crowd controlling, put a sigil of earth on it and trait yourself 2-0-6-6-0 cond dmg food buffs etc.

If you want to know exact builds you can whisper me ingame

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yuta.9487


So i’m a great charr fan:
general whiskers
-name- quicksnarl
-name- lightningpaw (for a mesmer or ele)

My pet is called:

Miss behave

I also have a friend who has a sylvan male with a genius name:

No live today

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Yuta.9487


Liadri is not easy. If you beat her once every 5 times (or more) that does not mean at all that the fight is easy.

However, it’s definitely not impossible. Any profession can beat her. And all except rangers can get 8 orbs achievement. That is because pet dies and it’s like 50% nerf on ranger.

I did liadri normal way first on berserker ranger and 8 orbs on guardian, but I am confident that I could get 8 orbs on thief as well very easily.

Fun fact: I did 8 orbs on my ranger.

Haha, honestly I don’t believe that at all, I tried pretty much all potential builds which could maintain a constant DPS high eneugh for killing liadri, from full zerg to tanky cond, all my kills were near the deadline. No ranger would be able to do the DPS and the 8 crystals within the given 2:50

By the way, if anyone wants the ultimate challenge, try this, as far as my concerns go this would be impossible for the ranger.

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Yuta.9487


Liadri is not easy. If you beat her once every 5 times (or more) that does not mean at all that the fight is easy.

However, it’s definitely not impossible. Any profession can beat her. And all except rangers can get 8 orbs achievement. That is because pet dies and it’s like 50% nerf on ranger.

I did liadri normal way first on berserker ranger and 8 orbs on guardian, but I am confident that I could get 8 orbs on thief as well very easily.

Fun fact: I did 8 orbs on my ranger.

Haha, honestly I don’t believe that at all, I tried pretty much all potential builds which could maintain a constant DPS high eneugh for killing liadri, from full zerg to tanky cond, all my kills were near the deadline. No ranger would be able to do the DPS and the 8 crystals within the given 2:50

Entangle skill and Liadri

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yuta.9487



I was trieng to do liadri achievements on my ranger, running this cond build so entangle is one of my best skills. now whenever I cast it i’d just instantly die when casting. Odd right?

Fix this quickly please!

Thanks in advance

Zephyr sanctum dungeon.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yuta.9487


So I really enjoyed both the zephyr sanctum as the queens pavilion and I am very glad Anet decided to bring exactly these two events back to live. In my opinion, especially for the zephyr sanctum, it would be a big waste of a great concept and a huge amount of hard work to remove it and leave us with just the memories.

Wouldn’t it be great if the area would be open for everyone, where zephyr sanctum will be filled with both harder and easier content for both the less experienced as well as the elite player .

For example I had the idea of implying the zephyr sanctum tunements into a dungeon. How awesome would it be to solve coordinated puzzles, run for your live in jumping races and conquer interactive boss rooms where one have to use both the zephyr sanctum tunements as well as original skills to survive.

EA: ground getting electrified so you have to jump up platforms, the platforms are breaking after a little while where you have to use lightning strike to get to the next platform, hughe AoE’s which may only be avoided trough using the sun tunement. And all of this while fighting the boss. A dungeons where the boss fights are quick, and the death rate is high.

I’m curious how you, gw2 community, think about this concept and its many possibility’s.

(PS: No longer temporary living story content, but permanent content brought to you trough living story’s!!!!)

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Yuta.9487


What class do you play? a ranger by coincidence?

I have done it with my ranger past year and I do have to say the boss is too hard doing it with certain class(es). Pet would just instantly die and a ranger would have to go full zerk to deal eneugh damage as they do barely any cond dmg when ranging. Going full zerg without pet will leave a ranger vurnable to the max tho which results in bleeding to dead.

I do totally agree that the boss should stay the same (or even may be tougher) as I would just do it like that on my warrior, but it’s the mechanic of some classes that fail here. This is basically why I have pleed to imply a different pet mechanic where the pet would buff the ranger when stored in order to avoid such complications.

I haven’t tried with a ranger but Whirling Defense on axe offhand should do the trick for a non berserker build. It’s a decent damage source and she can realy destroy herself with retaliation.
Conditions/Traps should work too.

Thanks for the feedback
Retaliate might work yes, haven’t tried it. Tho traps will get difficult as they have a CD/need to drag her over them. I agree that cond build would be the way to go when fighting her tanky, Maybe have a shortbow with earth sigil or axe+dagger as well. Anyway, still doesn’t take away the fact that Anet should do something about the ranger pet insta dieng in quite some situations! as far as my concerns go Liadri is hardest to fight with a ranger, by far… For example I even almost managed to kill Liadri naked with my war, should do it anytime soon.

The Blazing Light Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Yuta.9487




Love what you did there

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Yuta.9487


What class do you play? a ranger by coincidence?

I have done it with my ranger past year and I do have to say the boss is too hard doing it with certain class(es). Pet would just instantly die and a ranger would have to go full zerk to deal eneugh damage as they do barely any cond dmg when ranging. Going full zerg without pet will leave a ranger vurnable to the max tho which results in bleeding to dead.

I do totally agree that the boss should stay the same (or even may be tougher) as I would just do it like that on my warrior, but it’s the mechanic of some classes that fail here. This is basically why I have pleed to imply a different pet mechanic where the pet would buff the ranger when stored in order to avoid such complications.

New Patch - Expected or Dissapointment??

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Yuta.9487


The patch is good it has some fine content in my opinion. Both the worms and the marionette needs proper coordination and are challenging, and therefore they are fun. the living story itself has a good depth too.

Certain people aren’t used to a challenge duo to the easy brain-afk PvE content there is right now. And now where there is finally some change in it, where Anet is making things tougher, there is only place for bad commentary. Also that people are waiting 2 hours for an event to start up is their dumb fault. It was already early known that the events happened every 2 hours round the clock. Instead of waiting, you could’ve done some living story content like collecting for the power core. But no, instead of that you just do nothing for 2 hours? It’s not Anet’s job to take you by the hand, It’s your own responsibility.

Okay a timer or some sort of announcement would’ve been nice, I gotta give that.
And I do hope Anet will add that soonish. But besides from that, and in mind that there are still 3 patches upcoming regarding this living story I think Anet did a good job. Keep it up please

Selling your stuff but the stuff isn't yours

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Yuta.9487


Hello Yuta,

Wow, what a dream that would be! I’m sorry to say, that it is indeed only a dream. To make your vision clearer, you should clear your GW2 cache.

1. Close Guild Wars 2.
2. Click the Windows start button.
3. Search for temp
4. Find any gw2cache folders and delete them.

Sorry to bring you into reality, but I welcome your presence.

See you in Tyria,

Awwr, can’t I just pick one item of choice? just one!
Anyway, after re-opening the black lion market it was gone, I’ve already seen multiple posts of people reporting the same problem just recently.

BLTC -- A couple of issues [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yuta.9487


It did indeed, Anet recommends us to clean or cache.

BLTC -- A couple of issues [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yuta.9487


So just about 30min ago I was doing guild business when I was struck to see my sell tab from the Black lion trading company. It showed the greatest treasures I’ve ever witnessed. In the first place I thought I was dreaming, but after hitting myself multiple times with my beer can I came to the conclusion that what was happening is real.
Somehow the sell tab got bugged out and showed??? someones inventory? I was even able to sell stuff, but as the numbers of quantity drained, the numbers from demanded items didn’t. I neither got the cash from it. Anyhow, here are some of the pics I made… enjoy.


Selling your stuff but the stuff isn't yours

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Yuta.9487


So just about 30min ago I was doing guild business when I was struck to see my sell tab from the Black lion trading company. It showed the greatest treasures I’ve ever witnessed. In the first place I thought I was dreaming, but after hitting myself multiple times with my beer can I came to the conclusion that what was happening is real.
Somehow the sell tab got bugged out and showed??? someones inventory? I was even able to sell stuff, but as the numbers of quantity drained, the numbers from demanded items didn’t. I neither got the cash from it. Anyhow, here are some of the pics I made… enjoy.


Does anyone actually LIKE their class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yuta.9487


I’ve got 3 classes.
I love how fast thieves are and playing with their stealth is just a lot of fun although I haven’t used this class alot.

The warrior is overall just a superior class, I like the play but a little too standard for me.

So far I’ve mainly played to ranger. I just love the concept of the class, but the way Anet worked it out is pretty bad. It’s horrible for teamplay but good skills and a lot of practice make things up tho. I’m still outplaying 80% of my party members in dungeons. But yeah I can only agree that the ranger needs a serious rework.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yuta.9487


I’m very pleased by the fact that there will finally be some major improvements on the “underdog” classes. I’d like to add some suggestions in improving the ranger as I’ve been playing that class for over an year now.

I really like the idea of the pet having both more survival aswell as assisting abilities, as pets die rather fast, even with 30 traits spend on beastmastery.
Another major problem is that in many situations pets can be more of a issue than a helpfull companion. For example: pulling unnecessary mobs, being a useless tower at jade maw or at Liadri where your pet dies instantly resulting in you loosing ALOT of fire power making it almost impossible to kill her. I think a permanent storage (also in battle) which will add a part of the pets fire power to the ranger would be a good solution. This in such properties that playing with a pet is still more efficient, so you won’t encounter petles rangers. While having a fair chance keeping up with the group when you’re forced to not having a pet around.

Utility skills
The ranger assisting skills are all but usefull, no decent shouts and the pet based utilities are ever since the big nerfs crap aswell. Also there aren’t any good condition removal/break stun skills that you can cast right away, putting a ranger in a defenseless position. I’d love to see improvement here as many PvE parties look down on rangers because they barely add anything in teamplay.

Please, please do something about the stickiness of the rangers sword. You need to be able to interact on a event immediately (in the form of a dodge roll) to prevent taking too much damage. When using a sword you’re basically glued onto your enemy. VERY ANOYING.

Long bow
The AoE damage is lovely. But the cool downs are way too long. Also skill 1 to 4 are a bit underpowered. The longbow Just doesn’t keep up with the DPS from any other weaponry/classes.

PvE/PvP problem
In pvp a ranger can be a serious threat when you know how to play them, being able to fight from a distance makes up for the damage. And IMO their quite close to where I want them in PvP. But in PvE they lack the damage and the assisting skills doesn’t make up for it. So a good solution to me would be making the ranger more of a assisting class with mentioned before: a variety of pet strength in PvE/PvP.

The ranger can’t keep up with the DPS and doesn’t make it up in assisting skills either, making the ranger a less effective class in parties. Change skills/pet mechanics in that way that they’ll become usefull again or replace it with other skills.

My challenge to the Ranger Community.

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuta.9487


I myself have been a ranger from the 1st day aswell.

I’ve been running a pet damage tank build for quite a while, and it worked prety good. I’ve Been able to solo bosses in dungeons that most people only could dream of. (Molten Facility zerk & firestorm also survived a lvl 20+ fractal troughout without AR for example). I run 0/0/20/20/30 traits & signets applied to pet and full soldier as armor. (power, toughness, vitality). This build gives great survivabilty and also grants some decent damage as the pet does 2-3k crits. Meanwhile I stay in the back buffing the pet and applieng conditions to enemy’s. This also grants the possibilty to rescue teammates easily.

Recently i’ve started to try the zerk build and planning for condition build aswell. In WvW the zerk build is more than usefull since skill 5 of LB brings chaos into zerg. But for PvE I’m still struggling since a ranger gets extremely vurnable while the damage isn’t good at all. this may be because an important part of your power is still within your pet who dies inmediatly when not running a pet build.

I’m still quite curious for the condition build since rangers do have alot of AoE condition skills and weapons skills that apply lots of condition.

at all, I do think rangers are a bit underpowered indeed, especially when it comes to dungeon running. Besides rangers have a few horrible designs that should be changed like: not be able to store your pet permanently. Sometimes you just don’t want to have your pet arround! Also I like the idea that you share a bond with your pet, and once you store the pet that it’ll grant you a bonus on your attributes, this could solve the problem for rangers that don’t want to run a pet build. What do you guys think about this?