Showing Posts For Zadist.5410:
There is a difference between elitism and wanting to clear content. I often PUG fractals and dungeons daily. If my LFG states experienced only and a base guardian using a staff with 500 AP joins, I will kick them. I don’t consider this to be elitist, it’s more of a literary test. If I join a group with inexperienced players, I won’t kick them because it isn’t my LFG. I have left these groups before and have been called an elitist because of it, but having limited play time I don’t feel obligated to spend hours teaching mechanics.
That being said, I’ve never seen a group of people join a fractal party which had been advertised and kick the person who started the LFG before, it sounds like your friend just got unlucky. While I do agree elitism is real, it’s hardly a concern. I personally enjoy avoiding these often toxic players, they are not worth the energy.
What are you going on about?
I always see different guilds advertising a range of world bosses or meta chains in every other LFG category, and sometimes in /m, like EVOs and SAND. If anything it’s awesome as it allows a range of players to experience the ‘harder’ group based stuff.
Instead of attacking a specific guild on a public medium, perhaps message the guild leader directly.
(edited by Zadist.5410)
Oh ectogambling, I love and hate it.
I started with 400 gold and 1000 ectos, had a high of 6000 gold (including ectos) and dropped down to 2000 gold and 1000 ectos when I finished the achievement. I ended up gambling some more and lost 1000 gold so I called it quits.
Recently I’ve been relatively inactive so I decided to gamble 300 gold / 750 ectos and BAM, I got the 2000 gold drop which I promptly spent to avoid ectogambling further.
Good times.
A rat with like 6 breasts.. I mean, whatever floats your boat dude, but please don’t say “we” when in reality it’s just you who wants this changed.
I’m not sure what you had hoped to achieve with this thread, a vast majority of players welcome the change, I’m sure you’ll get over it with time.
Hi guys,
I just ran a full clear of the raid with my group and after killing Sabetha I wasn’t awarded the eternal title despite nobody dying. Now I know this is an older thread but I feel bumping this over starting a new one would be ideal. Furthermore, as I’m a goose I didn’t take a proper screenshot of the fight, however, a guildie snagged this screenshot moments before we killed her
To answer your questions Cameron Rich:
Was this your first kill (or anyone’s first kill) of Sabetha?
No, this wasn’t any of our first kills.
Did anyone in your group kill Sabetha earlier in the week before getting this kill?
This was my first kill of the week however the group had killed her multiple times prior.
(edited by Zadist.5410)
I don’t mind adventures, but what I do mind is knowing I’ll never be able to get gold in some adventures due to my internet connection.
I personally hope they switch the current system of silver / gold yielding mastery points to bronze / silver giving said points alongside gold giving some sort of title / currency / exotic box / [insert idea here]. As it stands I know quite a few of us are facing the harsh reality that we’ll never get gold due to something completely out of our control.
It took me 3 attempts to get the slavemaster for some reason, so I think it might just be a bit buggy.
Slight necro here, but where exactly is this guy located? Been trying to find him and the good old google machine isn’t helping.
If the loot is lacklustre I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort though.
I can see her popping up in a Fractal or something in the future, but that’s just me.
Thanks for your responses, I ended up making an Elementalist and I’m taking it very slowly, enjoying the view and whatnot. Apparently Elementalists are challenging to play, well, compared to a Necromancer that is. The game feels new, almost, while nothing has really changed I forgot that the game is quite pretty. Unfortunately my server is the Sea of Sorrow and I think that’s not EU based.
Basically PUGs felt a Necromancer didn’t bring a great deal to the table, which I guess is true, and when it came to, eh, Arah (I think it’s called), I was instantly kicked from the group. If I didn’t open a fractal I was the most probable to be kicked if things went south, even if it wasn’t my fault. I always planned on making specific PvE characters for dungeons and fractals, but I quit before I actually did it.
That being said, I plan on making a Warrior and in turn level both of them sort of side by side. It has been fun getting back into the swing of things and I’m hoping I can clear dungeons soon enough, but so far so good. The state of Lion’s Arch is sad though, will they ever fix it?
warning slight wall of text tl;dr what class should I main?
Hi there,
So I played GW2 a little over a year ago now and foolishly decided to main a Necromancer. After hitting level 80 and getting 100% map completion on said Necromancer I started experimenting with fractals (alongside trying to farm a legendary etc etc) and was told the Necromancer class was quite soso in group PvE. Because of this I created a Guardian for farming purposes (something about the staff tagging lots of monsters) and because they were generally a ‘wanted’ class. I think I reached level 60 on him before my computer gave way and real life became a thing. Once I got a new gaming PC ESO was out and I decided to give it a shot (don’t hit me). Fast forward to now and I’ve pretty much done everything in ESO.. and it was quite a disappointment. The upcoming GW2 expansion has peaked my interest in GW2 again and I’m keen to return.. but the question remains, what class should I play?
I’m thinking of keeping my Guardian at level 60 until I remember how the game actually works and until that point in time make a different class. I’m currently tossed up between an Elementalist and a Mesmer but I’m quite indecisive. I enjoy the ‘mage’ based classes alongside a more supportive role but I’m open to most things. I’m not a big PvPer in any way shape or form but I may do so for dailies and whatnot. I like PvE and would ideally like to complete all dungeons, I think there were a few things people refused to do with my Necromancer and it sort of sucked.
So yes, sorry for the big spill and I apologise if threads like these make you angry, but ah well!
(edited by Zadist.5410)
I would love it /love it/ if reanimator was a grandmaster trait with no cooldown.. However that would be OP in group PvP situations so it will never happen.
I guess I’m just sad I missed out on the epic GW1 minion masters… GW2 minions are very lackluster.
… And done, turns out there was a small broken looking thing amongst the broken things.. Rather annoying.
We destroyed all of the trees and little pillar posts, everything we could find and see.. so I’m just a little bit frustrated with it all.
What am I missing? A group and I spent over an hour after we completed the actual event trying to find the pieces of stuff which we assumed we missed.. 2 staff guardians went over literally every inch of the place and came up clean.. this happened twice before I stopped bothered.
Been trying for over an hour and alas have failed constantly.. It’s ridiculous really, the first part, only having two attempts at the second part and if you die you have to repeat.. sigh.
I’m on the same boat, keen to try it and get some achievements done.. but don’t know where to go exactly.
I spent a good 2 hours there yesterday with a group consisting of 2 Guards, 2 Warriors and my Necro. Eventually two characters logged on their thief alts to complete the puzzle and if I wasn’t the one who opened the fractal I’m sure I would have been kicked..
Seriously the longest fractal in existence which requires a specific set up of classes these days it seems. I’m glad we were all very relaxed, I can see people rage quitting when the fractal appears in random PUGs.
In short, I disagree.
I know this topic has probably been mentioned multiple times but I’m still relatively new.. so sue me!
Pretty self explanatory really, will there ever be an option to repeat our personal stories and/or character choices? I only ask because I made some rather silly errors on my main character which have no impact on my actual gameplay.. but it’s the nagging detail that I went aggressive in nature over noble and chose the more thief route over the apparent mage path which slowly eats away at my sanity.
The funny thing is this is purely for my main and not potential alts.. I guess re-making is always an option, but, it seems rather counter productive considering the trade off.