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Rp Guardian?

in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So I have been talking to my guild leader about doing Guild Wars 2 Roleplay
I have researched the lore very extensively and im still trying to come up a with back story for my character. However I’m not sure how to rp a guardian/Dragon hunters abilities. I have read all three guild wars novels. To see what there was that could help, but I found my self craving more info and got more questions than answers. I get where guardians get there power.

character lineage: Ascolan
race: Human
social standing: noble
class: guardian
Order choosen: Vigil

So the questions that I wish to ask are thus:
How do you Roleplay your guardian/Dragon hunter?
What motivates them IE. what is there belief/faith that drives them?
What are the Limits to their abilities?
Is normal to just specialize in one form of guardian type magic or does your character pull out all the stops to achieve their goal?
What are there reactions to other classes such as necros, mesmers, revanants, etc?

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


Please remove rune of Durability from PVP. When most of the meta is same exact rune. This does not bring build diversity to PVP. its gotten to the point I no longer have to place bets(friendly bets to see what classes we are facing and what builds there using) with guildies on what builds we are facing against in pvp. if you want accurate data on what the professions can do you should remove the rune. or else your data will be scued.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Build for raid

in Guardian

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


Thank you for incite. I also though about using hammer, I had previously used staff so that when I saw the circle of doom(which does a crap ton of dmg if (I believe 4 0r 5 people are not in it)), I could drop the symbol of swiftness so group can get to it quicker. and then switch back to mace shield. * interesting thing to note that the balls that boss sends can be pushed back with shield 5*

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Build for raid

in Guardian

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


so this

is my build for the raid that me and guild will be doing.
before every one traits zealously. let me explain why I’m using minstrel gear. the reason is I am the tank and a bunch of our guildlies don’t do a lot of pve. so our elementalist has to focus on healing more than me. so to help lighten his load. I decided to go with minstrel gear to keep my health up(without need of the elementalist) and to keep what ever boons I grant to me and my allies up for a good bit. the reason I use a bow is when I tried the raid last time. I notice if I didn’t hit the boss. the Revenant (using bezerker gear) hit the boss and it started going after him. but as soon as I hit the boss again it focused me.

So I’m asking as a fellow guardian for any feedback(specifically constructive) on the build. Thank you for your time.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Log in issues 11/24 [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


Same here but maybe [url] [/url]
may have something to do with it.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Small Norn

in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


Wish we knew how limber a Norn max hieght vs Min Hieght.
my speculation is that for a Norn at Max hieght, I think it would be harder to do more limber stuff lets say dodge sword blows swiftly. However with the Max Hieght comes its advantages like using more power, being able to see farther(like when humans in the old days would climb trees to better see there surroundings), miore reach with melee weapons(based on game models).

My guess the shorter a Norn is the more limber they are to do gymnastic style feats. but to compinsate for shorter size they must be more clever and crafty. prompting a Norn to be more under Raven Spirit(Cunning),Snow Leopard(strategy), and Wolf spirit(Strength in numbers(probably paired up with larger Norn to make up for weakness in size)).

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Server problems at HOT launch

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


As far as I know there has never been one successful mmo launch in the past. Even gw2 crashed a couple hours after launch and the TP broke for over a month.

Expansions create issues as well. Don’t get your hopes up for being able to actively play all day from launch to night time. But it’s possible, fingers crossed

Oh Im not giving up my hopes crosses fingerspleads to Balthazar that it works.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Server problems at HOT launch

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So this might be to late to bring up this topic but can the servers hold up to the amount of people downloading HOT at release. Cause with the influx of people downloading the game/update wouldn’t that cause a denial of service. cause im gonna essentially leave my computer on so it can download the game while i sleep. And dont want to find out that it didn’t download while i slept because everyone jumped on to download all at once.
Devs if you are reading this I hope you would give me a answer to this.( cause Idk how many people have purchased HOT already so)
Cause I look Forward to Unloaking DH on my Guardian use mesmers as a ping pong ball with SOJ.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Reaper Review

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


From what I saw during beta is that Reaper can hit like truck. But said truck is made of Fiberglass, not steal. meaning they can do a lot of dmg but don’t really have any real way to negate dmg and have to rely on other people to cover for them. Like I did with my DH using Shield of Courage( as long as my Reaper friend was in the space between me and the half circle of fire I could block everything for him). The other thing I notice is that it pairs well with other classes such as tempest and DH to cover short comings. (because we go to remember GW2 success isn’t just about singular dmg, but teamwork to cover shortcomings of other classes) example reaper covers for dmg I loose traited in DH but inexchange I give him victims that are lockdown for the reaping.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

How do shouts work? Are they mind control?

in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


To be honest that is question have asked my self a couple of times.
My theory is that a magical user Enchants their voice to give certain effects
the other theory is that based on the nature of the magic it will give certain effects like for Guardians based on their protective magic will give a more protective effect vs a warrior or subsequently a reaper where the magic is more aggressive based.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Dragonhunter Medi Videos!

in Guardian

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


Enjoyed the Videos. My question is to you will be using at least one trap after they get improved.-

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Dragonhunter brings NEW ways to play...

in Guardian

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


I actually really liked playing dragon hunter. the build I ran was Medi Dragon hunter with shelter JI, Contemplation of purity, the reveal trap(you activated my trap card shenanigans), and renewed focus. I had 6 superior runes of Holebruk(hope I spelled that right). I had on my bow sigil of fire and sigil of bloodlust.

So during the beta weekend instead of doing raids as we were planning to do. We did WvW and by Balthazar I had fun. I wish we had recorded it. At 25 stacks of bloodlust I crit a person using bow #2 for 8,815. Loved using bow 5 lockdown people(My guilds reaper enjoyed that as well). I enjoyed using the DH virtues as it let me help keep more of my team mates alive.

I agree its not perfect(nothing ever is): for example traps need some more dmg to them like the whirl trap. or remote trap triggering. But right now I believe the Devs(and their resources) are so spread out trying to get heart of thorns mechanics( such as the squad and raid systems) nailed down before heart of thorns. That they have to hold off on a lot of change discussions until its released. So until Heart of Thorns is released lets not all trait zeal irl.

My guild is planning to do Review of the beta( of the classes elites/specializations and HoT in general) soon on our you tube Channel.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Guardians and Upcoming Raids

in Guardian

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So with Upcoming Raids (my guild is going to attempt them during beta running all the elite specs except tempest)
but I think it be a good idea to discuss builds that’s might be viable to run during raids.
as well as what we got going for us.
For the lines im going Honor,Valor, Dragonhunter.
running shouts with Bow, and Staff as im going to be one of the teams bunkers/ get people before they die.

I briefly debated using Concentrations like hallowed ground as its a fire field(don’t believe me go to wiki and check). but also provide the team with Stability as I remember in the Beta their were some enemies with some nasty knockbacks.

Chose Bow for a couple reasons. bow skills 3,4,5
3: deflect shot: if timed right can be useful<still need to test how effective.
4:symbol of energy: to allow classes that have to rely of dodge closer to boss example reapers.
5: the lockdown: to lock down mobs so that other members of team can quickly take care of them before they get to healers and support.
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
if all goes well we might put it on our YouTube channel:
if your ask which one I am. I am the one with the Phoenix Hammer.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Whats the main draws for playing Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


Well there are several things that would make you wanna play necro
Death shroud: its your second hp bar savior of your life when being targeted by the enemy team. plus when you get might and swiftness from a guardian get ready to feel like the Terminator.
Wells: Ever wanted those pesky eles and their near infinite supply of boons. well now you can with Well of Corruption. then watch them go from god like to a something you grab by the throat and crush.
Lich form: Cause nothing is scarier than a big giant ghost man that can finger of death you(especially as a power necromancer).
Minions: Point your finger and unleash the horde. think of the game Overlord
Reaper: Jason(from Friday the 13th)+ Super Saiyian + Necromancer = reaper.
I think the other necromancers in this forum will agree with me on the analogies

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

(edited by Zakhelm.4618)

Guardians and Limits to their power

in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So I main a guardian. And I know their power comes from belief and willpower. In which case is there a limit to what they can do with their power. Is their limits to what it can be used for does it not work on certain things,what their will can create/shape, or is their power only as powerful as their will. so if say their will falters or their will broken will their magic not work, or will it just be weakened.

I wanted to know this because I know each class have thier weakness like necromancers rely on lifeforce to power their magic, elementests and the elements, etc.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ


in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


My question is how do some necrosmancers interact with other classes in lore. For example a Necromancer viewing a Guardian as too zealous or devoted or vise versa Guardian views Necromancer as something vile and must be exterminated. if that is the case where have there been peaceful interactions, like chase of persued goal (outside the destiny edge 1 and 2).

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Elder dragons death spirits

in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So we know that Revenants can call on spirits from the mists.
We already defeated one elder dragon.
my Question is what happens to an elder dragon when it dies? does its spirit go the mists? or does it fade into oblivion(cant revived and the body fades out into nothing)?

if it is the case that they go the mists, would it be possible that a Revenant accidentally call on the spirit of a elder dragon or one of thier minions?
and if thats the case what would happen to the revenant?
would they be controlled as slowly loose their mind?
or would their body degraded quickly due to the influx of magic entering their body?

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Classes fighting? speculations DH intractions

in Lore

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So with the upcoming Expansion it, I wondered if any classes (warrior, guard, necromancers, elementist, etc) fought each other over ideals. That is to say was their ever in time in lore where classes conflicted. example legions of Guardians fighting necros., I mean large scale battles or small conflicts.

Cause it Occured to me with the Dragonhunter lore, their is nothing really lore specific about them so Im trying to ponder/speculate how they would interact with other classes.
For Example A dragonhunter not trusting necromancers at first glance because they believe them to in leauge with Zhiatan. Zeal to the point of paranoid or sociopathicness.
or becoming so zealed that they start persicuting factions like the slyvari in thier relationship to Mordremoth and essentially toture the sylvari in a (benign attempt) to gather info on the dragon.

Would they be more hostile towards druids because of their nature magic or revanants and their ability to call on spirits.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Another class/playstyle question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


To me it sounds like you want a class that take a beating and give it as such. In which I have a few suggestions:
Warrior( generally very high HP, mostly melee based class , has ranged if you choose to use it.) ideal: rolls tank and DPS
Guardian(some what decent HP, great team support, kinda mystical melee, interesting mechanics) ideal roles: Tank/healer(bunker), Dps(meditations)
Revanent (mostly melee though some of its melee based weapons have ranged. can tank sorta and heal sorta<- gonna experiment with it more once heart of thorns comes out.). ideal roles: dps and heals.
When I started the game a few months ago i choose guardian based on a few things i had like from a previous mmo that i played. Which was (dont every one beat me with the shame stick) Star wars the old republic . and I had played Sith Assassin tank, which had a interesting mechanics as it could stealth and relied on attacking from stealth and keeping up a boon to stay alive. obviously i think you see where i am going with this. (I have been loving guardian class, and actually looking foward to turning him into a Dragonhunter.)
So I suggest you choose a class that is reminest of classes or roles you use to play in other MMOs
but also suggest try picking up Warrior( easy to get into harder to master)

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


With Dragonhunter Changes Shield of Courage + a slowly creaping reaper inside that shield = true meaning of terror. Granted me and my guild mate still have to test this either on next beta or on launch. But imagine the potential for that.
Here is the link to the changes to see for yourself:

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ

(edited by Zakhelm.4618)

Necromancers and Class Parrings = fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zakhelm.4618


So I main a Guardain(though my second is a necro) and I usually play with Guildmate who mains Necromancer. And I notice ( and pretty much every person who has played necromancer in pvp knows) that Necromancers are the first to get targeted. Well I usually run meditations though for one of my last utilities I run Wall of Reflection with reflects range attacks so that when he getting harassed by lets say ranger he doesn’t get insta bursted down. I cant count the amount of times Wall of reflection has saved him. I have also found that like guardian it can lack a push against certain classes in certain situations. Common example I found is when my guildmate is pestered by thief’s and I try to jump with judge intervention to put pressure on the theifs.

So the reason Im posting this is to figure what other builds(in theory or in practice) that pair well with a Necromancer(of what ever build power,condi,minion,etc) to make it more for lack of a better term deadly. Also to serve as guide for newer Necromancers/soon to be reapers that when you pair up with certain classes/builds you can be more efficient.

Like example Bunker Guardian, ever seen what happens when you give Lich form might and quickness as half the enemy team tries to assult the point your on.
spoiler: the enemy team lost their assult and we held the point smiling.

Sorry if this post sounds random,disjointed and/or not a lot of sense only got bout 2 hours of sleep. So I hope you get the jest of the post.

DH: Cause no one expects the Guardian to Snipe
Zachelm Guardian of Time-Keepers: Timekeepers HQ