Showing Posts For Zamora.1843:
Don’t forget the baubles in the shortcut.
It tells me log in servers are down, can’t log in.
I wasn’t asking CS for a blocked item.
Was just letting them know that the event is not spawning.
It seems this bug is still not fixed. Wasted too much time waiting for this event to spawn.
This problem has been talked about for such a long time, is it so hard to fix?
The event: Clear the poisonous Urchins from Lashoosh village.
(edited by Zamora.1843)
Update: The NPC was in Snowden Drifts last night 8/27/2016.
Some kind of “a c knowledgement” that you know about this problem and that it is being looked at would be nice.
Oh kitten pops up when I put that word together.
(edited by Zamora.1843)
The NPC is not showing up in Snowden Drifts, it’s been over 24 hours. Is this bugged?
Download speed of 0-2 KB, can’t get into game since the update came out. Updates should not takes hours to complete.
I get the same message when I try to enter my Ooma phone number.
The authenticator won’t let me use my Ooma phone number. Will this be fixed in the future?
Map loading times are much better, thank you for the quick fix.
I have a Solid State Drive and the load-screen times have become “unacceptable” with the last patch.
(edited by Zamora.1843)
Please fix this problem. Can’t do dungeon runs at all because of this.
(edited by Moderator)
This problem is really bad when trying to do dungeons. Please fix this soon.
When the game asks to move you to another map, it puts you in a less populated map. This does not seem like the way it should work! This is very negative when trying to reach a higher tier in Dry Top.
Been trying to do this event for 4 days. The event is at Broken Spit Waypoint in Straits of Devastation. Scholar Breandan is stuck.
Could we get an update to this issue?
I too had this issue, only got one point instead of three when I found the Hylek tongue. I had all the Hylek weapons already crafted before finding the tongue.
Same here, my chef already knows these recipes. Do we have to learn it again? It’s not logical.
All that is needed for the Microsoft e-mail account 2-step verification is a phone number and an alternate e-mail address. You do not need an app or a smart phone.
The barcode is for smart phone app, which is optional.
These guys show you how to set up 2-step verification with your Microsoft account, no smartphone required.
All they have to do is look here for the most profitable people to hack.
They are all listed by ability points. Not sure how they get e-mail addresses from it though.
They are making real money off these GW2 accounts. It’s been going on for a several years. Seems they acquired new information recently.
Change your password for the e-mail account now. You also might want to add 2-step verification to your e-mail account, it makes your e-mail account a lot safer. If you have a Microsoft e-mail account, here is a how to:
Contact customer support, they may be able to roll your account back before the hack.
Are you sure he didn’t get into your e-mail account? That seems to be the way they hack into GW2 accounts lately.
These guys show you how to set up 2-step verification with your Microsoft account.
Outlook does not require a smartphone you can do it with a phone number and alternate e-mail address.
We are making it too easy for hackers to profit from us! If everyone would turn on 2-step verification for our e-mail accounts it would make it so much harder for them to do so. MSN, Hotmail, Outlook, google all have this option. It is not turned on by default, you need to activate it.
Ticket #: 600234
Mobile Authenticator only works if you have a smartphone, not everyone does.
I have an open ticket, should I add my email change to it, or wait for the ticket to be processed, then create a ticket for the address change?
They are hacking into peoples email accounts. Change his email password NOW.
CS = Customer Service
If there was a way to block international IP addresses, this would be a none issue.
They would find a way around that too..
(edited by Zamora.1843)
The hackers seem to be from China:
Incorrect password enteredYesterday 10:03 PMChina
IP address
IP address
Exchange ActiveSync
IP address
IP address
IP address
IP address
IP address
IP address
Moved to another topic.
The following BUG happens from time to time.
Greatsword, Longbow and Shortbow skills are disabled, pressing any of the 1 through 0 keys does nothing! I can use an arrow cart when doing Origins of Madness in Lornar’s Pass though. Pressing “F1-F3” works. The repair hammer does nothing as well. This happened several times already, after the event (or death) the skills work again. This BUG needs to be fixed. Swapping weapons does not effect this BUG.
It happened again doing the wurm event in Bloodtide.
The following BUG happens from time to time.
Greatsword, Longbow and Shortbow skills are disabled, pressing any of the 1 through 0 keys does nothing! I can use an arrow cart when doing Origins of Madness in Lornar’s Pass though. Pressing “F1-F3” works. The repair hammer does nothing as well. This happened several times already, after the event (or death) the skills work again. This BUG needs to be fixed. Swapping weapons does not effect this BUG.
(edited by Zamora.1843)
It seems to happen when I try to open the summary tab in the achievement panel after clicking on Queen’s Jubilee.
I have the same issue since the latest update.
Will there ever be an option to increase stack size? 250 per stack is just not enough. And you won’t let me buy more bank storage space!
Tarnished Coast, USA server has it bugged as well. Can’t get the gate open…