Showing Posts For Zatasha.6958:

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


Zivax, asura guardian. Made The Juggernaut a week ago!


Winter Blunderland 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


I’d like number 43, please
And Happy Holidays!

Improve the block player fuction.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


I think that the block function is lacking, a lot.
When I block someone, I don’t want to talk to that person or see him/her type.
But the only thing it seems to block is incoming whispers.
I can still see a blocked person writing in normal, party, map, and guild chat.

For example, I’m in a guild where I like pretty much everyone.
But there are maybe one or two people that I just can’t stand.
So my choices are limited to leaving the guild, turning off guild chat (but then I can’t see what my friends type either), or simply endure the annoying people being, well, annoying (no need to go into details here).

OR, you could improve the block function so that we won’t ever see what a person on our blocked list writes anywhere and we can all be happy and not get annoyed all the time :)

can not equip second ascended ring "Lunaria"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


On all Ascended items, it clearly says “Unique”. Unique always means one only. Sorry pal.

Mail Attachment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


I just reported the exact same issue but regarding a staff I got for my sister – I bought a rare staff from TP, changed the sigil on it (the staff still says “Soulbound on Use”, and now I’m unable to send it to her, making os both a fair bit frustrated.

2 small suggestions, for convenience only.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


For auto-arranging your inventory, have you tried using different types of bags?

That generally keeps things in order well enough that I don’t have to constantly micromanage it.

I’ve tried, yes, but for me I honestly don’t think there’s any order at all when using them.
It’s just not enough (yes, I’m a bit spoiled, I know).

(edited by Zatasha.6958)

2 small suggestions, for convenience only.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


First: As the title says, these are convenience only suggestions, so feel free to just ignore them really.
Second: I will mention another game, so if you find that rude and/or offensive you can stop reading now.

1st suggestion: Something similar to the in-game Memo Pad in Aion would be a tremendous asset to me and maybe others aswell – to be able to save notes in-game
(I have so many pieces of paper scattered on my desk) and location-links which can be used to remember your favourite spots; whether they’re jumping puzzle locations you keep forgetting or simply the prettiest views you find for when you need to relax.
And, of course, to be able to link those locations in chat – quite often when you encounter a group event there are no nearby points of interests or waypoints that you can link to get people to know where they need to go, and so you have to write a long explanation that no one still understands.
Or maybe that only happens to me, what do I know.

I know, you can just tab down and go on wiki to look up locations but like I said in the beginning – this is for convenience.

2nd suggestion: This one has most likely been mentioned quite a few times, but some sort of auto-arranging of your inventory would really be nice. It’s a real hazzle for people like myself (or maybe, again, I’m the only one) who is a bit of a neat-freak and has to re-arrange my inventory every time I pick up new loot.
Every. Single. Time.
Auto-arranging of the bank and/or guild vault would be a nice option aswell, but I already feel like I’m asking for too much.

Oh, and before I forget – Happy New Year everyone, and may 2013 be another good year!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


Guild name: The Ender [End]
Server: Far Shiverpeaks

It seems we’ve been quite lucky when it comes to guild issues, we only have the “usual” Influence issues.
Sometimes we get Influence for when we complete events/personal storyline, sometimes we don’t.
Sometimes we get too much Influence for being online at those attendance checks, sometimes we get too little.
It’s a tad bit frustrating, but it’s nothing we’re about to go HULK MAD HULK SMASH over
Keep up the good work!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zatasha.6958


We’re a bit confused about Influence.
We have a small guild consisting only of family members and close friends, an “IRL” Guild if you want. So it’s easy to keep track of who does what.
Yesturday, I used my Tome of Influence and the 1000 Influence showed up like it should.
However, for the rest od the day as we played we got no Influence at all – I logged in today and it was still the same ammount and nothing had showed up on the History tab either since the tome was used.
Now it seems to be working again as we did get Influence by logging in, but what about all we did yesturday?
I can’t find anything about any Influence cap, so what happened? :/