Showing Posts For Zhuril.9207:

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


I am in an overflow, Zhuril.9207

Leave party when you get in please

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


Add me if it’s going on!


Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


One-time events are awesome and everything, and I love to be a part of them as they are very memorable. But myself, and like most others, are just unable to make some of these events. I feel really cheated that people who were available to be on during the defeat of the boss got extremely valuable rewards, while other players whom are dedicated to GW2 who weren’t able to make it, receive absolutely nothing.

Another thing is that it was very misleading for myself. I participated in the first two one-time events, and no major rewards showed up, it was just something epic to be a part of and enjoy. I would have made the event if I could have, but just because I had to work on that day, or even on the hours of that one event, I miss out of great rewards, or perhaps even precursors, that would save myself many hours of grinding. When I got home, my friend told me people were getting numerous exotics and precursors and other great items from the concluding event, I hoped on mere minutes after the event ended (abiout 5 minutes after 3pm PST) and I stayed in the lost shores area hoping for something else to take place so I could get my share of great rewards. Only to be disappointed that the one event was a one-time deal, and was never going to happen again.

I was really hoping it would going to repeat itself like many other world bosses do, IE: The shatterer,. where the event happens again about 3 hours afterwards and the players that missed the first event get their second chance.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


It sucks that we all weren’t able to get the rewards for one reason or another. I also think that anyone who participated in any one of the previous major one-time events should get these rewards as well. People may not be able to attend one because of work, or other RL things they are dedicated to, but it’s quite unfair if people who made it to the last event were given HUGE rewards, and others completely missed out because they were unable to make it. Personally, I think anyone who spent time doing the content around this date, or even doing just 1 of the one-time events should be rewarded just as much as someone who only attended the last event.

Naegling looks like Dusk- Intended?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


The Icon for Naegling looks COMPLETELY different from the actual model(I’ve checked various videos, but I don’t actually have one myself) I was curious if all these videos were done before it got it’s own model, or if Naegling really does look like Dusk, even though the icon looks WAY different.

In my view Legendaries should be account bound not sellable + SB

in Crafting

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


I agree, if the components for the legendary are SB, so should the legendary- though In my opinion, they should be account bound.

This needs to be addressed(Mystic forge and Legendary Pre-cursors)

in Crafting

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


out of 9 4-sets of rares(greatswords) into the mystic forge, I got back 2 exotic greatswords- no pre-cursors

(edited by Zhuril.9207)

Temple of Balthazar is permanently broken on Sanctum of Rall.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


Yeah it’s bugged on Sanctum of Rall again, the pact forces are right before the temple and you fight that boss.

I found that if you can somehow kill the pact (I’ve only ever done it by kiting a group event boss over to them) you can reset that part of the chain.

Waypoint Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


To be honest, the cost it is to go from Cursed Shore to Frostgorge Sound is absolutely ridiculous, costing almost 5 silver. Events- even group events, reward you with no more then 1s80c it seems(slightly more/less). the amount of money is cost to waypoints becomes more expensive than the reward for an event(minus items) than it does for a level 10’s event(compared to the cost of his waypoint)

Imo the cost to teleport to a waypoint needs be halved at max level, or increase the monetary reward for DE’s at max level.

Reward those kittensurrect the fallen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


I think playing a support in group play needs to be more rewarded. As a guardian, I tend to enjoy playing defensive support (staff, mace/shield) and I love putting down Walls of Reflection, Bow of Truth, Shield of the Avenger, Sanctuary, Line of Wardings, Empower, using symbols to heal/buff rather than DPS. Taking my time to Rally people with the Protective Reviver trait (both you and person being rallied gets 10 seconds of regeneration, aegis, and protection). Some events while I assist, I see all the mobs dieing i’m not getting credit for because i’m helping others instead. I don’t believe it’s as bad as it is in PvP as it is in PvE. In PvP it seems that you have to do a percentage of damage to a player to even get credit, and I feel really jipped out of it sometimes. when I give someone 15 might for 8-12 seconds and they get a kill, or I heal them for several thousand, I should get at least partial credit(50% or something).

I noticed at one point, I stopped getting exp reward for ressurecting, i’m not sure if there’s a cap on how many times you can ressurect within a 5 minute period or what- to prevent exploits, but it should rather be that you can’t get credit for resurrecting the same person for more than, say 5 times in a 5 minute period. Other than that, reward for resurrecting is fine, but I think playing support should be more rewarding instead of watching all the people you’re supporting get credit they normally would not have gotten without your help.

(edited by Zhuril.9207)

mechanics of staff and orb of light?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


If you just want the damage, don’t detonate it, otherwise if you burst it to deal a bit more damage and some healing, than it gets 4 times the CD. Without detonation the CD is only 3 seconds, with detonation it is 12 seconds

For max damage output, try to position yourself so that the orb collides with a wall asap after you hit your target.. it doesn’t go on CD until it collides with a static object.

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Zhuril.9207


I am a fan of art- and there are an incredibally low amount of anthropomorphic animals that I can tolerate; However, the Charr are extremely unique, unlike most MMOs and other popular drawings and concepts, they aren’t all about having large breasts, Even both genders of the race seemed well thought out and carefully designed. It’s easy to make an anthropomorphic animal, but it’s harder to make one that looks natural, has a fascinating cultural background, and actually doesn’t look like crap.

That and Charr in full heavy armor with a 2-hander is the most intimidating thing you could possibly have.
I also share very similar religious views, which is awesome.