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Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zia.9251


Took me forever to win but after many MANY falls and snowflakes melting I finally managed to finish it. Seeing how many (me included) were failing over and over, I still think it’s not casual friendly. You sure build up jumping skills after hours at this though ROFL It’s a fun game but too stressful.

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Zia.9251


I know some players can do it, but I keep failling all the time because even if I don’t stop the snowflakes melt under me eventually. I think they should make the melting time a WEE BIT longer. this ain’t a jumping puzzle it’s a stress race. and if a big Charr or Norn is right in front of you… ya you get the picture. Having fun with all the activities but this one needs to be a wee bit easier.

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zia.9251


I play a mesmer also, I get my speed from my focus though I agree a torch is better in a dungeon for group support. Seriously if the group is yelling at you for not running fast ALL the time, you better run with people on your friend list or your guildmates. Keep a focus in your inventory for those long runs I dunno?

Why GW2 success means so much to a WOW player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Orange zest in cookies is delicious! :p Yes the post is clearly positive stop trying to find little black bugs everywhere geez guys.

Where is first person view.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zia.9251


I was using a lot of the first person view back in EQ days. Sincerely I was surprised to not find it in GW2, I have really no idea why it’s not there! I hope they add it soon.

Why invite friends to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


My son recently started playing on TC with me , there are gaps in population where you can transfert, usually right before dinner time, have to pay close attention.

Game of the year!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Attaboy Anet! Keep up the good work, can’t wait to see how GW2 will mature over time hopefully in a positive way.

Opinion: Feeling less like an MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Well in Caledon yesterday and today there were players asking if others wanted to level together (I asked to join in btw). So I’m not seeing this loneliness.

LA population caps upped? No overflows.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I still saw an overflow on Tarnished Coast today.

Why GW2 success means so much to a WOW player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I agree that a healthy competition between the games for the player base is a good thing to ensure quality product!

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I also was a healer in many other mmorpg’s and had mixed feelings about the no trinity in GW2. It’s still there though, there are ways to make a healer/support build but it sure won’t be played in a traditional way, which is not a bad thing, we healers just have to get used to a new way to help others in our group.

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


attended/looted the chest

Frustrations and Feedback on Server Troubles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I faced the same problem when I bought the game as an early Christmas present for my son, my server was full and there was no way I would move from it (tarnished Coast is unofficial NA rp server). So from time to time I was checking the server to see if a gap would appear and right before dinner it did, we quickly transfered him over. Meanwhile he was learning the basics so no time lost really. I just have to say hang in there a gap will open and not at weird hours of the night.

A complaint submission form (satire)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Tarnished Coast also for me, our full population maybe helps because I still have to see an empty zone. You can locate a champion all alone on his path, shout a call to arms in /map and watch players running to help take it down. And the roleplaying is still going strong it helps forget the little frustrations of the game

Which starting zone did you dislike the most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I disliked the Norn area the most. Sure first I was omg wow! Beautiful but all the snow quickly became blend and boring Same with Asura, you are wide eyes first then it’s just same old. Human area was not impressive but at the same time exactly what I was expecting human lands to be, and easy to naviguate too! An enjoyable area to quest for sure.

My favorite is a hard one, Sylvari is over the top in terms of vibrant color and overgrown everything but there are some breathtaking little nook and crannies where you just have to take a screenshot, especially at night! You have to find them hehe. It felt that at every corner the forest was taking a new style.

The Charr who starts boring slowly changed into amazing landscapes with warm colors who reminded me 100% of GW1. I wanted to climb everywhere to enjoy the views… and nostalgia

So a tie between Sylvari and Charr.

Deer are overpowered

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


BEWARE! I saw moa’s kicking raptor arses yesterday, I swear the moa’s are now attending deer special self-defence deadly classes!

A complaint submission form (satire)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


ShadowGryphon, thanks for this satyre. I got a real good laugh today. Sure there are issues with GW2 but eh, I’m still playing, I’m all for constructive criticism though, maybe Anet Is reading them from time to time.

Started playing GW2 again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I took a little break also and indeed everything seems the same beside the starting areas being less crowded. I still see players everywhere helping each others in DE and against champions, just in less numbers, but I guess it’s related to players being more spread in levels now. Overall still fun especially when you play with a friend.

I Love "Guild Wars 2" Because...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


… because it’s good enough to entertain me when I feel like playing a game, but not amazing enough to have me forsake social life to play fanatically

Love the painterly style and Charr!

Looking for Roleplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I RP on Tarnished Coast and it’s all over the place, in cities and in open world and in some hot spot like the hunting lodge etc. I saw all kind, I saw tavern RP, flirting, light, heavy, very cool stories going on too and racial communities forming. I think TC has a bit of everything for everyone and building up a RP friend list is not hard, I got only one “sorry guild only rp” since release! So I would say we are very welcoming.

Concerning the server transfer, omg yes I agree we are full ALMOST all the time. My son started playing yesterday and it’s only today right before 6 pm that I saw TC not being full I rushed to transfer him because I bet 15-20 min later it was back to full. I think just the quality of TC open world RP (that I and my friend experienced anyway) is worth the hassle to try to find a gap to join it.

Confessions of an Altoholic: Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


My character slots are all filled up and I am trying hard not to buy more There is just a little something I like in every professions, my thief being my highest followed closely but my ranger and my warrior. Newest alt is a necro I remade a couple of time since pre-release and I’m having a blast.

Paw, I guess best advice would be to pick what fits better with your playstyle and stick with it if you really want a level 80 quickly. Heck ask your friends to log on and team up, you’ll be able to tackle stuff some levels over yours and exp will just rain down on you! Better loot also. The beauty of this game is that levels are not an excuse to not play with a lower level friend! Do all DE you see, gather all nodes on your path and levels will come fast. really ask yourself what you would like to do in a team and make your choice from there.

Server transfert, advice needed!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zia.9251


I need advice on how I can transfert server to play with my son to whom I just bough an account. He was not able to create his character on my server (Tarnished Coast) which I play on since beta so I told him to just pick a random server and I would join him there (is guesting even working at the moment?).

By the time he creates his character and finish his tutorial I try to transfert to him but his server was now full! No big deal it will move to at least high eventually no? Well so far no! Late at night, early in morning, noon, pm nothing is doing it both our servers are full all the time even on a monday morning (he’s on Crystal Desert).

How am I going to play with my son if our servers are full all the time? Any suggestions please?

Has this game gone downhill?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I had some weeks with no motivation to play also, but then I participated in all BWE’s and stress tests and pre-release, so I think it’s normal to take a little break. I created a new alt to play with my son and I’m enjoying the game once more on a new race and profession. I guess I just needed some time off to not be burned out and GW2 is the perfect game to come and go as we please

Where on Tyria is everyone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Like you said it’s probably the hours you are playing, like right now Blacktide is full so players are somewhere I play on TC and I see lots of players even on my new alt who is only level 8. At this point many players have a high or max level character and maybe they are passing more time in Lion’s Arch crafting or trading?

Hidden Stuff - genius, or misspent time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I think they are great to have and from my gameplay experience, many players are enjoying them. sure not everyone will find them by themselves, but when they hear about them from others, some will seek them out. Love the one in Lion’s Arch with the ghost.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


Well, a lot more then $60 for me (collector’s edition) but I don’t regret it at all. So far I’m enjoying myself a lot. Sure there are some minor things I dislike but like I said, minor, no game is perfect. I play almost every evenings, sometimes many hours sometime just one. I see myself playing GW2 for many years probably and I look forward to see what they will add to the game over time. For now super busy with what we have .

Sure there are a couple bugged events but nothing game breaking. I usually go back to them after a reset and can still complete my maps There is no rush after all.

Elite skills don't seem so "elite"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


It probably depends on the profession, my thief is pretty happy when her gang is around! (Thieve’s Guild elite) they really make a difference in a tough fight or against too many adds.

Why I do not play in lower level zones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I go back from time to time in lower zones. Dunno why I like to revisit them and redo the DE I enjoyed or simply chat or RP with people. The traveling money is gained back so quickly anyway and content usually is easier.

Dont like any profession..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


If you tried them all to at least level 15-20 and still dislike them, then it unfortunate. While I grind my teeth on some aspects, I enjoy most of the professions, some suddenly became more interesting to play around level 35-40 >.<. That’s a bit sad because a profession should be fun from the start and finely tune itself with levels imho.

My main is a thief, even though I was having fun before, having a blast only started once I reached level 45+ lol. My warrior on the other hand was fun from the start but is so powerful it takes away all challenge and fun to play.

I guess you need to figure out what makes a profession fun to you. Sometimes it’s also real life blues that leaks into the game. I know when I’m feeling down, playing any games won’t help cheer me up, I’ll be grumpy anyway rofl

I think the combat in this game feels very stale.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zia.9251


I love this game, it’s far from perfect, I have my gripes on a couple of things but overall I’m enjoying it. But… I also think the combat lacks something to give it more freedom.

I’m not against using 11-14 buttons only on my bar, I’m from Everquest, we had even less available spell slots, but we could choose which one we wanted from a large pool and even swap some in combat if you managed to throw down a CC! In GW2 you are stuck with what your weapon offers and cannot swap the utilities in combat. Sure you can weapon swap but a lot of attacks will be similar to your default weapon set and there is a cooldown on weapon swapping. I like that the skills comes with the weapon though. Maybe if we could swap utilities in combat and have more weapon set available?

Why I love my Thief, and Why You Should Love Yours

in Thief

Posted by: Zia.9251


I also use a D/D & P/P build. Compared to my alts my thief is a havoc! High burst dmg with tons of evading, mobs go down fast and I still have some aoe with DB and dancing daggers for the DE. I do need to be more careful thought because when you get hit it hurts even with toughness/vitality, so good mobility and dodging is a must. Not the best profession but surely a good one and more importantly, on-your-toes excitement!

I'm seeing a lot of sadness about Scepters. Here's a 101 on them if it's a weapon you've never really used.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zia.9251


Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought scepter was great especially because the clones die fast and spawn at mob? I run with scepter/torch and having my illusions die quickly is central to my build.

1. domination IV: clone aoe cripples foe when killed
2. chaos IV: clone applies aoe random condition when killed
3. duelling at 15 points: illusions cause bleeding on crit, X: clone created on dodge, at 25 points: illusions cause confusion when killed.
4. illusions: faster illusion summoning, confusion last longer, phantasm recharge faster and can shatter illusion for might.

Add to that mirror image and decoy for more clones generation plus more goodies from staff swapping. fun, exciting, effective… or am I missing totally the bus on mesmer?;T8AA2ysEQJxSllCLqiMFJKyWkrIZRrCGJMTA

Quay - Its pronouced "Key"......

in Audio

Posted by: Zia.9251


Oh I’m French-Canadian, I probably pronounce many english words wrong, in fact it makes my English speaking friends laugh quite often But even in French quay is pronounced with a hard K not QW. Even our French words like qualité (quality) is pronounced ka-lee-tay not kwa-lee-tay
I bet the best way to deal with this, because I’m sure Anet won’t remake those voice files, is to say ok in Tyria they have that accent heehee.

More emo hair please

in Human

Posted by: Zia.9251


When you look around and a big number of characters have the same hairstyle, I think it might be a good pointer that the other options are not liked much. They should concentrate on variations of what is popular choices amongst players instead of giving many options that barely will be used.
And the same can be said for faces.

Female Armor Skins

in Asura

Posted by: Zia.9251


Without going full skimpy, it would have been nice to see some feminine touch on female Asura outfits but Anet decided otherwise. Not big deal, I’ll play human or Sylvari instead.