Showing Posts For Ziazis.3708:
I wonder why doesn’t this get any response, it is not like everyone noticed yet but still I’m also kitten at being punished for doing the monthly before patch.
It’s not like the extra +1 laurel if you had done your daily before the patch on that day and did the pvp after that.
It is extra 10 laurels that is 10 days of playing and doing stuff!
So in effect people who weren’t able to play + did the both monthlys earlier are now punished for 11 days.
Nice one
If you do it now you get18 reward chest, if you do it after that again you get 20 daily chest
Class? What’s your full HP pool?
You know if you don’t dodge that attack hits you each time for around 2k?
And that for about 4-6 times I think.
So the agony didn’t do much but the attack itself…
Edit: The other stuff is typical RNG…
(edited by Ziazis.3708)
It is still crap to bind progress to gear. That just shows how freaking casual friendly that game got and the rather active players are being forced to do other dumb things.
That’s just the worst possible thing to do. I wouldn’t say anything if there was the gear to farm or to get it from other dungeons. I’d farm that and progress that way. But the hell it isn’t even released.
The progress of this should be skillbased like it used to be.
You got hit by agony? kitten you’re downed, if not helped you’re dead.
But now it will always be like: You got hit by agony? NP bro your gear protects you…
That is just dumb and nowhere to make sense.
BTW: I’m a thief, I read alot that thieves are so bad or whatever. And still I can melee almost every boss… I think the only one that is almost not possible without range is the Fire Shaman/Dredge because of their mechanic (however you still can melee and then switch to range). Every other boss is meleeable.
Still I see so many guards/warriors that just stand at range, that never happened in higher fractals. If the boss is meleeable it was meleed!
Melee=more DMG = run is faster. If you have done 70+ fractals you know what im talking about!
(edited by Ziazis.3708)
it’s just impossible to run any good fractal runs since the 28th january hardblock on progress.
I’m pretty sure of that people that are “still” playing without any progress and carrying these newbs higher and higher in fractals are sick of it because “hey screw you! help the newbs and no progress for you. BUT DON’T GET ANGRY, here some useless karma in your face”.
thank you alot for that! I’m so sick of this bad people that are getting higher each day.
Just did 48 daily, ->water, swamp (even bugged that kitten!?) and then fire.
AND now comes the part that pisses me off so hard.
Three people instant reset the dungeon!!!?? WTH is that?
I’m so sick of this people not being able to dodge arrows or showing any skill at all!
One challenging Boss and they instaquit that.
How did they progress to that level.
Anet open up the higher fractals again. I’m so close to quit like about 5-6 others on my friendlist did – because they were dragged down to low level fractal to carry this newbs!
I don’t care if there weren’t many people at that high levels talking 70+.
It was FUN to play with people that had SKILL and didn’t instaquit when having a challange!!!
This is just not acceptable. Good that you want that this game hits a broader playerbase but kitten don’t chain us to this bad players!
I’m so sick of this, so kitten sick!
“Hey why don’t you play PVP/WvW?!”
Don’t like it there (masszerg wohu) and free TN takes like 20-30 minutes to get in. Sometimes less.
“Hey why do you go with pugs go with your guild?!”
Because i want to go with skilled people you can’t search for a guild with skilled people not available ingame search.
I’m in the most active guild that I could find… But it doesn’t make the people in it skilled.
Edit: at least give an answer of why you blocked the ongoing in fractals
(edited by Ziazis.3708)
So to speak…
We have now a dumb FotM with so many new Players that don’t know anything about dodging.
before patch:
If you can’t dodge (not skilled enough to do that) you shouldn’t be able to progress that is how it should be!
after patch:
You can’t dodge? No problem my dear player, here have some agony resist so you don’t die instantly and – oh my my so you don’t need any skill at all – we hard capped fractals so this mean good players have to join your low level fractal to help you out doing your dailys!
For real kitten is that logic.
do you know about 50s? i’ve seen so many threads about hard caps and such. Also thanks much about the reply
Yes, it is on you again after res…
Videos of Fractals 67-69
Guess it’s not impossible. They even 4 man 67.
Did you do 68 today? Have you even gone in today?
No we played before the patch.
This has to be one of the most kittentarded changes they have ever made.
Each member of our team spent 900 gems on revive orbs to get to Fractals scale 80, because we enjoy the challenge.
All other dungeons have been nerfed.Slowly starting to say farewell to this poor game.
For some reason the most popular weapons require the least farmable lodestones for example Charged Lodestones needed for Sunrise drop in Crucible of Eternity which is one of the hardest dungeons while Air Elementals of level 80 are very very few, near impossible to grind
There shouldn’t be any grinding.
However you might not be familiar with that but all cores and lodestones drop in Fractals.
Hi there,
I’m pretty sure alot of you have noticed that some Cores/Lodestones are much more worth then others…. So why is that?
The answer is simple: some of them are more rare than others
That is incorrect im pretty sure every Core/Lodestone has the same droprate as any other core/lodestone so that answer is false.
Hi there,
I’m pretty sure alot of you have noticed that some Cores/Lodestones are much more worth then others…. So why is that?
Easy to answer some of them are needed for specific popular legendarys. (e.g. something like Twilight, Sunrise)
So why are there Cores/Lodestone worth like nothing but are as rare as the others.
Well they’re also needed for some rare weapons but these weapons aren’t that popular as the legendarys so people dont bother with them.
So what could we do to prefent this trend of rising prices for Cores/Lodestones?
Ahhh! There we go the interesting part. I also thought about that. There might be a easy and reasonable thing to do. You should be able to transmute one Core/Lodestone to any other kind with easy accessable things.
My idea would be something like you put 3 Cores/Lodestones in to the forge + a random one and you get 4 of the Cores/Lodestones you put 3 of in.
That easy recipe would instantly balance the prices between the Cores/Lodestones and there wouldn’t be something like 4g for one Lodestone.
I know I’m writing of the sight of someone who wants to buy charged cores/lodestones and this is just unreasonable to buy them for 4g each. While others like crystal or glacial are just 20 s or 40 s each.
Hope there will be made something soon.
Cya ingame Ziazis
So, I’ve played the “Bell choire” and I… love it.
However I find it dissapointing to not be having something special if you get full score.
cough unbreakable bell cough
Nah… well even it is no Item I’d love to have a achievement for that.
So please make something special for the peps that love that minigame so much ^.^
Guys who got also 600 points post your screens here! FTW :-)
Edit: And I love the music at the Grove at one point you can listen to a wonderful piano music.
I’ve found it while waiting for Tixx to arrive however it is only a small area where it plays :-P.
But here you go
it too just took me a hour.
What loot did everyone get who finished?
How long did it take you?
Was it easy for you or hard?
What was the most annoying part of it?
An hour!?? Wth were you doing, took me 2 trys and I had finished it… This was pretty to look at but boring as hell. Way to easy…
Got some Karmajug, Reindeer drink and presents i think.
Most annoying part was when I was hit in the first run from the wind i didn’t notice from the start.
Hey I did 26 with zero 28 with 5 (finally bought my back) but until that I had no rings or whatsoever because that RNG sux like hell. So I learned all attacks and dodged them… though it is hard at the vulcan fractal to dodge all the arrows…
I’m also kinda annoyed of seeing my Character being halfed :-(…
Edit: and also my weapon being in my arm!
Happened to me 3 times already… Still the only dungeon I haven’t finished for the dungeon explorer achievement… Arah path 4…
Hey just got back from work, tried to connect to the game while loading LA getting a DC…
Thoughts where like ‘Oh well happens’.
Trying again…. could move some seconds, DC again. ‘WTF?’
Trying again… going instantly into fractals…. 1 minute later DC again.
Did I miss something on the Patchnotes or why do I get thrown out of the game???
They had a lot of plans on doing so. Thats why there are so many not finished things in LA.
But time will show, what new funny things they’ll bring.
Hmm… if you mention the excitement. There still could be something like a " Random ticket ring" and a “Ticket ring”. So there are 2 different drops. If you get the Random which would be more common you get a ring again of any kind.
But if you’re lucky and get the “ticket ring” you can choose.
Of course however that would need some inner thoughts of how the droprate should be and where to place those things. But I would like that system much more than what we have now and I’m sure not only me.
I see at least some of the people would also appreciate it.
Also there are some raging about logouts of WvW lately. Wouldn’t such an animation hinder them to just dissapear in ‘wtf-land’.
You could combine such a animation with a delayed logout like 5 seconds cast duration without being interrupted. If you get interrupted well (the game closed already so you might just die).
I would like the option of having a custom logout message. I frequently post an action right before I log out like this:
Would also like something like this.
(edited by Ziazis.3708)
So we all noticed that RNG for a ring + RNG on the stat you get isn’t that what we all want.
So I thought about something similar to that. You can still stick to your RNG I don’t care pretty much (though it is frustrating getting only one ring after over 20 dailys).
But how about you would drop a “Ticket for a ring”.
So when we at least get a ring-ticket we could CHOOSE what we want.
That would also work for the infused ones. Just give the name something like “Ticket for a ring (infused)”.
Whatever. We got so much samplesdata from that fractals (me alone over 200+ fractal runs). That this might not be impossible for that little Asura to create is it…
Hope you read it and answer with your thoughts.
Good for you guys that you get your rings like on the freaking first run.
I’m also like everyday in fractals. Just did lvl 20 (with zero resist). You know how it is to have zero resist against that kitten thing? You die, you have no chance to survive, you just die. So other people had to res me.
So I’m in 10-18 0/7 and 20 now 0/1…. Great I congrats that idiot that did that rng on the rings -_-
just a suggestion to the rp element of the game.
Have you noticed people just vanish in a blink of an eye out of your sight?
You don’t know where they are or what exactly happened to them.
So I’d like to suggest we would bring an animation like the one at FotM when we teleport or disconnect.
I kinda had the idea of even making them a different color, like red for disconnecting logging out and that light blue/white when you teleport to a waypoint.
I know that might cost some performance but that’s just one animation it shouldn’t be that hard and would increase the experience in playing the game.
cya ingame Ziazis
Hey RedBaron,
nope there is nothing fishy about ‘Aether’. Material costs almost suffice the cost of the weapon.
See here
That’s just alone the ‘Gift of Light’ (would cost you if you bought really all Loadstones needed for it for the cheapest possible price around 208g) yet alone 100 Mystic coins 33g more 50 Skillpoints that are about 10 Skillpoints 1g so 5g for these and Ancient Shortbow Stave which is the least effort to get with just 4 × 3 ancient blocks about 12 silver. So the overall cost would be about 246g + 15% TP costs = 282g20s.
That would be the cost to get with zero earning out of it.
So you can think about that the people didn’t get everything for cheapest possible way you can go up and down the price + if you want to earn out of it you gotta go + about 10% so it would be minimum of 306g.
edit: + those 500 tears of ascalon for that gift (that is also time invested) sooo yeah kinda ok
(edited by Ziazis.3708)
Because its different then what everyone else has.
Why do you answer with such a dumb answer.
The only reason some are above 10g++ is:
- Some named exotics are craftable and so they just count materials that are almost always loadstones of some kind + other things. (Of course those who sell destroyer weapons do that for a enourmos too high amount like material cost 20g+ selling for 50g+)
The other random dropped named exotics aren’t that expensive.
They’re up to 5-6g max.