Showing Posts For Zidane.6078:

Daily Reset at 8pm EST?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zidane.6078


i get home at 6:00 from work and then i eat dinner. that gives me 1h to do the daily before 7:00 minus the time needed to cook and eat.

i agree. the reset is at pretty much the worst possible time for people that work. personally i think it should be at 12:00am.

I always have my daily done prior to it reseting I come home from work at 430pm or 9pm either wait a few hours for my daily to reset to do it or do it at 9pm when I get home Idk how people say they come home and only have an hour to finish up the daily that you should of already had done in less than 15mins the day prior when it reset at 7pm.

Are all kills equal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


What I was trying to get at is that the current system to qualify for loot is bugged and extremely restrictive so that is why you are getting kill credits as its a different system but no loot, after the patch the loot credit will be working along side teh kill credit system and you should see the issue with not getting loot rights for kills.

Are all kills equal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


After reading reports in the loot issues thread, we spent more time investigating our rewards system. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we verified that all loot tables are indeed working correctly in the game. Since then, we continued receiving reports that there seemed to be an issue, so we extended our search to all systems that created opportunities for you to get items from loot tables. Here we found an issue that we were able to verify was consistent across everyone who reported problems:

The rules by which you qualify for credit for an event or for experience when killing a mob are different rules than those used to help determine if you qualify for loot. Some of these were set up to be unintentionally restrictive, and as such you could kill a creature with a lot of health (this was most noticeable on champions) and not qualify for loot, despite qualifying for all other credit.

For the February Flame & Frost: The Gathering Storm release we will be repairing this issue to ensure more players are capable of earning loot credit for kills. This should fix the issue such that you got credit for killing a champion, but received no loot from it. Once fixed, all champion mobs will correctly always drop 1 blue or better loot item, and all veterans will have a chance of dropping loot better than regular mobs as outlined in the November release. Please note, it is still possible to kill a creature and not do enough damage to qualify for loot (which is the only way you won’t get loot for a champion), it is also still possible for veterans to not drop loot at all, since they simply have better odds of dropping loot than normal creatures but no guaranteed drops.

On top of this, we’re also updating some of the loot in various areas of the game for the February release that should make specific areas more rewarding. We’ll cover this is in detail with the February release notes.

Thanks very much for all your feedback and reports, that information has proved incredibly useful!


They are saying the problem should be fixed in 4 days when the patch goes live.

can i ask something about Twilight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


All rares have same chance.

All exotics have same chance.

Comparing rares and exotics have different chances (the latter has higher)

The only unconfirmed combination is whether or not lvl 80 items have a higher chance than < lvl 80

Thats not true somewhere it was stated that not all Exotics are created equal.

Bug: Lava Shaman fractal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zidane.6078


When you are killed with teh Lava buff on you it stays on and wont cleanse until you port out to LA making it impossible to restart from checkpoints.

Crucible of Eternity Path 2 = hard mode?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Everyone should have some form of stun break for this fight for dealing with the crystals. I main a guardian, and sadly none of our skills work on getting us out of the crystals, so spec skills that give boons or can block attacks or give regen. (As a guardian, and switching to scepter/focus while trapped in a crystal is a lifesaver as the block skill for focus still works while you’re trapped).

Both teleport utility skills will get you out of the crystals.

20.2mb gw2.exe > 40mb GW2.exe, reason?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Im not sure what you all are talking about my dat file was 15gb almost 16 and after rully patched its still the same.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


I think to many of you forget that the ascended gear in fractals is acount bound so just because the person is at level 1 doesnt always mean they arent properly equiped to face agony in later levels of fractals since everything is bound per character for your current fractal level this change will allow people with alts to effectively join in groups and still raise their own levels.

Where is server list?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Servers are split into NA, and EU server all servers run on PST time as Anets home office is in Washington State.

1-400 craft guides

in Crafting

Posted by: Zidane.6078


10g each that seems extremely excessive, Last time I leveled something like armor or a weaponsmithing it was only 3-4g tops. is the most widely know guide.

The method Ive found to be the best is refine mats for 25 points when you reach those points sell those items back to the Trading Post. Majority of the time its cheaper to buy the pieces to make discoveries than it is to actually craft them, it takes 9 discoveries to reach a bracket, then 14 more discoveries to finish the Tier. I can’t stress enough use buy orders you will save extreme amounts even thou it may take a bit longer to wait on your orders to fill but save you gold in the long run.

(edited by Zidane.6078)

Major Sigil of Water has been nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Major has always been 20%
Minor 10%
And the Superior is 30%.

Consortium reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Commendation vendor Lionguard Lyns is restocking her goods and is not accepting commendations at this time. She will begin accepting commendations again soon.

~Dec. 14th Patch Notes

Mesmer speed vs +25% passive signet classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Not every class can have good access to swiftness / passive movespeed. That’s why classes are different. You gotta deal with it.

so 7 out of 8 classes can have +25% passives or near 100% +33% runspeed but Mesmers.

Thats the problem is that EVERY Class EXCEPT Mesmers have the ability to have a constant +25-33% Movement speed with no drawbacks.

Mesmer speed vs +25% passive signet classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Centaur runes. The 165 power is decent even if the rest does pretty much nothing, but other runes bring a marginal increase in DPS. A bit more crit, a bit more damage, nothing that will show outside five minute fights.

We have no DPS checks and no DPS meters, so slot Centaur. No more being left behind by friends.

Even by using centaur runes you either have to waste your heal ever time its off cooldown to keep a swiftness up + focus 4 only lasting 14.4s 25s cooldown or if traited 20s cooldown so if you waste the runes with centaurs you could keep +33% up 100% of the time rotating between focus 4 and healing skill but why should we have to use centaur runes and trait into a specific line just to keep up with everyone that has a passive +25% at the cost of 1 utility.

Mesmer speed vs +25% passive signet classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zidane.6078


If you want reliable swiftness you still need to either use a focus or rune a full set of runes of the centaur unfortunately.

As stated in my post even using a focus the 12s every 25s just doesnt cut it. Even if you trait 20 into Inspiritation to grab the reduce focus skills by 20% you still have 8s of no speed if you dont happen to proc a swiftness off the 1 in 8 chance on Sig.

If you want pretty much 100% swiftness you need to trait 20 in Inspiration, and go 2/2/2 on Rune of Air, Pact, Speed that will put your swiftness uptime at 19.2s with a 20s cooldown but doing that you lose out on what other class gain with using normal full rune or 3/3 4/2 rune sets.

(edited by Zidane.6078)

Mesmer speed vs +25% passive signet classes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zidane.6078


So after the patch of the “so called more reliable swiftness patch” I group up with my buddy who was working on his Alt ranger. One of his equiped utility slots happened to be the +25% passive movement speed signet, I equiped the updated Signet of Inspiration hoping to see some improvement but reliablity just isn’t there. Every ten seconds there is a 1:8 chance to get swiftness for 10s, don’t get me wrong the buffs being applied while out of combat was a great change but even with a focus on and sig of inspiration I just couldn’t keep up with him in the open world. So something needs to change. I feel that Signet of Inspiration should only apply swiftness while outside of battle and once combat has been started it should give one of the 7 other buffs every ten seconds this would keep Mesmer speed while roaming up with everyone else or just change the signet all together and give it the passive +25% speed + the one buff every 10s removing the swiftness as one of those options to keep it from being wildly OP.

In short the +25% passives vs what mesmers currently have for speed isn’t cutting it and something needs to change and change fast as the current balance is nowhere in check.

When will the update be availible?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zidane.6078


I’ve already posted that a few post up.

When will the update be availible?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zidane.6078


It’s simply not viable to share every milestone plan with the public. Things get re-prioritized, postponed, cancelled, redesigned, etc all the time, and every time that happened there would be a crap-storm of complaining by the people who’s favourite feature didn’t stay on the list.

This is very true.

On a side note with this gear stuff, how about something useful to do with my overwhelming amount of account bound arcane powder?

There should be something in today’s patch to help with that, but I won’t spoil the surprise.

Here is something posted just 1 min ago in another thread under the Dev tracker.
Also mentions a patch TODAY.

When will the update be availible?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zidane.6078


The moderator might of been misinformed.

Like I said in the other thread, I have seen nothing that states that the Lost Shores patch is today. The only thing that is coming today is the friend invite thing.

Lost Shores doesn’t start till November 16th at 12PM PST.

Everything that I’ve seen up to this point said the event started on the 16th the but the acutall patch with all the other stuff that is being added besided the event stuff was today, the 5 pages of skill updates, the legendary changes etc.

Sooo...The patch is at noon PST, right?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zidane.6078


Still don’t see it. All is see is a forum poster answering, and a mod closing the thread without really confirming it.

I see a Question, being replied to with an answer that answer being 12pm Pacific, and a CC Thanking the person for letting the OP know the correct answer and then closing the thread.

To me that means the answer is 12pm Pacific, and comfirmed by CC Ivonne.

Another female "run" animation with a greatsword

in Norn

Posted by: Zidane.6078


I just created a female norn and she runs with the GS dragging on the grould like my human and slyvari do is this animation effected by height slider or did they patch it back to the old animation?

Infinite Light/Runic Blade

in Crafting

Posted by: Zidane.6078


I saw a screen shot of someone with this sword in combat anyone have any info on what the recipe is for the Forge for Infinite Light?