Showing Highly Rated Posts By Zinthros.6589:

Don't Introduce RNG to WvW Supply!

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


From the Queen’s Jubilee feature preview
Become a master of supply with the Supply Master World vs. World ability line. This line includes benefits like increased supply pick-up speed, Courier Speed when you pick up supply, and a chance to get supply back when you use it!

No! Bad! Supply is one of the elements that works the same way every time, consuming a static amount for a certain amount of work. Increasing capacity AND adding an ability that randomly refunds supply can only serve to imbalance siege weapons and the progression system. As a commander, I would like to see a surrounded keep or tower with X supply actually HAVE X supply in it, instead of randomly gaining 10-40% on that and holding out an extra ten minutes to half hour. Don’t make the amount of supply used to build something RNG!

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

(edited by Zinthros.6589)

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Why in the Hell is Anet trying this proven failed mechanic?

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Inspect Function or Gearscore Please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


So I can kick people without infusion from my Fractals rai-err, parties.

Wouldn’t mind kicking people using magic find gear instead of taking extra stats too.

EDIT: Oh, and I want DPS meters too, so I can kick thieves if their heartseekers hit less than 6k on a half hp mob.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

(edited by Zinthros.6589)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Can we stop silencing the criticism with this containment thread too, or is that too much to ask for? The playerbase at large DOES NOT WANT a new gear tier. SOME PEOPLE might, but GW2 was never made for that obsessive, no-life audience. This is supposed to be a skill-oriented game where max stat gear is readily attainable.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


1. Spirits and pets 75% resistant to all non-melee sources of AoE damage
2. Pet HP increased by 33% across the board
3. Spirit HP tripled
4. Greatsword chain skill power scaling increased, now deals most damage of any Ranger weapon’s chain skill due to having the highest risk
5. Axe 2 skill buffed, seems highly lackluster
6. Sick ‘Em — Somethimg major here. This skill is literally trash.
7. Quickening Zephyr — I’m not sure this is as good as other class’ quickness options. Very long CD too.
8. Signet passives as a whole are pretty bad
9. Troll unguent is very bad in pvp

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Apologist drivel. Anet should stick to their manifesto.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Ab-so-lutely not. Scrap the idea completely or give the ability to convert exotics to ascended via level 80 events / dungeon runs. Guild Wars 2 promised readily attainable max stat gear where the final determining factor is player skill and NOT who goes outside the least like some WoW-tier grindtrash.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Yeah. Let’s not turn GW2 into trash where you get to win for free if you’ve got 40 hours on someone.

Some of us are secure in our abilities as PVPers, and aren’t afraid of getting killed by up-leveled noobs (which are basically ambient creatures anyway …) and looking bad on the internet. I think if an up-level killed a progression kitten like you you would actually start crying at the keyboard. AC nerf is coming, don’t worry so much.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Free Travel TO Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Signed. It’s almost a trap for the people that don’t know about HOTM→LA→City.

I also wouldn’t mind waypoint costs being based off of the closest city instead of your current position, but that’s more complicated.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Don’t. Kitten. With. Fight Club.

Especially not mine. The guilty pay the price.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Go back to WoW.

No new tiers no way no how. Zero tolerance.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

August 6, 2013 & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


You guys are funny. Guess what there should be a learning curve, and players who have learned not to keyboard turn, spam 2 buttons instead of viewing the scenario and knowing what key is best for that situation, should be rewarded for playing smarter. I didn’t play wow cuz that was carebear as well just not as bad as this. Literally for hardcore players other than kills, there is ZERO reward. The end game is purely what skilled players kill…. We should be able to rank up and make our characters more efficient in player vs player skill…. NONE of us use seige. I will till the day I quit spam AC’s down on Zerg seige. Stop relying on seige to kill… Use your characters abilities….

How about no.

Only trash MMOs reward experienced players with innate power. You shouldn’t need World Rank bonus stats to kill new / casual players. You’re supposed to improve your skill level with time, giving the advantage of being a more experienced player.

Yea Daoc was trash and had a 250k+ population for over 6-7 years…. All paying 15 bucks
A month and the BEST end game of all time for player vs player…. You’re right buddy. Think this game will have 250k players for 6-7 years? Not a kittening chance. Guess what? Zero end game, oh wait, I can hop on a mindless ac and spam 2 buttons for an hour of my RL time…. Lol and carry and pick up more supply…. Useless dude.

There is zero end game ranking system in this game.

Maybe go back and look at some of the facts from that era, First, there were no “free to play” options when DAOC was out so every game charged 15 bucks a month, so that is no argument. Credit DAOC with one thing, they were the only company honest enough to post populations, and after the first year they had no where close to 250k subscribers but without being mythic employee, there is no way to confirm

The best argument I love from “skilled players” is that they need to be rewarded more, so they can increase the skill gap and therefore need less skill to win. You want to prove how skilled and uber you are, you should have decrease as you go up in rank, show us how skilled you really are

This games WvW is more about participation then it is about stroking the ego of the 80+ hour a week skilled players. I think they have done a good job with world xp allowing the ego of rank titles without giving abilities that basically stop any new player from joining in

Ehh, DAOC gave Rank, and Rank gave you more abilities/stats ect ect.

Most fights came more down to class and setup then anything, but even then, if you were really skilled you could stomp over high rank players, and that was something to be proud of.

People who talk about Ranks should not reward players are scared of losing, and they’re usually the first ones to blame Rank and other things when they do lose.

This is the most backwards defense of “give players without lives free power so they don’t lose to less accomplished players with more actual skill and get upset” I’ve ever read.

had to cut and paste from topic as "quote exceeded 5000 letters heh. This is adding to discussion with Jscull

Honestly, I am not trying to be contrary here, but I think we may be having two different discussions here, power creep vs play style. Fighting players, or keeps, or some stupid worm that gives wxp (totally hate that crap) are two different topics and not related to my issue of power creep. Players can choose to look for open field fights or any type of fight. I think ANet can make map improvements for this

Power creep does not change the basics of fights as WvW is designed right now. It would simply mean the gap between the casual, or new, or simply less WvW oriented would grow until these players could no longer compete. Now it may be that is what some players want, but I sure want more people not less joining WvW. Personally I would find it a lot more boring being able to dominate new players because of power creep, but that’s me.

Your opinion is the one that sources from good taste. All others source from cancerous parasites which should be completely ignored. These are people who literally enjoy and prefer gear-based PVP where a player in white gear has a 5% chance of winning a fight against deep orange / purple regardless of skill difference.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

(edited by Zinthros.6589)

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Mag generally doesn’t drop superior siege, it’s not a normal thing we do. Just sayin’.

We do drop a metric ton of normal siege though.

Yeah, we pop it for important things like keep and garrison. EB and CD don’t pop it at all. Hell, the other day CD was running around with a 100 man zerg chopping gates down bare-handed in Eternal. That’s why they’re the lowest ranked of the “24/7 queues” servers. It’s funny because they’re also incredibly tryhard. Only 2-3 CD showed up for fight club, and they repeatedly tried to crash it screaming “NO FUN ALLOWED!” Must be frustrating to take WvW that seriously but also be so awful at it.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Go back to whatever treadmill grind trash you crawled out of. Probably Warcraft …

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Please don’t implement gear gimmick gated dungeons.
Please don’t implement new rarity tiers.
Please don’t marginalize the existing dungeons and shrink the endgame from 8 dungeons to 1 by leaving the rewards of the original dungeons in the dust.
Please don’t make the exotics people worked for worthless.
Please scrap agony as a condition — it is a gimmick meant to remove skill from PVE and reward time invested — GW2 was not created as (if you are to be believed) or sold as this kind of NEET-pandering WoWtrash.
Please don’t create a never-ending mindless stat treadmill
Please keep the game based around PLAYER SKILL in all aspects including PVE and WvW instead of who has the most time to grind the same new dungeon 100 times in a week.

Please don’t ruin the game.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

The norn Animal forms

in Norn

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


We need a QOL buff. Moving while attacking alone would go so far for all of them.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool