Showing Posts For Zorlak.7926:

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


That was me .
Enjoyed the fight and the sportsmanship.
Keep it up!

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

What Can We Learn From This WvW Video?

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


D/D ele will never be able to burst people down like you can while still retaining as much defense as warriors naturaly have.
Eles can never hope to cope with large amounts of cc as well as warriors can.
In team scenarios, eles can never push into enemy zergs the way warriors are able, atleast without quick retreat right after initial push.
Any good warrior could propably add some more things to that list, those are things i´ve observed my guild mates doing.

Warriors being able to cope with large amounts of CC? Are you joking? Even the devs say warriors needs a buff in regards of coping with CC. 19:00 minute mark.

Bunker anything(ele, guardian, engi, necro , even warriors and thieves who are considered squishy and possibly others) is hard to kill solo. Especially if you run full berserkers. That’s the point of being a bunker spec. You soak up damage so others can kill. However, even though that ele in the video was killing everything its mostly bad players(with berserkers) or underleveled characters. Do you know how long a D/D bunker ele needs to fight to kill anything solo? Especially after the evasive arcana nerf.

Also, the video was pre-evasive arcana nerf. You can see he is getting ridiculously high might stacks from blast finisher from EA, but this is not possible anymore.

I think it’s getting derailed from what the topic is about.
Maybe I’m just upset that Warriors do not have the capability to do the stuff d/d eles can and that I’m limited by the game and not me and my skills.
I do not think it’s balanced, but that’s me and my opinion, maybe I’m wrong.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

What Can We Learn From This WvW Video?

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


A bunker D/D Ele can’t be solo’d for the most part. Neither can a bunker Gaurdian, probably a bunker Engi or Necro, nor just about any well played thief (doesn’t even have to bunker, they can just stealth and run away).

But, if you play right, they won’t kill you either and will end up running away (this is when his kills happen, as he runs and stupid upleveled noobs follow him behind a wall/tunnel/mountain and get solo killed rather than just forgetting about him and working on a meaningful objective).

Yes, there are other stupidly OP specs but does that justify d/d eles being this good?
Is it so hard to see that these specs, like the bunker guardian, some thief specs are too good/op compared to other classes and need to be nerfed/looked at?

This is not balanced, when a class “can’t be solo’d for the most part” there is something wrong.
d/d eles for example, can be “immortal”, if they see they can’t kill the people they’re up against, they can easily escape, if they kill them, they do.
Saying that “you need x to kill him” is not a valid argument, it just shows that there is an imbalance.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

What Can We Learn From This WvW Video?

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Cause 99% of D/D ele’s CAN’T do this. That’s excala, dapheonix. For all intents and purposes, he INVENTED the common D/D build seen amongst most D/D ele’s these days. He’s a master of the class, and of that build in particular.

He SEVERLY outskills just about anyone he meets on the battlefield. If you were as good at warrior as he is at Ele, you could probably kill that many noobs too (although the Warrior will NEVER be able to escape as easily as he can on Ele, but you’d kill faster).

I cannot get much if any better at playing a Warrior, I have 1000+ hours on my Warrior where a lot of that is spent in PvP. I’ve invented lots of builds that the people in the guild I am in, are using.
There is no way, no damn way I can kill 4-6 players that are all on me at the same time, I can down a few of them, maybe, but I can’t hope to reset the fight/finish people while invulnerable or out heal their damage.

I know the guy in the video is very, very skilled but lots of d/d eles can do these crazy 1v 3-6 and actually win.
Yes, d/d ele is hard to master, harder than other classes, but that is because Anet made it easy to master other classes compared to d/d eles, they have more abilities to use, thus making it harder.
But skill should not scale linearly with power. 2x skill should not equal 2x power.

Other people in this thread are also saying, bring this class, bring that class, do this, do that.
You’re basically saying, d/d eles should be treated as something that can’t be solo’d and must require a certain class.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

What Can We Learn From This WvW Video?

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Seeing as most of you people think it’s normal to kill 10+ very bad players as a skilled player, let me ask you this.
Why can’t my class do it?
I’m a warrior and I’ve gone up against very, very bad players before but I don’t have the heals or boons to outlast that many players.
Why is it okay to for a d/d ele to be able to do this, but not other classes?

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Desolation strike team Videos.

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


“You have been Judged unworthy – Time to die”
Very entertaining video, makes me want to hop into WvW!

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


I don’t mind them transferring, means I get to kill them. Woo \o/

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Thieves stopping you from capping supply camps/other points is a legit strategy, albeit a very stupid one.
Unless decides to change it, there is nothing anyone can do as it is not hacking, just thief mechanics.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Next week: FS + BT vs. US Deso + EU Deso

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Yea, that’s why Kodash has +130 points and Desolation +295. We’re pretty equal.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Desolation: 17,928 – 155
Far Shiverpeaks: 12,869 – 350
Kodash: 8.393 – 190

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Bug when leaving the spawn

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Yea, same thing just happened to me. Quite annoying.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


So every night/morning now the same thing has happened.
EB gets fully captured, Blacktide rallies all their WvW players in one zerg, they go to the borderlands and start capturing our upgraded keeps and taking our orbs and there’s nobody defending. Why? Because the few Europeans that are still on are spread out across all the borderlands and EB.
They’re not taking everything because they’re better or that they have more players online.
They’re taking everything because they have everyone gathered and just steamroll through everything with 4 rams per gate which means a gate falls within a minute.

The only way I see this being stopped is if RUIN has their eyes on the borderlands or if someone in the borderlands contacts a RUIN commander so they can quickly come to the defence of the keep. I honestly don’t think we have enough Europeans on to stop this zerg so we would need the help of RUIN.

If we are to succeed to getting into tier 1 and have a fighting chance our guilds, but not only the guilds, all the players too, need to co-operate. We’re a server together and everything anyone does, affects the server. We’re in it together.

I rarely play in EB, I stick to the borderlands but I feel that because we do exceptionally well during the night in EB, the other servers are pushed out and are given free rampage on the borderlands due to the fact that most of our players are in EB since they worked hard to capture everything, it’s not something you do with a handful of people.
Had everything gone my way, we would capture enough in EB to make it “easy” to defend and then secure the borderlands and if nothing else is going on, continue our rampage in EB until something happens in the borderlands(to the keeps that is) and we move over there to stop the zerg from getting our stuff for free.
What I’m talking about pretty much only applies to night/morning European time as that is when I mainly play.

As I am not in a guild myself I do not know how the communication is between the guilds. But I hope they try to work something out in terms of WvW strategy as a good alliance will be required to get into and break tier 1.
I wish we had a “Desolation Forum/Site”, a forum/site where guilds could easily recruit, talk strategy and work as an alliance instead of guilds working alone. Maybe there is and I’m just too stupid not to know about it. All I think is that Desolation could greatly benefit from a forum like that.

I write this at 7:49 AM and I am very tired so my post will include grammar errors, spelling errors, logical flaws, kittened up sentences and more.

*tl;dr I want us to stop giving Blacktide free keeps.

I just find it very annoying that we capturing everything during the night and upgrade to lose it all to a zerg with no opposition whatsoever.
Good night Desolation and I say this again, glad to have you RUIN people here.
Everything I say is not to be taken as the truth.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

(edited by Zorlak.7926)

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Wow, never take someone else’s golem, that’s just being a kitten.
Anyway, from what I’ve seen so far the RUIN guys are a nice bunch of people.
Glad they decided to join Desolation, I hope they stay. All I hope is they branch out to the borderlands.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Desolation - Augury Rock - Blacktide

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


I can’t get into EB to get my daily jumping puzzle fix.
I blame you RUIN guys for that!

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Serious lack of Badges in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


So far I’ve gotten 900 badges and I have 2230 kills in WvW.
Do you guys not loot your loot bags or what’s up? Yeah, some of them come from puzzles, but not more than 100-150.
The badge drop rate is completely fair imo, the prizes for the gear is a bit ridiculous however.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Zorlak.7926


Hey AR, give us our orb back.
Filthy thieves.

Zorlak – Warrior [JuG] Desolation EU