Showing Posts For Zwellni.3946:

The problem with your game for me...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Is that it is a pain in the butt to level. I have to practically do everything I can in a zone in order to progress. This concern is not at all mine alone. I have read many other concerns as such and hate having to chase down events, world bosses, and do all the exploration and story content I can in order to get enough xp just to get to the next zone. I would love it if you guys at Anet instead let people pick and choose their content and give them the xp boost they need to level faster just doing what they like.

why dont we also get a legendary weapon of our choosing just for logging in, how about those ascended gear, we could get them too just by standing on LA fountain…

Huh? Learn to read. I said that I wanted to get more xp for doing the things that we like doing while leveling, not I log in and poof I get instant things. Are you 12?

im 9 years old but my mommy says i look 12, so ty . i red what u said but for me still looks like u want things like leveling handed to you with little or no effort.

I completley agree. What evil game would allow you to get to max level with in a few hours instead of days or weeks. I’m trying to think, Hmm? Oh yeah Guild wars 1!

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I played Dragonest Pvp, it had some ridiculous imbalances especially between certain classes,. if you wanna say gw2 pvp is bad out of spite, then just say up but please dont say Dragonests pvp is any better, do you need a link to their pvp forums? Im sure they will give you a good laugh

I think I need to link you to Gw2 forums where people are complaining about being auto atked to death by spirit ranger, 90 percent of players are using bunker condition builds/ fotm builds and begging anet for nerfs. I agree that there are imbalances in Dn but you still need to be able to hold a combo In Dn to kill anyone pro pvp players in equalized pvp.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I played that game for a while. The combat system was really fun and engaging, and the classes play a bit differently from each other. They have lots of unique skills that require skill shots because it uses an FPS type of system where your skills are cast on a fixed range and will hit where your cross-hair is targeted. You can lock an enemy by means of comboing unless the target uses evades and such. It’s really all about player skill.

The best class that truly requires player skill IMO was the Majesty. It’s some sort of Dark Mage/Time Mage that requires accuracy and timing to pull off a long combo-chain and it’s a very agile character. Totally fun! But that was in the early stage of the game.

However, like almost all Korean MMOs, there’s the power creep being slowly introduced wherein characters can have ZOMGWTFBBQ one hit shot skills, new classes that rely way too much on AI to win (that class in that game is called Engineer if you wanna try it out), and class imbalances. Ice Witch can perma-chill you until you die a horrible horrible death since chill there functions in a way that it the higher the chills stacks, the slower your character moves until you’re totally frozen in place. It’s awesome on the Ice Witch’s end but really really annoying on the receiving end. However on that second vid, the Ice Witch was a total noob and was owned by that Barbarian.

First Engineer summons are blacklisted in equalized pvp and even if they werent there health has already been nerfed to such a huge degree that one skill like circle swing would kill all of them except maybe Alfredo. Next the power creep is true but idk what you mean by a one shot skill, I’m not aware of any skills that can one shot a player in equalized pvp or any skills that can one shot a raid boss like sea dragon, green dragon etc in pve. Also if your getting perma chilled by ice witch then your either afk or the ice witch is just more skilled because all her chill atks are dodgeable.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


WTH is this. Some animu tekken?

Lol, Its called Dragon nest, it uses a skillbar like Gw2, but as you can see the combat is way different.

Will Gw2 pvp ever be as good as this?

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Guild Wars 2 for the PS4?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Good luck on console in WvWvW Zergs. That thing might end up fried.

planetside 2 is coming to ps4

Class Change Contract

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Race change wouldn’t work since it affects your storyline. Class though does not

Race change YES. Class change no!

Class change: No
The need to level a character and learn how to play your class well is part of any MMO and even part of its essence.

I have my own thoughts bout race changes, but im not going to comment on it, cause there are other suggestions allready bout that and this one isn’t bout that. Please keep it on topic guys

You can craft any class from level 1-80 already, and skip the whole “learning2play” your class process so I don’t see how a class change contract would be a bad thing.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Your suggestion is really saying one thing:

“I don’t enjoy this game enough to bother leveling another character, so let me skip all that and unlock everything after I max out one character.”

Plenty of us are perfectly happy leveling up additional characters.

Why are we happy? Because we enjoy the game, and do not mind the grind

Also if you killed 500 people in wvw, did every dungeon explore mode, and have 2000 acheievement points you havent played the game?

I know plenty of people who have over 2000 achievement points. They’ve created alts and are still enjoying the game.

If you care about being “maxed out” more then playing then game, then GW2 is not the game for you.

Lol you only said they had 2000 achievement points but not the other things i have mentioned. Your friends with 2000 achievement points dont have to participate, if they love leveling alts.

I never said i cared more about being “maxed out” more then playing the game. If I as you say did this to “max out” ,but didnt want to play the game why would I bother “maxing out” logic!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I’m not a fan of this idea. The whole idea of the game is that you play the game, not that you are automatically insta-levelled on any new toon after you max out one char. This game is about progression and the narrative, and the fact is that the game is the same gameplay at lvl 80 as it is at lvl 1 – there is no advantage to this at all, just makes people skip out the journey – which is the main thing.

The first part of your argument is this"The whole idea of the game is that you play the game". First let me start by saying this is a limited time event that many games do, Vindictus , and dragon nest are 2 examples. Second so you saying killing 500 people in WVW, doing every path of every dungeon (including story),getting crafting to max in every craft, getting to level 80, getting 100 percent world completion,etc,is not playing the game? Also not playing the game gives you more rewards then actually playing. Ill explain people who are farming for one reason or another in game make about 3-5g an hour. A person who has a job works for an hour at minumum wage makes about $7.25 (i think). If the person with the job gets gems and converts them to gold he makes about 6-7gold an hour if im not mistaken. By not playing the game the person with job has obtained better rewards then I person who has played which can be used for things like leveling a toon to 80, legendaries,volcanous,etc.

Next part of your argument “This game is about progression and the narrative,”. There are other forms of progression in the game besides leveling, examples are ascended gear,exotic gear,all dungeon gear,etc ,so you still get progression from my idea. By narrative im guessing you mean personal story/dungeons storys. After people have seen the narrative once they skip it an example would be every explore mode dungeon. So the customers themselves who keep the game up, dont like repeating the same narrative which eventually becomes the same at a certain level no matter what choice you picked.
Next on the list “the fact is that the game is the same gameplay at lvl 80 as it is at lvl 1 -”. The gameplay at lvl 80 is nothing like level 1. As a level 80 people will invite you to fractals. No one runs fractals with a level 1, I dont even need to explain. 2nd in World v World as a level 80 you have the ability to be on even ground with enemy players, and your more helpful to the server because of survivability, traits, utilities, and elite skills. At level 80 you have access to Orr which still nets more karma then lower lvl zones. A level 1 cannot kill anything in Orr.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I’m not a fan of this idea. The whole idea of the game is that you play the game, not that you are automatically insta-levelled on any new toon after you max out one char. This game is about progression and the narrative, and the fact is that the game is the same gameplay at lvl 80 as it is at lvl 1 – there is no advantage to this at all, just makes people skip out the journey – which is the main thing.

So you like constantly doing the same content over and over to level? Which would mean you like GRINDING! Also if you killed 500 people in wvw, did every dungeon explore mode, and have 2000 acheievement points you havent played the game?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


I’m going to go ahead and gives this a thumbs down.

any particular reason?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Not jumping puzzles you sillys, or some type of event where you spam the jump button for some reason. Im talking about getting 1 free level 80 character per account or multiples if you like. Before people rage about having used all thier money, craft leveling a character from 1-80 let me explain some requirements to participate. Every account will need atleast one level 80 to make a jump character, but there will also be an option where you can make an unlimited amount of jump characters on your account! To do this you need all crafts at max level, 100percent map completion on atleast one character, atleast 2000 achievement points, Dungeon master title (whatever the titles called where you have to do every path of every dungeon) and must have killed atleast 500 people in WVW. This is all in a limited amount of time id say about 2weeks.

Now let me explain what items the jump character would get.
1. all level 80 master work armor they can use
2. All level 80 master work weapons,including underwater, they can use.
3. Three 10 slot bags

Pros: 1. Bring players who picked the ranger character as thier first character back (lols! seriously tho).
2. Bring players who did not want to grind levels 1-80 again back
3. More people doing low level fractals ( you can thank me later
4. more people buying gems. Extra character slots!
5. Theres prob more pros but you get the jist of it.

Cons. 1. More thieves in WVW ( wouldnt be suprised)
2. Servers would probably lag from all the people coming back on the first few days of this event
3. Still a huge slap in the face to people who crafted there toons to 80, but this happens all the time. Example free deluxe edition when buying guild wars 2 now anyone plus a witch hat. Exactly!
4. People who leveled multiple toons by grinding content or crafting are going to rage on forums.
5. Probably more cons as well but that can be discussed in the comments below.

(edited by Zwellni.3946)

Guildwars 2 pvp vs dragon nest pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


heres the dragon nest pvp 1v1 tiers posted by a player on dragon nest forums for people who want to know

Pvp 1v1 tiers
Higher the rating, the lower the tier a class is (ex. 1 = top tier)

My personal opinion (based on matches I’ve fought), although I do realize some classes are stronger against come classes than they are against others:

For “legit” 1v1 (with BL, equalized):

1 – Tempest

Lots of evades, high mobility, high dmg, medium/high SA skills. Hurricane dance is almost impossible to miss.

2 – Windwalker

Sort of like tempest minus the hurricane dance. Rising storm hurts a lot too, but is harder to land than hurricane dance.

3 – War Mage

TS → laser cutter = roughly same dmg as justice crash + smite, except it can be used much earlier in a match and/or activated off time dodge.

4 – Guardian

justice crash → smite = 90% of any female class HP gone, ~60-80% of male class HP gone. How hard is it to land justice crash? Not very, but it can be cancelled pretty easily.

5 – Ice Witch

Freezing sword EX takes off ~40% HP from female classes and can only be dodged if the ice witch doesn’t aim it correctly or stands too far back.

6 – Warden

Frag arrow EX and detonating arrow deal pretty high damage, but the mainly the only skill making SS’s strong atm is the short CD high dmg skill Guided Missiles.

7 – Sniper

Sort of like Warden, except 50 skills are kind of useless in PvP.

8 – Destroyer

Maelstrom howl has extremely high SA break and deals slightly less damage than justice crash (but still a significant amount).

9 – Lunar Knight

MBD deals ~20-30% of male class HP, but it’s more annoying than anything else as it has a short CD, high SA break, and most MLs just stall until they can use it again.

10 – Barbarian

50 skills for barb aren’t very OP at all, putting them at a disadvantage compared to other classes. However, as a merc class they still have some nice SA and SA break skills.

11 – Pyromancer

Pyromancers are only strong if they are able to lock their opponents down. Fireball EX is actually weaker than freezing sword EX in pvp (it receives a huge dmg nerf compared to its PvE counterpart) and much harder to land outside of a combo due to long charge time and not much SA. Magma ball has a long CD (47 secs I believe) and is extremely inefficient outside of a combo.

12 – Gladiator

Very low damage skills, requires extensive combos to really deal any damage.

13 – Crusader

Really sucks to be a crusader, judgmental hammer deals really crappy damage, is easily dodged, and only serves to push the opponent back. Relic EX is easier to land, but the skill itself was never of any significant importance or OPness in paladin pvp. Easily pushed around by most classes )=

14 – Inquisitor

Priests are still pushed around easily in 1v1, but inquisitors at least have a bit more damage than saints (although this is probably mainly due to differing skill builds).

15 – Saint

Bottom of the food chain, saints are juggled around easily by any class and deal crappy damage. Or sit tight behind a wall of relics, the relic camp has become slightly more… powerful? effective? don’t know the right word… since the addition of lightning relic EX.

Tinks won’t 1v1 unless they can spam summons/alfredo so I don’t have any data for them

Guildwars 2 pvp vs dragon nest pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


which game do you think has better pvp? In both videos they are in equalized pvp where gear does not matter besides skill plates and tech rings which give a few skills damage increases, also unlike guild wars 2 structured pvp you still have to level your character to be on equal footing with other players

guild wars 2 pvp vs dragon nest pvp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


ya lolipops would be nice. Man that video i put for dragon nest pvp is bad since the moonlord is constantly running ill post a different one everyone just ignore that dragon nest pvp video go to this one!

guild wars 2 pvp vs dragon nest pvp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zwellni.3946


Just as the title says I want you guys to compare both games in terms of pvp. Im assuming most people who play guild wars 2 know what there pvp looks like, but ill post a pvp vid anyway. Oh ya! This includes both forms of pvp, spvp and WVWVW pvp vses ladder pvp and equalized pvp in dragon nest heres a link on what dragon nest pvp looks like for people who haven’t seen
Dragon nest pvp: (equalized pvp)
Guild wars 2 pvp: (a random 1v1 in spvp lol)

Also try to mention how balanced the pvp is in each game!