Showing Posts For adamaknight.9237:
So the title largely says it all. Back in the real Guild Wars there were some design-a-weapon contests opened to the community where players could submit designs and the winning ones made their way into the game.
Can we PLEASE get some of these, for weapons AND armour. Particularly for the ascended armour that’s coming this year?
So, I was looking last night at the new ascended level weapons and their new skins and… well… yeah.
I’m all for variety, which is why I think it’s important to take a fresh direction with the weapons. And give your current concept designers a break.
The red ones look like christmas toys, all I’m gonna say.
So, in closing;
Quip now has more impressive footfall effects. <— That’s all that needed changing, with the Legendary pistol, is it?
So I’d really love to see these in the cash store.
I don’t think you’d have trouble selling them, either. £2.50 roughly for a single hair style kit is ridiculous and I know I don’t buy them because of it, but I’d be quite happy paying 30,40 even 50 quid for a permanent one.
Seems a pointless inconvenience.
You want random invasions then have a place for them, don’t cause them to give normal players aggro when they’re playing the game.
Think on it like this; how effing annoying is it when you wanna map to a waypoint in a hurry and it’s contested?
She speaks…..
So, it’s been said a few times that these invasions will continue on after the living story ends. This seems like a disaster waiting to happen to me.
Basically I worry that when the next living story thing comes out, and draws people off to whatever the next grind-zerg-farm thing is, we’re going to find whole maps made uninhabitable by invasions. Most zones don’t have a constant high population so when hundreds of mobs pile in for best part of an hour how are the few world completers or levellers meant to cope?
I bet that’s going to be fun for people trying to do their world completion or just level up in a few weeks when the next living story farm-o-matic draws the zergs off the invasions. At random you’ll have a zone turned into an uninhabitable mob-fest.
Any chance of this fairly important issue being solved, or is everyone too busy designing more weapon skins and writing stories?
My opinion on the cutscenes?
Add a skip button, please.
Gonna come right out and ask;
Is there ANY risk of something to be working for besides yet more weapon skins and pointless minipets in the near future?
Enough, seriously. How many weapons do you think we’re skinning here? Not to mention they are, mostly ghastly and horrifically overpriced, there just isn’t a need for set upon set of new weapon skins.
How about some armour? New skills? Emotes?
“It’s extremely important that we stay true to our philosophy that you should be able to play Guild Wars 2 the way you want to play the game in order to reach the most powerful rewards.”
This one sentence gives me hope for my future with this game.
Until I can play and NOT look like I bought my armour at Reggie’s Discount Trenchcoat Bazaar, then I can’t play the way I want
The reason this brings up such a lot of negativity is because it rings VERY strongly of a certain company a lot of people were very happy to be shot of in a recent game, where everything was ‘soon’ or ‘coming soon’. We were told of a huge update in January with tonnes of whatnot including Fractals fixes. Then, early January were told there’d be a ‘small’ update in January, mostly paving the way for patches in February. Now we’re being told all this is stuff they’d ‘like’ to put in ‘in the first half of 2013’.
Everything is made to sound very exciting and imminent and edge of your seat but when you cut through the PR spin you’ll realise there is very little info, very vague hints of things that might come to pass at an undisclosed time.
UNDERpromise, OVERdeliver guys, you’re doing it the other way round. Don’t tell us something’s coming January unless you’re going to have it ready in December!
Still out.
It seems the much needed changes to fractals (unable to reconnect) are being pushed back to ‘sometime in the first half of the year’.
No mention of any half decent armour skins? I’m really fed up of just hanging on hoping the next patch will stop the game looking so generic and boring.
You have a pretty solid combat system but there is just nothing to back it up!
Lol that’s so cute
“Anyhow, it’s your opinion to dislike the costumes, but that’s that. I love mine, and that’s my opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Let’s just leave it at that and not make stupid posts on the forum.Just keep it to yourself if you don’t like it. No one’s forcing you to buy the attire.”
What you are basically saying here is exactly what I have been endeavoring not to – to say ‘this is my opinion, yours is wrong’.
If it is a ‘stupid post’ to come to the OFFICIAL FORUM to let the DEVELOPERS know that I, personally, do not like something in game, then what is the correct method? Youtube video? Sky-writing? What you’ve basically said is; I like it so your opinion doesn’t matter. That’s good for you, and you’ll notice I never once said the existing option shouldn’t be there. I asked for more variety, catering to tastes beyond just your own or my own.
Upper-class, conservative and victorian is all well and lovely but it is not what everyone thinks of or wants to see, and forcing it down our throats as the only option is just irritating. There used to be so much variety in the original game.
I totally agree it is down to personal taste, the problem is I don’t see anything to appeal to a lot tastes, including my own. It seems to me the skins and art for them are all aimed at a quite narrow range of tastes.
I, probably like many others, was all excited at the mention of some festive costumes.
However, after seeing what’s been created, No. Just No.
Why can we not have anything fun, attractive, slinky, even just REMOTELY CHRISTMAS-y?
Why is it that, like basically every skin in the game, we get boring blargh? I’m not saying we need 18+ armour or clothes but something with a little more appeal than ‘Mary Poppins goes walking in the snow’.
Quite a bit of the rest of the Wintersday event is really cool, but it has always been one of the most fun parts of gaming events (for me and my fiance, too) to enjoy them in costumes or festive skins which are attractive and interesting. I don’t understand why the style of dress in this game has to be so monotonous, drab and conservative.
This costume is something you need us to pay gems for, yet to my eyes there is absolutely no incentive. I have plenty of cash (real money) to throw at the store for some nice skins yet there just aren’t any being offered. Do you not want my money? :’(