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Shouts misbehaving?

in Guardian

Posted by: alcor.2635


Has anyone else noticed that, in dungeons for example, people standing right next to you don’t receive any boons from your shouts?

I regularly do dungeons together with some friends, including a Mesmer and a Necromancer, so my best guess is that there is a target limitation on all shouts (even if it doesn’t say so in the tooltip) but no prioritisation, so some of those five charges get used up by minions/clones.

I’ve wondered for a while now if I’m just missing something, if I overestimate the range or if there could be LoS issues, but by now I am fairly sure that that is not the case.
Recently I had a case where one guy in a dungeon was standing maybe 2m away from me in an open field, he had no boons on him, I used ‘Hold the Line’, and he still had nothing on (others who were further away did receive the boons though). I can’t think of any other reason than minions/clones/NPCs eating up charges (last time I checked all of those were able to receive boons from my shouts).
It is also fairly annoying when using the ‘Pure of Voice’ trait to remove a condition with a shout, since it can make you (or others) have to waste multiple abilities for condition removal when it could simply be done with one shout.

If the issue is indeed the charges being wasted on non-players, then this definitely either needs a priority system that prioritizes PCs over everything else, or non-players should not be able to be affected by abilities that can only affect a limited number of targets.

I had already posted a thread about this in the Bug Report forum a few days ago, however it didn’t get a lot of attention, so I’m trying again here and hope that I’m not just crazy/overlooked something simple in my observations.

Keeping all Explorable mode dungeon paths viable

in Suggestions

Posted by: alcor.2635


So the recent fuss about CoF, as well as my own experience in AC had me wonder what can or will be done to not end up in a situation where
a) Everyone is running a specific dungeon because it’s an easy and fast way to get tokens or
b) In a given dungeon, one path will be easier than the others and will therefore be the one that most groups will want to run, especially if you aren’t a group of five people that know each other and have to find others

I personally don’t think that it is a very desirable situation to have some explorable paths mostly vacant, and I doubt that there will really be a situation where there is no path that is easier than the other two.

My suggestion is to simply have an option to choose a random path, which gives a few extra tokens and maybe a bit of extra money too.
I think this would keep dungeons more interesting in the long run, and also provide a bit more of a challenge since you won’t know where you’ll have to go in advance

Shouts affecting NPCs/Minions instead of players

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: alcor.2635


I’ve noticed this for a while now in dungeons that the other party members would not receive any boons from my shouts, even when they were standing basically right next to me. This affects both shouts that have target limitations printed in the tooltip as well as those who don’t (at least some of them… it’s sometimes difficult to say who exactly was in range in combat situations).

I have also noticed that NPCs, Minions, Clones etc are affected by boons, so I think that the most likely explanation is that those are eating up the max. number of targets that a shout can affect.

This can be quite annoying and actually lead to people dying, so I think it’d be great if
a) Shouts (and maybe all abilities with a limited number of targets, though I’m not sure how others work with NPCs around) should only affect other PCs
b) Every Skill with a target limitation should prioritize PCs over NPCs

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: alcor.2635


I don’t think that the problem that most people have is with the length of encounters on its own, especially not those people who come from a raiding background. The problem isn’t that everyone wants free loot from encounters that last a minute at the most either (well, I’m sure there are those who want that too though). The problem is that you have some more or less random mobs and some bosses who basically only have one “ability”, which is “extremely high health”. It just gets really boring if there isn’t really any mechanic to a fight and it still takes 10 minutes.

So what I think most people are actually asking for are encounters with engaging mechanics that are not unfair – as in, no one shots that can’t be avoided (I don’t know if those really exist or if I and others simply haven’t found the right way to avoid them yet) and that keep the fight interesting. I’m sure that it would help a lot if bosses had multiple phases and/or were using different abilities at different times and so on.
Not being able to alt-tab while fighting without consequences would go a long way in making dungeons a lot more fun and engaging.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: alcor.2635


I’ve been getting some crashes as well, however all of mine seem to happen in cities, namely Lion’s Arch and Hoelbrak (I haven’t been to the other cities for a significant amount of time yet).
I haven’t had any crash anywhere else in the world, and those in a city seem to happen rather randomly. I had a few crashes while I was tabbed with GW2 in the background, other while running around or while using the trading post.

My Windows installation is only a few days old, and I’ve kept myself from installing any software that I don’t need for the time being, so that I can hopefully rule out software issues on my end as the cause. Hardware issues are still possible though, I suppose.

Anyway, Game Advisor log and GW2 crashlog are attached!