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I have a laptop (Lenovo y50-70) that I use now for everything gaming, work, studies and so on but I think it would be much nicer to have a separate gaming pc because otherwise I need to switch between different operating systems which takes some time.
I don’t know a lot about a good game pc build, I don’t know much about amd vs intel. The only thing I want is a price around 600 euros, I know a very good site where I can buy good game pcs (I could build a pc on my own but these prices of the pcs they sell are very low already)
So if someone could give me some general advice would be greatly appreciated, otherwise the options this site has (dragoncomputers) are, they all are around 600euro:
- AMD FX 6300 6-Core 6×3.5Ghz Nvidia Geforce GTX970-4GB graphic card 500GB HDD 8GB DDR3 DVDRW
- AMD FX 8320 8-Core 8×3.2Ghz Nvidia Geforce GTX960 2GB graphic card 500GB SATA3 HDD 8GB DDR3 DVDRW
- Intel Core i5 4460 4-Core 4×3.2GHz Nvidia Geforce GTX 950 2GB graphic card razendsnelle 250GB SSD 8GB DDR3 DVDRW
- AMD FX-8350 8-Core 8×4.0GHz (turbo: 4.2Ghz) R9 380-2GB graphic card 500GB SATA3 HDD 8GB DDR3 DVDRW
- AMD FX-6300 6-Core 6×3.5GHz (turbo: 4.1Ghz) XFX 380X 4GB graphic card superfast 250GB SSD 8GB DDR3 DVDRW
(edited by ares.1032)
I’m just saying it’s pretty kitten annoying for someone who only does pvp and wvw that you need to spend a lot of time doing things that you don’t like due to a stupid system.
I came back from a break and wanted to play the game again (I have HoT expansion) but I realized I don’t have a single hero point on any character while I have 10.5k Achievement points and rank 670 in wvw (I also don’t have any Proofs of Heroics). I looked up how to get these hero points because I need 250hero points/character and came to the conclusion that I need to do a lot of pve, probably months or no life wvw and get 1 hero points each wvw rank.
I dislike to do pve, so my only option is to do wvw but how long will this take for 2000 hero points. I have tons of tomes of knowledge but apparently these don’t give hero points.
Anyone else getting frustrated by this? Or am I missing something because otherwise I am very very disappointed.
I am wondering if there is a tric or some traits you use to let your pet crit insane high.
I see wolfs can do like 12k + crit on celestial amulets.
and drakes can do 8.5k +.
well it’s kinda sad, but i’ll go with force over air then…
My ping is 40 average, it has nothing to do with delay and it happens only sometimes like 1/20 but it’s gamebreaking ofcourse in fights.
I’m using rune of the pack
I don’t do any other damage obviously you can see that in the combat log.
I’m using also sigil of blood sometimes ectually, so probably this sigil gets you revealed? If it is so it should be fixed.
It’s very glassy, but if you want to go for full condi burst chaining I should go entangle with spider pet, some classes will melt insta if they dont have port or stability up, you need wolf also or pink moa to cc.
And you need rune of the krait.
in a 1v1 with optimal positioning trapper ranger is really fun to play.
But you need to be carried by thief or ele or guard for movement.
I posted some days ago about a hunter’s shot bugg, but they moved my post and no one will look at it anymore I guess. Some people reacted some obvious things about hunter’s shot, but I’m clearly talking about a bug and not something I overseen/missed/didn’t know.
As you see in the picture, the only skill I use is hunter’s shot. the last hunter’s shot I used I got a crit and an air sigil proc. But that has nothing to do why I got revealed, Directly after shooting hunter’s shot I started to jump, and I got revealed.
Now this does not happen if I get stealth from mesmer/thief it only happens with hunter’s shot.
So it is clearly a bugg, here is a picture of me shooting a hunter’s shot and direclty getting revelead by jumping around.
As you see I did not use any other skill as hunter’s shot.
It’s quite obvious,
So my pet is in guard modus, I do 1 kitten with hunter’s shot and for some reason I get direclty revealed after I got my stealth without doing anything else, It happens sometimes when I crit without air/fire proc.
This is my first post on the forums, so I don’t really know if it’s ok to bug report here.
There is a really really annoying bug that hunter’s shot gets you revealed a millisecond after you get stealth, this only happens when traited with lead the wind.
I bought this game from the beginning, every time Anet released a new update for guild wars 2 I lost some hope. Hope in this game, every time there was something wrong with the update/release.
How comes this, I ask myself, is Anet just selfish? or cant they never ever release a solid update that contains only few buggs?
Today after 16th march update I was sick of this, PVP is bugged all the way, your screen freezes everytime you open pvp panel ingame, People getting random dcs, and if you reroll in the begintimer you cant get in anymore. Also guild panel is bugged all they way, cant talk in my own guild, i got error message “you are not representing any guild”.
And when does Anet finally fix the servers in pvp? People will loose faith…
I know this is another salty post, i just hope with alot of posts like this, anet will do something about it.
I just began with the game, i’m lvl 9 asura elementalist and i’m looking for a dutch guid.