Showing Highly Rated Posts By asperbianca.3196:
I agree with Blackhand with the statement that travel costs are not an issue. At level 80, and currently working on exploring the world, I hardly use the waypoints unless I die or want to travel large distances; example: traveling from Wayfarer Foothills to Frostgorge Sound for Jormag. I would rather run around and help random players with events as I complete different zones than run around and see no one because they are all free porting everywhere.
As with the numerous people who have stated, I agree that waypoint fees should stay because they help to keep the economy from becoming too inflated. Outside of repair costs, there is nothing in the game that is a constant coin sink. Gathering items are not needed, so they’re not constant; there are no potions to replenish mana or health, another sink not there; gear upgrades can be achieved through mob drops, yet another sink removed. Removal of the waypoint fees will eliminate one of the few coin sinks that this game has.
@Acewing: If you die and need to go to a waypoint that costs 1.38 silver, but you only have .75 silver, you’ll have 0 silver when you spawn. At least, that’s happened to me once or twice, I’m not sure if it was suppose to though.
All in all, the game hasn’t even been out for a month yet, officially and not pre-release, give it some time for the economies of the game to set themselves up naturally before complaining about things. Granted each server will have its own economy that is set up via the trading post and chat merchants, but regardless of the situation, the waypoint fees are need to help prevent the economies from getting too far out of hand. If anything, the fee should adjust to the distance traveled with re-spawning from defeated being a factor in cost. I could see adjusting the travel costs if you have the region map completed, but I cannot justify eliminating the fees all together.
If you have problems affording the travel costs, you can either take the cheap route as outlined earlier or devise new ways to increase your purse. Instead of hoarding everything, sell the things that you do not use and the things that you will not use for a long while. If you find yourself dying often, and ultimately spending a lot on repair costs, re-work your build, armor set up, and/or play style. Making money is not as hard as some people are making it out to be.
Edit: Another thing that should be considered when discussing removing the waypoint fees, after the region map has been completed, is the fact that wealth of the general population will increase as more players complete new maps. A rise in wealth, usually, coincides with a rise in inflation and eventually an economical collapse. Even though the removal of the fees appears to be a good idea in the short term, it will only be detrimental in the grander scheme of things.
(edited by asperbianca.3196)
DeathbySanta has to be the best playername that I have seen so far. It makes it even better knowing that the character looks like Santa as well.
[Suggestions] User Interface and General Functionality of Game Features
in Suggestions
Posted by: asperbianca.3196
Provide Options to Hide, Individually:
1. Chat box
2. Mini-map
3. Quest list
4. Party window (even the little head that’s there when not in a party)
5. Skill/utility bar
This is for those players who like to run with immersion. I am well aware that you can hide the entire interface, but there have been times where I wanted to hide just one thing and not have to lose everything else. The party ‘head’, for example, annoys me, to no end, sitting there when I am not in a party.
Improve Party List:
1. Indicate party leader in party list.
2. Show avatars of party members even if they are not in the same area.
3. Indicate health and conditions of party members, even if they are not in the same area.
This would allow party members to better assist their squad-mates, if need be, without having to be in the same region. For example: Member A has to go to Lion’s Arch and Player B chooses to stay in Sparkfly Fen. While Member A is in Lion’s Arch, Player B becomes a little overwhelmed with enemies; Member A notices the fluctuations of conditions and health of Player B and rushes to their aid, dropping what they were doing in Lion’s Arch.
Mini Pets:
1. Allow players to name their mini pets.
2. Allow players to manage mini pets in a manner similar to a ranger’s pets.
3. Allow players to change out their mini pets without having to carry them in their inventory.
4. Allow players to identify a key-bind to summon/de-summon their mini pets.
5. Allow mini-pets, not summons, to retrieve loot when the player is downed, but not when defeated.
Managing mini pets in a similar manner to how a ranger would manage theirs would allow the player to have access to all of their mini pets, at all times, without needing to carry them around. They would still be placed in the collection tab of the bank but could be accessed, anywhere, with a key-bind.
These features would allow for more player customization.
I say pets, and not summons, simply because a summon is nothing more than a spell used to conjure a spectral being. A spell, going based on lore (not GW lore), is no longer in effect when the caster is dead. When down, the caster would be too weak to be able to support the manifestation of the summon; not to mention the fact that they would be too focused on reviving themselves to do much of anything else. I was contemplating suggesting that this work for defeated players as well but decided not to on the grounds that the player is defeated, they can do nothing more than go back to town.
Add a Difficulty Toggle to Dungeons:
1. Difficulty of dungeons can be adjusted to the number of players inside of the instance:
A). Low – 1 to 2 players
B). Medium – 3 to 4 players
C). High – 5+ players (just in case they choose to increase the party size)
I have run across several players, myself included, who like to spend a portion of their time doing things alone, with the option of talking to, and including, other people. I believe that it is reasonable to allow ‘solo players’ to play the game without being limited to what they can, or cannot, do because of game design. I am not advocating that the dungeons be re-worked into cake walks; an adjustment method would be sufficient. Also, in an attempt to prevent exploitation, the following measure(s) can be taken:
1. The difficulty of the dungeon would self adjust according to the members inside of the instance. Meaning: if the dungeon is opened on ‘high’, and one player leaves, the difficulty would re-adjust to ‘medium’ to accommodate the smaller party size; this would work vice-versa as well.
2. Difficulty toggle would only be applicable to story mode.
(edited by asperbianca.3196)
World events, such as Jormag and Shadow Behemoth, have lost all of their luster due to extreme lag brought on by an overwhelming amount people attending these events; a good sum of which are guests from other servers. There have even been people bragging about guesting to different servers, on all of their characters, to be able to grab the chest numerous times a day, when it’s only suppose to be once a day, per character.
Would it be plausible that world events be adjusted to:
account wide – once a day, per account, regardless of server
only attainable on home servers
It’s not fair to the ‘home worlders’ to be forced out of these events because of this lag.
It also causes ‘home worlders’ to get stuck on overflow servers. We shouldn’t be forced to wait to join the real server because x amount of people from y servers decide to pay a visit to our server to exploit the guesting feature.
(edited by asperbianca.3196)
I believe that in the case of waypoints, less is more.
In the original Guild Wars you were able to map travel to towns and outposts, never specific areas on the map.Sometimes you had to even travel across an entire zone before you could make it to the zone where you were headed, and then make it to your destination.
Maps like The Falls are a good example of this.
Even if you made it to the falls by crossing a few other areas first, there was only one resurrection shrine right at the entrance to the zone….. so after you traveled 20 minutes or so into the zone, if you died you were sent all the way back to the beginning of the area.
It adds a sense of exploration.
A desire to fight and stay alive.Players should be traveling/playing the game a little more instead of waypointing everywhere they want to go.
The only problem with implementing this now is that removing waypoints will no-doubt receive backlash from the community.
Maybe in the future we will see “resurrection points” instead of waypoints on newer maps.
They would essentially be waypoints that only work when you are dead and already on that particular map.
Anyway…. I like the lack of waypoints.
Good decision.
Who are you to tell us what we should do? I rather prefer waypointing everywhere, it’s more time efficient. After exploring the entire world map, on three characters, to 100%, I don’t want to have to run everywhere anymore.
(edited by asperbianca.3196)
Before I go on to explain my ‘fix’ let me make it clear that this covers all stealth in the game, it is not focused specifically on thieves. Let me also make it known that I play a thief, so I am well aware of its mechanics.
I am not calling for a nerf. However, I am suggesting that stealth be adjusted to reflect more realistic scenarios; basically, if damage is done to the target, stealth is deactivated.
Stealth should not be able to hide smoke and/or flames from burning damage
Stealth should not be able to hide blood (damage)
Stealth should be used as an escape mechanism, but deactivated once hit again
In real life scenarios, if your cover(stealth) is blown, then people know where you are. That simple principle should apply to the stealth mechanic in the game as well. There is nothing more annoying than looking at your damage log, seeing that you’re hitting something, but don’t know where it is. The inability to be able to find your target, after contact has already been made, leads to shooting blindly into the area around you and ultimately turns you into a sitting duck.
Slightly, and I mean slightly, increase the cool down on stealth, and change it to where stealth is deactivated upon taking damage, and the issue with ‘perma-stealth’ thieves will be no more. Just make the cool down long enough for the client to cull the fall back model for more than half a second…
I’m sure there are a lot of players out there that have a large stack of transmutation stones collecting dust in their banks; I’m one of them. However, I never seem to have enough Fine Transmutation Stones. I would like to suggest that we be able to combine Basic Transmutation Stones, along with something like a Mystic Forge Stone, in the Mystic Forge to create Fine Transmutation Stones.
I’m the kind of player that likes to travel from one point of Tyria to the complete opposite side of Tyria. However, I don’t like to be forced to waste time looking for the waypoint I’m trying to get to. I would really like to be able to ‘bookmark’ my favorite waypoints to make my worldwide travel that much easier.
I know that this is a game but I am sure that most of us here are old enough to maintain a certain level of maturity. All of this ‘chest thumping’ is rather childish and highly uncalled for; it belittles the guilds of the people doing it. And it is this action that makes me hate going into WvW, despite being in a WvW guild; I want no part in the stirring of the pot; I stay in the WvW guild because I still like the organization that isn’t held elsewhere. Until the time comes when an absolute best can be declared, stick your pride in your back pockets and enjoy the game; stop wasting your time on the forums that don’t give you bags. :P
@ Vasyl and Kasei:
As far as I am aware, Guild Wars 2 was designed for players of all types; at least I believe that that was said at some point while the game was still in development. This would be inclusive of solo players as well. While I agree that world event bosses, and possibly even ‘end game’ champions, should not be solo-able, I will go on to state that dungeons should have a difficulty toggle of some sort so that players who wish to solo, everything, can do so. Even though I have come to terms that I am being forced to find a group to finish my story quest, I do not agree with that fact; it has been just my boyfriend and I the entire length of the story, thus far, and I would like it to be just me and him upon completion as well.
Since I couldn’t figure out where to put to this, I decided to put it here. I apologize if this is the wrong location.
I think that the forums could use a few sub-forums to make navigation a little easier when looking for threads related to a specific topic. I know that there is a search feature, but even that can be a hassle some times. The two areas where I have seen where forum sections would be incredibly useful are the Crafting and Guilds forums. The Crafting forum can be broken down into professions and the Guilds forums could be broken down into servers. It becomes a headache looking for things in those two areas and having to sift through all of the needless information located in them.
Also, it would be nice to be able sort the forums by number of replies, number of views, and popularity (adding a “helpful/like” feature to posts).
(edited by asperbianca.3196)
FYI, the players using the mango pies, for example, aren’t invincible; they’re just really hard to kill.
In response to Ronah:
That argument would be equivalent to asking the public transit authority why they charge you to transport you from point a to point b; you are paying for a service that is not needed, but provided for convenience, even though there are other, and cheaper, options available. Waypoints are a convenient service, that in all reality are not even needed for map exploration. You can walk, run, or swim to every location in the world in GW2; waypoints are provided if you want to cut travel time down. You don’t have to ‘farm events’, or even mobs for that matter, to afford travel costs; there are more ways to make money in the game other than farming. A lot of people seem to be making a big deal out of travel costs when they are trivial when compared to repair costs, at times, and are acting like it would take hours to ground up enough coin to be able to afford to travel to the waypoint a few feet away. Services aren’t free, they have to be paid for, this is a fact of life.
If anything, the travel costs, as well as the repair costs, in this game are much cheaper than they were in the last one I played. To travel from the North District, in the hub city, to the South District, of the same city, was 500 gold; to travel from the hub city to a major city was 1000 gold; to travel from major city to major city was also 1000 gold; and to travel from the hub city to the gates of heaven and hell was 5000 gold. Repair costs, after wars and such, were usually around 30,000 gold; and after dungeon runs, around 5,000 – 8,000 gold. The economy of the server that I played was inflated to the point where it took hours, and some times days, of repeating dungeons to work up enough gold to purchase other needed items; it took a few hours, usually, just to have enough gold to repair my gear, buy mana/health pots, and ammunition. So take a closer look at how laid back and stress free GW2 is when compared to other MMOs.
Another thing that should be done is stop comparing GW2 to GW1. Even though GW2 is a ‘sequel’, it still takes place in a time years after the setting of GW1, a lot of things can happen during that time. Not to mention the fact that GW2 is a completely different game than GW1, despite it being a sequel per se.
@ lookitsandrea:
I am forever porting back and forth to help out friends in various regions. I will be the first to admit that it does get pricey after a while, but I have no issues paying the porting fee because I know that my friend will appreciate the help that I will give them. I share this same philosophy in game and in real life; when friends, family, need help, I will do what I can to aid them as long as it does not put me in a binding situation or run me broke.
@RebelYell: Unfortunately, MMOs do not revolve around any single player. The developers, staff, and those responsible for the upkeep need to ensure that the MMO is up to snuff with the majority in mind, while keeping in consideration the minorities that will be affected by any change that is implemented in the game. If the only thing that you work for, in game, is turning your gold into gems, then good for you; not every other player shares that same goal. Not to seem snide or arrogant, but if you desire a game that revolves around you, I would recommend a FPS or a console game. That way you can do whatever you want without it affecting anyone else, but you will still be restricted by the constraints of the game.
(edited by asperbianca.3196)
I run 30/15/10/0/5 on my ele and I tend to outlast a vast majority of the people around me in WvW. I’ve got around 3400 attack power, 50% crit, and 75% crit damage without food. I do, however, have to kite a lot. It requires a lot of moving, dodging, and blasting staff helps out a lot. I’ve never been one to follow a specific build; the thing I like most about GW2 is the versatility in builds that compliment player styles.
[Suggestions] User Interface and General Functionality of Game Features
in Suggestions
Posted by: asperbianca.3196
Incorporate a Duel Skill System
1. Make it to where each skill would have a slightly different effect in PvE versus PvP.
*Skill A (PvE) does 300 damage and cripples target for 6 seconds
*Skill A (PvP) does 250 damage and cripples target for 4 seconds
This would prevent anymore skills from getting nerfed due to being ‘too powerful’. This could also, potentially, make it less tedious for some players to participate in PvP because they would not have to re-spec their traits/gear as often.
Incorporate a ‘Save Trait Build’ feature:
1. Allow players to save one to two trait builds that can be accessed via the Profession Trainer.
2. To save a trait build, the player would be charged (x) amount of coin for the first save; the second save would require a fee (y) amount of coin. The fee would be adjusted according to the level of the player; the second save would be (x) percentage higher than the first. Any save after the second would cost the same amount as the second save did.
3. Saving a new trait build, after the existing save slots have been used, would overwrite an existing save. The player would be asked which save they wished to overwrite.
Allowing players to do so would allow them to quickly access various trait builds without needing to reset their trait points to fulfill different roles. This would be helpful to players who participate in WvW, sPvP, and for those who perform different roles in parties.
Incorporate a Rotating Skill Bar for Keys 6 to 0:
1. Would work in the same manner as weapon swapping for the 1 through 5 keys, including a similar cool down to swap skill bars.
2. Would allow players to adjust their utilities, in real time, with the environment.
3. Would only include a secondary skill bar to swap to.
4. Could not be used in WvW and sPvP.
This feature would allow another layer of customization to players. To help avoid exploitation, the cool down to swap utility bars could be slightly higher than that of weapon swapping. This feature would also allow players to set one utility bar for one purpose and the second for another.
There have been numerous times, mid-battle, when I have wished that I had set my utility bar to be more defensive rather than the general offensive set-up that I normally use. I am aware that incorporating this would chance the dynamics of combat; however, I believe that it will help to put more coin into the pockets of the players by lowering the amount of repair bills acquired because of being unable to change stances mid-battle.
Implement Dungeon Finder
I am well aware that this has been mentioned numerous times before but I have yet to see a suggestion that would work effectively. So I suggest implementing one that is similar to either the dungeon finder in Dragon Nest or the one in Forsaken World; I do apologize if a similar suggestion has already been made.
Dragon Nest Example:
Players A, B, and C form a party for Y dungeon and add a post, to a bulletin, requesting more members. The party leader can request, in the description, a specific class/build to fill the spot(s). Players D and E join the party; the leader can either approve the addition or remove the new players and wait for ones who fit the supplied description.
Forsaken World Example:
Players A, B, C, D and E all sign up for a queue system, indicating that they are looking for a party for Y dungeon. The queue system sends a small pop up window to the players indicating that it has found them a party for Y dungeon. The player can either approve or deny the invitation. If approved, the player is placed in a party with the other players that requested the same dungeon. If denied, the queue system will continue to look for players until the party has been filled. Once the party is full, the queue system will teleport the players to the entrance of the dungeon.
Both systems would allow the individual party members to continue doing their individual tasks while looking for a party for dungeon Y. There would be no more loitering around various maps, spamming map chat, looking for a party for dungeon Y.
I already play one one F2P game, I’d rather GW2 stay the way it is. The F2P game that I play is so out of balance, when you compare the cash shoppers to the free players, that it’s not funny. The free players are nothing but cannon fodder and it’s really hard to for the company attract new players to the game with how messed up the in game economy is; everything is ran by the cash shoppers. Personally, I have put over two grand into that game and that pales in comparison to what other players have invested in it.
I have since stopped putting money into games where the player can buy the upper hand. It’s no fun when you cheat to get to the top.
You should be able to gain every achievement related to the Halloween events.
@ RebelYell:
That was not meant as a reason to justify a ‘detrimental gameplay change’, as you so eloquently put it. It was a personal observation, and opinion, nothing more. Anyone who infers it as such does so on their own.
@ Ronah:
To offer another solution, would you rather pay an obscene amount of coin to use Asura gates, if it meant that waypoints were free? The gates are a technology that was created to aid in travel, but the Asura put them everywhere and demanded nothing in return, as far as I know. Now keep in mind, that this scenario also includes that one Asura gate is located in each region of the world map and it is not possible to use waypoints to travel between regions or cities; the only way to get to the city is through the Asura gate and the only way that you would be able to move from one region to another is by walking through the portals at the edges of the map. Personally, I would rather pay to use the waypoints than being stuck with that scenario. I’m not saying that the game should be ruled by “banksters” or anything of that nature, but I am saying that it shouldn’t be free. I’m fully supportive of adjusting the cost according to distance, map completion, etc., but any service provided should come with a fee. And if you really want to get into the “fantasy game” talk, where are my unicorns and my ability to fly? I wouldn’t mind being able to fly everywhere, but I’m not going around asking for it either.
All in all, if Anet were to implement everything that people have requested/demanded over the past couple of weeks, then this game would: 1. not make much sense, 2. have a lot of incredibly rich players with nothing to spend their money on, 3. extinct species running everywhere, 4. possess nothing to keep players interested or interest new players in joining.
Yes, whether it is liked or not, MMOs need things to act as a counter-agent to general population wealth, a.k.a. coin sinks. How these coin sinks are implemented are an entirely different topic. Instead of complaining about how “pricey” they are or saying “GW1 didn’t have them, so I don’t want them in GW2,” try offering different solutions. Not only does it help validate your argument, but it can also help to incur a change that almost everyone can be happy with. I see so many people appearing to want GW2 to be like ‘every other game on the market’, including GW1, but I’m not playing ‘every other game on the market’, and don’t want to be either; I am happy with GW2.
I’ve played PWI for just as long!
And I wasn’t discounting what you had said, my response was a mere generalization. I do agree though, I’d rather not see gear being sold in the cash shop…
I would love to have kitten ears!!!
Wouldn’t mind a rabbit costume of sorts either. hint hint