(edited by bababear.9630)
Showing Posts For bababear.9630:
some new story would be nice, but I won’t hold my breath. I’m sure we’ll get the same 5min instance as 2013/2014, some better rewards instead of a recolored mini perhaps?
I’m trying to stay excited, since Halloween is my favorite event in game, and care more about it than HoT tbh lol. But I won’t get my hopes too high .
(edited by bababear.9630)
I remember back in the days when people complained like mad about them doing gemstore updates and thus “wasted their time on developing stuff for the gemstore rather than playable content”.
It’s almost as if different people have different opinions and want different things, incredible.
I would kill for a gem store update, especially with HoT having no release date. I only started playing about 40 days ago, game feels like a dead game. Nothing has changed since I started playing, and I imagine it feels the same way for other newbies.
Feels like the game is dead for me too and I’ve been playing since oct 2012.
I understand they’re “busy finishing HoT” (which we still don’t have a release date for lol) but I was under the impression there were different teams working on different things and not every single person was working on HoT. Idk how game companies work tho so I’m probably dumb :’D
I believe the statement that they are able to produce content for
the regular updates.LS,etc and develop a expansion at the same time,
has gone out the window from the 200th floor and is still making it’s
way to the ground where it’ll be pulverized.
makes sense lol
I understand they’re “busy finishing HoT” (which we still don’t have a release date for lol) but I was under the impression there were different teams working on different things and not every single person was working on HoT. Idk how game companies work tho so I’m probably dumb :’D
As that_shaman said, it’s been 42 days since we got a Gemstore update. I think everyone was used to getting new stuff every 1-2 weeks so I just wondered if anyone knew of a reason or had heard anything why it hadn’t been updated in such a while?
Hello!, I am posting this on behalf of TheKillerFruit.2513, He has opened a ticket regarding his account being suspended following a suspicious login attempt coming out of China (Ticket number 1401021), A representative (GM ImaginaryPixel) has emailed him a list of steps to take and then to reply outlining those steps. He has done so, scanning his computer twice over, changing both his client and email passwords and looking through the articles regarding a hacked account. It has been over 5 days since he has heard anything from GM ImaginaryPixel and over a week since he originally opened the ticket, The next step would be to post to this thread inquiring about aid to un-suspend his account and get him playing again! He understands that you are busy and he is not the only one with issues, however he has been waiting eagerly for help and none has come. Thank you very much for your help on this matter and he looks forward to your response
I’m just sad that, as a relatively new player, my chances of beta testing are non-existent.
But its not non-existent, beta players were picked from people who signed up to the newsletter, they’re not looking at your account history or how long you’ve been playing
this community I s2g lmao
Status update would be very nice, people are expecting it tomorrow so even if you just said ‘no, not tomorrow’ it would be better than silence :x
Better than silence.
You must be new to these here boards.
Silence is the norm on these kinds of things. Its in their policy even.
Nope I’m not new at all l o l
I know how arenanet is with this type of thing, and its irritating, I said it would be better if they could at least say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, not that I expected we’d hear either of those things or any response
Status update would be very nice, people are expecting it tomorrow so even if you just said ‘no, not tomorrow’ it would be better than silence :x
Is there any new info on when we’ll get this patch :< next Tuesday would be nice but I get the feeling we’ll be waiting longer.
Since I have decided to server hop once again back to NA I’d like to find a guild I could join with to do WvW/Dungeons/Fractals (my personal level is 34 iirc, I have 45 AR on my guardian and 50 on Mesmer/Necro/Ele)
I’m hoping to find an EU based guild (or one that has members who are in EU) as I usually play starting from 7pm gmt till 2-3am and would rather not be alone while others are asleep/at work/school.
I’m hoping to find a mature guild, size doesn’t really matter to me, an LGBTQ friendly guild would be where I feel most comfortable and is quite important to me.
I will probably be moving to TC or JQ
Please reply here or shoot me a message in-game if you think you have what I’m looking for.
(edited by bababear.9630)
If you listen closely, it sounds almost identical to Ogden. Probably is, with some sfx effects and distortion layered on.
Ah ok, then I guess it’s Fred Tatasciore like I thought
but because I noticed he sounded like Mad king thorn :’>
I wondered if one of the devs could let me know who the voice actor for Turai Ossa is? Even though he doesn’t say much the voice sounds v familiar and I think I know who it might be.
The other option for the gloves is the PvP reward track, but that for alot of people is also boring/unpleasant. I don’t mind grinding for the other pieces I guess since I only want heavy and light but I think its a shame we can’t just repeat it on alts :/ hopefully they’ll see feedback and reconsider but I wont get my hopes up
Thanks for the fix! I was hoping it would be fixed during the new sale and it was~ really glad that you listen to player feedback
please fix this, its really annoying when I want to take nice screenshots of my characters, for every other race they fit perfectly in the frame, for Norn its WAY too high, doesn’t matter what height the character is, I’d really love to see it changed/fixed
@kokiman they’re not two small updates, the Halloween patch was on the 21st, this is just new stuff in the gemstore, don’t be expecting a small patch with new content tonight
In regards to your posts about the instance, She doesn’t remember Edrick because she’s never met him before, there are no records on him (aside from whatever Baron Wycker has, and that just mentions a prince, and as far as I know not Edrick by name) and since this is just the repeat of last years instance, she doesn’t know of his existence before this moment, that line where she says she can’t remember his weakness is a mistake/oversight on Anet’s part and doesn’t make sense, there’s nothing for her to ‘remember’ because again, she knows nothing about him.
I’m disappointed that there was no new story content at all this year, I know Halloween will basically be the same each year but I was hoping that was referring to Lunatic inquisition and the labyrinth, last year it really did seem from the stream that they would build and expand on this story (its not like they have nothing to work with) hopefully next year will be different, because I really really love the lore/story of Halloween and want to see more of it, and I’m sure there are Arenanet people who feel the same.
I highly doubt anyone from Anet will see/respond to this but, two things kinda confuse me about Halloween this year.
1; In the first instance with the Bloody Prince, a few of Tassi’s lines were altered/added, for one, during the fight she says “He has a weakness, but I can’t remember what it it. Keep him busy while I figure this out!” now, if this were a different fight/instance from last year, that line would make sense, however, she says herself she’s never heard of him (never met him before/didn’t know the Mad King had a son) so I’m finding this kinda confusing :x
2; Secondly, on the wiki it says that Mad King Thorn is able to return to Tyria for one day a year, now, I assume this year Anet have him in Lion’s arch for the whole two weeks to give more people the chance to play Mad King says and get the Achievement/mask. But, since this doesn’t really add up with previous story/lore, a little explanation would have been nice, or idk.
Also, I don’t remember if he was doing this last year or not, but I’ve been told he’s also in other areas of Tyria, bothering the impersonators of him in the starting areas and telling his jokes, is there any story/lore reason why he’s moving to different areas now, was he doing it last year/2012 too?
Halloween is my favourite ‘holiday’ in-game, if we only get to replay last years content I’m going to be incredibly disappointed, the lore of it was interesting, but a few minutes of fighting?? it was kinda dull. I suppose it would be so that new players would be able to enjoy it but, I didn’t get to play the content from the first Halloween event so, why should they? if they want to know what’s going on there are plenty of videos from the instances on youtube and lots of information on the wiki so they could just read/watch that.
I really want them to carry on the story, so I really hope they don’t repeat last year but, I’m keeping expectations low I guess :/
@ CGUdemon
thanks for the offer, but I wouldn’t be able to promise to attend weekly meetings because I have work and college and then college work to focus on first.
Also, I wouldn’t want to use a headset/mic because I’m extremely nervous irl and don’t even like using the telephone so i wouldn’t feel comfortable using one.
thanks anyway.
Hi everyone~
I’m not new to MMOs but rather new to GW2, I’ve only been playing for about a week and a half.
I’m a level 17 necromancer playing on Piken square (I’m not interested in transferring since I have a friend on there that I play with so please don’t offer if you’re elsewhere) and I’m mostly focused on PVE but that may change eventually
if you’re looking for guild members please send your username and I’ll message you ingame.