Showing Posts For bambuuPANDA.5037:

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


Please don’t change it. WvW doesn’t need a ticket cap there are enough time gates as is.

Think of all the salt from the raid players who went for lege armor if there is no cap. They were capped with their LI per week.


in WvW

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


It takes 6570 tickets to buy the items, and another 1310 to buy the lower tier armor.

7880 / 365 = 22 weeks of wvw.

By comparison, it requires 150 legendary insights for raid armor, at a max of 13 per week, or 12 weeks of raids.

So it takes twice as long to obtain wvw legendary armor as raid armor.

I’ll still take it over having to put up with elitist attitudes in raids.

+1 to this. It lets me progress for the armour at my own pace.


in WvW

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


Base pips have increased by +2. Each box gives tickets, not just the final box. Completing diamond is like 355 tickets now. I’m in WvW right now. Diamond does repeat so there essentially is no weekly cap.

From what I’ve seen in the weeks I did finish Diamond, Diamond does repeat, but after the first completion, it does not reward any tickets, just get the other rewards from each box.

Unless they changed it this patch?

I am not sure if repeating it gives tickets now, or they just reset it. They might have reset diamond for those that already completed it, so they could earn the extra tickets.

They might reward the tickets for the boxes you’ve already gone through diamond so far this week when you cycle through it again.

Kinda sucks if you’re already up to diamond this week. It means you missed out on all the extra tickets that the lower tier boxes added this patch as well. Pretty sure the cycle only cycles through diamond and not from wood box.

But we’ll just have to see when you finish diamond to see how they handle this weeks progress.


in WvW

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


Base pips have increased by +2. Each box gives tickets, not just the final box. Completing diamond is like 355 tickets now. I’m in WvW right now. Diamond does repeat so there essentially is no weekly cap.

From what I’ve seen in the weeks I did finish Diamond, Diamond does repeat, but after the first completion, it does not reward any tickets, just get the other rewards from each box.

Unless they changed it this patch?

Vengeful Hammers ends prematurely

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


I know a bug exists where it will end if the hammers hit an object (rock, wall, slope of a hill).

So if you’re killing an enemy against an object or stacked in a corner, it will end on its own.

This might be what you’re experiencing?

Meteorlogicus III - Escort still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


A little back story. I’ve been spending these past few weeks finishing of the storm precursor collection.

I chopped thousands of wood as opposed to buying it off the trading post – tracking my progress with gw2efficiency while watching my total amount saved climb as I chopped wood across all my characters.

Feeling pretty good I’ll get it done soon, with total cost only being around 30ish gold from when I started it (I had the spiritwood residue stacked up already from crafting it daily in the past), I hit this final road block. The escort event in Timerline feels where you need to escort the Order of the Whispers agents to the Grawl camp.

The event was stated to be “fixed” back in the Feb 23 patch last year, but clearly, it has not.

I’ve used the grawl to pull the NPC’s up and down the mountain, even close to the camp and no event triggers. The map never hits full to create a new instance so I always land in the same ip. 88

Here is a plea to the Great Oouo – Plz fix.

Will Well of Precognition be useful again?

in Mesmer

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


To me, the nerf looked to be a response for the tank mesmer in pvp and the group wide invuln for spirit vale that allowed it to be completed with less than 10 players. I believe at the time of the nerf, only 1 raid wing was released but I could be wrong here.

In PVP, I think their initial change to the well, giving distortion and prevent point capture was enough. They ended up nerfing shield 4 block duration anyway and removing durability runes, soldier’s amulet so mesmer tank is dead anyway.

But today, we’ve seen spirit vale 3-manned, 5-manned gorseval without well of precog.

So if it went back to giving blur/distortion, I don’t see it making any difference in the raid scene. They recently nerfed the upkeep for group wide quickness, pretty much forcing 2 mesmers, so I don’t see any room for it in the rotation anyway.

But outside the raid, it’d be nice to have group wide invuln without having to trait into inspirations. It could be handy when pugging dungeons/fractals as just something to switch to if your group has trouble surviving boss attacks or stacking.

Focus 4 swiftness finally fixed

in Mesmer

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


They finally got around to fixing this issue where you the focus 4 wouldn’t apply swiftness if you already have swiftness.

I also like what they did to prevent you from running back and forth through it stacking your swiftness. It just reapplies it to what it gives you initially.

So it will just keep putting you back at 15s swiftness every time you run through it rather than stacking.

This makes perma swiftness much easier to run with centaur runes.

Please fix. Reconnecting back with 0 points

in PvP

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


So many times where I’m top of the board and moments away from winning a match, I disconnect, reconnect back into the match, but with 0 points again, resulting in barely any rank points for winning.

Especially this past week it’s been lagging and disconnecting like crazy.

Did burning speed blast move

in Elementalist

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


So it’s not just me

As I mentioned in previous post, I still believe it’s easier to hit someone when you know the blast is going to be at the end of the trail, rather then trying to distance yourself and predict the enemies position 70% into your trail as you pass through them.

@Phoebe, I think it is a byproduct of the recent nerf to the fire trails as well.

Perhaps a dev response would be fitting here?

Did burning speed blast move

in Elementalist

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


I find if your looking straight down and use burning speed, it shortens the trail to about 20% and the blast happens at the end. But in normal combat, you’re not going to change camera view every time your going to use burning speed.

But in normal over the shoulder view, and you use it, the blast happens a bit behind you after you finish the charge.

If you compare it to ele d/d videos pre september patch, you clearly see the blast happen at their feet.

Did burning speed blast move

in Elementalist

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


Yeah, not quite the middle. I personally prefer it to happen at the end, visually, it’s easier to judge the end of your trail when closing the gap, then having to predict it 85% the trail.

I definitely threw off my distances in my attack chain when it got to burning speed part of the chain.

Elite ability 7 series golem

in Asura

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


all patched now no more 50k crits in dungeons now. put that skill back in the trash pile.

Retaliation bugged or intended buff?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


the retal pretty much downs you on the HoTW p1 end boss after a few attacks..

D/D ele burning speed not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


I noticed this too. I rolled a new asuran ele for pvp, and I thought my blast was missing because of the asuran character model, but I found the blast is happening in the middle of my trail on my human ele too.

I don’t remember seeing anything in the patch notes about this, and it throws off the distances for the burning speed part of the attack chain.

Did burning speed blast move

in Elementalist

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


Did they change where the dagger 3’s burning speed ‘blast’ to the middle of the trail?

I swear pre-september patch, the blast was at the end of the trail, but now it’s in the middle.

it’s not just me right?

AC completed path and no reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


So I just did path 1 with a group and we completed no problem. But after we killed the final boss, none of us got our tokens + silver + xp. Is this a common bug a the moment or were we just unlucky?

I doubt that we will be able to redeem our rewards now, but I was just wondering the case.

Can't talk to Mira in story line

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


In the storyline quest “Battle of Claw Island” req lvl 50, I don’t seem to able to “Warn Deputy Mira”. Nothing happens when i talk to her.

Started downloading died?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bambuuPANDA.5037


So I opened the game client as per usual. It started downloading the updates. My computer was running fine up until I opened the game client.

Mid update, an error log comes up saying there is an issue. Since that error log came up, my computer then started became very laggy. So I thought maybe a restart was in order.

Did the restart… does not boot up at all now. As mentioned, the computer was running all smooth right up until I opened the game client and it started updating.

Could the update files have affected my hard drive somehow and cause issues with my computer booting up properly?