Showing Posts For beelzebuck.3678:

More Dungeon Titles should be added

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Wouldn’t it be great if they added some titles to dungeons to players that.. “employed undesirable tactics” often enough and forced these players to display the titles whilst running the corresponding dungeons as a badge of shame and a red flag to the rest of the party that they’re probably going to commit the offence again? For example:
“Grubby” – Cause Lupi to spawn 50 grubs
“Bane Of Hodgins” – Run behind the table in AC p1 burrow room 50 times
“Blossom Kamikaze” – Trigger 50 blossoms in TA while leroying ahead of the staff guard
“Oops…” – Be blown off the edge holding the hammer 50 times in Cliffside
“Moonwalker” – Down in the HoTW p1 “pullback tunnel” 50 times

This… Would amuse me immensely

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

re releasing dye packs makes everyone unhappy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Nope.. Made me pretty happy. Spent 3000 gems. 3x 5-packs of Flame, 3x 5-packs of Metallurgic.. Ended up with Pyre, Cinders + Flare from Flame.. Recall and 2x Amenity from Metallurgic. Figured I might get 1 or 2 unique dyes but very pleased with 6

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Ticket costs

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


I believe the difference in ticket prices between the Fused and Sclerite skins is due to the fact that Fused Skins were alot harder to get, only available as a very rare chance in Black Lion chests during the Flame + Frost living story while the Sclerite ones were dropping from the Southsun crates in game as well as from gemstore purchased crates

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Teq event no longer has a point?

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Yeah the loot drops can be seriously up and down. In the 20+ kills I’ve had my best drop has been a Risen Hylek mini that I sold for 9g at the time… Took a friend of mine along once and she got a Sunless weapon box in her 1st fight chuckles.. But it’s still a fun fight and it breaks up the mindless gold farming with a chance, however small, at some unique loot

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Teq event no longer has a point?

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Have to agree with the poster about TTS fights taking alot of time to set up, that’s a bummer, but also indicative of the huge number of people still willing to participate. Their first overflow often fills within 5-10 minutes of opening but I’ve still had quite a few kills on secondary overflows. Still.. Even with that time spent hanging around in Sparkfly, it’s been a much more productive angle than the unorganized attempts over the first week of the patch. Not for everyone I understand but a really good option if you have a little time to spare to get an almos guaranteed kill

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Graphics toggle off for Legendaries pls.

in Suggestions

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Agreed… You’d think that with the work required to get a legendary that you would have.. gee I don’t know.. checked some preview videos to see if you actually liked it or not before crafting/buying. But then again, some people do have more gold than sense.. Then again.. I have been considering reskinning my Frostfang with a Zenith Reaver… Lol

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Teq event no longer has a point?

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


OP you should join up one of the TTS guilds. They formed specifically to organize coordinated Teq kills on overflow servers and have at least 6 guilds full of ppl fighting him at least 3 times a day. I only managed to beat Teq once on my home server but since joining TTS I’ve beat him 20+ times. You only need to rep them during the Teq fights too. I think you’ll find that nearly anyone who fights Teq is doing it with them now hence the main servers being empty

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Is reading that difficult?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Post for AC p3 speedrun… Get ppl that join and don’t want to skip Kohler… But stand around waiting for the troll to wear his hp down.. Then call those who run on stupid… No… A speed run is just what it says.. Pls learn to read or join a party that doesn’t advertise speed run if you want to dawdle about

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Helpful vs Self group members

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


With my guardian i try to up party dps by using staff to stack might just prior to encounters then switching back to GS.

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

What's in the box guessing thread!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Skeleton quaggan mini… Wielding a light saber or nunchuks… Please make this a reality

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Coolest thing you've gotten from a BLC

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


4 fused weapon tickets from 20-25 chests back during flame and frost

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

[TTS]Tequatl Tickle Squad[OCEANIC NOW TOO]4th

in Looking for...

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Just wanted to say a huge thank you to the founders and leaders of TTS for their combined hard work and time put in to such a great group(s). Just had one of my most memorable gw moments tonight with you guys and girls. I’ve beaten Teq 5 times now, 4 since joining your ranks. Got my best friend to join too a few days back and tonight was her first TTS teq fight. She was yet to beat Teq and through your coordination and a hard fought 3rd battery phase where we almost lost the Megalaser she not only got her 1st kill but got Tequatls Loot from the win! Busted out her Greatbow of The Sunless and we were both ridiculously pleased looking forward to many more awesome battles alongside you mob… Thanks for an awesome run

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

[TTS]Tequatl Tickle Squad[OCEANIC NOW TOO]4th

in Looking for...

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Hey guys I’m already in the 2nd TTS guild but being in Australia, this would be a better fit for me so can I get an invite and ill leave the other one if I get in? Also my friend would love an invite to help get her 1st Teq kill too, IGN Sphynx.9765 would be great if you can fit us both in. Keep up the good work and thankyou

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Tequatl Terror Squad 2: Join Now! (NA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Would greatly appreciate an invite too. Only need flawless defense for the meta and I’m fast growing tired of unorganized fails. Thank you!

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Kill teq oceanic prime time (NA)??

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


We’ve got him a few times in SoR in AU evening time. Gearing up for a shot right now but I’m not sure how organized its going to be

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Vigil Laser bug.. Anyone else had this?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


No it wasn’t an abomination. I know they can deal crazy damage quick, but literally as soon as the bars appeared in the top corner there was only a sliver of health on the laser.

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Vigil Laser bug.. Anyone else had this?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Just fought Teq on the main server map on SoR.. Was going great, we had him down to 25% with 5 min on the clock. Unfortunately, as soon as the 3rd battery phase started the Vigil Megalaser spawned with only 10% health, maybe less, and was destroyed in under 10 seconds of the phase beginning.. Cue mass tidal wave death, dumbfounded map chat posts, and a frantic scramble to finish him off despite this bug. We regrouped and fought hard but only got him to around 5% before the timer expired..

Really disappointing and unfortunate thing to happen. It was by far the most well coordinated and effective Teq fight I’ve been in yet and in the space of 10 seconds, over 100 people went from pride and excitement at our performance to just… Wow… That sucked… Just wondering if this has happened to any other servers at all?

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Lkg for an Aussie guild, willing to t/fer

in Looking for...

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Oh, forgot to add that we’re looking for a guild that does weekly guild missions. Something I’ve missed alot since our guild lost its leaders. Good fun way to get guild mates together. Both able to be on Ts, Vent or whatever chat program you use (hopefully not RaidCall lol) We’re 2 experienced, but not elite, players who are always willing to learn a few new tricks but also enjoy giving our advice and helping out newer players find their feet too

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Lkg for an Aussie guild, willing to t/fer

in Looking for...

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Hey guys, me and a friend are looking for a new home. Our guild in HoD has slowly fallen apart and we both want to join a good, friendly Aussie/NZ based guild, both willing to transfer. Both active players, myself more heavily so. On most evenings during the week and probably too much on the weekends We’re both willing to transfer if we can find a sweet guild with some good peeps to run dungeons and chat with. More PvE than WvW but willing to jump in and help a bit. Reply here or send me an in game mail if you can help us out. Cheers

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

(edited by beelzebuck.3678)

Ascalon Catacombs Exploration mode fix

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Or alternatively with Kohler, you could do what a pug I just ran with insisted on doing.. Jump into the water off the left, wait at the bottom of the stairs for around 10 min while the troll gets him to 50%, get feared off the steps back in to the water 3 times before messily finishing him off.. 15 min Kohler battle.. Speed run ftw.. shakes his head in dismay

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Halloween Weapon?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


The Fused Weapon tickets originally were only rare drops from Black Lion chests during Flame and Frost.. I was lucky enough to pull 3 at the time… But not smart enough to save 1 as I could have made a good amount of gold on it now ;(

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Twilight Arbor FW/UP is impossible!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Twilight Rhapsody… I commend you sir and thank you truly for the funniest godkitten thing I have read in these oft hilarious threads… Pure gold

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Disable other events in Invasion zones

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Or when you spawn into Frostgorge at the beginning of the assault wondering why there’s no battles on the map.. Oh wait.. Jormags up.. So we had to waste 10-15 min taking him down before we could start the first wave.. That said it was fun to see more than 10 ppl at claw… And yes.. A good percentage were STILL only attacking the Champs sigh

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Scarlets Playhouse... Umm.. Yeah..

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


So I just completed the Vorpp achievements, thought I’d get a few guildies and check out the new “dungeon”… Yeah.. Pretty disappointed its set in the Pavillion, started off interesting but was really just a few fights with boring mechanics and no real resolution on the story on completion. Well at least I got some more shoulder piece tokens right? Lol

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Best choice of 4 for TA

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


I started running TA with my necro (dagger/dagger + staff) before I had my guardian at 80, easy to wipe quickly at first but after practice, learning the encounters and like the last poster said, when to run/skip, the dungeon isn’t too hard at all. I’d recommend starting with up path first, I find that the least troublesome..

Some encounters on the up path, ranged is better until you’re more confident.. eg Malrona, and the tree boss if your party insists on sitting on the cliffside, but your highest dps output melee setup, stacking + condition removal is generally the best bet.
Good luck!

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Beating the odds

in Crafting

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


I’ll take the hug… You just cover my back with those shiny unicorn guys and were even ;p

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Beating the odds

in Crafting

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Ok so I’d like to share this experience with you. All smiles here after a ridiculously lucky run at the mystic forge. About a month ago I finished crafting Frostfang. Was great to get my first legendary, but since then I’ve decided to help my best friend go for hers. She’s working on The Dreamer. So I’ve been randomly tossing rares in, buying some quite small quantities of short bows and as to be expected I was only getting the occasionsl exotic back at best. Yesterday however I got a vibe… Bought up 100 rare short bows and began forging.. Burnt all 100 and was sitting there on 8 named exotics thinking, “Do I sell these and make a bit back or just go for it?” Well.. First try out pops The Lover. I couldn’t believe it. I think I may have just made someone’s day

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Next Living Story(August 20th)

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


“Queue Suffering”.. Devs will drop another pavilion style instance that is even more lucrative to farm (in only the first 3 hours of going live of course) but only allow 5 players in at once thereby forcing entire servers worth of fiending drooling gamers whining in overflow for several hours at a time.. Oh.. And something similar to the gauntlet too but instead of 6 domes, only 1 lucky contestant will be able to enter at a time

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Use BL Claim tickets now or save?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Ok cool, thanks for the advice

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Use BL Claim tickets now or save?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Well I’ve already got the 2 I was after so if I were to get another one it would be to save and sell.. But I’m just trying see if anyone knows if the BL tickets are good for future skin sets or just this current one?

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Use BL Claim tickets now or save?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Just looking for some opinions on whether or not I should use my last BL claim ticket on another Aetherblade skin now before they jump up to 5 tickets or if I should save it. Do we know for sure that these tickets will be usable on the next lot of skins or am I taking a punt here?

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Black Lion Ticket Scraps

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Real happy with my shot at the RNG again. 4000 gems bought, converted to keys, pulled 2 black lion exchange tickets and 9 scraps. Traded enough gold to get 5 more keys and got my 10th scrap. Apologies to those who haven’t shared my luck, not gloating, just giving my take on it, but that makes 3 fused, 3 sclerite, 2 jade and 3 aetherised with only a moderate investment towards each.

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Conformation Before Leaving Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Yeah it pays to go grab that chest as soon as possible once it’s up because some ppl have very little patience. Whenever I start a dungeon I always make sure to hang back for at least 30 seconds to make sure everyone gets their loot. Unfortunately in a speed run farming group time is money which is why I tend to avoid those kinds of groups and run a more chilled pace

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Mystic Weapons... Think about it

in Crafting

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Right on akamon, good to know I’m not the only one who did it backwards lol.. And after reading your post I think I’m going to keep saving skill points/karma on my next toon just in case I get the itch to build a 2nd legendary too.. Although after this first ones crafted I’m gonna take a little break from grinding and play more for fun again.. Legendary crafting sure takes it out of you

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Mystic Weapons... Think about it

in Crafting

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


What? It’s ridiculous easy to acquire SP. Just do the events, the world events every day and some x4 runs on cof P1, and use a XP booster maybe, they are dropping like rain with those new achiev chests. You gain a lot of XP from doing events, not just the world ones, and from dungeons. What is really hard to acquire in this game is gold.

See how long it takes you to gather up 200 skill points.

It is incredibly long, especially when you have everything but the skillpoints to complete a legendary.

Sorry, but, if you have everything to craft a legendary, even the freaking precursor, 200 SP for the bloodshard is nothing compared to the insane amount of T6 mats you need for the legendary or the precursor.

I kind of agree. It isn’t difficult as such to acquire the skill points, the ways you stated are the best methods to gain them as quick as possible yet still it’s taken over a month to gain 100. It was hard to get the gold for the precursor, t6 mats and 200 lodestone too but with some TP flipping and a bit of luck it can be done.The point I was making is simply that if I had have committed to the legendary crafting earlier on before spending the skill points then I would have had my legendary a month ago and could have been spending this time leveling another toon.

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Mystic Weapons... Think about it

in Crafting

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Kinda wish I’d thought of that a month ago.. Lol

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Mystic Weapons... Think about it

in Crafting

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


I just wanted to share my experience to serve as a warning for those players who might be considering using their skill points to make a quick buck from crafting mystic weapons.. About 400 hrs into gw2 I figured that I was never going to try to craft a legendary weapon. It just seemed too out of reach for me at the time. So over the next 200 hrs I bought 3 Eldritch scrolls, crafted 3 mystic weapons, kept one and sold 2 for around 15g.. As time went on I found myself accumulating lots of the items I needed for legendary, got map completion etc do I thought “you know what? I’m going for it” so my journey began.. I ended up in the spot where I had everything I needed for my frostfang, including the precursor.. But still needed 115 skl pts for the bloodstone shard.. A month or so of grinding has got me down to 25 left.. But what I’m trying to say is even if you’re not too set on the legendary grind, if you envision yourself playing on for some time then it might be wise to hang on to those skill points cos they’re a real pain in the kitten to grind through if you need as many as I did

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

(edited by beelzebuck.3678)

"Cutthroat Politics" Update Revealed

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


If this Desert Rose is another backpiece skin I’m gonna be kitten ed.. Already have more backpiece skins than I need for all my toons.. A weapon skin would make a nice change for a meta reward

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

Sky pirates. Big **** whoop!

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


Yeah… Free new content.. Nothing quite gets on my nerves like game developers giving me something new to do for no cost except a download.. It’s borderline offensive!! Lol

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR

RnG Boxes were Done Well This Time

in Living World

Posted by: beelzebuck.3678


I have been EXTREMELY fortunate with the RNG boxes across the last 3 events. Spent around 2000-3000 gems per living story chapter on RNG and received 3 fused tickets, 3 sclerite tickets and now 2 jade tickets. Each subsequent time I have expected my luck to run dry, and don’t expect a single ticket but they still drop for me. Maybe the acc based luck theory has some merit? who knows.. but on the flip side, after 1000hrs play ive still never pulled an exo worth more than 3g so you win some, you lose some

Menos Oitos/80 Guardian, Beelzebuck/80 Necro.
Abzu Bia/80 Warrior
[OCX] – SoR