Showing Posts For ceno.1584:
The reds suggest maybe oxblood, lifesblood? or just plain blood dye and because of the sheer darkness of that black it’s probably midnight ice.
I think if they added the option to “Target nearest hostile” instead of just “target nearest” Would effectively fix this issue.
“This is a casual game. Nothing more.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Which begs the question. Why, being a “real” player are you playing a casual game in the first place? You should have known this before you even purchased the game that it was designed with a casual player base in mind.
There is no real “end game”, nor is there a gear treadmill like some other mmo’s. GW2 is about fun and looks. You can take a break from the game and come back in 3 months and not feel like you have to play catch up or be on 8hrs a day because your gear is underpowered or outdated.
Maybe there’s another game out there for you that is a better fit for what your needs are.
Just give us the ability to have 2 specs already. It’s bad enough whenever I want to go from pve content to wvw I have to respec every time. Especially if you go from pve to wvw multiple times a day.
I usually open all dyes that I find. Reason for this is most of the colors are really cheap and you would need a LOT of them to make any decent money from. But there’s that chance you get a nice rare dye. Two days ago I was leveling my guardian and a dye dropped. opened it and got celestial dye. I was absolutely shocked.
I like the idea of what style kits do. However what I don’t like is that in order for a person to preview ANY of the changes these items can do, you need to purchase them first. Why this doesn’t work well is some of the styles and colors are exclusive and not available from the character creation screen.
What if a person doesn’t like any of the new styles or colors on their character after purchasing the kit? Everyone’s character is unique to them and some styles might not look as good as they had hoped. But by that time it’s too late as the purchase has already been made.
I think ArenaNet needs to put in a type of salon/hair shop into the game where a player can preview ALL styles and colors (including exclusives)on their characters and if they like the look, the changes can be made with gems directly through the salon shop.
I would love to buy one of the kits to see how my character would look with a few changes, but the uncertainty of how these changes will look on my characters without the ability to preview first before buying the kits prevents me.
Remove the style kits and replace them with a salon shop in each city where you can preview changes first. Then pressing OK removes the gem fee and makes the changes.
I have 1 lvl 80 and no intention to make another. I decided that because this game basically revolves around “skins and looks”. I can gather up pretty much any outfit I like and transmute it to any low lvl character I have and they will look just as good as my lvl 80. I have a lvl 10 toon with 2 full dungeon sets. Saved me a lot of time not having to grind out another lvl 80 toon.
Not sure what to say about a hot air balloon ride that doesn’t really do anything. Is the game just not able to produce actual moving objects you can ride in? It was a pretty big disappointment that it went straight to a loading screen instead of actually flying to its destination..
The past 2 days I’ve seen more and more posts on the gw2lfg of people wanting zerker axe warriors now. I don’t really keep up to date with the latest patch changes like I should. So was there a patch change or something that made axes better than gs?
I was on the lfg eariler looking for cof1 runs and got invited to a group. I usually don’t even look at the text post anymore as I have everything zerker. I ping my gear and got asked if I have axes. I said no and I was promptly removed from the group because I only had GS.. Very odd.
(edited by ceno.1584)
Looking for an open server with Melandru. Any out there?
I agree completely with Crovax. Quam, you decided to spend a bunch of money/gold to get a lot of black lion keys and it didn’t work out. You have learned a lesson but there are 1000’s upon 1000’s more just like you who have not learned this valuable lesson and these players will take your spot.
The only way to make a change is to not do it in the first place. If you happen to have a few keys from questing or drops, use them. But never spend a bunch of money/gold you don’t really want or can’t afford to lose. More often than not you will end up on the losing end.
I would like to see the day that things change but unfortunately it probably won’t. It’s the nature of man..
Is there any place to get exotic/ascended lvl80 power/precision/crit back piece without doing fractals or being in a large guild? The closest I have is the rare guild backpack for 5g. Since I am not in a large guild (don’t really want to be in one) My guild is small enough that we are unable to make guild missions for the commendations to buy the exotic one. And I really do not like doing fractals.
I play warrior. I have a few other characters but they are pretty low level atm. I don’t have a lot of time to level a bunch of toons. It’s just very unfortunate that in order to succeed at the same level as others you need to be a certain class or spec a certain way. I run with a longbow which is the best I can do for aoe type damage. I tag a lot of players but I don’t get bag drops often.
You must be lucky because I did WvW for 2hrs last night. I know that’s probably not long compared to others but with a full-time job and other obligations it’s the best I can do. In that amount of time while running with a large group I was able to secure about 7 badges in all that time.
Sigh… I swear I’m always the last person to get in on the token grind. Now it’s going to take even longer to get 500. ><
Ok after multiple times trying to finish this jumping puzzle (being attacked every time I try) I decided to set my alarm and do it in the early morning. I finally make it to the end but I can’t open the chest because it says it’s locked. Is there a key or something I’m not aware of? I know there’s 2 halves of a key for the jp in the 3 outlining zone chests but I didn’t know of one needed for the EB jp. Am I missing something here?
Still nothing huh? Can anyone confirm an opened grenth on their server? Need just one last item
I’m also looking for a server with an uncontested Grenth.
The main difference between the i5 and the i7 is hyperthreading. Most games don’t use more than 4 theads so the i7 won’t really provide you with any advantage in gaming vs the i5. I would go with i5 and save some money. i7 is really meant for things like video editing etc. Plus the i7 runs a bit hotter than the i5 so heat could be an issue, meaning you might have to spend more money on adequate cooling to compensate.
(edited by ceno.1584)
Borlis Pass has Grenth uncontested as of 8:15pm server time.
I don’t think score does anything right now. I’ve been speed running on all my toons once a day and received weapon skins with a team score of 0. Example: on W1Z1 I completed it on 2 separate occasions with a score of 0 and got the sword skin and longbow skin. I’ve also cleared the zone of every mob I could find on multiple occasions and didn’t receive a skin. Like Josh just said. It will have an impact on rewards the NEXT time adventure box is released. Not this time around.
25/25/0/10/10 is a very popular one as well.
I have a question, do you need to collect EVERY bauble in one sitting? Or does it keep track of how many you’ve found over multiple runs? Because I swear I’ve done this for 6 hours or so over multiple runs where I think I found them all. (I’d spend 2hrs or so each time). Then I kill the frog boss and still don’t get the achievement.
It just sucks to no end spending hours in zone 3, grabbing all the baubles every single time only to find out I’ve missed one and having to do it ALL over again. ><
Do special digging areas count? (I found a dig spot right at the start with 4 green baubles in it (worth 20 baubles total). By climbing up those venus fly trap things to the right of the store keep.
Anyhow… Sure hope someone puts up a visual guide for all locations soon before I pull my hair out.
I ran it and ended up with 26/27 as well. What I did wrong was at the end of zone 1 where you climb the big hill to attack the cage, I just jumped up on a different side. So when I did it again I followed the guiding hands path and went through the checkpoint at the top and that was the missing one I needed.
Basically follow the guiding hands exactly where they point and you should have no problem getting 27/27.
People also need to understand that games, especially mmos need to have a reward system in place that REWARDS players for their time, money and hard work. This is what keeps them playing for years on end. That is what kept me playing them as I was rewarded for my time invested. Because this game doesn’t have an “end game” like most other mmos in where you get better and better gear. It chooses to have skins as its main “end game”.
When you make so many things RNG, you remove the reward aspect out of investing your time and money into a game. What tends to happen is people eventually get tired of it and leave for a game that will. I am getting close to leaving too. I don’t want to, but time invested vs reward gained in gw2 is poorly lacking. I have no problems shelling out money to invest in a game but I also want something in return for that money, not a roll of the dice chance. If I wanted to gamble, I’d go to a casino.
Sure there are other mmos and they also have a subscription fee, but at least in those games you get to work towards anything you want and in time you will get it. GW2, you could work and work and because of RNG, you might very well not see any reward for that time, effort or money. People here have blown 100’s of dollars on this game just to get a new skin and still didn’t get anything for it. 100 dollars is about 6 months subscription to the other mmos out there.
When your “end game” revolves around the collection of skins, don’t turn that into a casino. Give us a way to slowly work towards the reward and give us store options to buy things as well. That is how you will build a long term playerbase. I’ve played GW2 about 6 months now and I am already looking for a new game because of this. The other mmo I played before gw2 gave me 7 long years of fun. Because I was rewarded for my time and money.
I really don’t want to leave gw2 but it just doesn’t reward you very well for your time or money. It’s very unfortunate because I really had high hopes this game would give me many years of fun and it just isn’t. I’m not saying this game wasn’t fun, it was just one that didn’t last as long. I actually wish gw2 WAS a subscription game. At least then we’d probably be rewarded more for our time and money..
(edited by ceno.1584)
Anyone know if the 50% karma bonfire stacks with the booster or does it just overwrite it? Just wondering if I should wait until I have all the karma boosts to max out the %.
I’ll assume you are one of those people who plays the game 8hrs a day every day and gets their legendary in a month, happy for you. Yes it does take quite a lot of time, farming materials and sometimes you spend gold now and then. But you’re the king of exaggeration when you say 1000’s of gold. If I ground out 1000’s of gold in mats as you so claim I would just buy the legendary from the tp and be done with it as it’s 2400g on average. So no I didn’t grind out 1000’s of gold in mats. What little gold I did have went directly into SOME of the materials I needed. That doesn’t mean I’m rich.
It took me 5 months to acquire the gold I have and I’m not about to waste it on converting to gems. The conversion from gold to gems is extremely small. (last I checked it’s around 49gems per 1g). That’s about 73g. That takes the average person quite a long time to make.
4000000000 threads… Please enlighten me on those 4000000000 threads you know about. Anyway I just checked your other posts and basically you’re a troll poster. Most of your other posts are negative towards others and basically a waste of forum space. Go troll elsewhere.
I don’t mind that you have to enter WvW and collect points of interest, vistas etc to get map completion. What I don’t like is that a lot of these are locked in garrisons and keeps. Unless you control said area, you aren’t going to get those POI’s. I have almost all the mats and my precursor towards my legendary. I’ve worked on it for almost 5 months now. One of the things I was lacking was 100% map completion due to the WvW area.
I battled on my server in WvW for 3 months to get all but one vista and a poi. Week after week I log in and fight my way for a few hours a day to secure those last 2 and it never happens. So today I purchased 4000 gems so I can pay 1800gems to server transfer and get those last poi’s I need and transfer back in 7 days to be back in my guild. Grand total $50us. (400gems left over). I hate that I needed to do this.
I like this game and I have no problem spending some money on it, but this is not the way I want to do it. I shouldn’t have to battle for 3 months or longer to get 2 little poi’s on a map.
I really think Anet needs to remove WvW from the map completion or at least move poi’s and vistas to areas that are not locked off by garrisons and keeps.
(edited by ceno.1584)
It would be nice to be able to drop items of the same type onto each other in the guild stash. When I have items in my personal bags that I want to put in the guild stash it doesn’t let me drop it on a stack already there. Take black lion chests for example. I have a small stack of them in the guild stash. Every so often I get a few questing. I go to the guild stash and I have to pull the stack out, combine it with the ones I just found and put the stack back into the guild stash.
This goes for anything else that stacks. It would be so much easier to just drag and drop into the guild stash without having to go through the unnecessary steps. Even combining multiple stacks from within the guild stash doesn’t work.
Example: I have 2 stacks of 100 candy corn in the guild stash. It won’t let me take one stack and drop it on the other to make one stack of 200. I have to take both out, put them in my personal bags to combine them, then put it back into the guild stash. It’s a pain in the butt.
I’ve been having problems with the game crashing usually only during big events like the dragons and other such world event fights where there’s a lot going on. I’ll get that audio glitch where you lose all sound except that annoying high pitch “WooWoo” tone.
Now normally when that happens I turn my sound down and finish the event, then exit out of the game and start it back up again. But say 40% of the time the game will actually crash. This wouldn’t bother me so much but it’s how it crashes that upsets me.
Basically the game freezes on my screen and I’m stuck like that. I can’t alt+tab to the desktop, I can’t access the task manager. I’m completely locked out of my keyboard and I am forced to power off my pc and reboot.
Sometimes if I know the game is acting weird and I think it’s about to crash I ctrl+alt+del quickly and access the task manager. This is where I see the game has stopped responding. So I end task on the game and just restart it. This however isn’t the case all the time. Most times I’m forced to reboot my machine because the game is frozen on my screen.
90% of the time I’m at 60fps. Lions Arch I sit around 45-50fps and during big fights I dip to round 35-40fps.
My Game Settings:
Resolution: 1920×1080
Refresh: default
Frame Limiter: unlimited
Animation: high
AA: none
Environment: high
LOD Distance: Ultra
Reflections: all
Textures: high
Render Sampling: native
Shadows: high
Shaders: high
Post-Processing: high
Best Texture Filtering: checked
High-res Character textures: checked
V-Sync: checked
Here are my pc stats.
Win7 64bit home premium
i5 3570k 3.4Ghz (not overclocked)
8gb ram
ATI HD 7850 OC Edition 2 GB (also not overclocked)
realtek HD audio
Any help would be appreciated.
(edited by ceno.1584)
It’s funny to me when I hear “It’s a lvl 35 dungeon it shouldn’t be this hard” Why you ask? Because even before the changes I barely joined a single group that wasn’t all lvl 70-80 anyway. No one wanted to run with lvl 35’s before this patch, so it’s no different now. Even tho you might have a full set of exotics on, the game does scale you down to lvl 35. It’s not THAT much of an advantage to be in exotics. I did just fine on my engie who’s in mainly blues and a couple greens today and I finished path one just fine.
It’s not hard at all, I really have no idea why everyone’s complaining. I’ve done all 3 paths since the change and I find the changes completely refreshing. I got SO bored to death of the way players ran the old AC. “Run past everything, skip skip skip. kill last boss and get the chest”. I had to fight to do certain bosses in my groups because people would skip everything. All I would get from people is “Oh it’s not needed, all I want is my tokens fast” skip so and so…
As much as I don’t want to bring in another mmo but most of the people whining were probably coming from World of Warcraft. That game WAS challenging until they started releasing expansions. Then it got so easy you could sneeze and get epics. Is that what you want? Maybe Anet can introduce instant lvl 80’s too because that’s what WoW has now. Maybe a full set of exotics when you make a new toon! /sarcasm
The biggest problem is not the difficulty of the dungeons, it’s that new players join groups with people who’ve done them before and they don’t learn to run the dungeon properly, instead they only learn how to skip everything and get the dungeon done as fast as possible. They learn how to expoit walls and trees and anything else instead of running the dungeon properly. Then when those exploits are fixed they all cry “IT’S TOO HARD!!” The community is basically breeding poorly skilled players straight from the first dungeon. We NEED challenge in this game, it helps players build skill and teamwork and not how to cheat the system just to get it done faster.
Seriously, if you want easy, go back to WoW. They hand out the best gear to anyone, any guild now can do heroic raids. Hell you can pug raids now it’s so easy. Leave Guild Wars 2 to people who still want a challenge. Trust me, if you get what you want all the time you will find that it’s going to backfire on you eventually. Just look at Warcraft. Players whined and complained “it’s too hard” until they got what they wanted and ever since that game has been bleeding subscriptions.
(edited by ceno.1584)
Cool, thanks for the info. I picked up 4 pieces of pow/prec/crit from the CoF vendor. I will continue to get the rest when I save up more tokens. Much appreciated
Just wondering what the general consensus is on dps warrior stats on gear. I’ve saved up a little over 700 tokens from CoF and I would like to put together a nice damage set.
The 2 gear sets I’m looking at are Power/Precision/Crit or Power/Precision/Condition.
I started off building a tanky set from running AC because when I was a fresh 80 , my experience running dungeons was low and survivability was my top priority. After running dungeons the past few months I’ve become much better at avoiding damage, so I want to start moving away from being more tanky to doing higher damage.
Any help will be appreciated.
I’m trying to find a good blue dye combination that will as closely match the ghostly blue look of ascalon catacomb weapons at night. (Basically want to look as ghostly as possible). As there are soo many different blues I’m having trouble coming up with a combination that looks good. I would also like to use at least 3 different shades as to give my armor some nice depth.
I’m a warrior using the Primeval Armor Skin. each piece of gear has 3 color blocks. One big one at the top and 2 small ones below. As the prices vary I would like to try and keep the dyes to under 25s. But if there’s one that is a must have and it’s more expensive I would give it some consideration as well.
Any thoughts would be appreciated
(edited by ceno.1584)
I would like a Sunrise look-a-like please!
Soon as the precursor scavenger hunt thing rolls around, the prices of all those precursors will plummet to half or less. Just wait it out.
(edited by ceno.1584)
Ok so it’s not exactly game breaking nor really a bug, I just wasn’t sure what forum section to put it in. But during the Norn storyline quest “The Dredge Hideout” Scholar Prott starts talking and the subtitles are not coinciding with what he is saying. I captured the video of it. I’m sure it’s not really a big deal but hey.. for completeness sake =)
I’m almost sure there are lots more of these little “bugs” in the game but since I haven’t completed every storyline yet I cannot comment on others.
Having the name of the crafter on items should only be used on soulbound, account bound items. As much as you would like to see your name on a bunch of stuff people are using, there’s a greater amount of players who don’t really want this. No one wants to wear an item with a crafters name on it like XxPotsmokerdudeXx … well you get the idea. I personally wouldn’t purchase any items in the TP with another player’s name permanently attached to it.
So when is it going to stop? What are prices going to be like in a year? 1g for 1 gem? The game hasn’t even been out 3 months yet..
Maybe Anet needs to try harder to combat gold sellers instead of making legit players pay more because of gold farmers. It’s not our fault there are people out there trying to ruin the game economy by selling gold. But I don’t feel like the honest players should have to pay the price for it.
I understand that I could buy one gem package and then use in-game gold to cover the amount I’m short but that’s not really the point. And another thing. If I were to buy gems in order to upgrade my game to the digital deluxe for 2000 gems, the cheapest I could get it would be to buy the 800 and 1600 gem packages which = $30. The digital version at regular price is $59.99 and deluxe at regular price is $79.99. So it will actually cost me a total $89.99 to upgrade. I’d be paying $10 more for digital deluxe than it would have been if I purchased the deluxe on it’s own. Just another reason I feel like I’m being taken for a ride.
I really do want to support Anet and this game. I think they did a great job, but the more I see these little “scams” the more I feel like going back to one of those other subscription based mmo’s. Sure it might cost me more to play in the long run, but at least I know what I’m paying for up front and I’m not being jerked around.
Why is it we can’t just buy the amount of gems we need instead of these odd package amounts? 800, 1600, 2800, 4000. I wanted to upgrade my game to the digital deluxe version for 2000 gems but I can’t buy just 2000, I need to buy 800 + 1600 or 2800. If I did, I’d have gems left over that I really didn’t want. I know I could use the leftover gems for something else but it’s really the principle of the thing. If I want to upgrade something else like bag slots or an extra character slot I would like to do it when I want, and only then I would like to purchase more gems.
This is one of those reasons I’ve never purchased anything off the Wii shop channel or xbox live points because I always felt like I was being scammed into buying more than I needed. It’s the reason I’ve decided to just grind out in-game gold and convert it to gems, even though it will take a lot longer. At the very least let us purchase our own gem amounts in increments of 100 or something. (as far as I know most everything in the TP that sells for gems are in multiples of 100 anyway.)
To be honest, I don’t mind spending real money on this game, I just don’t want to feel like I’m being bent over a table to do it…
(edited by ceno.1584)
Biggest problem I see with this is exploiting the camera to see more than you should. That video does a good job showing this exploit. As you see the camera zoomed way out you are actually able to see over the walls on the other side. This would cause problems in pvp and pve if you could see what’s coming long before you get there. Mostly in pvp situations. All you would need to do is zoom out to look over any walls and find the opposing team or players hiding out etc. You can pretty much imagine how that would turn out. There is a max camera zoom for a reason and I think if Anet made it zoom out any further it would cause problems and gameplay issues.
I just finished making a video of my clock tower run. I hunted down a tower run that was pretty much empty and I turned off my HUD for the run so it’s easier to see where to jump in order to beat the tower. I hope it helps anyone still wanting to complete it. It took me close to 4hrs straight to complete it my first time so don’t get discouraged. The more you do it, the better you get. Good luck in there and don’t give up!
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