Showing Posts For cheshire.3712:

Guardian has stability that doesn't work?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Stability worked for me. We only have one stability skill and the other is a trait that comes with activate our aegis.

I ran Stand Your Ground and Save Yourself as utilities, along with using a greatsword.

It’s best to knock her against the edge of the bubble (use GS-5) that way you have limited exposure to tornadoes.

I’ll have to try this out then. Ty

Guardian has stability that doesn't work?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: cheshire.3712


I’ve been stuck at Windcaller Kieldia for about 20 minutes now, popping every single stability I have and the tornadoes are ignoring my stability. It’s almost as if I didn’t pop them at all. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


I’m sorry, did you say something? I kind of started not caring about what you have to say at this point. Anyone else have something worthwhile to mention? Ending the rant for me. Hope I didn’t ruin your evening wookie. You might want to go take some headache pills from all my whining and lay down for a bit.

They “camp” it because you keep coming back and feeding them easy badges. Wait a few, they’ll get bored and leave. If they dont – warn /map and get it another time and let the campers rot – or – say something in /map and deal with it.

They also do it waiting for a post, just like yours, to appear in the forums to feed on your tears.

QQ about PvP in a PvP zone, QQ about double-teaming, zerging, ACs. – This thread’s got it all!!!

Might seem odd but I was enjoying the conversation. They kept responding Pretty sure none of that was a qq and trust me, no tears were shed. If it was taken as if I was, people are pretty gullible and will believe what they want. There’s a difference between a qq and a rant for a response.

Pretty sure they are one in the same.

Yet people keep responding and I feel the urge to respond……

Just think – in the amount of time it took to respond to mine and Frankie’s posts, you could have had what you wanted.

Already did, on all four alts left for mapping. Thanks for your concern. Did it awhile ago after a larger force took them out. Gg though.

Welp, then that wraps up this week’s episode of “How I Learned to Overcome my Ignorance.” Thanks for tuning in!

Stay tuned for next week’s juicy episode.

Kitten, this is like Game of Thrones all over again. I need my fix!!!!

Creep much Sorin? Stop stalking people sheesh.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


I’m sorry, did you say something? I kind of started not caring about what you have to say at this point. Anyone else have something worthwhile to mention? Ending the rant for me. Hope I didn’t ruin your evening wookie. You might want to go take some headache pills from all my whining and lay down for a bit.

They “camp” it because you keep coming back and feeding them easy badges. Wait a few, they’ll get bored and leave. If they dont – warn /map and get it another time and let the campers rot – or – say something in /map and deal with it.

They also do it waiting for a post, just like yours, to appear in the forums to feed on your tears.

QQ about PvP in a PvP zone, QQ about double-teaming, zerging, ACs. – This thread’s got it all!!!

Might seem odd but I was enjoying the conversation. They kept responding Pretty sure none of that was a qq and trust me, no tears were shed. If it was taken as if I was, people are pretty gullible and will believe what they want. There’s a difference between a qq and a rant for a response.

Pretty sure they are one in the same.

Yet people keep responding and I feel the urge to respond……

Just think – in the amount of time it took to respond to mine and Frankie’s posts, you could have had what you wanted.

Already did, on all four alts left for mapping. Thanks for your concern. Did it awhile ago after a larger force took them out. Gg though.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


I’m sorry, did you say something? I kind of started not caring about what you have to say at this point. Anyone else have something worthwhile to mention? Ending the rant for me. Hope I didn’t ruin your evening wookie. You might want to go take some headache pills from all my whining and lay down for a bit.

They “camp” it because you keep coming back and feeding them easy badges. Wait a few, they’ll get bored and leave. If they dont – warn /map and get it another time and let the campers rot – or – say something in /map and deal with it.

They also do it waiting for a post, just like yours, to appear in the forums to feed on your tears.

QQ about PvP in a PvP zone, QQ about double-teaming, zerging, ACs. – This thread’s got it all!!!

Might seem odd but I was enjoying the conversation. They kept responding Pretty sure none of that was a qq and trust me, no tears were shed. If it was taken as if I was, people are pretty gullible and will believe what they want. There’s a difference between a qq and a rant for a response.

Pretty sure they are one in the same.

Yet people keep responding and I feel the urge to respond……

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


I’m sorry, did you say something? I kind of started not caring about what you have to say at this point. Anyone else have something worthwhile to mention? Ending the rant for me. Hope I didn’t ruin your evening wookie. You might want to go take some headache pills from all my whining and lay down for a bit.

They “camp” it because you keep coming back and feeding them easy badges. Wait a few, they’ll get bored and leave. If they dont – warn /map and get it another time and let the campers rot – or – say something in /map and deal with it.

They also do it waiting for a post, just like yours, to appear in the forums to feed on your tears.

QQ about PvP in a PvP zone, QQ about double-teaming, zerging, ACs. – This thread’s got it all!!!

Might seem odd but I was enjoying the conversation. They kept responding Pretty sure none of that was a qq and trust me, no tears were shed. If it was taken as if I was, people are pretty gullible and will believe what they want. There’s a difference between a qq and a rant for a response.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


So, if FA could stop camping things such as the skritt and centaur areas, preventing others from getting POI and skill points, that would be great. It’s a shame that they called in more people to take out 2 uplevels and a level 80 who were trying to get the areas cleared for map completion. We didn’t attack you, you attacked us. In fact, you chased us. It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation.

PvP on a PvP map? :O

More like, people going for map completion and didn’t attack because we wanted the POI and the skill point, not to fight. Majority of the server I’m on, we don’t do that because we understand people are going for the items in there, not for a brawl of campers.

Sorry brah, people do this on all servers. I’ve had my fair share of people killing me in the jumping puzzles etc but I don’t whine every time it happens.

Coming on to the forums and saying “It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation” just makes you look like a fool.

And responding to it makes you look just as much of one.

You aren’t going to get people to agree with you with the attitude you started with. They can’t camp it forever. I’ve seen TC camp those places and more frequently camp the JP too. Nobody said that gives your server a bad name…it’s part of the game. Every server does it, find a way around it. No need to come here and make a pointless argument that has come up countless times that have only ended badly.

Not here to get people to agree or disagree with me. If that was the case, I would of acted like a few others and ranted and raved and make accusations and calling people names. I’ve seen everyone, all servers that I’ve ever played on or against, camp the jumping puzzle. Those are the cases where “They started it” takes place and the fight just goes on and on and on. I’m sure my own server does it but personally, I’ve never seen a call out to map chat or team chat to gather more forces to camp an area such as the skritt or centaur. In the end, its a low move for the campers and it reads poorly to the other server, no matter what.

I don’t see how PvP’ing in a PvP zone reflects poorly on a server as a whole. Last I checked, there’s no sign saying “Pacifists Only Here Yonder” when entering jumping puzzles, Skritt areas, etc. As for my server (and I’m sure others), I’ve never once heard someone call out to help camp these areas.

You learned the hard way. The question is what did you learn?

To bring friends with you to these areas who can help take down enemies, stealth you, or otherwise help you survive.

There really is no point in discussing this further.

One of us was a mesmer and unfortunately, the opposing forces had a counter ready for it. I’m sorry if I don’t see a need to rally forces just to complete something like that.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


That is one hell of a route for scouting intel my dear friend. To go in there, stare at the group in there, don’t engage in combat while the other team attacks. None of us attacked even after being attacked. All we did was walk backwards and run away because we weren’t looking for a fight. I’ll repeat what I said earlier, only differently this time. Next time I see a small amount of people, whether they are looking for a fight or not, I’ll make sure to attack because guess what, it’s WvW and everyone is up for grabs. I’ll also ensure that you don’t return if need be. Fair enough? Side note: we returned numerous times, still not engaging combat, all in a row. Pretty sure that translates to anyone: they are not here for a fight. Maybe I’m just too considerate and think that others want the same things I do.

That’s what most of us expect 99.9% of the time in WvW. Sounds like you don’t play enough of it honestly — I thought this was common knowledge by now?

Just a pro-tip moving forward: don’t expect anything from your enemies in a PvP zone. They shouldn’t expect anything from you either.

I doubt you have anything ‘pro’ to offer honestly. Thanks but no thanks. Not everyone wants to WvW but want the map completion. Yet again, I’m guessing respect is not something to give nor receive. I’ll remember that next time.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


So, if FA could stop camping things such as the skritt and centaur areas, preventing others from getting POI and skill points, that would be great. It’s a shame that they called in more people to take out 2 uplevels and a level 80 who were trying to get the areas cleared for map completion. We didn’t attack you, you attacked us. In fact, you chased us. It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation.

PvP on a PvP map? :O

More like, people going for map completion and didn’t attack because we wanted the POI and the skill point, not to fight. Majority of the server I’m on, we don’t do that because we understand people are going for the items in there, not for a brawl of campers.

Sorry brah, people do this on all servers. I’ve had my fair share of people killing me in the jumping puzzles etc but I don’t whine every time it happens.

Coming on to the forums and saying “It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation” just makes you look like a fool.

And responding to it makes you look just as much of one.

You aren’t going to get people to agree with you with the attitude you started with. They can’t camp it forever. I’ve seen TC camp those places and more frequently camp the JP too. Nobody said that gives your server a bad name…it’s part of the game. Every server does it, find a way around it. No need to come here and make a pointless argument that has come up countless times that have only ended badly.

Not here to get people to agree or disagree with me. If that was the case, I would of acted like a few others and ranted and raved and make accusations and calling people names. I’ve seen everyone, all servers that I’ve ever played on or against, camp the jumping puzzle. Those are the cases where “They started it” takes place and the fight just goes on and on and on. I’m sure my own server does it but personally, I’ve never seen a call out to map chat or team chat to gather more forces to camp an area such as the skritt or centaur. In the end, its a low move for the campers and it reads poorly to the other server, no matter what.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


That is one hell of a route for scouting intel my dear friend. To go in there, stare at the group in there, don’t engage in combat while the other team attacks. None of us attacked even after being attacked. All we did was walk backwards and run away because we weren’t looking for a fight. I’ll repeat what I said earlier, only differently this time. Next time I see a small amount of people, whether they are looking for a fight or not, I’ll make sure to attack because guess what, it’s WvW and everyone is up for grabs. I’ll also ensure that you don’t return if need be. Fair enough? Side note: we returned numerous times, still not engaging combat, all in a row. Pretty sure that translates to anyone: they are not here for a fight. Maybe I’m just too considerate and think that others want the same things I do.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


So, if FA could stop camping things such as the skritt and centaur areas, preventing others from getting POI and skill points, that would be great. It’s a shame that they called in more people to take out 2 uplevels and a level 80 who were trying to get the areas cleared for map completion. We didn’t attack you, you attacked us. In fact, you chased us. It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation.

PvP on a PvP map? :O

More like, people going for map completion and didn’t attack because we wanted the POI and the skill point, not to fight. Majority of the server I’m on, we don’t do that because we understand people are going for the items in there, not for a brawl of campers.

Sorry brah, people do this on all servers. I’ve had my fair share of people killing me in the jumping puzzles etc but I don’t whine every time it happens.

Coming on to the forums and saying “It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation” just makes you look like a fool.

And responding to it makes you look just as much of one.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


So, if FA could stop camping things such as the skritt and centaur areas, preventing others from getting POI and skill points, that would be great. It’s a shame that they called in more people to take out 2 uplevels and a level 80 who were trying to get the areas cleared for map completion. We didn’t attack you, you attacked us. In fact, you chased us. It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation.

PvP on a PvP map? :O

More like, people going for map completion and didn’t attack because we wanted the POI and the skill point, not to fight. Majority of the server I’m on, we don’t do that because we understand people are going for the items in there, not for a brawl of campers.

There’s no point asking for peace anywhere on any map against any server. It is their right to kill you. If you can’t, go another time or go with someone who can stealth you. It’s the harder way but hey you gotta earn that star :p

Yeah, you’re completely right. Why would I ever think that civilized, respectful people could play a game. God was I stupid. Next time I see single people roaming around or a small group, I’ll make sure I rally a bigger force just to take them out. Get a clue. If you’re at a skill challenge, others will come because you know what? It’s for map completion. Something everyone is wanting to get at one point or another. So why on earth, run all the way up there, camp it, kill a few uplevels, and then /laugh | /sit | /dance, etc etc on them? I mean, if that really needs to be done, do it to people who are actually looking for a fight.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


So, if FA could stop camping things such as the skritt and centaur areas, preventing others from getting POI and skill points, that would be great. It’s a shame that they called in more people to take out 2 uplevels and a level 80 who were trying to get the areas cleared for map completion. We didn’t attack you, you attacked us. In fact, you chased us. It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation.

PvP on a PvP map? :O

More like, people going for map completion and didn’t attack because we wanted the POI and the skill point, not to fight. Majority of the server I’m on, we don’t do that because we understand people are going for the items in there, not for a brawl of campers.

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


So, if FA could stop camping things such as the skritt and centaur areas, preventing others from getting POI and skill points, that would be great. It’s a shame that they called in more people to take out 2 uplevels and a level 80 who were trying to get the areas cleared for map completion. We didn’t attack you, you attacked us. In fact, you chased us. It’s people like you who give the server a bad reputation.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Honestly, after playing in WvW since the update, its turned into whoever-has-the-keep/garrison/tower first wins it for the week. This hasn’t really fixed anything unless they were wanting to turn people away from WvW. Small groups can barely take camps if they are already sieged up with arrow carts. If anything, they promoted the idea of zergs in WvW due to having the needed man power to take camps and towers. The fact that golems, rams, and catapults are now almost rendered useless was a bad decision. It doesn’t matter how much your team tries to buff them from the arrow carts, you’ll get rolled over by the rest of their group. Last night, the other two servers were out manned and we still couldn’t take a tower let alone a keep. We tried so many different tactics and we still died. It doesn’t take much to defend towers/keeps/garrisons now, even if you are out manned. If they were wanting to fix something in WvW, they should have focused on upgrades for camps/towers/keeps/garrisons or adding more player slots to how many can log into WvW, not making one of the cheapest pieces of siege ungodly over powered. If anyone thinks this was a great idea, they more than likely have something already fortified like heck with arrow carts so that during their server’s off hours, they can hold it down with the lack of able players. They need to change it back and come up with another idea before they lose more players.

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


And as I was told: you can end it But yes, gj everyone.

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Can we just cut down on the dissing of one another? This is just a game and it’s just for fun. Yeah, WvW is competitive but when people post ridiculous posts and trying to prove to each other how ‘superior’ they are or their server is, it makes others wonder about the overall server community. So far, I’ve seen great fights against one another so let’s just keep up the fights and yeah. Kthxbai

Tarnished Coast-Looking for PvE Focused Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


HI Hyena,
Was wondering if you have been successful in locating a guild yet. If not, you might fit in with the guild I’m a part of. Feel free to message me back in the forums or in game by using my name to the left. If you decide to do it via game, please let it be a mailed message (don’t want to miss a pm by accident if you know what I mean x.x).

Looking for guild on Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Hi Lel,
I know this is later rather than sooner BUT…I still want to see if you found a guild yet If not, you sound like someone that might fit with the guild I’m in. You can return a message to me in the forums or in game, using my name to the left for an in game message (just no pm because I might miss it and I’d feel terrible).

looking for a guild..

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Hey Jubjub,
I’m part of a small/medium guild here on the TC. We do Wvw and PvE along with pretty much everything else like dungeons and fractals. Overall, we’re mostly active between 5/6pm to midnight EST with a few who play earlier and later. We do have a website but it is one you must register to access and we do have mumble. I do agree with you about the TC community, it’s freaking awesome! If you want more information, you can reply to me here on the forums or in game via mail message by using my name to the left. The guild I’m in is Zero Hunters [ZERO] and I actually made a post for recruitment a few days ago so you can probably do a search for it and read more. Good luck on finding a guild!

Looking for a Tarnished Coast guild

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Hey Wellread,
Reading from your post, you sound like someone that might fit in with us. We have a pretty well rounded group of people in the guild Zero Hunters [ZERO] here on the TC and would like to extend an offer to getting to know us. We have fractals, dungeons, WvW, PvE, and I think a few for PvP (not sure 100% on that one) in which we do all of these during the day. Most of us are online and active around 5 – 6 pm EST up until midnight with people showing up before and after those hours. We do have mumble and a website in which you have to register for in order to access. If you want more information, just reply to me here or in game with the name tag to the left but if in game, please send a message to my mailbox so I don’t miss it Hope you find what you’re looking for!

Looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Hey Derium Descen.1695,

Zero Hunters is a guild located on TC and is relatively small (about 125 members give or take). We are mostly active around that same time zone with a few hours before and well into the morning! Our typical make up consists of dungeons, PvE with world events, dailies, map completion, fractals, WvW, and probably a few other things I can’t remember at this time You can read a little more about us in a posting I created in the guild forum and you can contact me via my name here in the forums in game (preferably by mail so that I know I didn’t miss it) for more information. Hope you find what you’re looking for soon though for you and your friend!

Older gamer looking for guild

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Hey zophia.1273,

At Zero Hunters, we have a varied atmosphere which is located on the TC server. Our doors are always open and are always looking for more to join us on our ‘escapades’. We do dungeons, fractals, world events, running around and doing things such as map completion, and WvW. People will always have questions and no one learns without asking them so bring on the questions! You can send me a mail message in game for more information if you want (take my name posting and put that in the mail message in game) or you can look for the guild posting I made on the forums about the guild We do not RP as far as I know and we don’t expect you to jump into anything that would make you uncomfortable gameplay wise (aka, not asking or demanding you to join in on a dungeon and giving no lead or expecting you to know all the tips and tricks). Hope you find what you are looking for, even if it is not with us

[TC]Zero Hunters openly recruiting - yes - u

in Guilds

Posted by: cheshire.3712


Zero Hunters [ZERO] is a guild which enjoys playing with others here on the TC. We do various activities together such as world events (Jormag, Tequatl, Shatterer, Frostmaw, Fire Elemental, etc), WvW, PvE, as well as dungeons and fractals. Overall we’re a small’ish guild (about 125 give or take) and are always looking to add more Most of us met while playing other games so there is a type of non-Guild-Wars-connection for us although the ones that we have met in Guild Wars 2 are just as awesome! We have very helpful players in the guild and are looking to share it with others (granted, we do ask that you are an active player to a point and ask that you represent us most of the time so we can do killer guild events together) so come and join us. Nothing wrong with “stay awhile and listen”, now is there

Quick facts: We have an area on the TC mumble which we utilize a lot (like, almost a mandatory), we really do enjoy other people, we have a website and we have great members.

Contacting for further information: You can reply here in the forums, you can send me a message in game (would prefer an actual mail message in game because I might miss a pm ><), or you can send a mail message to JRivers.9841. Hope you find what you’re looking for