Showing Posts For cliffoner.4835:

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


have no problems with anyone who comes on and expresses their opinion or frustrations with the games. just put off by the ones that come on here like they need to make some sort of grand exit. pathetic

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


ya then they try to fix your personal gripes that causes someone else to quit, get over yourself and just leave

Legendary and Lost Shore Solution

in Crafting

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


1)i really dont think Anet thinks they messed up. they are already working on another way to incorporate precursors its been said already that they are also working on other things simultaneously. i dont think they meant this to be anything but a bonus in the meantime for some to get free or a temporary decrease (almost all precursors were, and some are still below half price) til they have fully implemented the new “scavenger hunt” method.
2)you idea is terrible

I Hate the Mystic Forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


i think its awesome and adds a huge dynamic to the game, that soothes the gambler in me. if there was no mystic forge i would have quit this game long time ago.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


still more room

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


new overflow again

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


join on me, then please disband once u get in to make room for others

Kamohoali'i Kotaki

in Crafting

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


who cares if he is or isnt the real worlds first creator of this legendary? at the end of the day he’s happy with the weapon and has come on here to show the rest of us how awesome it looks which is more than others who claim to have made it first chose to do.

Nice pics FILTHOUND.7659 and congrats on the legendary

i love when ppl post stuff like this, HE CARES. thats why he says it. personally the trident or whatever with the eels is 10x cooler than this one, i mean the devs couldnt even decide between a hawaiian or japanese name so they just merged it or something

Kamohoali'i Kotaki

in Crafting

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


Lol sorry to dissapoint you kid, i had the Spear for 1 week now and i just whispered toyou. Are you from RUIN or just another bigmouth fella?

Considering he was the first to report it, he gets the credit. I -really- hate to use the internet phrase, but “Pics or it didn’t happen”

Unless you’ve reported it. If then, he loses his little newfound bit of glory, but if not? Shark week is his. :P

nah shark week isnt his, hes just another tool who puts in the phrase “world first” when he should just put “in my own little world’s first”

VIDEO - Kaineng uses Overgrown Grub to assault SM!

in WvW

Posted by: cliffoner.4835


video made me fall asleep would not watch again