Showing Posts For creepyXtina.2560:

[EU] Sweet N Salty [Ten] Semi HC Raid recruit

in Looking for...

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Fell free to apply, we still recruit

[EU] Sweet N Salty [Ten] Semi HC Raid recruit

in Looking for...

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


still recruiting :3

[EU] Sweet N Salty [Ten] Semi HC Raid recruit

in Looking for...

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


We’re still looking for people o/

[EU] Sweet N Salty [Ten] Semi HC Raid recruit

in Looking for...

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Sweet N Salty [Ten] is a Semi Hardcore Raid Guild which is currently looking for advanced new potential members (18+ yo) joining our group.

Who are we?
At the moment we’re consisting out of +/-16 experienced Raiders (250-650li). We’re aiming for having 20 reliable and active members.
We have several Nationalities from all over Europe. Most of us are only doing raids or fractals/dungeons, overall end game content.
Clears are every Monday and Tuesday in max. 2,5h and CMs and other raids during the week. Other events like Fractals and Dungeons are more spontaneous :)

What are we looking for?

Reliable and Experienced Raiders
We expect great knowledge of all Wings and Mechanics. We’re not a teaching or training guild. We exclusively look for confident raid players, preferably around min. 250+li.
We are a Main Raid Guild we clear on Mondays (midday, evenings) and atm also during Tuesdays for people who cant join Mondays. We plan raids, low mans and CMs during the week/weekends.
We want you to be able to bring 3h straight possibly without any interruptions during a clear and ofc expect you to be there in time if we schedule an event. (10 min before we start)

Confidence on at least 2 classes/roles and accurate gear
Be experienced on at least 2 classes or better said roles in raids. You should be aware of your role (e.g. chrono=distorting situationally, druid=pushing orb at KC, dps=canons at Sabetha) and know your ‘stuff’
Your main raid characters should have accurate and proper ascended (or legendary) gear. Ofc you should know your rotation and have the ambition to constantly train it.

Discord required
We use discord for main communication and organization, you should be able to use it confortably including voice chatting in english (have a working microphone and dont have a problem to talk)

Good attitude and bring humor
Since gw2 is a game and supposed to be fun we want you bring humor and a healthy and mature attitude. We wanna treat eachother with respect but we also should be able to take feedback, point out mistakes to improve and be honest without getting offended by it. (We’re using padl/raid-heros to analyze our Raid runs to see where we can improve as a group and individual player)

Over all you should be able to deal with sweetness and also a tiny bit of saltiness ;)

How to apply

If you have further questions feel free to contact me, Cira, (creepyXtina.2560) ingame or on Discord (curlcira#6658).

(edited by creepyXtina.2560)

Legendary Armor Backpiece Attach Point

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I would prefer some level of clipping!

The floating backpiece or shield looks surreal, especially the shield!
I’d love to have some middle thing, not too close and not too far. At the moment it’s way too far.

Fix Light Legedary Armor pls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


In the dungeon subforum, there is a discussion and vote going on with a dev about fixing it

Oh thanks so much, haven’t seen it!

Fix Light Legedary Armor pls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I am really bothered how the legendary light armor chest piece looks with back items (shield or backpack)
I check it on heavy and medium and it seems fine but on light it’s insanely far away from the back for no reason. I thought maybe it’s just the case in the preview window but it is actually like this for real.
Anybody else feeling the same about this or is it just me?

Pls Fix this Arenanet! It’s legendary Armor! It supposed to fit perfectly at least ;-;


Idea: Metallic Dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Well, in that case it might be called ‘Metallurgic’ but do they look reflecting and metallic so you could see the difference to a similar color? :o I can’t see any. My Medium armor still looks mat :3

Wintersday Consumable Idea/Request

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I LOVE THIS! That’s an awesome idea Please Anet, add some new tonics and new content!

Idea: Metallic Dyes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


So recently I got my Mystic Chromatic Ooze (turns all armor parts of your character into a metallic ooze apperance) by doing the Juggernaut collection and I had the thought Why doesn’t ArenaNet develop some kind of special dyes?

I am very thankful for the variety of dyes we have! But although new dye kits are getting released, they only have a slightly difference compared to other dyes.

So what if we have some new creative ways to style our characters with e.g. METALLIC DYES? which look similar to the ooze effect <3


The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Probably meant bolt of gossamer.

Yes, sorry for that :D
Yes, the drops are all used for legendaries. What i mean is we should get at least drops we need for ALL legendaries: Gift of Fortune > T6 Mats + Ectoplasm + Obsidian Shards + Mystic Coins

You don’t need Loadstones, Bolt of Gossamer, Wood, Leather for all of them.

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


These are used for crafting legendary weapons. Legendary weapons are expensive. Ingredients used to craft them are also expensive.

As with all of the past discussions on mystic coins, I really don’t see a problem with this. Get them any way you can from in-game means (daily, leyline, etc), and then buy the rest of what you need. The process for getting a legendary weapons should be expensive and difficult if only for the sole reason that their demand allows mats to gain value on the trading post, which in its own way helps to combat gold inflation.

But the short of it is that these are used to craft legendary weapons. If you think those weapons should be cheap and easy to acquire, you’re sorely mistaken.

I agree, but there was just no good reason for ArenaNet to randomly add 250 mystic coins to the new legendary recipe.

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


91 tries -> received 9.

not funny at all. Think bad luck huh?
Can we please get a receipe that doesn’t include R’n’G?

I feel ya :/ Had the same once. Hate those Mystic Clovers recipe as well!

ArenaNet should at least let drop items you need for ALL legendaries as only T6 mats, ectos, obsidian shards or mystic coins and not useless loadstones, leather, silk and woods.

having to type out obsidian shards to delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


OMG keep them! You never know if you’ll once craft legendaries and then you’ll need them like crazy. I am scraping everything together to buy them.
Long time ago I said I’ll never craft a legendary. This year i made 5! And you need extra 100-150 obsidian for the new legendary collection system.
Just my advice!

Nah they pile up so easily. From silverwaste, karma trade, specific vendors, champ boxes and even spvp tracks.

Haha ^^ I wish! You’ve no idea how much gold I already spent because I bought them with fractal relics (15 frac relics + 25s EACH), because I ran out of all possible currencies.

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


If youve been able to craft three of them in less than a year then it sounds as if the material supply for these long term goal items might be okay after all.

It was extremely expensive and its not getting any better on the trading post. Never saw them as high in price as today (84s) and i thought it should be talked about.

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Well, it was in the gemstore only 3 months ago. They return periodically so you’ll just need to keep an eye out and maybe they’ll bring it back soon.

I do ^^ was hoping they bring it back in the anniversary sale. I logged in everyday at 5 pm excited like a little kid hoping I’ll find the Strider’s Armor Set and i didn’t, so you might understand my disappointment. So I’ve decided not to play my human thief anymore so i am not bothered with it.

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Where are you getting 500 from? It’s the same as any legendary except the gifts are different. You still only need 250 mystic coins. I’ve made the Nevermore.

You need 500 for the 2nd generation legendaries. I crafted 3 of them already, so I know what I am talking about.

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


The price may have gone nuts, but it’s not because they are being used up.

Mystic coins
Chris Cleary writes….

Most of this price increase revolves around players that are pushing the value up due to the players willingness to pay more. If players are willing to pay more for an item, it’s going to keep increasing until eventually it hits a ceiling for the commodity. We’ve seen the same thing occur with numerous commodities over time.

Right now there is a consistent supply of mystic coins entering the game (way more than are being consumed) and churning through the trading post at a very slow rate. Most of the coins on the market are ones that have been flipped.

In retrospect, this is actually causing the daily login reward to be worth significantly more to players who wish to convert mystic coins to gold.

I don’t see ANet intervening further if supply is greater than demand, high prices or not.

Thank you for the link. I was looking for a Mystic Coin Thread in the Forum and haven’t found one. I guess I haven’t searched correctly.

having to type out obsidian shards to delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


could this be removed I understand its there from back when shards where hard to get but nowadays I get them way to easy and I don’t make to many legendarys so having to type out the name to delete them is a bit of a annoyance especially with the fact that you have to type the number of shards you are deleting

OMG keep them! You never know if you’ll once craft legendaries and then you’ll need them like crazy. I am scraping everything together to buy them.
Long time ago I said I’ll never craft a legendary. This year i made 5! And you need extra 100-150 obsidian for the new legendary collection system.
Just my advice!

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Players had to rely on the TP for mystic coins since the game launched. The number of ways to acquire mystic coins hasn’t decreased. The number you need to acquire can be reduced further by choosing to get clovers at the end of the 28-day cycle and doing reward tracks.

I have to agree, the system worked fine. With adding 250 more mystic coins to the 2nd legendary recipe ArenaNet destroyed it though. The price of Mystic Coins went nuts in the Trading Post because you now need the double amount for the new legendaries.

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


GW2 has never worked in the way you think it should, why should Mystic coins be any different? Frankly, getting Mystic coins as a login reward is quite generous considering what they are used for.

If we wouldn’t get them as a log in reward this would be broken! It’s our main aquisition of mystic coins. And it’s way to low considering the amounts you need them for most of the recipes.

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Looks like you just missed it then. It had a 7 day removal notice on June 1st and removed on June 7th. That’s 3 months so… maybe another 3 months?

Yes I did. But I haven’t had any human medium armor character at that time yet. Right after it have been removed I created my thief and realized I only like the Strider’s armor for her. Aetherblade and Zodiac also have been removed with the Strider’s Armor, but returned for sale for a few days, but not Strider’s Armor!

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


There is also the daily mystic forger which sometimes occurs a month. If you do all of the daily mystic forgers you might get 4-5 per year

Right, yeh I forgot about that. But yeh, you say it, 4-5 a year ^^

The Mystic Coins Inbalance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I think the possibilities to acquire Mystic Coins is way too low and the amount in the recipes you need those is too high. There is a huge imbalance.

So I am aking ArenaNet: How am I supposed to get for instance 500 Mystic Coins for a 2nd Generation Legendary weapon without buying them from the Trading Post?
Correct me if I am wrong but I think there should always be a way to farm materials or at least most of them.

There are pretty much only 2 ways to get them:
Daily log in reward: 20 coins per month
Fractal Daily Chests: 1-2 (if lucky)

There is no way to farm them or acquire them in another way. It is ok if 250 are needed for a 1st Generation Legendary. It takes about a year (note: if i am logging in everyday) to get those together which is a fair time gate for a legendary. But additional 250 coins for a second generation legendary? Why? and HOW?

You need Mystic Coins for all Mystic Froge Skins, for occasion skins (Winters Presence, Nightfury) and for all legendaries.
The balance of needing them and the amount you get them is so unstable, that they only can increase in price on the Trading Post. I wouldn’t wonder if they get 3g each at some point.

What are your thoughts on this?

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560



It’s the only armor I want for my human thief and I am not playing her until i have the Strider’s Armor!

Been waiting for this for more than 3 months now! And wrote ArenaNet 3 times in all social media and wrote the support!!!

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I am sure I am not the only one who is bothered by the old standard hair accessory colors which haven’t changed since 4 years!

There should be at least exclusive accessory colors on the Self-Hair-Style Kit or Makeover Kit like the existing exclusive hair or eye colors.

It’s really hard to find a decent color especially when you have hairstyles like ’Taimi’s Hair’ with the big bow in it and you can’t dye it properly.

What are your thoughts?

Less Outfits, more Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


This outfits vs armor skins really gets to me sometimes. After much analysis, I have come to the conclusion that their no armor set policy for the gem store does work to an extent, even though I previously thought otherwise. HoT released with only 3 armor sets for each weight + mistward, which was a pitiful amount for an expansion. However, they have added triumphant and envoy armors, for a total of 5 sets + mistward, which makes it a bit better.

In the years leading upto HoT we got the same amount of sets from in-game means, but that took almost 3 years. Now if you include the gem store armors, the amount goes up to eleven (I’m not including the reskinned flame armors), which is still not an amazing amount for the time frame. Basically, I don’t think armor set production has gotten slower because of outfits.

What I do think though, is that Anet churns out way too many weapon sets, especially when you consider the black lion weapon sets and the random gem store weapons that come out all the time. They might not be too difficult to make, but they make so many of them so quickly that it really saturates the game with them. If they were to change something in regards to their skin releases, I believe that the best course of action would be to cut weapon skin production in half and put some extra effort into outfits and armor sets. Of course I could be wrong here, but I do believe that the weapon skins are getting out of hand.

Some of the weapon skins in the Gem Store are skins from gw1. But yes, I agree, ArenaNet canceled the development of the new legendaries. instead they are bringing out new full Black Lion Weapon Skins every 2 months or so.

And if they say it takes too much time to create new Armor, why do we get so many new outfits? It doesn’t even have to be a full L-M-H Armor set, there are also separate Armor Sets like Viper’s Medium armor and Phoenix Light Armor skin and its much more worth it to wait 3 months for one armor set than getting trash outfits.

The only conclusion I get from this is that ArenaNet needs something to make regular money with: Outfits and Black Lion Weapon Skins.

New Player to the game

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


1. Yes
2. Dungeons are possible with the regarding level, but better start them with lvl 80 <3 most of the peeps in the lfg are looking for experienced players, but there is always a start, don’t be afraid to say your new to it and I’m sure there are some lovely people helping you. Raids are the absolute high skill end game content. You need a coordinated group, TS and skill. Ascended armor helps, but it’s not nessisary.
3. I’d recommend to level old fashion, the long way. Use your lvl80 booster in another character someday. Safe it for now. Just enjoy the low level exploration.
4. Enjoy the game, study your skills properly (it’ll help you to know your class well) and try to understand the Trading Post ^^ It’ll safe you a lot of gold! (There are buyers and sellers. If you wanna sell something expensive, don’t instantly sell it, better place and offer for the item and wait till someone buys it. If you wanna buy something, place and order and wait till someone sells it.)

What did you do when you were new?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Oh this is super fun to read :D

I remember when i started playing I didn’t know I can jump so I always ran around fences and rocks.
Also i didn’t know you can swim in gw2 so I tried to avoid water so im not gonna die. xD

Good times!

Less Outfits, more Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


All outfits are garbage simply due to the non mix-n-match design… I’ll never buy one… NEVER…

Edit: They quit making gem store armors to seed armors into the game… But where are these new armors we can earn in game exactly?

There are some. The ‘newest’ are the Carapace Armor, Bladed Armor, Ley Stone Armor, Triumphant Armor and that Envoy Armor Set (for the upcoming legendary armor i guess) . But those are much better and more worn than the outfits!
I dislike the Outfits as well!

All zones are pointless after you´re lvl 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Possibilities to work on

Yes… work as you say.

And what do you need for most of the achievements and collections? LOTS of GOLD! ^^

But some of those possibilities are well listed! Thanks!

A few thoughts/requests on pve endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


We are getting to the point where maps with map currencies (such as Drytop, and Silverwastes) aren’t being played very much anymore.

I would like it if there was a weekly map that gave greater rewards or perhaps a special type of reward (I know, I know, another currency).

tl;dr: Having a “flavor of the week” map on-rotation would be very refreshing.

There is already the Weekly Map Bonus Reward system. But this ends up by grinding FGS every 8th week because its more profitable (T6 Blood, Charged Loadstones, Giant Eyes).

Less Outfits, more Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


The reason why there haven’t been any new gemstore armors in 2 years is because they made a policy decision to only have outfits as gemstore and armor as content rewards. So therefore, new armor is not a gemstore item. Now it could be argued that they should reverse this policy and start making gemstore armor again but that’s a topic for another thread, about gemstore armor. If it does, as they say, take months to make one set of armor then you can wish and ask all you want and not see any new armor any sooner.

I was not aware of the fact they removed armor aets from the GemStore to make them exclusively available via in-game reward. Thanks for the information.
But my intention is to say that the time they put into creating trash outfits would be much better invested in creating new armor skins and better make those available in the GemStore. If ArenaNet is not making new armor skins available in the GemStore anymore I kind of understand them saying they need another way to get ‘money’ although I dislike that thought.

Less Outfits, more Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Out of the 27 outfits, 75% could have had their resource investment placed into making 6 new armours, all of which had individual pieces.

This is exactly what I meant!

Let’s be realistic many people do you see just wearing one piece of a armour? Arguably more than you see wearing outfits.
This highlights armours arent wasted effort as people will buy the whole set simply to have a single piece.

100% Agree!

If we’re all saying ‘If it takes more time to create an outfit, its not going to happen’ should we just shut up and guess what ArenaNet would do or not do?

A few thoughts/requests on pve endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I really support those improvements. The aura thing is a great idea. Would be amazing if all dungeons would get its own aura you can acquire by a collection and achievements in dungeons like in fractals (killing all chicken, not get hit by lasers and so on) and that skin collections (dungeon armor, dungeon weapons) are more rewarding!

And I am 100% for more cosmetic goals. It’s so sad that most of the new skins (e.g. Storm Bow) just got available in the GemStore. It would be a wonderful skin to work towards like an ascended weapon. There should be more longterm goal besides of Legendaries.

I think higher fractals are supposed to be one of the harder 5 people group content ^^ it actually turned out pretty easy with a good group.

We all want more content in-game! And as far as I know is ArenaNet working on exactly that.

All zones are pointless after you´re lvl 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


ArenaNet added the Bandit Events and Anomaly events to the low level areas! But after you’ve done it 1-2 times its getting boring. A bit of content would be great!

And it wouldn’t be too bad if low level maps are more profitable. I think we should get gear and armor drops according the level of the map, so we get low level materials by salvaging them (leather, fabrics, ore) without much grind for ascended materials and legendary collections. It’s very hard to farm/gather low level materials like leather with a lvl80 character.

Less Outfits, more Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Outfits and armors have different niches. Outfits are gemstore items to make ANet money in between expansion sales. Armor is reward items for doing content. If it takes months to make a set of armor then no, they aren’t going to be making a set of armor with each outfit. Outfits sell well so obviously they are making ANet money and performing their stated use. I frequently look around and see people wearing an outfit.
So no, not less outfits. Maybe more armor if that can be managed but outfits are fine.

Armor Sets are GemStore items as well and I don’t mind it at all. But when was the last time ArenaNet created a new GemStore Armor Set? 2 Years ago? We got so many new Outfits, but no new Armor Sets. There was just Armor coming back to the Store like Zodiac, Aetherblade and so on.

Less Outfits, more Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


I think GuildWars2 should give their players more opportunities to be creative with in-game fashion and styles, one of the biggest part of the game.

Last time I was online I counted 25 different Outfits! I understand the function and advantages of an outfit, but after a while it’s getting very boring not to be able to change anything about it except for the colors and we end up looking like clones.

Most of the people I know, who bought an outfit might use it for a couple of days and then never use it again, because at some point you want some change and make your own choices about some parts.

Maybe there could be a way to offer an outfit as an Armor Skin Set and/or an Outfit?

I heard it takes ArenaNet more time to create an Armor Set than an Outfit. I totally understand that, but I think I am not wrong when im saying most of the players would be patient in that case?

Eternity skin update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: creepyXtina.2560


Eternity definitely should get an upgrade. Sacrificing one legendary because of merging for slightly more shiny (footfalls, aura and shining bulb) is just not worth it.
I love the footfalls of Eternity, but there should be an upgrade on the blade so its worth it to merge 2 legendaries (to change into one)!

Both art work suggestions are stunning, because they’re literally a combination of Twilight and Sunrise (especially regarding the hilt), exactly what Eternity should be! * _ * Sunrise by day and Twilight by night? Come on, there must be a way to merge them visually into one beautiful great sword thats worth this sacrifice!