Showing Posts For derevan.8751:

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: derevan.8751


Thanks for the new build i will test it as soon as i come home.

(edited by derevan.8751)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: derevan.8751


Cant wait for the new build osi, will be refreshening

Congratualtions Mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: derevan.8751


It is fun to see people crying because an other class than theirs get a buff. For my part i have an lvl 80 : thief, warrior, guardian, necro, mesmer and engi with minimum 250 hours of play on each of them at lvl 80.

For the might stacking : the necro can easily keep 90% of time 20+ stack of might and i dont see anyone complain about it and it is just one of many example.

Shatter mesmer and pretty easy to counter for any one that has eyes and know how to use them, people just need to leand how to moove and evade. It has been ages since a shatter mesmer got me on any of my character. It is a very nice buff in pve and against bad player that is right.

But i dont see why you are complaining if mesmer get a nice pve buff since it will help you in dungeon when you have a mesmer with you.

I am not attacking anyone, just giving my thought.

Sorry for the bad english it isn’t my main language.

Xtra charater slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: derevan.8751


You can with the trading post.

how do i powerlevel to 80 ASAP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: derevan.8751


My best time is in 4 hours 20 with crafting and leveling every craft to 375-380 (you need to have the materials ready and some gold).

Else i would say exploring like Bluestone said.

Necro power & hybrid builds,PvE / WvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: derevan.8751


Thanks for the informations Kardiamond. Your last link is dead can you sent a new please.

Thanks a lot

Necro power & hybrid builds,PvE / WvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: derevan.8751


30 points in Healing gives you Wells Siphon Life, as well as every time you hit a mob, you Siphon Life, and Siphon Life is 50% more effective. Combine these with Retaliation, Warhorn 5, and quick hitting Axe, and you can make all those hits, really add up. No matter how much damage you do or how you do it. Just never stop hitting things and you never die.

How will you spec for a build with the wells (30 points Blood) while keeping nice dps (would be excellent to have the dps and a nice support capacity)?

I have tried several wellomancer spec but find that i am laking in dps (aoe or single dos).

Necro power & hybrid builds,PvE / WvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: derevan.8751


If you find this guy and his build i would be very happy to see it please. Because i am upping my fractal level on my necromancer and i am searching a good hybrid build to use in fractal and general PVE (i would be in heaven if it is viable in WvW). If someone can help it would be nice. Thanks

Solution for fractals community splitting

in Suggestions

Posted by: derevan.8751


An other possibility is to make the fractal level an account level. It is quite depressing to be lvl 18 on your main and come back with a reroll and have to do lvl 1 and searching for hours a groupe that in the end never come (yesterday evening) juste because very few people need the lvl 1 now.

Dungeon Finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: derevan.8751


The dungeon Finder will also give a new life to low level population server because people will once again be able to do dungeon.

It is the best thing that can happen to GW2 now.

On necros being "broken"

in Necromancer

Posted by: derevan.8751


does someone do high level fractal with his necro and give me a constructiv feedback please. I am currently working on a fractal build for high (15+) level of fractal and help would be welcome. Thanks

Dungeon Finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: derevan.8751


And if possible an dungeon finder for everyone (all server on one dungeon finder). It is a pain un the a.s to find group for certain dungeon now and it will give the dungeoners a real happy time to be able to do dungeon easily without searching for hours when you play only one or two hours a day.