Showing Posts For digitalfodder.5086:

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Personally the engineer needs a massive overhaul. Anet is incompetent at doing anything right for the Engineer class. Would love to see the stats on how many play engineer compared to Guardians. Starting to give up completely on this class. Sorry didn’t really add anything to this discussion. Need to vent.

Engineer Bugs Compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Self repairing turrets trait does nothing, at least in the sPVP Mists area.

I feel the Engineer is useless in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Yeah except when you are in the top 3 tiers of servers in WvW, its ALL zerg.

I feel the Engineer is useless in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Good builds do get posted here every so often. look up Tankcat build. The creator included a good video of how to play it.

This does not work anymore. Both Confusion and Retaliation reduced to 50 percent, so you would be completely useless. You have to bring at least a little damage to be able to put opponents on edge. Otherwise they can just 100 percent focus on damaging you, which is not good for survivability.

@OP, I honestly think we are an incredible class in WvW. Do you have any idea how effective grenades are? And don’t you dare bring in “oh retaliation kills oh god”. Retaliation does literally nothing anymore. If you actually are concerned about retaliation, then you only dream about WvW.

Well, with flamethrower, hitting 5 people with ret u kitten x 360~ every second (360×10 = 3600 × 5 = 18000 for 2~ seconds blast of flame. Not sure how thats hardly anything! My point is I feel a lot less effective, or bring less to WvW than any other class. Grenades are great, but they disconnect (read: boring) you from the battle so much … the way i use them anyway.

I feel the Engineer is useless in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Good builds do get posted here every so often. look up Tankcat build. The creator included a good video of how to play it.

Tankcat is more of 1v1 build, its good for taking a lot of damage but suffers from people just running away from you, you can’t lock anyone down… at least thats what i found.

I feel the Engineer is useless in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


I can just about function in a zerg, by running around placing bombs as zerg meets zerg but its so disconnected from fighting anything. Can’t use flamethrower as other peoples retaliation does more damage to me than i can to them. I don’t have a reliable source of stability, i get thrown around like a dirty condom.
I can provide a little bit of support, nothing compared to other classes and just don’t get any badges.

Being an engineer sucks hard in WvW. What am I doing wrong? …. im sure ill get “use grenades!” but tghat seems to be the answer to every question on the engineer, i dislike using them.

Anet, please but some imagination into the engineer. feels like such a second thought.

Let's Talk Engineer Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


I can see just being boosted to 3 stacks, which will be lame.

The Megagineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Would love to see a video of you “owning” everyone in pvp. /sarcasm also the elixir guns super exlir is bugged and heals to much which will be fixed soon enough. The 1k a sf. Will drop to 200-300 sec.

(edited by digitalfodder.5086)

Getting very tierd of the bugs

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Well I enjoy the game so I’ve rerolled warrior. Engineer is a cool class but its still stuck in the beta weekends from months ago. They can’t honestly go with we fix a little on each class because engineers have much more broken than any class, this isn’t including balance either!

Getting very tierd of the bugs

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Then the skill is broken. Given that stability goes off and is given to you a lot of the time in wvw it just doesn’t function when you need it the most. It’s bad enough it’s a self bloody knock down as it is. This is literally the most useless skill in the game and has not been thought through at all.

Getting very tierd of the bugs

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Anyone else feel the same? Today I found another bug. If I am given stability or acquire it through Elixir S toolbelt skill, I cannot use my Rocket boots. Just says “immune”. These are the things I’m coming across daily.

Seriously anet, the engineer has so many bugs, I didn’t nearly have as much issue with them when it came to my thief or guardian. I understand that every class has issues but the engineers are so glaring and profoundly alter the play style. I really wish you could do a bug patching month rather than new content.

On another note, please make the tooltips consistent and workable. Blowtorch isn’t updating the damage or time correctly with runes or food (bug I came across yesterday).

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


ok, it doesnt have to be group only, but 5 people max (i.e group) should only be allowed through the portal. that completel negates your argument.

I shall put this idea forward: Anet buff the engineer Mortar to the point where it has a huge impact on the gameplay of WvW. Monster range that can damage walls and gates -cough- like a real mortar -cough- then we will see is get constantly moaned about.
An engineer that can repair siege weaponry (with tool kit). These would have a huge impact on gameplay only available to one class.

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Going through the portal should daze you for 4 seconds and put on a 3 second revealed debuff.

Thats all, it needs no nerfs.

No that is quite clearly a nerf. It would be useless in PvE and as an escape mechanic. Limiting it to group/5 people is fine.

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Portal does the exact opposite, it prevents “creative dynamic” because its the only thing thats being used.

So Portals are being used every time they are off cooldown during sieges? Hardly.

So you think a creative dynamic will be knocking down a gate/wall and then defending that hole every time via zerg vs zerg until attrition takes it’s toll on those that have the farther res point and the other side pushes through and wins? Sounds like a very “creative dynamic” to me.

There are a lot of people posting in this thread that I bet have never even been in a portal bomb or been portal bombed more than once per week and for the sake of adding noise, they just cry that it is OP because everyone else is crying that it is OP.

100B is OP. Spin2win is OP. D/D Elementals are OP. Thieves are OP. Lets all nerf those as well.

I’ve seen it enough to get pissed off by it, granted the culling problem is the real problem here but that will never get fixed. Whats the harm in limiting it to groups members only? No one here is complaining because they can, more likely the other way around as Mesmers see it as a nerf, which it isn’t. I have no idea why you brought up the other skills, they don’t nearly have as much affect in WvW as a portal, but i guess you’re just out of argument? Stealth cap preventing was removed, that was the only one that came close.

portal is used for one reason, it works with culling to give the portal team an advantage. What we could do is give high priority rendering to all Mesmers so we can see you running in a mile away, I would be okay with that.

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Portal does the exact opposite, it prevents “creative dynamic” because its the only thing thats being used.

In my opinion, portal is ruining the game

in WvW

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


No one skill should have such a deep impact on WvW, nerf the portal to 5 people maximum, or group only. Then Mesmer can keep the ability, it functions the same as usual but it shouldn’t dominate WvW so much.

Bring it down to group only. PLEASE.

Engineers down state..horrible

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Most of the people here saying it is fine do not back up with any reason or quite clearly have never even tried it.
The very existence of the down state is to prevent oneself from being killed, its not for helping team members out, and it fails at this. People are correct in saying that why would you need to pull people closer, they going to come and stomp you anyway so it makes it almost redundant bar the interrupt, after this you’re screwed as the cooldown on 3 ability is WAY to long.

Personally I think they should make the attacks;
1 A melee range damage knockdown (1 second) on a short cooldown (4 seconds?)
2 A 1200 range pull without any interrupt
3 An aoe knockback blast that does a lot less damage but available after 5 seconds.

bug: rare veggie pizza + blowtorch?

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


seems that the tool tip doesnt update anymore, the damage is unconfirmed but before patch it was 3,600~ damage without pizza and after it was 5,600. Now it doesn’t change at all.

bug or ninja nerf?

Would like an acknowledgement, that's all...

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


what annoys me is the knee-jerk fix to bleed on pistol 1 attack was done almost instantly. Now the 1 attack is a limp wrist slap compared to what it was previously. So much for “bit at a time”.

Back items/skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Team Fortress has hats, Guild wars 2 has back items. You’re really missing out on something special here! I don’t mind if you make them available as drops or can buy them directly from the gem store. Please don’t put them in a BL chest with RNG attached.

Seriously, as an engineer I would like something that isn’t a quiver, a book or a backpack. Since they’re just skins you can have your artists work on these, providing a bit more income without affecting the game.

Please consider this request.

Engineer "Tool kit" visual overhaul

in Suggestions

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Playing an engineer is fun, has its quirks etc… but I feel some of the visual design behind them is a little lack luster in my opinion. I just thought I would post my thoughts on some of the polish that could be applied to make the class seem more aesthetically pleasing and unique. No change to skills/abilities but just the way they look. A purely aesthetic.
I know its called tool kit but that could mean anything not just tools, just so we aren’t limited to garage tools only, it is a fantasy world after all.

Wrench. The best looking skill, which looks like a wrench but even this could be made to look better. Why can’t it be a a chain whip? or perhaps a lightening chain whip, or just a lighting spanner (I like lightening) or other device that has some animation.

Nails. This is a copy and paste from the thief class, which we seem to get a lot of but that’s for another post. Could this not be something like oil, or bananas or ball bearings with an original animation? Something like balls being scattered or the balls dropping down from a central point on the character (like you’re dumping a load). Electrostatic field would be cool perhaps, with a unique animation not copied from Mesmer!

Crowbar. A simple pipe and attack animation? This looks the poorest of any skill in the game. A flash light could cause confusion, or laser. It could be a giant anvil thrown at the enemy (spin around and throw, like hammer throw).

Shield. Can’t do to much with this really, just would prefer the shield to look a little more engineery, so when you use the skill the shield coils outward with a cool noise. Perhaps make it a tad larger.

Magnet. Another hard one i guess, prefer a giant magnet that pops out of the chest like the ram, or the head, and perhaps the post-processing effects made larger and stronger looking. You’re pulling huge objects, it needs to look beefy! This doesn’t have to be a magnet, instead of attack 1 using a chain whip it could be used here instead.

Please please please let the artists make a pass over this kit, it feels so underwhelming at the moment.