PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
This is a little too Tea Partyish for my comfort.
YES. 10 characters
2 v 1 can suck for the target.
2 v 1 is legit.
Cheating? Not really. But why spend time defending AON?
Well, TC right now, is placing really low on my list of servers. They really are clueless….
You need a timeout.
Have more fun. This is a video game.
What’s this? Problems in SOR land? Really? …… now that is a shame.
It couldn’t have happened to a less deserving server.
Im sad to hear it.
If he thinks SORs reputation of gaming the game is a little bit pathetic probably. Tell uncle sour that I will be bringing the greenbean casserole for thanksgiving and remind him that he is a goat, not a troll.
Words of Wisdom:
“A person can choose to be a good sport or not. That is up to them”
SOR at its old stunts and shows again. Pitiful.
Wow SOR. ….. .. .
So out of curiosity, how many TC players RP while they WvW?
I do.
I love it when the TC commanders tell the zergs to RP Walk during battle. Fun.
Not hard core or anything . . just for laughs, fun and added enjoyment (which i would guess are the same reasons the hard core RPers do it).
Never have i seen that many players on one screen. The lag is insane… It was…
P.S. you wanna GVG, do it on TC map.
It’s Plok! Hi, Plok! And GOAT. All the GOATs! Went to GOAT night once. Brought a bag for them to eat and everything, but was like only one GOAT, so I left.
Did you know goats really like bags? Like this one time when I was at the zoo, there was these people and they was feeding a goat. But it ate their bag instead. Cause it was a goat.
You know, you should totally GvG Fun. Bring all the GOATs. Could stomp Fun into the ground. Would be amazing.
Probably a lot of work just to beat me up. But if you’re ever bored, I’m usually in the TCBL. Running around. Doing stuff. Possibly dying.
With my new hammer! For my new warrior.
I am not sure what this is about. (too lazy to scroll back).
But i hope this is “goat” friendly!!!
I had to work. For many days straight including those three days. I didnt know i only had three days to get it.
I missed it.
It sucks.
Dragon Bash is coming!!
woo hoo
I think the fact that SOS can stay this competitive in tier 2, shows how ridiculously large the gap is between tier 1 and tier 2……. I admit i had entertained the notion that perhaps a tier 2 server could put up a decent fight against a tier 1 server, but not anymore.
Gaps in timezones mate, and don’t forget TC and FA are both beating on one another as SoS goes about their business. Everyone knows the score is more complex than its face value, well everyone except kitteny SoR instigators.
So if its gaps in timezones, it solidifies my argument about the gap between tier 1 and tier 2……
Anyway gratz to SOS on a great performance so far, and gratz ( maybe ) on being the next bandwagon destination after DB implodes ( see RE recruitment thread page
as the usual bandwagon suspects try to take advantage of your oceanic coverage…..
forum agitator, instigator, resides under suspended paths of mobility alert
Two Maidens, One Chalice (TMOC)
I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.
Good luck to them.
Maybe…. maybe not, but coming from an expert on the subject….. should certainly make people wonder about it.
…just saying.
We didn’t fatten TC up for a cruel slaying, or hide our intentions. SOR told TC flat out that we will hold back for a period of one week to let our new ( at the time guilds) get acclimated, and then that we would massacre you the week after. We did just that.
These are lies. Maybe not lies you yourself said… but easily verifiable lies said by others.
First “SORING the ratings” was admitted, then denied, then extremely denied, now here admitted again.
who to believe?
I think that DB is purposefully lowering their rating because they think they can eat up some easy points on two “fattened pigs” later on when they get whatever guilds they are currently farming for.
Good luck to them.
Maybe…. maybe not, but coming from an expert on the subject….. should certainly make people wonder about it.
…just saying.
If Rise and those other excellent guilds are 100 percent certain they are leaving Kaineng.
Then i want them on TC. They are all excellent guilds and good sports. They would fit right in.
(i will prolly get flamed, but for the record i wish KN would stay as one, if not…. come here, sooner than later we will be in T1, id rather they be with us)
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
The FA – TC – KN match has been the best one to date. It will be missed. All of the KN guilds considering a transfer, in my most humble opinion I would suggest staying where you are and rebuild from within. It is always easier to do and more successful. If that is no longer and option then i second what was said below.
Good times in the past and many more yet to come.
It would be fun if the guilds leaving Kaineng went to support either Fort Aspenwood or Dragonbrand in tier 2. Here’s to hoping for a stable tier 2 in the near future!
You should stay on FA. They are an excellent server with very capable guilds and excellent WvW.
(they may have 1 or 2 too many forum warriors…. but that is ok).
I dont know of any deal to save KN (but i wouldnt know if there was one). I do know that when i hit the WvW tab I look to see who is in second and then i go and fight them.
I think that is the natural choice for most people.
Every server wants to improve. Improve does not necessarily mean go into Tier 1 (that we all universally feel is a can of worms… but if it happens so be it).
TC is the old dog in this fight. TC has been in this tier for a while. Taking its beatings and learning from its successes and its failures. If TC wasn’t taking the lead in this match against KN and FA from much lower tiers….. it would mean that somewhere and in some regard we had let the ball slip.
KN has risen up and improved. FA has risen up and improved. Yet somehow you guys think TC should peter out or simply stay stagnant? No server in this match has gotten here or stayed here by simply saying we are good enough no reason to address our weaknesses.
Trail of tears. Poor thread.
But I do remember when this matchup got SOR’d and when BG got a bunch of transfers in mid match.
I hated it. I really really hated it (an understatement).
It is a tricky path to try to navigate improving your own server and addressing its weaknesses (which is what all of us are doing in tier 2 right?) and remaining good sports and good competitors.
Not sure there is right or wrong here, no answers. Just two sides of a conversation. Let’s aim to keep it a civil one.
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
I’ll just leave this here, for those of you wondering what happened to [RET]
Good video.
TC never gives up. Not even during the questionable SOR episode. It is a plus that often makes the difference.
KN is an excellent server with good people and extremely capable WvW guilds.
Anyone considering a move should seriously consider KN.
Come to Tier 2 WvW = best wvw ever.
Those who have done the quiz, I’ll PM you the answers. Don’t tell anyone else! Shhh!
3. Mmmm mmmm mmmm good!
1. Blue. Dark, shiny, waxed, brilliant
2. My Aussie: spoiled, good, too, smart
3. Pho: mmm, mmm, mmm, good
4. Swim towards island.
This has been an excellent match up. All of it. This is what a well balanced server should look like.
Props to all TC, FA, and KN. Good times!
War, this has to be the single most ludicrous comment I’ve read.
Last night in TCBL was a blast. Ashburn leading TSL in holding Hills, taking Bay and otherwise destroying every FA group we came across, no matter how big and Kittenae, Azeroth,and Coral running back and forth taking POI and slaughtering people as they went.Kain showed up here and there and overwhelmed us at times but never without paying a price in dead bodies, it was an absolutely fantastic night.
Near the end of the night when TSL’s group dwindled from 20 to around 13 we came across a large Kain force at Longview.I asked if our guys wanted to recall knowing the answer and they didn’t disappoint….Hell no we don’t recall, we attacked, we died, we will see you again this evening.
I witnessed a TSL moment at that FABL SW Camp. It was 10 minutes of “magnificence”.
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
says Sargent Killjoy aka Trolljoy from Magruber……….. ….. … .
He has had some solid advice for me both here and in our WvW thread. Nothing wrong with a little trolling sometimes.
Im torn between TC and Blackgate.
Ok, cool enough. Both would be excellent choices (and Kain)
says Sargent Killjoy aka Trolljoy from Magruber……….. ….. … .
My GF wants us to go to TC. I heard it has a great community too.
Is there a lot of really awkward role playing going on? Thats my only concern with that server.
Yes, and as a non rper I LOVE IT.
It adds flavor and fun to the server world. It adds much and takes away nothing.
Kain, Dragonbrand, Stormbluff and BG seemed as servers to be both excellent wvw’ers and good sports.
(as were many individual players on SOR, Mag, FA and others)
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
On a WvW map, Red is Dead.
That is the only rule.
I am not interested in paying 15 dollars a month for any game i already plaid 40plus dollars for.
It does not make sense.
The biggest problem with being a staff elementalist trying to run back to the fight is when the thief attacks and you try to switch to weapons.
Nothing happens.
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
Do you happen to know which playlists activate where? For example, if generate an “ambient” playlist, will it start playing wherever/whenever, or only when my character is somewhere specific or doing something?
I ask because if possible, I’d like to keep the PvE/Dungeon music the same, but I feel like WvW music could use some adjustments.
These are the categories you can make a soundtrack for:
I think Ambient might be general background music that includes PVE etc, I only changed Battle, BossBattle, and MainMenu (to test, but i left it) and they all work great. At all other times the original gw2 music remains. Many dungeons are near constant mob aggro (i.e. battle) so just keep that in mind if you change that soundtrack.
You can always make a new soundtrack or just delete the soundtrack you made to return to the original.
What a great thread! Thanks for bringing this topic up. I’ve often wished I could listen to great music for the battles. I particularly like the thing! I have a few questions about how that works. Like, do you get to select from a playlist, or is it a stream that you just join into? This seems like it wouldn’t be a drag on your puters system either. My rig isn’t bad, but it’s just not as new and bawss as I would like. I really need to beg alienware to send me a ‘test’ rig. :p….. yeah that’s gonna happen /eyeroll. lol
I used this site as a guideline:
I created a playlist using itunes. Saved it. Named it using the list on the link (ambient, etc). And put it in the proper folder.
I only changed the music for character select screen, battles and boss battles because i otherwise like the GW2 music and i didnt want to lose all of it.
It for me made the already enjoyable wvw… insanely fun.
You guys know you can program custom music within GW2. I have a soundtrack set up for battle (wvw fighting) and Boss fights. (google it)
Its epic to have your own music kick on when the pvp begins.
I was the purplish robed elementalist with the glowing staff. You were the thief from FA with the daggers in your hand. We met when we both ended up being stuck in the walls of Hills. We danced. We laughed. We cried. But alas when we finally embraced both your love and your daggers found my heart.
I begged your forgiveness. The fireball i threw was only meant to warm us.
I hope the loot bag i dropped was filled with roses.
—Yours forever
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
You will probably hear this in a way that is not intended. Apologies in advance.
But that seems like a lot of shuffling around, etc, in an effort to keep SOR relevant in a match they have given up competing in as is.
It would seem easier to transfer out of SOR.
True, the next server in that position might end up the same way. Possible, but what is certain is what we know right now.
Look at how close T2 is.
I bet you none of those servers wants anything to change. Too bad the populations are so skewed in T1, otherwise it would be great to have something like that here too.
^ this
To avoid burnout.
It’s not that we’re giving up, its just we realize, with our current coverage, theres only so far we can get, and we don’t need to stress and play 12 hours a day per player just to end up in 3rd again. Instead, our focus now is to just have fun, try and get some other guilds to move to SoR and just do what we want for the time being.
fair enough
We stopped playing the ppt game early in the week knowing we weren’t going anywhere any time soon.
and considering were not even actively trying to gain ELO, imagine how slow a decent would be?
but the fact the score is like this without SoR even trying,
I dont understand why you are not trying? What is the end goal of giving up?
(edited by dirtyoldgoat.5496)
Still bitter. For such a classy server, you don’t seem to show it often.
Bitter? That’s not how i see it but i will try to take your opinion into consideration.
Kain is currently a T2 server. SOR is a T1 server. The T2 match has become as close and as competitive a fight as i have seen in T2. Great week all around.
If SOR cant handle the fact that it is a T1 size server in a T1 match then its problems are internal and perhaps beyond saving.
Painted over it with Dolyak blood.
“them there is some fighting words!!!”
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