Showing Posts For dmndbcK.3425:

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


If it’s so patently false, then why are there so many threads about DH being OP and about class swapping being an issue?

Also, If your so doubtful maybe we should meet ingame. 500G high risk duel since you think I’m not in that top 5% category.

I’ll even go 2 traitlines for you if you would like

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Wanna know what I find hilarious?

That there are so many whiteknights on this forum thread saying “I’ve NEVER seen a game have a competitive scene without profession locking”

Well there are a few actually that are HIGHLY competitive. You are just to close-minded.

Overwatch has the ability to swap “Heroes” mid-comp and in Diamond+ that is integral to the overall environment of the game because you don’t know what heroes will work if the other team is just simply BETTER then you.

CSGO despite being a FPS, you can think of professions such as which weapon you can use at which time. Example: If your enemies have 2 snipers, 3 rifles you will want to obviously match them, unless you have no economy. So if you are working on no economy, you pull out a kitten shotgun and kill them. EZ 1 shot.

The more I look at the PvP in GW2, the more I realize that the issue is not with “Profession stacking” or “People swapping mid-game”

These changes are being made based on YOUR thoughts and opinions that ANet is listening to.

ArenaNet does not listen to the top 5% of PvP player’s anymore, because our opinions do no matter. We can literally win a 5dh v real comp game in a clean sweep.

The problem is simply that new player’s cannot get into PvP easily with the current meta, thus the only alternative is to keep progressing instead of degressing back into a prior state of the game to keep the flow going. Hence why they arent choosing to bring back team-queue or nerf DH.

The only solution for my new player’s is to sadly, Get Good at the game by learning from people. Ask people for help, duel them, learn each and every class along with all skills for that class. This includes animations, sounds, etc.

Nothing ANET does will help 50% of the playerbase of PvP, because they aren’t willing to learn to become better at the game. They rather cry on the forums about nerfing and fixing “bugs” that are not actually a problem.

This is now Casual Wars 2 boys. I’m riding this train till the next expansion so I can knock Bubbles teeth out as a naked asura under the water with my Kraitkin.

Team Game With No Teams???

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Pretty much why ALL of the serious teams that were good have all but left competitive PvP.

All that is left is people that love the game and that’s really it.

Khylo Changes

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Being honest, nothing needing fixing outside of the player’s.

Those jumps were obnoxiously easy to make and the port spots were even easier.

Just too many keyboard turners in this game now making all of the changes happen.

Inb4 Spam 4 + 2 zerkerscholar BearBow druid becomes meta.

season 5 NA scene...

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Season 6 will be a huge success if either of the following happens.

1) Ranked queue is changed into SOLO queue only and the system DOES NOT pair golds with people in Plat 2+

2) Ranked queue is changed into two seperate queue’s for Team(5 man) and Solo queue.

3) Leaderboards are locked by IP Address to only allow for one account per IP (to eliminate smurfing/alting to take multiple places on the leaderboard)

4) Bring a balance patch that brings diversity to other classes to follow the example that DH brought this season which will allow for a wider variety of classes and builds to choose from on each end of our balance spectrum.

5) Find ways to discourage AFKing and throwing to the point of maybe implementing a system that reads your stats if your team loses and if you didnt do anything or not enough to have a top stat and didnt meet a minimum requirement on each state, that it gives you more lost pips.

6) Make it to where if you are the TOP player on your team in terms of MMR, and you get more then 4+ top stats that you dont lose over 50+ MMR in a game if your team is just garbage.

That is my only thoughts to improve the system which could be seen as a ray of light.

Duo Q MUST GO for Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


This is my big thing as a top tier PvP player in this game.

If you are going to force people into a duo-queue only system when the gamemode itself is designed for team based queue, then we as a community need to educate the less educated player’s on how-to play this game.

It is stupid that I am in plat 2, and get people on my team who have over 11,000 hours on Thief and have no clue what agility signet does and think that it only gives ‘Precision bonus’.

The fact that the community is so small for PvP that 80% of the newer PvP player’s are all here for skins, gold, achievements, whatever and they come in with /t or /m off is ridiculous. I actually applaud Anet for taking a step in the right direction to attempt to bring this community back together, but eventually we need to take in account that Conquest is a 5v5 gamemode and if you are going to go pure solo or pure duo, or even team queue there needs to be some means of easier communication or better training for our less educated friends on how-to learn PvP so games are so massively skewed.

It literally almost seems like me, gold is the people who try during their games despite sucking at the game and plat is people who play meta and try(yet still dont know the game)

Just my 2c
EDIT: Went into a completely different tangent there, but regardless! I personally think they need to bring back the old Team queue that allows for 5 man premades and then solo ranked queue for our ‘Solo Queue whiteknights’. Both were fun back in the day, and made the game more exciting expecially when there were two seperate leaderboards.

Additionally, if you think that 5man queue’s wont be ‘Popping fast enough’ check out NA Unranked during primetime. Constantly 3+ queue’s

(edited by dmndbcK.3425)

Wait a minute, this is NOT ok

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Sigh…another thread where OP just needs to learn the simple fact of gitgud.

I agree that having a DH run all 3-4 traps below Ruby can be irritating, however once you get above ruby and in Diamond/Legendary DH’s are significantly better and only use 1 trap.

The problem you face OP, is that you main a Thief and MaceBow warrior which both are heavily hardcountered by DH atm. Simplest solution for you, is either learn to play thief and go duel DH’s exclusively to learn passive play to wreck them. Or run Power Warrior like all of the warriors in upper divisions are doing at the moment, because that wrecks DH atm.

Just saying, it’s time to stop complaining about this and actually innovate instead of thinking you can 1v1 hardcounters.

Things That Need Nerfing

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Tbh bro, maybe you should just learn from Min Scherzo. He’s the only guy I’ve found who play’s thief that actually kills all of the above specs you mentioned with ease.

Your suggested nerfs are nothing more then voices of the hundreds of casuals who cry about things not dieng when they are just stupid at the game. As a thief, you shouldn’t be a) fighting DH’s, Wars, Rangers alone. b) running anything but d/p, staff in ranked and c) complaining about requiring nerfs when you can perma-cleave for days.

You have essentially named all of the current best specs and their traits/skills that make them the best. However, what you haven’t named are good player’s in top-tier that play them and show you that they are OP.

In casual play, sapphire division and below you will see that these builds destroy people who obviously have no idea what the dodge keys or immobilize is. Outside of that, you will rarely find good power warriors/dh’s/engi’s in upper diamond/legendary division. With this being said, no salt required. It’s time to start learning how-to not rely on your backstab so much and start innovating.

tl;dr OP is probably just another guy who is salty about getting slain on his thief consistently because he is not willing to innovate and adjust to change.
just my 2c

Let's not pretend other classes belong in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


The fact is, most of the loser’s complaining are casuals stuck in Amber/Emerald/Sapphire and have no clue of the slightest indication to why medi-trapper guard is meta at this time. They also clearly have no clue why they are countered by Rev/Power Warrior. If you are naturally having a tough time fighting a class, get on the class and learn it and its weaknesses.

Good player’s can counter the current guardian meta, stop complaining and learn 2 play. Top Tier player’s don’t ever complain about guardians because you know where traps will be lol.

For the first time in over 800 games..

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


+1 pro tip, will support.


Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


It’s probably just an issue of individual skill level. Because do remember, alot of people in Diamond/Legendary got placed in Sapphire this season, as well as this alot of people are tanking this season so the grind to legend is easier.

Additionally, DH is fairly easy to counter with good player’s on your team. The only suggestion I can really provide input on is LOS the DH and make them come to you, because if they are alone on a point they have traps down. Use ranged abilitys to pressure them, and continue using them till you see them pop heal/blocks/etc…Afterwards just put extensive dps pressure on them and then its GG.

If you are unable to do that, I suggest learning your rotations and not wasting your high dps/cc skills on block abilitys. Dueling can be quite useful in situations like this, unfortunately DH meditrapper is a noob stomper build, and rightfully so.

I personally think that it doesn’t really need that much ‘smoothing out’ considering the top tier player’s are still playing engi/druid/mesmer/thief/rev and defeating most DH’s with ease.

Your team with 3 druids should have easily been able to out sustain those DH’s.

tl;dr DH is not the problem. Stop blaming it on something that wasn’t even buffed hardly, and start realizing the benefit of MetaBattle to help you better understand the top-tier builds that are used to better benefit your team in situations like this.

Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Not going to lie, I believe MMR this season is an absolute joke. However, I am 73% win ratio and Diamond Tier 5 at this moment. I’ve always had decent MMR, but I also queue with a 3-4 man premade at any given time. The only issues I find is when we get matched with a player who’s skills are obviously that of someone who is casual at PvP who just made T1 Ruby.

By this statement I simply mean that they just really started learning their class and think that just because they made it into Ruby division that they can hang with player’s of obviously much higher skillcap. Yet they are getting slapped left and right like they are using a berserker amulet.

tl;dr If your in Ruby Division, you have a good chance of queueing with Diamonds, be a good sport and swap classes/builds if needed.

//mic drop

7/12 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


I’m just going to say this……We need to all have a Firework party at Quaggan Isle in DBBL, and see how long it takes DB to get to us after they see their Garrison flagged (]:

[YODA] Dagobah-WvW-AsuranOnly-YB

in Looking for...

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Also I will be on from Monday-Sunday 5:45PM CST – 2:00AM CST. So whisper me if you wanna join or have any thoughts/questions about the guild.

[YODA] Dagobah-WvW-AsuranOnly-YB

in Looking for...

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Hello Fellow Yaks Bend players!

We are a newly formed guild in Yaks Bend that is going to be hosting monthly Asuran only WvWvW raids within the Yaks Bend community. We are a guild about 12 member’s strong at the moment, but we are striving to continue bringing more Yaks into the fray of battle.

What we are looking for: We are looking for Yaks Bend community member’s who will be interested to run a WvW raid every week to possible every two weeks depending on everyone in the guilds availability during scheduling. This guild is open to the entire server of Yaks Bend, so long as you have an Asuran. We are looking for nothing more then to have fun and create a massive Asuran army. But most importantly we are looking for helpful yet serious people in the raid’s.

Requirements: There is only one, and that is you must be on an Asuran character when doing WvW raids with us.

Rep requirements: Since Dagobah will only be doing WvW raids weekly/every two weeks the only requirement at the moment is to Rep while in the WvW raid.

If you have any further question’s that I may have failed to answer in this post please whisper me in-game and I will be glad to answer.

We will be getting a forum sooner or later to help organize the guild events.

And may the Shwartz be with you,
