Showing Posts For dragosf.3291:
It isn’t a nerf.
It will deal overall +50% against groups of enemies.
4000 × 1 = 4000
2000 × 3 = 6000It just requires more foes to hit.
Meteor Shower DOES do that.
What are you smoking, man? Old skill used to hit 5 targets. This is proper math:
4000 × 5 = 20000
2000 × 3 = 6000
It’s basically a 70% dmg nerf.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dragosf.3291
If you go to McDonalds and they say the cheeseburger is 20 dollars would you buy it? No? Why, you can save up 20 bucks in no time! Don’t be so cheap!
If you go to McDonalds and they say that the cheeseburger is 20 dollars would you stay there and yell at them all day? Or would you simply not buy it and move on?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dragosf.3291
The Ele specialization.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dragosf.3291
How self-entitled must one be to believe they deserve more than what they’re paying for?
How blind must one be to pay more than the real value of a product, while others get to have a 50$ discount.
Value is subjective. I pay to support the company that provided me with over 3500 hours of enyertainment. I put value on more than just the “objects” we get in the game.
I don’t think I need to remind you that you have the option to simply not buy the expansion.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dragosf.3291
How self-entitled must one be to believe they deserve more than what they’re paying for?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dragosf.3291
Why would I expect to pay less than any other MMo expansion?
Self-entitlement. This has been the theme in the last 7 pages of threads.
Master build on master class is going to be even better. Fire or Air + Water & Arcana is pretty obvious. Counting down the days.
Its just funny how many were complaining about thieves running away again in the last weeks. And with things like that we are kinda forced to “run” away. Shadowstep is on a 50sec cooldown and also needed for condi-cleanse or stunbreaker (engi has a lot of CC you know?). We could go more aggressive of course with blind from black powder (D/P) or evades (S/D). Blind got nerfed and can´t compete with all the AoE the engi has and evades from S/D got nerfed, too. In a teamfight in PvP a thief can even less go deep.
Oh, please. Thief is not “forced” to run away. You kittened up, you’re almost dead, you have to run away. And you have the best tools at your disposal for doing so.
Baseline Blasting Staff.
Elemental Attunement is minor trait.
I’m happy.
No idea, I know Aion private servers with a 2-3 man team that spend more on their servers, I got big zerg fights there and never any delay/lag. Arenanet must be cheap as hell, from rewards to servers. How can you say you need to spend resources on the 3 gamemodes you got atm, and have WvW laggin out for years ? 1 update in years ? much resource, wow.
Yeah, because population in private servers can be compared to population in GW2.
Such logic, much wow, m8.
E5 blast is bugged.
However casting E5 does retaliate.
It is not bugged.
Enemies retaliate your Churning Earth because the skill does a few pulses of Cripple before the blast at the end.
Remember that you can get an extra blast in your firefield by using earth 5 and cancel it right away (by moving left and right). Your earth 5 skill will only have a cooldown of a few seconds.
You get an “Aura Might” pop-up, but the blast itself doesn’t happen if you don’t finish the cast.
Location: Romania
Timezone: GMT+2
World: Desolation EU
Massive lag in game coupled with frequent disconnects. As soon as I disconnect I cannot log back in again for a while.
This happens at around 6:00 – 9:00 PM Server time almost daily.
= Checking server connectivity – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect failed – connect failed
Section completed in 10.00 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded
Section completed in 0.13 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded
Section completed in 0.17 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded
Section completed in 9.10 seconds – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect failed
Section completed in 10.06 seconds
= Traces
—> pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 <--
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 aiur []
3 *
6 []
7 []
9 []
10 []
Computing statistics for 62 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 aiur []
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
2 18ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 16ms 1/ 25 = 4% 1/ 25 = 4%
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 —- 25/ 25 =100% 25/ 25 =100%
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 48ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
0/ 25 = 0% |
6 45ms 5/ 25 = 20% 5/ 25 = 20% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
7 44ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 48ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
3/ 25 = 12% |
9 —- 25/ 25 =100% 22/ 25 = 88% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
10 67ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []
Trace complete.
—> pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 <--
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 aiur []
3 *
6 []
7 * * *
Computing statistics for 37 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 aiur []
0/ 25 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
2 18ms 2/ 25 = 8% 1/ 25 = 4%
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 16ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
4 —- 25/ 25 =100% 23/ 25 = 92%
0/ 25 = 0% |
5 48ms 2/ 25 = 8% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
6 44ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []
Trace complete.
Section completed in 119.43 seconds
Your location: Romania
Time and date of incident (plus time zone): 6:00 PM GMT
Game World: Desolation
Brief description of what you’re seeing: Game takes a long time to log in on the initial screen, then once in game the loading screens take a long time. There’s massive lag spikes frequently with people teleporting around and skill effects going off a long time after cast.
Please don’t fix this. It is the most fun I’ve had in a while ;D
At the moment, sentries are only useful for watching enemy movement. They should be a little more powerful such that a sentry can take out an unguarded dolly by itself, but not one upgraded with escort.
This way you can use sentries to disrupt enemy supply to some extent.
No way, for reasons already mentioned.
GvGvG mode? Sure. But stay away from my WvWvW.
Make a level 2 warrior and play around with the NPCs in Heart of the Mists to learn their most important skills: Earthshaker (hammer burst), Eviscerate (axe burst), Skull Crack (mace burst) and utilities.
It’s very important that you save your dodges for important skills and do not throw all you have in the beginning (Air #3, Air #5, Earth #4). Watch his boons and do not waste your precious Ckittenil his stability runs out. If he’s a bit trigger-happy on utilities and you know he doesn’t have stunbreaks ready you can guarantee a chain CC/burst on him.
If he’s full melee you have plenty of tools for kiting while he has stability: Water #3, Earth #3, EA dodges (air – blind, earth – immobilize). If you do get hit by Earthshaker you will have to pop Lightning Flash or Armor of Earth, otherwise you can expect to eat the full hammer chain and an eviscerate or a portion of 100 blades.
When you are kiting, make sure to do it in your Ring of Fire. He gets burned and you get might stacks. D/D ele can output some very nice burning and many opponents ignore it simply because they don’t see a big stack of conditions on them.
A Doom sigil makes this significantly easier.
1. Not gonna happen and it makes no sense whatsoever.
2. I hate being locked out of some skills because of swap cooldowns, but 3 seconds is way too low. I’d rather we had 10 seconds like everybody else. The only way to make swaps so low is by adding ICDs to some traits to prevent the swap from being overpowered.
3. This I agree. The cooldown is ridiculous, especially on #4 and #5 skills. Yes, we have 20 skills, but when you need to use 3 or more skills to do the same thing Warrior does using one skill, and with triple the cooldown, something is wrong. 50 seconds cooldown for a telegraphed knockdown is ridiculous.
4. Stealth? No way in hell. How does this even make sense? As for evasion, I don’t get why you want more. We can already get perma vigor. Yes, you need to trait for it, but it’s okay since dodging is so powerful.
5. I’m all in favor of new weapons for every class, even if this will probably mess up the balance.
6. I think survivability will come on its own if cooldowns are reduced. Higher cooldowns made sense at some point due to the number of skills available for ele (although I don’t think they should have both, high cooldowns AND lackluster effects).. Why are utility cooldowns so stupid? I mean we have a 6 second stability + protection on a 90 sec cooldown. Guardians get the same minus one second for the entire party every 30 seconds.
You’re never the only one in anything. You’re not even the only one who failed the first step of the posting guidelines.
On topic: this destroys condition builds that rely too much on a single type of condition. Why would you ever want to lower build diversity?
I’d rather the skills with the description ‘remove a condition’ actually did what the description says. “A condition” instead of the last condition applied, randomly. This would still give you a chance to remove that pesky stack of 10 confusion while still giving the applier a chance to cover the stack.
Is it just me or should these two skills be ground targeted?
For Dragon’s Tooth (Scepter Fire #2) we have to do fancy camera tricks to get it to appear when we don’t have a target.
The Comet (Focus Water #5) tooltip actually says “Drop a comet of ice on the target area”, and yet it doesn’t work that way.
I started replying to this thread and the result was an overly detailed build post, so I put it in a separate thread:
I wanted to try a mixed power + condition build for the past few days and this is what I’ve come up with:
The idea behind it is that Burn scales very poorly with conditions so it is not worth scarificing stats from gear to get it. Our GM trait in Zeal transforms a big percentage of Power into Condi Damage, so increasing Power is naturally a good idea – not only because it boosts Condi Damage, but because it makes the build not reliant on Condi Damage alone.
The nice thing about it is that we have a trait which improves burning duration and we get 30% Condi Duration from Zeal. That is already 50% burning duration. If you have the money to spend on food you can reach 100% burning duration in WvW/PvE, which means that the passive from Virtue of Justice might be worth saving. (or 86% cheaply.
For defense: because we’re using Soldier gear, HP and defense are pretty sweet, but we are still weak against Condi Damage. This is the motivation behind the Signet traits and 10 in Valor.
Valor (V) and Signet of Resolve (traited) remove 3 conditions every 10 seconds. The downside is that it is significantly weaker when the signet is on cooldown. This can be fixed by bringing some condition cleanse utilities.
For weapons, Torch is really the only essential one because of Zealot’s Flame. Everything else does not really interact with the Condi part of the build, so you can choose whatever you like for extra defense (like mace + shield) or some power burst (greatsword) or power dps (sword+focus).
- Fiery Wrath (II)
- Binding Jeopardy (I) or Scepter Power (IX)
- Kindred Zeal (XII).
The important one is Kindred Zeal which gives quite a bit of condition damage based on power. Fiery Wrath because it’s great. Scepter Power is good because you will mostly be using a scepter. Binding Jeopardy is okay too, would work nice with the immobilize from scepter.
- Signet Mastery (II)
- Radiant Fire (VII)
- Perfect Inscriptions (XII)
Radiant Fire, since we’re using Torch. For the GM slot, I think XII is better than XI in this case because it will not make much of a difference with the pitiful Crit Dmg and Rate this build has. Shimmering Defense (III) might be an option, but the burn is not controllable so I think II is more reliable.
- Purity (V)
Against conditions.
- Signet of Resolve – for the 2 condition removal every 10 seconds due to the Radiance XII trait.
- Signet of Wrath – passive condition damage or a very long immobilize on a fairly short cooldown due to Radiance II.
- Judge’s Intervention – because it’s very awesome. Applies some burn, is a stun breaker and gives alot of mobility. Love this skill.
- Last utility? There’s quite a few options
- Stand Your Ground – much needed stability and another stun breaker
- Purging Flames – burn and some condition removal (for when Signet of Resolve is on cooldown)
- Signet of Judgement – more tanking to let the burn do its thing
- Bane Signet – a bit more power and control via knockdown
- As for the Elite, it doesn’t really matter. Renewed Focus is probably the best, but Tome of Wrath’s 1 does some pretty nice burn in an AoE.
- I haven’t thought much about sigils. The on-crit and on-kill ones are pretty much useless, so we’re left with passives and on-swaps. I chose Hydromancy in the editor because they’re very cheap and provide a nice chill. Force on Torch because I can’t think of anything else.
- The build can be tuned for more damage via Sigil of Perception and Precision Oils to reach 35-40% Critical Rate – but it requires some effort to keep up the stacks and it might not even be worth it.
- I used Speed in the editor because I love 25% MS and the 1.5K+ HP.
- Undead give alot of condition damage, but it’s probably not worth it because of burn scaling.
- Perplexity could work. An extra condition that can be applied.
I wanted to try something like this in WvW, but I’m very busy these few weeks and I can’t find the time to test it. Besides, I’m not that good of a PvPer either so any feedback would be awesome if you guys are willing to try it.
Thanks for reading and if there’s any feedback I can’t wait to hear it!