Showing Posts For durick.8064:

has the coffers drop rate been improved?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


so when dragon bash came out I got around 4000 normal coffers and nothing dropped (bye bye legendary gold) anyway just before I got another 2k and figured what the hell, I ended up selling my last 100 normal coffers because I got 9 tickets and since I only play guardian I had nothing else to get I got all the weapons I can use.

has it been improved or did I just get lucky?

Alts and why I hate them in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


i sort of agree, but map completion is tied in with legendaries, if i am not mistaken on completion you get 2 tokens for world comp then ea legen you craft requires 1.

i think a fair work around as not everyone hordes legendaries is say on your alt if you have 100% on a main go to lions arch and say buy a Map discovered item for a small amount 1 silver that gives you all your way points, leaving poi and vistas still there for the taking for xp while leveling but once you get this Map discovery item you can not get true 100% on that character.

as for crafting i see where your coming from but having crafting bound to all characters they would have too add a unlearn option, as a lot of players use crafting to level, they would also have to make sure that if you unlearn for a new character they could only get xp once for leveling a certain profession so no one could say farm cooking over and over with just spending karma.

(edited by durick.8064)

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: durick.8064


thank you so much, even though I’m wary of your name : )

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: durick.8064


thank you so much for the help. I did feel that necros where best in groups much like the warrior where by them selves they are not much of a problem for a decent player 1v1 but in a team they can be devastating, and coming from a roamer play style took a bit too get use too.

balancing patch? hot dog that sounds good.

The more I play the necro the more I love it, After talking with mates they where saying I should probably look else where for a spvp class (I would play him in pve and wvw too) but even with his negatives its still the most fun I have had yet in spvp and most rewarding, I am going to stay with the necro even if that means staying out of tpvp a lot longer.

New necro player, help me I suck (Spvp)

in Necromancer

Posted by: durick.8064


this is a full re edit of the post.

After playing some more I have started to get the feel for the build (0/20/10/10/30), taking a more methodical approach has helped immensely, I think my main problem was, I was trying to play it like other classes I previously played (have not played mesmer yet) while they are all unique, the necro offers challenges not found with other classes imo, thus making me food for the wolfs so to speak. I would still love to hear tips on how you guys got better did you just log hours? watch youtubers? any tips would be a great help.

(edited by durick.8064)

Anyone finding hard to get a good game?

in PvP

Posted by: durick.8064


what? there is plenty of players lol. troll much

Anyone finding hard to get a good game?

in PvP

Posted by: durick.8064


This is not a QQ, more of a question… does anyone else find it hard to get a good game? I have learnt not too use play now as it always results in getting into 1v1’s or joining a game that is stacked and the score 400 to 40, or you join a match 3 seconds to go and everyone leaves, and if players stay its a game of spam the join button for the last team that won (I don’t I always hit random)

I love spvp not sure if I am having a bad run in terms of getting fun matches but it seems I am always getting those types of matches.

anyone else get lag around this time?

in PvP

Posted by: durick.8064


yea I reset my modem with no effect yet i can play other games no problem, just wondering if this is the time anet tinkers with the servers or something like that.

New Concept: Evade Hate

in Suggestions

Posted by: durick.8064


evades/dodges mean different things for different classes, for instance a bm hunter who gets one of his abilities evaded does not impact the outcome greatly and he/she just continues to grind away at the opponents hp in most cases. on the other hand there are builds that do tones of damage but require setting up and a final boom to work, and if dodged spells disaster but if it lands the fight can be over in a matter of seconds.

Does this mean evades are broken? or is it just a way for certain classes to survive these intense damage builds/classes whose sole purpose is to melt faces? if something like this was added I think a fair few classes would just be glass without the cannon and there spvp days would be over.

anyone else get lag around this time?

in PvP

Posted by: durick.8064


Hi guys I have been spvping lately and around this time I always the game seems to lag until I log off for the night but only when I play spvp in all other area’s of the game I have no lag, is this just me or does anyone else have the problem?.

edit for some reason it said i posted this 17 hours a go but inface it was just a few minutes.

(edited by durick.8064)

need help with new class... i suck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


i think the problem is i tend to play melee characters in all other mmo’s in fact i don’t tend to play range or magic at all, but when i came to gw2 i was thinking it was time for a change.

there are a lot of things i enjoy about my ele, i love the switching of the attunements and the active play style ill never stop playing him in spvp.

but after mmoing for 10 years and almost all the time playing melee i guess its just hard coded into me lol, that’s the funny thing is i do not suck at mmo’s in fact i am great at them but this ele has me stumped and playing like a rookie, it just wont click for me if that makes sense.

i might go with the guard, i know there is no trinity but most of my xp in mmo’s comes in the form of tanking + warriors are almost expected to be zerkers.

need help with new class... i suck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


so i have been playing a ele and turns out i suck, i am always getting downed in dungeons , i was wondering what would be a better class, i am tossing up between warrior and gaurdian…. what do you guys think?

Dev, NERF staff now!

in Elementalist

Posted by: durick.8064


i want what he is smoking. So you want a weapon that has great aoe damage and great single target damage lol.

imo i think the ele is a great class it does many jobs well survival is insane once you get down your attunements swapping i run s/d mostly. i had problems to start with getting used to the class but the biggest point i had to learn was not the attunement swapping but too realize i am a support class if the kill is there take it but don’t roll around like you can drop people like flies or because you have good survival mechanics you can out last anything. i 1. support my team. 2. go for kills if there is the opportunity. and after i realized that is how i should personally play the ele i will never roll another class again because its just too fun.

(edited by durick.8064)

back after a break, Improvments n community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


good points Vayne, i plan too stay here and for better or worse stick it out as a figure of speech, i love the game enough i don’t care if 100 or 1000000 people play it just as long as i am in a guild with friends.

i remember reading most companies when they decide to make a mmo that it’s make or break.

And thats the problem, some companies believe there the one, and make a mmo so big its too big for budget and are unable to polikitten to any real degree and are stuck with a release that is not great, but big mmo’s right off the bat is what the community wants. a 10 hour shooter can take 10 to 20 million to make imagine the cost of a mmo, the years longer it takes to make hundreds of hours of content they don’t stand a chance really. we want a fresh wow not wow 2004 but wow 2010 just to make my point about how long it takes wow took 4 years to make and came out 2004 another 6 years to get to the mmo everyone wants, that’s 10 years, 10!

(edited by durick.8064)

back after a break, Improvments n community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


hmmm, very true Jornoph…. it did take on a less positive outlook towards the end.

I still feel that it still is positive, meaning if a new player reads it i hope he gets the message take what everyone says including me with a gran of salt.

but i also wanted peoples opinions not just on gw2 there has been some killer mmo’s that seems to be brilliant that just didn’t last and my personal view is they where not given the time.

expecting a mmo to come out ready is impossible, there should be enough content to keep the players happy but still. i will always remember what a blizzard employee said forget his name, we never set out too make World of Warcraft in a day it takes years… no i hate comparing but i feel no game is given the time anymore, that was said in 2008 4 years after release, its seems mmo’s are given months now not just by its community but the press too.

( my post does sound like gw is dieing when in fact i think its strong as hell)

back after a break, Improvments n community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064



My computer kitten itself in November and i was lazy and let it go for months before i got around to popping the hood and seeing whats wrong. Anyway a got it all up and running with a few new bits and bobs a month ago, after catching up with new games like metro etc etc i felt like getting back into the mmo world and logged back in 4 days ago.

To be honest i was not going to come back, don’t know what it was, maybe i flogged it too hard to fast (hehe) but i googled around and saw nothing but bad things being said even on these very forums and figured it was dead but then decided to dl anyway seeing its free. And i am glad i did, it has come leaps and bounds my main dislikes are gone, and the amount of content is pretty dam good.

I love the game and where it “seems” to be going, and i am a very hardcore player, the players numbers still seem to be strong which is always good. i am surprised at the amount of stuff that has been updated. I have never seen anything like this in any mmo update after update after update…. you get the point.

I love the game always have, just felt i had done everything which was sad, but now that i have come back i do not think ill be in a hurry to leave and if the updates keep coming unless my computer dies again i am not going anywhere.

One thing on my mind and i have to ask, why all the hate? The top youtube videos this month are things like “10 things to improve” which while constructive does nothing but slam making it out to be nothing but a bug ridden bit of crap, another was “guild wars what went wrong”, forums say its dead, this forum is even has some negativity.

i am not a fanboy of gw, i do love it but no fanboy i hated gw1, but if this is what someone sees when checking in on gw2 or maybe looking at it for the first time they would steer clear. this game is no where near perfect i know and i am not saying that.

i don’t know maybe the mmo community is jaded by years of playing, all I am saying is if people keep posting negativity stuff (constructive is different you can be constructive without being a troll) there wont be a gw2 as we know it, just like other mmo’s that showed promise and could have been great with work, i would hate too see this game fall due too the mmo community.

I honestly think we will never see a game like Wow again not because no company can match them ( its not a contest i know), we have one right here, but because the community won’t let one flourish.

just my 2 cents, whats your opinion? do you think gw2 will be here in 5 years? will it have under a million players? maybe a few million? do you think its a community stopping a good mmo lasting or do you think the community is right?

Sylvari warrior armor in character creation?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: durick.8064


thank you very much is this 15 characters yet

Sylvari warrior armor in character creation?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: durick.8064


So my question is, can you get the armor you see when you click on the warrior symbol when creating a character i had a look through the race armor T1 2 and 3 and could not find the chest with the spikes coming out of the back like they have it.

anyone know what it is? and are the spikes apart of the chest or maybe shoulders…


nades pvp damage reduction =wvw

in Engineer

Posted by: durick.8064


I am not sure if the nade damage reduction effects pvp because most of the time when they mean wvw they mention it does anyone know if its spvp and wvw or just spvp any insight would be grand


The changes we have been waiting for?

in Engineer

Posted by: durick.8064


When they say pvp is that just spvp or wvw aswell?

can't find PVP Commando Helm

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: durick.8064


can’t find it anywhere, for pve/wvw is this only in spvp or is there a skin out there that’s the same, some seem too think its a quest reward from 70’s or so but its not the same helm skin, (In game link too see what it looks like [&AgH+FQAA] )

any help would be great

Grenadier condition damage?

in Engineer

Posted by: durick.8064


Q: was wondering your guys feelings on condition damage for the Grenadier? been looking at it lately for wvwvw and it seems too have some nice damage might not been as much as power but might be better all around for taking down toughness builds seeing they are popular, giving all round more stable numbers…. just wanting some feedback thoughts or experiences.

elementalist able to use attunements not yet unlocked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: durick.8064


don’t know if someone has posted this already but i was playing around with my level 2 elemental before leveling him in the mists with builds too see if i like how builds feel and what not anyway to the point i left the mist in air attunement and am now using air attunement even though its yet to be unlocked, not a game changing bug but a bug never the less.

whats there to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: durick.8064


so I’ve picked up this game and am enjoying it quite a bit i must say have not really played a mmo since eq1, but whats the point? i know i know whats the point of any game but it seems like a far more meaningful question for this game. sure there is pvp but does not matter if I’m level 80 or level 2 for spvp and while gear is great in wvw the structure of it makes gaining and edge with top tier gear trivial unless seeking a quite area not full of cluster kittening action (i mean this is a good way its heaps of fun)

so yes there is pvp but there is no real benefit between 2 or 80 which is good i guess but after playing my character and following the epic tail which is his story i can’t help feel like an elderly man reflecting back on life in a old folks home sipping soup and feel the best years (or hours in this case) are be hide me. sure there is crafting but why pursue the best tier when there is no benefit too the best tier, i can’t help but feel this is no more then a single player game with nice online features and the only real point of continuing with my hero is to rack up those loved xbox points : P.

i have googled and found nothing about what they plan to do except what the already said pre release. what are your guys thoughts

Damage type flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: durick.8064


thank you very much

Damage type flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: durick.8064


name says it all I’ve wikid and stuff but cant seem to find the damage type some say power others say condition I’m not sure, are all the attacks the one type eg flame jet and flame blast just wanting some incite been leveling my engineer loving the flamethrower and not sure what type of gear to get