Showing Posts For engnayr.9150:

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: engnayr.9150


If I can’t afford the Ascended Triforge Pendant, what other ascended amulet would you recommend as 2nd best?

Edit: woops. Didn’t realize there was an equivalent that you could buy with laurels.

Stratheos, Elementalist

(edited by engnayr.9150)

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: engnayr.9150


Anyone have the approximate numbers of the stats I should be aiming at for an “ideal” full build of exotics for WvW? Currently, I have full PVT gear, but I feel like I could sacrifice some of my tankiness for damage to get more offensive capability. I feel like mixing and matching to obtain some balance of Power, Vit, Toughness, Healing Power, and Crit Damage would be best, but I’m not sure what’s “good” and I can’t just go and buy a bunch of armor to test out different stuff.

Edit: nevermind. I haven’t played in a while and there was an update since I last looked at this guide. I’ll give it another read.

Stratheos, Elementalist

(edited by engnayr.9150)

Can't create a new character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: engnayr.9150


I have an empty space for a character, but when I press the create button, I get an error message and my GW2 crashes. It says “The game client has lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code=7:11:3:189:101)”. However, I have created characters before, and I am able to play the game on any of my existing characters without any problems.

Stratheos, Elementalist

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


TC, you guys are so nice.

Stratheos, Elementalist

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


Ehh… I think we just get carried by WM. Even with all the NA guilds that transfered, the past 2 weeks, we have struggled to take the lead during reset night, and it is only when NA finally goes to bed that WM does the night-cap, giving us the lead.

Stratheos, Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


DB if you guys didn’t come to our garrison, we would have taken it back from Maguuma… Don’t you have your own garrison to take?

No you wouldn’t. We’ve had holes you could walk in for 6 hours. You’ve been in our lord room for about 1 1/2 hours. Honestly this is another thing Kain needs to work on, because you’re losing 10 for every 1 we lose. We’re going to lose Garrison to people going to bed at this point.

Sorry, how was I supposed to know? I had a 5.5 hour queue. When I got here, all walls and gates were up, and we managed to push to courtyard and then DB inconveniently decided to show up when it finally seemed like Mag’s numbers were starting to thin. I was just making some friendly banter… why so serious?

It seems like the queue is glitched though. People that started queuing 15 minutes before I got in (though my 5.5 hour queue) had 30 min queues, and people that started queuing at the same time had 1 hour queues. Seems like we can’t get people in to defend or something is what people are saying in map chat.

Stratheos, Elementalist


in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


DB if you guys didn’t come to our garrison, we would have taken it back from Maguuma… Don’t you have your own garrison to take?

Stratheos, Elementalist

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


I had a 5.5 hour queue. My guild mates that queued at the same time had a 1 hour queue. There definitely seems to be something wrong with the queues on Kaineng. I heard JQ had the same problem. Is this true?

Edit: oh yeah, not 5 minutes after I got in, another guild mate got in and told me it was 30 minutes. wtf

Stratheos, Elementalist

(edited by engnayr.9150)

January 28th Update Anticipation Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: engnayr.9150


Can’t wait for seige to become not soulbound. Then I can sell my weapons to enemy servers and it will be just like real war!

Stratheos, Elementalist

How can something as simple as a blindfold...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: engnayr.9150


Yeah, but blindfolds are unisex…

Stratheos, Elementalist

How can something as simple as a blindfold...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: engnayr.9150


have different male and female versions and why does the male version have to look awful? Seriously. I saw a picture with a female wearing the level 80 exotic Acolyte’s Mask, and I thought it looked really cool so I decided to see how it would look on my male… and it looks terrible. Instead of having criss-crossing straps, it’s an upside down V-shape and also includes something that covers my mouth. In addition, there’s the huge problem where my eyebrows and the skin around it are clipping through the mask. Why can’t I just use the female version of the mask? This sucks man.

Stratheos, Elementalist

Change AoE targeting circle color?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: engnayr.9150


Today I learned there is an AoE indicator for enemy spells about to hit. Got an ele all the way to 80 and just figured it out. That’s kind of a testament to how hard they are to see for colorblind people.

Stratheos, Elementalist

Need a home? Don't choose Maguuma!

in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


Guys. Guys. I’m thinking about switching servers. Should I go to Maguuma?

Stratheos, Elementalist

I quit WvW every time because of revives

in WvW

Posted by: engnayr.9150


I play WvW to kill people.

There’s your problem. WvW isn’t about kills. It’s about playing for the objectives. They’re not going to balance the game around one person’s gripes about how many kills they don’t get.

Stratheos, Elementalist

What gear to get as a fresh level 80

in Elementalist

Posted by: engnayr.9150


So I just got level 80 and I am very confused on what I should be going for (this is my first character, by the way) Up until this point, I’ve been running D/D while leveling with the standard 0/10/0/30/30 auramancer build. I’ve hit 80 and want to know what level 80 gear I should get. I want to be able to do some PvE dungeons and WvW decently.

I’ve looked around in the TP and the dungeon and WvW vendors for the various items they sell. However, I think my first goal would be to get a relatively cheap crafted set, which is what people have been telling me. I have some questions about this: While leveling I’ve been going for Power, Toughness, and Vitality on my gear, but I don’t think there are any crafted sets with those 3 stats. What 3 stats should I go for then? Also, is it a good idea to go for a set magic find gear? Will this gimp me in my stats, or can I get along without them in dungeons/solo farming/WvW?

Stratheos, Elementalist