Showing Posts For ericade.3807:

Bots, and how annoying people are

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


The point is it’s stil lout of hand. the only “investigation” i see, is people say “hey ubot”
which I personally wouldnt even respond to except blocking the person. If you haven’t seen this yet… you must not play that often o.O… and also, it’s doing nothing to help the situation other than give anet a few million cases to sift through. Unless that’s the plan, make it impossible for them to easily catch bots because there’s too many reports.

Then defend the system as it stands by all means. I disagree, but such is your leisure of pursuit

Bots, and how annoying people are

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


When will people learn that 5,000,000 false reports will take longer to find the botters in than 50,000 legit reports not based off of “He was in my zone and didnt respond when i cussed him out”.

The teleporting groups that make getting bloods, fangs… or anything for crafting to get legendaries impossible will be untouched in the mess of false reports to every player ingame who is “caught” farming for even a few minutes. Anet even says they read reports on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS. I promise you, 1,000,000+ false reports will not lead to quicker bans. It’s easy to see… from any logical view anyways/

PS: Someone not in local chat != bot,

PSS: Someone who is in the same area in you doesn’t automattically mean its a bot

PSSS: Just because you can prove you can get more reports with friends, does not mean they’re a bot.

PSSSS: Just because they don’t fight with you, doesn’t make them a bot.

PSSSSS: People who afk stacked in a group of 20 unpronouncable names could even be human, but they teleport too, so if anything they hack.

“But I know it’s a bot” means you’re also a botter, because from my point of view, I’ve never used a bot, and I only assume the teleporting people are bots (because their teleports are too accurate to be human in my opinion) But those of you with this “in depth knowledge” Well, let’s add you to the list millions long. Seriously if you see people flaming “bots” that arent being supremely obvious (a player running around silently is NOT obvious botting), report them too, its verbal harassment, and theyre likely real bots covering themselves/.

Unless anet stops flaming, I will personally be getting all my rl friends, guildies, and everyone else i can to join in on this. It’s gotten almost as out of hand as botting itself (a friend of mine is called botter by strangers within 5 minutes of logging on, even if he just travels somewhere. Out, Of, Hand) God knows why he won’t server xfer like I tell him to, daily.

Anet, please limit flaming, unless it’s allowed. Ban botting, but good luck… I would not want to even see that list…

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ericade.3807


The fact that you were macroing was enough to get you banned, as you were using 3rd party programs. The whisper that “both names started with A” most likely has absolutely nothing to do with this ban, unless the account was a official gm account.

My keyboard is not a third party program…Lots of keyboards have macros installed on them to make the button pushing less tiresome.

Also I know that this is the way they check for bots; it’s what they told us to do if we wanted to report a bot. We are to whisper them wait and take a screenshot of their no reply and then report the bot.

We were also told that macroing was allowed as long as we were not afk. Macroing does not give anyone an advantage it just makes pushing the buttons less tiresome. And if they are gonna ban all macroing people they may as well just ban half the population of the game.

make sure to whisper them calling them very offensive names like we all receive, and curse words added is a must to be normal, and if they block you… its because they werent there, so report twice as much. also do like everyone else, and spend a few hours/days stalking them announcing in public how bad they are constantly rather than play yourself. People not giving you individual attention: bot, not grouping: bot, doing what you think/know firsthand a bot does: bot…. hell, if theyre in your zone just call em a bot the moment they dont talk to you.

At least that’s how everyone else “plays” gw2.

Reporting bots for hours... ok DAYS now!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


Not that I agree with bots, but botters and you have one thing in common: they invested $65 into the game to spend their time dealing with bots. Theyre just profiting from it xD

A quick Google shows that a lot of the botting accounts probably aren’t paid for.

totally missed the point of the message, but fair enough. Prove they were stolen and report as such o.O

everyone bots, especially you

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


edit button gone… im saying I’ve been too liberal with reports by the way, not going to local/map/whatever chat for hours trying to grief someone -.-…

everyone bots, especially you

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


I’m curious, is it by random guessing, or firsthand knowledge that people become so adamant about alleged “bots” … how can they tell within a few minutes what is a bot with 100% certainty? If false reports are punishable, I bet anet has a “punish list” a mile long for this reason… if they enforce it x.x

edit.. my name’s on it i’m sure, been way too casual with reports looking back on it (it’s just so easy with the option right there to assume your first observations are enough to cost another human $65)

edit.. my name’s on it i’m sure, been way too casual with reports looking back on it (it’s just so easy with the option right there to assume your first observations are enough to cost another human $65)

everyone bots, especially you

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


When pre release came out, you had people afking at dynamic events, you had some cheap tricks going on… but you know what I miss? The people that weren’t doing it… played the game. They didnt afk recording youtube videos “reporting for days”, and likewise, they didn’t walk up to people , and after two-three minutes (I’ve seen this) and cry to everyone they know to report them for botting for being in a spot they thought was bottable.

Bots are bad, sure, they lower prices and pump gold into the game unjustly making it easier for the casuals to get stuff. I’m a hardcore player myself, so I know how annoying it is… but what happened? I play, if I see a bot, Ill report silently, move on, and do my own thing. The issue isn’t bots any more, it’s the fact that I can no longer play for more than five minutes hearing about people literally flooding local/map chat crying about it, and refusing to do anything ingame thinking, for some reason god only knows, that doing so will help the situation.

Bots are bad, so report them, then “play the game”. Buy some of their underpriced materials off the market and resell them, use it to level your crafting… or do what I prefer, go run a dungeon or two, kill Zhaitan, pvp! But it’s sickening to see “THIS GUY BOT FOR DAYS I WATCHED” because… if a bot can never sleep, how are you innocent for doing the same to watch?

Again, report the obvious, don’t make ankitten of yourself thinking you’re the great hero who spent $65 to save the interwebs of people who cheat at video games. Especially when the only proof is “He didnt team with me” "he didnt respond to me cussing him out calling him names like "botter"" and my personal favorite randomly typing in say chat for everyone to report <insert name of someone who showed up two minutes ago>

Anet, griefing people constantly in public is out of hand. Ban botters, but stop the people who spend just as much time ingame as botters do contributing even less to the community. Botters at least give items and gold to the community… these people give grief to botters and humans alike… please step in.

And ps… play the game everyone else :P As great a savior as I’m sure you are, public harassment shouldn’t be allowed unless you’re ready for it ten fold.

How can I tell if someone is botting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


To answer your question as per personal experience, if they are in your spot: botting, if you are online for 24 hours a day watching them and they dont group with you: botting, and especially if they dont respond to the commonplace tells I receive like: “F*** you botter” they are botting, because such a warm introduction DICTATES greetings from other humans.

I remember when I played the game in pre release… about a week in people started joining the game, LOGGING ON to say “find friends noobs” and harass others for botting/hacking/sucking/etc…. anything. I miss pre release let the botters bot, just give me the community that played the game rather than complained back… I miss it

Reporting bots for hours... ok DAYS now!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ericade.3807


I can only imagine what it must be like to invest $65 in a game, to sit in the same zone.. and actively , for “days”? monitor people I suspect of cheating… for free. Literally as the title says “for days” just sitting, watching…. it’s like going to a club to sit in the corner scowling at what other people are doing the entire night, except… every night, for days.

Not that I agree with bots, but botters and you have one thing in common: they invested $65 into the game to spend their time dealing with bots. Theyre just profiting from it xD

Mailbox limitations, scam oppurtunity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


People I know IRL are the only ones I will ever sell to or buy stuff from using the mail system.

Wish i could trade with my rl friends with the mail system like you

Unable to get my coin back!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ericade.3807


according to other forum goers " anet isnt responsible for holding your hand in these scenarios"

They posted no information, and don’t seem to readily care as long as it stops crime (rmt) but thats like burning an entire city’s banks down to protect them from being robbed…. so good luck.

Mailbox limitations, scam oppurtunity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


ANet can’t fix stupid and at times there are certain circumstances when some people need to be protected from themselves. With that being said, ANet shouldn’t be holding our hand while we are playing the game either. There is a Trading Post for a reason.

“if you have an item your friend wants, they better have enough gold to buy it and a quick finger to click that buy button at the price you list it”

That seems like an odd “trading system” unless you intend to have no friends online <.<
But if that is your plan… then yeah I see that and can agree

Mailbox limitations, scam oppurtunity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


But if its an issue they can’t control who’s at fault? I’m a vet 80 who cant send more than 3g total value at times, if someone asked me to make a 5 gold bag theyd be sol if something happened. And with the devs already taking weeks to handle stolen account cases… this is actually scary (for people who dont do all the craftings to 400 like me haha)

and if intent was so easy to see, wouldnt crime be nonexistent and easy to catch? :S “I knew in your heart you intended to do that” doesn’t fly without text evidence. Note, I would never do this as I have no need. but ignorance is rarely bliss with something this obvious

how is the mailing limit on new accounts determined

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


I don’t mail it to myself, but having some means to give items to friends is usually nice.

Mailbox limitations, scam oppurtunity!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


Trading post or mailbox, if someone can send me gold and materials to craft something, and my account is limited to not return it… isn’t this no longer scamming?

Or is there a timer or something that makes this far more feasible than a “get out of jail free card” to take whatever people are dumb enough to trust you with (my level 80 warrior from pre release can on average send 1-3g total value in coins and/or items…. yes, items trigger the over the limit message)

Thoughts on if this would be considered a scam if its legitimately “what people send you is yours cus you aren’t allowed to send it back” or any information on if theres a duration to it beyond “PLAY MOAR” ? Surely im not the only one… making the scam possibility very real for “send me mats ill make you your 20 slot bags

Edit* my example is based on my friends all pitched in to get me a REALLY nice set of armor for 80, and when another friend hit 80, I couldn’t return the favor (even though I promised him) due to this. Thankfully he’s an rl friend who saw I wasn’t bsing him, but this issue is very real.

(edited by ericade.3807)

Gold transfer duration?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


how do you send a ticket thatl get resolved or responded to?

how is the mailing limit on new accounts determined

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


I’d like a real answer to this rather than troll comments too…. I picked this game up with a friend and it’s strange having an mmo where everything you get is entirely personal besides gear drops

Gold transfer duration?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ericade.3807


I sent a friend 5 gold for some gear, and when he hit 80 i was planning to give him 15g to get a full set like mine, for the past full day it keeps telling my my “new account” is limited (ive been on 10+ hours a day since pre release :S) and refuses to let me send him anything.

All my other friends can send gold fine, but I cannot. Does anyone know how long this lasts or what to do about it?