Showing Posts For exp.3168:

Tactivators alphine BL? Yes or No

in WvW

Posted by: exp.3168


What is a tactivator? i saw them but what are they suppose to do?

looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: exp.3168


I’m playing this game from the official beginning (No i’m not an early acces person I’m just a person who bought it at my local gameshop on Thursday).
3 years later, 10k Ap further. I’m looking for a PVE guild on Desolation EU server.
I Iike to play WvW, so I don’t want to play in a normal megaserver guild.
I only want to say, I need those AC points to make my legendary and I never did those dungeons. Please when you are Dutch or just understanding towards 50+years old people pm me ingame.
greetz exp

shatterer too much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


He is just another worldboss who doesn’t bother me anymore.

I hope Anet realizes....... [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


what is a raid? is it a new thing toward WvW to get people back.

Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


When HOT came out if first did what I normally do, exploring the maps and taking al the WP’s. Till I hit TD, after running around for two hours like a blind man I realized that the devs who made this had a very sinister humor. And I started to laugh and still I do when I enter the map with an alt to do my thing there. Best designed map ever.

64-bit client

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


Ahh I got it you can cancel the download after he downloaded the the exe.
ok problem solved

64-bit client

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


do i have to download the whole game for the 84-bit client? I thought is was just an .exe.
but when i click the downloader it starts to sownload all.

Laptop -> Portable GW2. FPS 60+

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


try remote desktop on a cheap laptop, you run the game on your desktop and play it on your laptop screen.

This achievement actually upsets me...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


But shooting, stabbing or killing in every other way is totally ok in this game?

LFG Tool - we need more categories! [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


Those zerker reaper ps warrior tank guard still plagues my lfg tool every now and then. Is giving them a place in the LFG tool too hard? Because “raids” are not “open-world content” and I demand a change now.

best troll of the day.

Do I miss hero points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


There are only 213 hero(skill) points in the game and one when you made it in your home instance. So it is not possible that someone has 350 skill points to spare.

Core Masteries: So much for play your way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


Thursday I bought the expansion. Friday I came home from work, was tired so I thought login and see the new world. I couldn’t, first I had to do quests, I only wanted to roam a bit. then I couldn’t fly, I have to do a lot more. I’m afraid HOT is not my MMO.
Once in a while you buy a game that doesn’t suit you. I think I stay at the core game till I find annother one that suits me.

I gave up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


LoL, trollo at his best.

Guild Wars 2 back in Raptr Top 20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


Every time I do a key run now the human starter instance is filled with people. There will be 3 or so at the spawn point with me and more people running off to the inn. I run straight to the boss and when I get there, there are usually about 6 other people there first. And this has been going on since the f2p started. Before then I was usually alone or maybe one other person there.

You now that opening instance is a megaserver now. I think that’s the main reason why it’s always filled up. But I agree there are a lot new players since f2p, a lot of new free players have joined our guild lately.

This game badly needs server merging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


In the WvW thread about letting WvW activity count as server population they said they are letting the full servers decrease by attrition. When they are low enough they are going to rebalance the populations. Eventually they should have less people in the high population servers and more in the low ones.

A “Full” server is a server with a number of Active WvW Players (as defined by the algorithm) above a certain threshold. It has nothing to do with hardware limitations, or PvE players.

The “Full” threshold is slightly different than the other ones because it doesn’t have an upper limit. So some servers can be just slightly above the threshold and marked “Full”, and some other servers might be well over it, and also marked “Full”, even though their populations aren’t really balanced.

The intent is that since you can’t join or transfer to a “Full” server, their populations are going to diminish over time, until eventually they reach “Very High” again. At this point, all “Full” servers are going to be balanced. This won’t be right away, though, since we’re not kicking anyone out of their servers.

That just seems stupid, you’d think for competitive play they’d want people to be able to play in higher numbers … not lower…

Since when has WvW been about competative play? What is competative about “highest number of players wins”?

If you want competative the spvp forums are ->

WVW is not always about the highest number of players, it is about the capability of the pug commander who does the night and early morning shift

70000+ Champion Bags - Twitch event OCT 10TH

in Community Creations

Posted by: exp.3168


nice way OP to promote your Twich channel.

Undiscovered Mystic Forge recipes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


One of the recipes is : 4 precursors to get twighlight.

Blacklion Key Drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


Who cares about the keydrop! as long sa the BLchests give 70% complet BS no one conna buy those keys.

Please remove the BWE2 reminder/ad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


I saw something when i went to LA, is there an expension comming? HYPE HYPE
Can i buy it somewhere please and when A’net has a beta what have i to do to join?

Reason for having a listing fee in TP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


when you put money at your bank you get 0,5% intrest and you pay at least €3,- every month for having an account. It is the samo here

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


I like the newbees, they ask things I forgot about the last 2 years.
great idea a’net.

What is going on? Why is GW2 so boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


go play a non boring game on your phone

3 Tickets Per Each BL Chest Weapon now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exp.3168


there are not any skins now you can buy for one ticket?
okee then I have to do 50 keyruns more.
I’m so happy.