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[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Renegade bow felt unimpactful. Damage severely lacking. Either needs more condi damage tacked on or base damage numbers need improvement.

Utility skills were buggy and lacked impact. It was difficult to test elite skill because insufficient energy to use in practically. Energy costs across the board are entirely too high. The energy cost issue is also a problem with Core Revenant though, so this might just be another symptom of the greater class issues.

Heal skill for Renegade was useless and had little-to-no effect.

“Heroic Command” was nice as a might stack before engage, but as its only functionality feels very “Tacked-on” and more like an afterthought. The same holds true for “Citadel Bombardment” and “Orders from Above”. Regrettably, this did nothing to fix the mobility problems Revenant suffers. Adding stationary summons actually took away the little mobility a Revenant actually has. Additionally, adding more energy costs to these skills further prohibited use of the Utility skills.

“Heroic Command” might be more impactful if added the ability to teleport or cause utility skills to move towards the player. This could mirror Ritualists in GW1 a little more and would allow for pre-casting in engagements.

“Citadel Bombardment” could pick up limited CC options to address the lack of Shortbow CC.

“Orders From Above” Providing Alacrity is nice, but a spammable swiftness might be nicer. Perhaps using the ammo mechanic like a mantra where the 3rd use gives Alacrity while the other uses grant swiftness might address these issues.

Tenebrous\Shimmering Crystals TOO Many

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I think there just needs to be more sinks for them. Maybe make it so we could craft Mystic Coins or Amalgamated Gemstones with them?

SUGGESTION! The real hero of all of GW2...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Shashoo has gone through a lot of changes throughout GW2. From a lowly Quaggan to being a leader of a crashed airship, and ultimately rallying to help defeat the Mouth of Mordremoth.

Can we please give Shashoo an Admiral Hat and Epaulettes?

I am not the best of artists, but I can work over MSPaint pretty well and produced this as an example:

Special thanks to Napoleon for already being short and quaggan-esque.


Quaggans and Lack of Content (Very Important)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Personally, I would like to see Shashoo get an admiral hat and epaulets… something like Captain Crunch wears.

The only other acceptable option would be a kitten quaggan who speaks only in quotes from The Art of War and is surrounded by a bunch of tough grizzly-looking characters who have nothing but total respect for the quaggan.

[Suggestion] Recognize players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


A while back, there was a thread going on discussing what options for Mail Carriers that people wanted/were willing to buy. One suggestion was a Quaggan hanging from a balloon flying in a dropping your mail. 5 months after that post, we were blessed with the most amazing mail carrier in game. Being the person who made that suggestion, I stared at the animation and enjoyed it enough to go and buy it from the gem store.

I think it would be a good PR move to give players who suggest things such as these a free version of it and give them some recognition. While I suggested the Quaggan Mail Carrier, I am not saying I want fame or anything… its more that if something is used that was suggested by a player, if that player gets recognition, it feels more that ArenaNet is actually listening to suggestions from the community and may actually encourage others who may have some fantastic ideas out there.

Mastery System needs some tweaking.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Having just played the beta for HoT, one issue that I (and several others in my particular instances of the Beta) had was the user-friendliness of the UI for the Mastery System. The problem, from my perspective is having mastery points.

When a mastery point is earned (this happened after completing the first instance), it flashes like one of the bouncy boxes for event completion (the one notification over the minimap). The problem with that is the player expects something to immediately happen once a mastery is unlocked and they click the bouncy notification over the minimap. Since the player is only allowed to progress one mastery track at a time, it is not unheard of to amass a small fortune in mastery points and be only working on one path.

A possible workaround for this would be to make mastery tracks unlocked after completing certain events rather than just putting all of them out there from the beginning. Treat the leveling of the masteries more like sPvP reward tracks graphically (Where it is one linear reward track with multiple tiers of rewards) rather than having a multitude of sub-categories into which we will have to activate.

One possible scenario that could play out is a player completes the first instance and gets in the reward screen a choice between Gliders or Mushrooms (or just give both) from the beginning. Then when a player interacts with an Itzel, that particular mastery track is unlocked (rather than just giving us the option from the beginning). This removes the mastery point unlock completely (and also seems to shut out the need for mastery points even).

TL;DR: The more I was in the map, the more people I saw asking how the mastery system worked because they were confused having mastery points unlocked, yet no mastery tracks completed. As I figured out the system, it just became more and more clear that mastery points are useless.

Sea of Sorrows WvW Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Before joining Sea of Sorrows, I had no idea what a Bivouac was. Now, not only do I know what a bivouac is, but I am bivouacking all day with the best of them!

Come for the bivouacs, stay for the cat gifs.

Gliding[PoI Today]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I have a criticism about the PoI show in general, especially as we are heading into more episodes focusing on specific aspects of Heart of Thorns. As I read the forums and Reddit responses to these episodes, I am seeing people complaining about not enough information being provided, or about how certain things aren’t being covered despite the description adequately covering what will be shown.

One constant argument I have heard people make is that they need to show the UI for masteries. While I would like to see that myself, the presenters did talk about the mastery tree and how it worked. This is the problem which PoI is actually facing right now for many viewers.

The problem I see is the appealing to the ways in which people absorb information. In Education circles, we refer to this as the Theory of Multiple Intelligences ( The basic idea is that people learn in different ways. Some need visual aids, others can just listen to things and pick up all they need, while others need to actually do it, etc. I feel that there are aspects of the PoI show, especially during the segments on HoT that does not appeal to the way people absorb information adequately and this is the source of the criticisms.

Take the segment about the coloring book as an example of what went really well. During that segment, there were visual examples, stories told of the coloring book and there was a flow which made things informative.

Compare that segment with the segment on the flying mastery. During that particular segment, there was significantly less flow. For those who were listening, you heard about the full mastery line and about several other masteries as well. For the visual learners, the saw a dev driving a character off a cliff multiple times. This is why people have complained about lack of information on the mastery system, in my opinion. What might be advantageous to those visual learners is to either prepare a graphic about the glider mastery (either showing the line, or demonstrating the different aspects of the line). The entire UI does not need to be presented to give the player the idea of the mastery track. I am not saying that the same amount of work/detail needs to be put in as was done with the class videos prior to the launch of GW2, but even powerpoint-level presentation of the line would be nice for the visual learners.

These criticisms being said, I do greatly enjoy watching these livestreams and look forward to seeing more in the future! I hope that these criticisms are considered, though, in the future as new information is presented to us.

[GH] Grindhouse Gaming - SoS NA PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Before joining GH, I never knew the glory of Doritos or Mountain Dew. Now as a GH member, I can 360-noscope with the best of them. Bwee-Bwee-Bwee, wrecked son, oh baby a triple.

Mail Carrier Customization Added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Baby Quaggan hanging from a Balloon.

Extreme lags in wvw

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Same issue. 5-35 second skill activation times and on reset in 2 hours of play I got disconnected 25 times.

Massive, Debilitating Lag since Reset.

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


The server lag is unmanageable. Please fix this ASAP.

Massive, Debilitating Lag since Reset.

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Here is a post from 5 days ago about this very topic:

So it seems the 161 and 162 servers are having trouble still…..

Massive lag in fights. Massive Disconnects

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Massive, Debilitating Lag since Reset.

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623

fritanga.1623 as well

Massive, Debilitating Lag since Reset.

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


We are currently getting massive amounts of lag since NA WvW Reset. Along with these 35 second skill activation times, we are also experiencing many disconnects.

The last time this happened was two weeks ago. At that time, it was limited to Green BL. This time, we are getting it across all maps.

Severe Lag in Green BL in WvW

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Since reset in WvW, in the current NA T2 Matchup the Green Borderland has been getting extreme lag making the game mode completely unplayable. Just sitting in Citadel, we are getting 3-5 second skill activation times. All users are experiencing this lag at present.

The issue is limited to the Green BL and not the other maps. Likewise, it is not a FPS or system-related performance issue since there is a decent size sample of players experiencing it. It is an issue which is happening with no character movement, and away from other players.

Any assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.

edit: I am not sure if I posted this in the appropriate sub-thread, but given the “tactical advantage” such a thing could potentially cause, I did not want to post this in an open WvW thread.

(edited by fritanga.1623)

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Populate WvW with the Orders of Tyria serving as guild alliances.

Eliminates the server population from being a roadblock and makes guild choice seem more relevant. Still allows for strategy since allies and opponents aren’t constantly changing. Current map assets could be reused in the short term until new maps could be made.

Potential problems:
WvW could become more like EotM by opening up the maps to all servers. The lack of ability to jump between different versions of the maps could create issues for getting guild together (as it currently is with EotM). A new UI would need to be made so that guilds could cross districts easier, especially if score is calculated compositely.

Other Issues:
Multi-guilding would allow for easy spying/griefing.

Siege Troll Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


What if there were implemented “Hard Points” where if siege is thrown at those particular places it does not count on the siege cap? I feel that this would allow siege-happy commanders to toss a great deal but that there would be guaranteed placement outside the cap limitations.

To better clarify…
On gates, you could have 1-2 siege ram locations (where blueprints for siege rams only wouldn’t count towards the cap), Walls could have a similar thing added with catas. The idea behind this is that it would allow players to continue siege as normal without being hindered by griefers (and without being punished with a form of exhaustion).

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


What I am saying is that when your server is out and doing well, you pull in a better quality reward. Take the junk loot you get as an example… Instead of getting a Needle, when you are above 200 PPT, you will receive a Barb instead. If you might have received a Blue Weapon, maybe instead you will get a Green Weapon drop. It could be broken down in tiers. Perhaps 200-300 PPT is a 1 tier upgrade, 300-500 a 2 tier upgrade, 500+ 3 level upgrade? (Blue→ Green for 200-300 PPT, Blue→Yellow for 300-500 PPT, Blue→ Exotic for the 500+ PPT rating.)

To Rimmy, I don’t understand what you are saying in your response. There is no such thing as a higher PPT servers since PPT is maxed out at 695 PPT. Since you are seemingly concerned though, I will say that my in-game finances are fine.

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


The problem I see with WvW right now is that there is no rewards for defending objectives. At least by connecting the level of loot to PPT, it gives PPT an actual purpose besides just being an arbitrary number. The fighting guilds would be more motivated to cap objectives while roaming and the Karma Trains and Zergs would become completely useless since they can be capped around and defended against.

I agree completely that it could potentially lead to snowballing as an issue, as I pointed in my original post. I just feel that this is a solution which would benefit the fighting guilds and those who like playing for PPT both. There are no stat changes, there are no new objectives, just better loot.

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Thats the point though, it would make the loot for everyone better. It means that in open field fights where you generally get needles, you might end up with Barbs (Worth more) or even better quality loot if your PPT is higher.

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Proposal: Tie Loot Tier earned to PPT

Goal: To better reward servers for defending objectives

Proposal Functionality: Gear and Rewards are already tiered. Essentially, this proposal makes the level of gear tied to PPT. The higher the PPT, the greater the rewards. The rewards would have to be significant jumps and announced server-wide in WvW to make it clear that PPT is affecting the quality of loot being earned.

Associated Risks: Potential snowballing. If a server is not high in PPT, they may not feel the reward is adequate to continue playing and would instead do other activities which may be more rewarding. Adding a notice for servers outnumbered reflecting the increase in Magic Find, Experience, and WXP gain may counter this. Additionally, the potentiality of more rares/exotics in the economy may be a factor.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I agree with you completely on the immunity alone being annoying. That’s the main reason why when you mention doing anything in Dredgehaunt Cliffs you get the response “Sigh, I hate the Dredge”. Tossing in a vulnerability then balances out the immunity and makes things a bit more interesting. In the case of the Dredge (going completely off Lore-based reasoning) I would say they should be vulnerable to either confusion or immobilize (because they have been imprisoned for so long or because yadda, yadda, yadda, lore stuff in a combat mechanics discussion). Yes, though, immunity alone is a problem for the very reason you mentioned.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Being immune to crits is most certainly a viable solution. I may be wrong, but I believe that world bosses already have such a thing? Having crit immune mobs would become more like a gimmick than anything though and would basically make crits pointless. Making a condition-themed alternative doesn’t void crit damage, but it may provide a viable alternative to it.

@Travid the Terrible:
Dredge are immune to blind, as you mention and I believe that Destroyers may be immune to Burning (I haven’t done the leg work to fact-check this though, admittedly). I feel that they system of immunity is a great tool to make people rethink their approaches to certain mobs and would love to see it expanded game-wide. Alongside it, I feel there should be a vulnerability put in to mobs as well. I mean its only logical that if something is fire that cold would stop it (since we don’t have water damage per say) or something which thrives in the cold would be more susceptible to burning.

@Slider Zero:
I most certainly agree that AI changes would be fantastic and more sliding scale type damage output would be interesting, but I feel that it might be too complex for the typical starting player. The suggested immunity/vulnerability system would be something purely on the back-end which wouldn’t require an AI overhaul. I remember reading a dev mention recently that they were trying to push for mobs to behave more like players in some ways. I think that might be a bit more in line with the type of changes you propose. My suggestion is more along the lines of you go into a zone full of the Sons of Svannir and icebrood. There might be an NPC there saying “I hear those Dragon worshipers aren’t fans of fire, so every chance you get, LIGHT ’EM UP!” and then you go fight in that zone and you have bonus damage granted whenever you cause burning. If its a flat bonus on an attack landing (instead of full duration of the burn) it is adequate in my opinion, especially if the bonus scales off the player’s Condition Damage or other factors (including player level, power level, crit chance, or even a story-driven cause such as order affiliation). Such a change while minor would mean a great deal to those who are fine-tuners of builds for specific purposes. Taking the concept into dungeons could potentially open up a hard mode. Coupled with an improved mob AI, this could be extremely challenging and potentially lots of fun.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I agree that the DPS meta is boring. I see people complaining about it frequently on this forum and in other videos. I lost many friends to other games because they found straight DPS boring. I would love for new mechanics to be introduced if anything just to refresh the gameplay a bit. I suggested this format because its working within mechanics which are already in the game or have been implemented in other forms in previous updates. If it were carried into other parts then it would be very cool and refreshing to the combat.

I do think it would only be a start in the right direction. I think many of the world bosses need an overhaul and I think that some dungeons need a more intensified version with better rewards. I can’t say that my solution is the end-all or anything of that sort, but it is something which may be better.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I agree with you about the multiple types of damage in GW1. It was a great way to take focus away from straight DPS (although DPS was still very viable). The combat system in GW2 does not have the different damage types, but some of the conditions could fill that role since they are much more diverse than in GW1. Thats the main idea here.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


The guardian hindering the group would be a problem in an environment where players are punished for causing burning. I agree with that assessment completely should burning cause something like agony or healing. The only situation where I would throw the Agony and/or healing would be in a hard-mode situation. On the immunity or bonus damage part of things, though, I don’t see that as being an issue. Guardians in particular would be very effective in parties in cold environments. In dungeons like CoF, causing burn in a non-hard-mode version would not be as big a deal since they would be immune to Burning. There is still plenty that Guardians can do outside of that particular condition. In fact, it might become more beneficial to bring a Hammer with the Glacial Heart trait (critical hits with hammer chills foes). Swapping traits is not as big of a deal now given that retraiting will be free with the feature patch.

The Hard Mode concept makes the dungeons more reminiscent to the Mistlock Instabilities in the higher Fractal levels. In fact, its almost reminiscent to the “Ill and Chill” Instability taken a couple steps farther.

In the open world, just having immunity to certain conditions is not something which is new to GW2 even. Dredge are already immune to blind. By taking it a step further and making all mobs immune to something, it forces a player to learn new combat mechanics as they move through the game. I feel that by creating a vulnerability to offset the “Buff” of particular condition immunity would go a long way towards making the player use their traits and experiment a bit more. Just as with fighting Dredge currently in game, DPS is not completely ruled out, but straight DPS might not be the most efficient way to achieve goals. Its not about ruling out DPS completely, but about providing alternatives which make straight DPS less attractive for players.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Currently conditions intensity is only handled by the last person to apply the condition. If we provide a bonus damage when a condition is applied because a mob is more vulnerable to a specific condition type, then at least your condition application isn’t completely mitigated by someone else with the same condition (This is especially so if the bonus damage is calculated based on points allocated towards the specific condition by the build).

DPS will always be a meta. That won’t change. What could change though is the amount of thought needed when fighting mobs. With the DPS meta in place, its pretty common to toss a fire field down under a mob so everyone can get might. In open world content, that is acceptable. In a Hard Mode dungeon though, that fire field might actually HEAL the mob or possibly convert into Agony dependent on implementation and could actually end up hurting the party. That would cause players to seriously rethink their use of the conditions.

Make Mobs immune/Ferocity meta avoidance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I have seen much discussion concerning Ferocity and the new trait lines giving bonus damage to certain conditions (Specifically Fire on Guardians and Poison on Rangers). I really feel that these changes, while good starts, are not addressing the issues with PvE mobs and why we are facing the Berserker Meta in the first place. I feel that much of these changes will nerf the damage output of players by a small amount, but won’t shift a change to Condi because of the way condi stacks are handled in the game at present.

I feel that a better solution to the PvE issue with condi is to address the mobs which players are fighting and give immunities to specific conditions. We already get a sampling of this while fighting Dredge since they are immune to Blind. Taking things a step further though, maybe Flame Legion can become immune to Fire? or the Sons of Svannir immune to Chill? I just feel that these types of changes will force players to pay more attention to what conditions they are applying in the game and become more cognizant of what is actually happening in fights and on their skill bars.

Taking this a step beyond this idea, perhaps adding vulnerabilities to specific conditions may also be beneficial. Making Flame Legion receive a base damage total based on the amount of chill applied to them may make people want to use that condition more when fighting flame legion. Likewise, Sons of Svannir getting that bonus damage when Burning is applied may be something along these lines as well. Its something where the average player may or may not see a difference in combat, but those who want to specialize for speed clearing or more efficient play may want to trait into.

Going beyond this concept, it opens the doors to creating a Hard Mode for dungeons. While the mobs may be immune to certain conditions, maybe make it so that when those conditions are applied to the mobs, they are healed. I know CoF runs without burning would be a serious shift in the meta. Another idea would be instead of healing the mobs, perhaps it causes Agony (Bringing that condition out of Fractals and into higher/more hardcore types of gameplay). Of course, upping the rewards for Hard Mode would encourage people to subject themselves to the increased difficulty.

This type of mechanic is already in use in the game. Immunity to specific conditions exists with the Dredge, I just suggest expanding it throughout the open world (and in Dungeons). Likewise, adding vulnerability to certain conditions (such as the undead vulnerability to Holy Damage in GW1) is a tried and true element of RPG’s which is somewhat lacking in GW2. A more higher level dungeon mode with greater rewards is something also severely lacking. I feel these changes would force players to watch their skill bars and pay closer attention to their weapon sets a bit more and get focus away from just the crit and berserker meta without having to dump everything into conditions.

Looking for a new home.

in Looking for...

Posted by: fritanga.1623


From what I am reading in this thread, instead of trying to get other servers to pay for your transfer for you, maybe you should appeal to FA to pay for your transfer off?

The Gas Mask Thread.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I really wish we could use these on the Aquabreathers. They would make a fantastic diving helmet!

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: fritanga.1623


1. Ranger
2. Ranger
3. Engineer

Guild Upgrades...

in Suggestions

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Currently in game we have Guild Level Boosts for Experience, Karma, Crafting, Gathering, Magic Find, and Gold from kills. Each is purchased though an upgrade in the Guild Panel. Additionally, there are banners for much of these things and more.

What I would like to see is an upgrade for WXP. While an good guild will get very high levels of WXP through playing, it is unfortunate that there is not a means in the guild panel to boost WXP gain, yet there are consumables to purchase with gems for it.

Going along with an upgrade for WXP, a banner which could be dropped to provide a WXP boost would be fantastic as well.

Also, going along with the idea of guild upgrades, there needs to be an indicator when an upgrade (such as the +5 buff especially) wears out. Even more, if there were a way to make it so an objective has the buff for as long as the claim duration is, even if it runs out OR the objective loses its claim when the buff expires, it would make the management of these objectives easier at the server level.


This game needs a Tin-Foil Hat

in Suggestions

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I am bumping this because with all the hub-bub over Scarlet and what is to come, it is needed now more than ever!

New armor set ideas and Order Armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Before I go into my suggestion, I would like to say that I am aware of the ways in which there are to obtain the different Order Armors and Weapons in game, I just have a couple ideas to make obtaining them more appealing and possibly even throw out a couple ideas for new sets.

From a story standpoint, We are members of either the Order of Whispers, The Durmond Priory, or The Vigil. That is cool up until The Pact is formed. Once that happens, The Player Character is essentially the commander of all three orders. Once Zhaitan is defeated, the least the orders could do is open their shops for the player to get their armor sets. I can understand that there is at least some form of initiation for the orders and that only members of the orders could get their gear. So here is what I propose to make all the sets open to all characters:

1. Create an initiation option that allows the Player Character to gain reputation within the order and grant access to the gear. This is pretty straightforward. Create some form of personal story where players can go and do deeds for the different orders after defeating Zhaitan in order to become honorary members. Perhaps these quests could unlock upon reaching Fort Trinity in story progression as well (since we can already Asura Gate back to the headquarters of the 3 orders). Perhaps it could be a series of quests that when completed it allows the player to have an equipment requisitioner in their home instance for the Order which they have created an alliance with.

2. New Armor sets! Recently, I have been playing Star Trek Online on the side. In their new Romulan content, a Romulan Character must ally themselves with either the Federation or the Klingon Empire. When the player does so, they get new character costume options which are hybrid designs incorporating elements of both the Romulan and either Federation or Klingon armor styles. This idea is a unique way to handle the “You are part of a different order” issue. To this extent, there are many options which I could see developing off this.

2a. Hybrid Order Sets- Armor sets are designed that incorporate aspects of the other order sets. Perhaps a tighter-fitting Durmond Priory Armor with daggers like the Order of Whispers has or something along those lines. This would clearly be a more elaborate approach (OoW/DP, OoW/Vigil, DP/Vigil x3 armor classes), but it could be something as simple as having a badge added to the texture depicting the cross-order nature of the set.

2b. Pact Armor set- In “Forging the Pact”, Trahearne gathers the finest crafters to help outfit the new alliance. We end up getting some fantastic weapon skins at the end, but still are lacking in armor sets. I would think that Pact Armor would be something along the lines of a hybrid of the different order armors. Perhaps a medium set which is not a trenchcoat (or something akin to the old Assassin armors from GW1 would be cool).

I realize that such ideas take a great deal of time to manage and incorporate into the game. Even more, I understand the amount of time new art assets would be to add. I do see the “How does one obtain armor for another order than the one which you selected” question asked a lot. While transmutation is a great way to get stuff, I think that providing a means of obtaining the sets would open the doors to more players using the different sets since they would be easier to obtain. I know new sets is asking for a lot, but I feel that at the very least having access to the current sets would be a great step in a positive direction.

Dec-6: EB, CD, BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Hello Ehmry Bay. I know I don’t speak for Borlis Pass. But I do speak for almost 400 WvW players on borlis pass.

Welcome. Welcome to the blasted desert of reality. The cold hard existence of the real. Where mommy yaks bend and the illusion of relevance is no longer present to hold your hand and wipe your nose when the going gets tough.

And the going is to be very tough. Mommy yak is no longer present Ehmry. You are here. With us. Alone. To our crystal desert pals, I can say we honestly don’t care how the chips fall this week, or the next. So long as Ehmry suffers. And they will suffer. The chickens come home to roost my friends, and your alliance with yaks means nothing now.

You belong to Borlis.

Is this guy serious? Somewhere a 40 man zerg is missing one of their zerglings.

You have no idea the power you are poking. But I won’t do silly forum thumping without backing it up. Prepare yourselves. Normally, the BS guild tries to maintain a low profile, but for you guys, I will make a very pointed exception. If you want to fight a 100% rep guild with 400 members, I will fully entertain your desire. Exclusively. For ebay. And when we come, tell your friends that you called us out. they will assuredly thank you for it.

I am really glad to hear that your guild is doing so well after losing Kalkz to SBI.

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: fritanga.1623


I feel that on the issue of obtaining a commander icon there would be a few solutions which would be benefitial:

For both WvW and PvE-
Commander Icons should be purchased as a guild upgrade. By doing this, it would ensure that the only people commanding are those who have earned influence in either WvW or PvE to get the icon. Then, it would be important to make the icons different in some way (perhaps color) or tied to a specific guild (perhaps through a guild specific icon on the mini map).

WvW specific commander icon-
To obtain this one, you take the item that was generated from the guild upgrade and place it in the Mystic Forge with Badges to convert to a WvW commander icon. This would ensure that the person with a commander icon in WvW is part of an active guild and has at least a modicum of WvW experience.

PvE specific icon-
To obtain this one, you take the item generated from the guild upgrade and place it in the mystic forge with an item from PvE in order to obtain the item as a PvE specific icon.

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


You picked one of the worst server forums to try to communicate on. Unless you’re one a select few posters, they treat everyone like crap (including server mates). There is a big reason our server has seen a mass exodus of players to other servers. Unfortunately, they’re too busy being Elitist Forum Warriors to care.

Its true. You best stay in the safety of the official forums where there are no forum warriors at all and where everyone is really positive and friendly about life and everything.

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Highlights from tonight! <3

Only posting victories over Ehmry Bay and nothing else? did Kalkz transfer to FA and change his name or something? Should we prepare to be called Virgins?

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Shoutout to the EA guild for fun fights and costume shenanagins at the SE tower on DB BL earlier tonight!

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Recently we had a buff to consecrations. The change (along with the Pure of Voice adjustment) meant that there is now more options for dealing with the conditions meta. By shifting away from shouts to consecrations, we lose the speed buff granted by “Retreat!” in favor of other things. In my opinion, this made Staff all that much more important since it gave us that speed buff without having to trait much for it.

This is where the change to Symbol of Swiftness comes back into play. It essentially means that you will have to become immobile for some time to become mobile. I think that really takes away from the nature of the skill.

Instead of making the Swiftness pulse, perhaps we could make something else pulse with it while keeping the swiftness? Maybe Fury or Quickness? Doing so would not strip the guardian of one of its two mobility skills, and would create a desire to stand in it for not only guardians but other players as well.

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


words and stuff. Hi peoples!

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Its difficult to solve the population issue without some form of debuff. Perhaps instead of debuffs, a Handicap can be provided in some way for servers which are less populated? Of course, implementing buffs like these would be more dependent on firmly establishing the populations and publishing the exact population class (Very High, High, Medium, etc) of the server. Some ideas for buffs that I have been tossing around are as follows:

1. Start reset night with keeps in states of upgrade based on server population in comparison with others in the matchup (ie My server has the lesser population of all three servers so I start with all my keeps fully upgraded, the second highest has reinforced, and then the least populated are not upgraded)

2. Create a PPT buff of a point range for being less populated in the matchup (ie +5 ppt for the least populated server, +3 ppt for the medium, and then no modifier for the highest populated).

10/25 SBI-EB-NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Its true. She is a man among men.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Mags isn’t good enough for higher tiered fights and Ehmry is too good for lower tier.

+1 please more tier/skill comparisons

Yeah, it’s not a skill comparison. Ark has already said they don’t care about PPT. They’d increase their chances of finding the type of fights they want by moving up tiers, but again… leagues, heh.

You’ll have to pardon my mistake when his previous sentence is talking about how we lose matches, which is kind of about PPT and then saying we aren’t good enough for high tier fights, making it sound like we would win matches if we could fight zergs better, or something.

Nah, there are some groups that are good on Maguuma, there are groups good on Ehmry Bay, and I am sure there may be groups still decent on Kaineng (although its been a ghost town over there….), its just that Mags doesn’t pull enough PPT to break the spread and move up, Ehmry doesn’t drop enough PPT to drop. Its that ratings evolution crap which is screwing everything up. I have no doubt that both servers would dominate and be incredible in the lower league but neither has the coverage for the upper league and we will both be stomped in a way which will cause the few remaining fair-weathers to abandon WvW at unheard of rates.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


We purposely avoid pugs/randoms, and you don’t even remember what BL it was? Come on, you can do better PvF than that.

There are zerglings in every BL, you can’t expect me to keep tabs on who zergs where at all times.

I only brought it up because you said EB never goes open field unless they have a map queue behind him, something I found funny because I have only ever seen Ark zerg themselves. Interestingly enough I actually saw an Ark roaming duo shortly after my first post. I chuckled when I realised they were both running perplexity engi cheese.

Did you not see our guild screenshot, it would take 3x the size of our guild to queue a map rofl

Roflmao XDXDXD hahaha.

Protip: One thing does not exclude the other.

The fault is on me though, I know I shouldn’t stick my quotes in crazy.

Except one DOES exclude the other, and unless you have screens of us zerging with pubs to double our size you’re crazy.

Should have heard your GH friends from ebay streaming last night, they thought we had 40 people in kaineng bl when we had that group of 16 hahaha. You guys need to work on your counting skills before you bring them to PvF

There was no GH raid last night. The only raid which was happening is a karma train group which is all PuGs. If you heard that, it wasn’t GH. Also, if you had to resort to stream-sniping to figure out where a large karma train is, then I suggest you learn to watch maps better. Such actions are only showing your own flaws (especially since a majority of the streamers from Ehmry run with a delay.

There’s no need to use streams to find your k train when you put up orange swords with 50 guys on the doors of all the keeps on a borderlands lol. Don’t flatter yourselves and think people would have any reason to watch a stream of a karma train live.

And yet you continue to quote things heard in streams…

… and just randomly skip through the boring parts (pretty much all of it)

Yep, Thats how boring this matchup is. Its boring fighting Maguuma. I would love to see small team fights from Mags but they just don’t do it. Every time you face one, there are always 5 more.

Overall, I am just very unimpressed with the PvF from Mags. Its the same old tripe over and over “X guild hides behind Arrow Carts” “X guild hides in towers” “X guild hugs towers”. “Why would X guild ever fight in the open?”. Can we get some fresh stuff? this forum is even more boring than when we fought BP and AR for 18 weeks. At least then they had Kalkz calling us virgins.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


We purposely avoid pugs/randoms, and you don’t even remember what BL it was? Come on, you can do better PvF than that.

There are zerglings in every BL, you can’t expect me to keep tabs on who zergs where at all times.

I only brought it up because you said EB never goes open field unless they have a map queue behind him, something I found funny because I have only ever seen Ark zerg themselves. Interestingly enough I actually saw an Ark roaming duo shortly after my first post. I chuckled when I realised they were both running perplexity engi cheese.

Did you not see our guild screenshot, it would take 3x the size of our guild to queue a map rofl

Roflmao XDXDXD hahaha.

Protip: One thing does not exclude the other.

The fault is on me though, I know I shouldn’t stick my quotes in crazy.

Except one DOES exclude the other, and unless you have screens of us zerging with pubs to double our size you’re crazy.

Should have heard your GH friends from ebay streaming last night, they thought we had 40 people in kaineng bl when we had that group of 16 hahaha. You guys need to work on your counting skills before you bring them to PvF

There was no GH raid last night. The only raid which was happening is a karma train group which is all PuGs. If you heard that, it wasn’t GH. Also, if you had to resort to stream-sniping to figure out where a large karma train is, then I suggest you learn to watch maps better. Such actions are only showing your own flaws (especially since a majority of the streamers from Ehmry run with a delay.

There’s no need to use streams to find your k train when you put up orange swords with 50 guys on the doors of all the keeps on a borderlands lol. Don’t flatter yourselves and think people would have any reason to watch a stream of a karma train live.

And yet you continue to quote things heard in streams…

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


Except one DOES exclude the other

You obviously don’t even know what I’m talking about.

and unless you have screens of us zerging with pubs to double our size you’re crazy.

Why would I take screenshots of a zerg? They are a dime a dozen. Furthermore, why would I sit here and lie about something like this? If you think I have some personal vendetta against Ark or that your guild mean something special to me you are mistaken. Again, I only brought it up because you, being in Ark, called EB out as zerglings.

Should have heard your GH friends from ebay streaming last night, they thought we had 40 people in kaineng bl when we had that group of 16 hahaha. You guys need to work on your counting skills efore you bring them to PvF

I don’t even know anyone in GH and I certainly don’t think it would be wise to make a habit of generalizing the players of an entire server to the extent that you seem to do. If I did that then Ark, being on Maguuma, would be depicted in a much worse light than you have been so far.

I am going to generalize your server, because the only guilds that don’t zerg are HAWK and GF, and some AD

Everyone else… EVERY. ONE. ELSE. Bum rushes into the tower… and flash build AC’s and Ballista. Hawk and GF definitely get respect though – they never run away.

I will not say otherwise until you actually come out and fight us. PLEASE. Pleaaaase fight us. Prove us wrong…. I’m BEGGING YOU – please put some excitement back into this matchup. P.L.E.A.S.E…

edit: Why is it that when I was on Borlis – our matchups were much more exciting – you guys actually came out to fight… Now it’s tower hugging and siegecapping… Zzzzzz….

Its true. This matchup is so boring. There are no small-scale fights with Maguuma since they bring 10+ to every BloodClot cap point, and Kaineng just doesn’t even try. If only Mag were pulling more score evolution to fight in a higher tiered matchup… but then again, in looking at server histories they haven’t fared very well in such matches lately. So what we are stuck with is a perpetually boring matchup where Mags isn’t good enough for higher tiered fights and Ehmry is too good for lower tier. This is the way it will be until both servers are completely destroyed by JQ, SoR, and BG when the leagues come out.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: fritanga.1623


We purposely avoid pugs/randoms, and you don’t even remember what BL it was? Come on, you can do better PvF than that.

There are zerglings in every BL, you can’t expect me to keep tabs on who zergs where at all times.

I only brought it up because you said EB never goes open field unless they have a map queue behind him, something I found funny because I have only ever seen Ark zerg themselves. Interestingly enough I actually saw an Ark roaming duo shortly after my first post. I chuckled when I realised they were both running perplexity engi cheese.

Did you not see our guild screenshot, it would take 3x the size of our guild to queue a map rofl

Roflmao XDXDXD hahaha.

Protip: One thing does not exclude the other.

The fault is on me though, I know I shouldn’t stick my quotes in crazy.

Except one DOES exclude the other, and unless you have screens of us zerging with pubs to double our size you’re crazy.

Should have heard your GH friends from ebay streaming last night, they thought we had 40 people in kaineng bl when we had that group of 16 hahaha. You guys need to work on your counting skills before you bring them to PvF

There was no GH raid last night. The only raid which was happening is a karma train group which is all PuGs. If you heard that, it wasn’t GH. Also, if you had to resort to stream-sniping to figure out where a large karma train is, then I suggest you learn to watch maps better. Such actions are only showing your own flaws (especially since a majority of the streamers from Ehmry run with a delay.