Showing Posts For fusioncon.3269:
was just asking guildmates tonight, if i was imagining this whacky sound, but some of them heard it too, its definitely more prevalent in DR, and with the music off, its very noticable unless you also turn environmental off.
Started doing the Seeds of Truth story achievements a bit late, and have had real problems with Dodgy Crowd. Basically solo or in a group I would find myself knocked on my butt on the ground by an invisible something when I thought I was standing in clear ground. Combat log would tell me it was wind wall, but I wasn’t anywhere near any windwall I could see on the screen. People partying with me would just keep saying “you have to dodge through the wind walls” to which I would reply “But I wasn’t near a wind wall” and would just give up, frustrated.
Then I decided to look at this more closely, and it turns out that its probably a display bug.
The first screen in the attachment is showing what I expect to see when a windwall is coming at me, a solid unbroken wall of wind that I can clearly dodge through.
The second screen is showing the problem I encounter, where the windwall isn’t continuous, I highlighted the gap on the image. In this case most of the windwall isn’t visible at all, and it looks like a safe place. In this case, right before this screenshot, I dodged through the gap where the windwall would have been if it had been a continuous broken line. (Yes I’m standing in a sand pool in the screenshot, was more focused on getting screenshots this attempt, than getting the achievement)
The combat log shows that when I dodged through the gap right before I took the screenshot, the windwall was actually there and not visible, since it registered the dodge. So basically not all of the windwall is being painted on the display.
Now that I know this, its a little easier to cope with this issue, but its not a rare occurrence, I see more partially displayed windwalls than not. The portions of the windwall that don’t display properly sometimes appear in the middle, sometimes one entire side of the windwall is “missing” and looks like an attractive safe spot, but really its still there and whoomp you’re down, achievement attempt failed, etc. etc.
actually went through a full wipe and reinstall of the entire OS, reinstall of game from scratch, same results
had fiddled with all the individual in-game gfx settings previously, never found anything that touched it.
will have to chalk it up to an unresolved driver issue
unfortunately a repair doesn’t touch this issue, nor does a full reinstall. has anyone else encountered this glitch related to gfx settings or drivers?
thanks! will give that a shot
does anyone recognize this graphical oddness and know the cause? or is it actually normal? I would expect something like smoke/mist instead of these boxes.
its been around on my install of the game since launch. i’ve gone through a dozen driver updates since then, usually stay current on video drivers, and its always persisted. its even persisted through an clean install of windows 8, after being there on windows 7.
Dual Asus GTX 670 in SLI driving 3 monitors for Widescreen resolution of 6050 × 1200
i believe i’m experiencing the same based on what is described above, with 2 gtx670 in SLI. its almost subliminal
I’m running 314.07 on dual 670’s in SLI with no issue with GW2.
I did run into some general problems not related to any game when i initially installed this version, but after a performing fully clean install of 314.07, its been smooth sailing.