Showing Posts For ghstwolf.9602:
Ok, so i’m here with a build. If any of you have seen my builds before, you know I’m horrible with making them myself.
The idea of my current build is to provide support (in other words give people conjured weps and heal when possible), survive (cantrip recharge reduction and regen/vigor) and deal good dmg (strength runes + strength sigil + battle sigil + pyromancer’s puissance)
I’ll run with staff if the occasion calls for it, but personally prefer d/d.
So, my questions for this one I’m currently running:
Would it be wise to switch to soldiers armor instead of knights (lose my precision and some toughness and gain a bit more vit) or just switch everything to cele?
(also keep in mind not everything is ascended cause im still working towards ascended, just dont wanna make the armor till I know thats the armor I want for him)
I mainly PvE (mainly dungeons/fracts), occasionally WvW and PvP
any advice would help (except zerk or go home advice, you may go home instead :b )
(edited by ghstwolf.9602)
ya, just got done reading another article. Someone opened 156k bags, finding enough luck to get him 300%, 17 zuzus, a few neckalces, 40+k drag ore, bloodstone dust and emp. stones… and 0 Gwyns.. all hopes for me getting Gwyn were literally just crushed after seeing that.. so I’m just gonna start working towards Goedulf. :b
Ok, that was a quick run across the room and here’s the answer:
With the Maize Balm recipe making ToT bags a year-around item for those who craft it, or with the use of Vial of Maize Balm drops, pups will continue to be available for the foreseeable future. Obviously there’s Halloween 2015 to be designed, but it would be nearly a year before that would roll out, so the short answer is…
Ya.I’m sorry, Gaile, but I’m going to have to disagree with the justification that ‘it will be available for the foreseeable future because Maize Balm will continue to be craftable’. Given that people have opened HUNDREDS of thousands of bags and not received the miniature, it is safe to assume that the drop rate is extremely, extremely low. This combined with the fact that Maize Balm is time-gated to one per day means that you could potentially farm about nine stacks of ToT bags (that’s IF you crafted every day and IF you didn’t waste any throws) over an ENTIRE YEAR. And considering it takes 100 candy corn to craft one, you’d also need to make sure you have the ingredients as the price of everything Halloween-related is most definitely going to go up after the holiday ends.
The problem with this kind of reward structure is that the people who truly want the miniature will most likely not get it (barring being extremely rich with funds to be able to purchase hundreds of thousands of ToT bags), and then you are going to have cases of people getting it who do not care about it (one of my guildies, for instance). If it was sellable, well that might be another story (still with an extremely ridiculous drop rate, imo), but as it stands, getting one is like winning a raffle of something you may or may not care for, but being unable to give it away in the case that you don’t want it. Worst case scenario is that people are TRASHING something that has a 1 in 100,000 chances (if not higher) of dropping.
I’ll be honest; I really want the puppy because it is adorable and because it reminds me of one of our dogs that we lost earlier in the year (who was only eight). That said, I fail to see the point in making something super rare that is account bound on acquire as it makes it impossible for those of us that truly want it to work toward, unlike almost every other item in the game.
Just wanna say, I totally agree with everything said here. I’ve been pretty much in the lab since day 1 leveling my ele from lvl 20. He’s now well into 80 with pretty much all of the gear he needs and I still have yet to get the Mini Gwyn. It should definitely be made a trade-able object – even if it winds up being hundreds of gold in price, at least that’s slightly more possible than a 1/100,000 chance of a drop (or 1/20,000 I think I read somewhere) for those of us who actually want it.
well hopefully something will be figured out :/ I’m really interested in getting the mini Goedulf.. but 75 laurels? Almost not worth it.. Mini Gwyn seems more possible to get.. just this time restraint stinks.
I’m just curious if anyone knows if the mini Gwyn (mini ghost wolf) is gonna be available for purchase through gems or cobs or something at some point. I really wanna get this mini and I’ve been doing nothing but grinding the Mad Lab for it with still 0 luck.
thanks for the thoughts guys and I was thinking about full cele, but I do want something with a bit more focus in something – was actually thinking about doing either zealot armor/ weps with strength runes and strength/accuracy sigil, or knights armor with eagle runes and zerk weps with force/strength sigils
thoughts on those ideas?
Again, never made an ele build before, was just messing around :b
And this was kind of a general pve build – dungeons, fracts, MC, etc.
Hey everyone, started getting into eles and thought i’d take a look through the builds. I saw a combo (that may or may not have been thought up of) and figured i’d post it for general feedback and to see what everyone thinks of it. I know it’s kind of.. a “selfish build” using signets instead of conjured weapons and such, but for general pve/pvp i thought it’d be useful. Haven’t gotten the chance to try it out yet, so lemme know what y’all think.
(edited by ghstwolf.9602)
Well the extra heals are more for people in my party or around me (say for dungeons and/or fracts)
Shweet! – never even noticed that, thanks!
I appreciate the help and input
Do you think something like this might work then (with knights armor still):
with only 10 in defense i felt it may just be better to throw it in arms. My shouts still give 1,573 healing. Which isn’t horrible but not the best. I’m sure if I throw some clerics trinkets in there it’ll boost the heals a bit.
alright guys, this is gonna sound weird but humor me. I am, i wouldn’t say obsessed with wolves but do love the ideal of wolves much much (this has a point, i promise). this being said I have a shout build warrior. I want to try and stick with shout build mainly for healing and condition removal but i obviously don’t wanna sacrifice too much of my power. this is mainly for pve, occasionally pvp. i am into rp (hence why i like the wolf theme)
this is my current build:
armor is knight armor and trinkets are zerk (also keep in mind this is my first heavy toon, i’m used to playing either mage or rogue)
obviously the idea of a shout build is for healing and obviously being a warrior dmg is a overall must. i know cleric armor is very iffy on warrs because it sacrifices so much power for a decent amount of healing power. so any thoughts or suggestions?
and please please please! refrain from telling me “shout builds suck” and are “worthless” and that “its zerk or nothing.” I HATE class cannons and i hate it when someone offers nothing but good dmg output. don’t get me wrong, it has it’s place, it’s just not my style.