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Spellbreaker Bursts

in Warrior

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Except your cc = boon strip minor trait doesn’t work on targets with stab so… ??

You first strip the stability with another skill, then CC for the additional boon strip(s).

Semi-new to Thief - Need some pointers

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


So a D/D + X condi Daredevil that likes venoms, doesn’t like the staff, has some condi removal and at least one stealth access? Anything like that around? Cheers!

First, what game mode are you looking to play? Do you want to primary PvP, WvW, PVE? This will help answer your questions.

D/D Daredevil synergies very well. It has lots of evades which cause conditions, while also removing them from yourself, and of course avoiding attacks. So yes, what you’re asking for is around and can be very strong in the right situations.

You like Venoms, depending on which game mode you want to play will effect how many venoms you “should” use, imo. In PvP and WvW I would not use more than one utility venom. If you use more than that I feel you end up losing too much in other areas. The elite venom is an acceptable option in most cases.

As for your other weapon set, generally Shortbow is the go to. However, you are wanting additional stealth, so using Dagger/Pistol as offhand can be an option as well. You will be trading mobility and AOE poison for stealth, basically. I wouldn’t say its ideal, but can work.

I wouldn’t try to combine D/D and P/D however. Those are both main sets that are going to leave you with limited mobility, especially if you’re using the condition evade.

For a build, Id check out
And as suggested above, search for D/D daredevil on youtube, I’m sure you will find a good amount.

(edited by gnotshr.9136)

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


I’m not here to argue whether or not the build needs a nerf or toning down. This is a response to answer the OP’s question about what he should do; my response is to run. Unless you have absurdist burst, negation, and cleansing, you’re not killing this build. Builds like rifle engi and power reaper have effectively no way to beat this build if it’s played by someone who doesn’t need to be much better than being AFK. It’s a brutal, unfair and blatantly stupid hard counter, but welcome to the wonderful world of post-HoT GW2; it’s like this on most professions and builds.

The one problem with this is, the OP isn’t asking how to counter a D/D condi thief.

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


@Gnotshr Whats the reason for the mix trinkets, instead of pure dire?

Back when I bought the trinkets they didn’t have pure Dire; the stat difference between the two is pretty minor so I haven’t felt like spending the money on change them. Pure Dire might very well work better since this build doesn’t rely on crits for damage.

However, I have been thinking about trying Trailblazer trinkets. I recently changed to the Thorn Runes from Torment Runes and the extended duration has been quite lovely.

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Condie thief has no mobility exept steal so just run away and shoot from the distance.

^ Didn’t watch the video.

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


I’m curious what this thief build is… how is he getting both condi and damage boosts from kills?

It’s linked above, but here it is again.

What you’re seeing is the 6th effect on the runes.

(edited by gnotshr.9136)

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Yeah, I just refuse to run hammer because I don’t like the playstyle. It’s very rotation-based. Rifle is more reactive.

Even if you didn’t surprise me, I don’t think there’s much I could have done with my build there. I am considering rune of Lyssa though, and if Sneak Gyro was off cooldown, it may have helped me get away and turn the tables. Elixir S is really dangerous against condi too, because it doesn’t cleanse anything and you still take condition damage while shrunk.

Well, I was referring a bit more to the stealth than the stun break, although if you time it right you can negate my steal/burst with the stun break. I can only steal every 26 seconds, keep that in mind.

The good thing about rifle over hammer is that it can keep the pressure from range, so if you catch me in the open field where I can’t LOS you, you will have better success than with the hammer. Its the same thing with rifle warriors, they give me more problems than melee only warriors.

I don’t know if the match up will change tonight, but if you want to set up some duels, let me know, I don’t mind helping you figure out how to beat me.

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Yay, I’m famous, that’s me!

Heh. Well done. I will say it’s not much fun to play against. It’s literally impossible to catch a roaming thief with any non-thief class. Mobility is just insane.

I’ve solo roamed with Ranger, Engie, and even gave Guardian a try for a while. The issue I run into is that packs of 5 + people love to chase the solo guy around the map endlessly, so I always end up back on the thief.

As others have said, avoiding the CnD is going to be your best chance, but that’s often easier said than done. Watching for the Venom will generally help. I’ve also fought another rifle engie a few times this match up that uses Elixir S. Between the Sneaky Gyro and the Elixir S they had moderate success landing their burst and avoiding mine.

I also fought a tanky Scrapper today or yesterday who I couldn’t really do much against. In fact they sent me a message saying “Your build tickles my build.” They were using hammer, but builds can always be tweaked.

Don’t be afraid to change around and try out new traits and utilities, sometimes you will be surprised by what works. I used to run HGH Rifle Engie, and between the cleanses and might stacking the build worked very well.

However, in that engagement I caught you completely by surprise, so the result wasn’t surprising. Just keep at it, you’ll eventually find a place where you are comfortable and will be able to excel.

What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


What's the counterplay to this?

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Yay, I’m famous, that’s me!

[Bug] Rune of the Trapper + Healing Spring

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Although these two work together the majority of the time, sometimes it bugs and you do not get Stealth or Super Speed when placing Healing Spring.

Here is a short video demonstrating the bug.

Why cant we have number enemy health bars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


You can tell a lot about an enemy by looking at their weapons and food buffs.

Just came back to game...

in Engineer

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


After playing condition thief for a couple years, I switched over to playing a condition engineer after the patch. I basically just swapped the gear over and started roaming. It plays very differently but I am really enjoying it.

This is what I am currently running.

I’ve made multiple tweaks and continue to do so as I get more experience playing the build.

Originally I ran Elixir Gun but eventually I switched to Tool Kit.

Pros to Elixir Gun:
A 2nd Stun Breaker.
More Might Stacking with HGH.
More Healing with Elixir 5.
A gap opener/closer and Blast Finisher with Elixir 4.
Much stronger auto attack than Pistol.

Pros to Tool Kit.
1200 Range pull gives you gap closer + interrupt (confusion).
The 3 second Block is just amazing.
Pry bar adds more confusion plus a nice critical hit will break an Elementalist’s Diamond Skin.

They are both good choices imo. The Elixir Gun might actually be a better over all option, particularly if you use different runes. Superior Rune of the Aristocracy synergize well with the HGH, so also a very good option.

However with my current runes, the Tool Kit allows me to apply about 15 stacks of confusion on a foe in the opening combo. Often times this melts a person in seconds.

You could think of Tool Kit as more a burst play style, while Elixir Gun is more sustained damage style.

I originally ran a Sigil of Corruption, however I switched it to a Sigil of Energy after playing a while. Its a drop in DPS, however, since this build has no other access to energy regeneration, it really adds a lot to your survivability.

Which then leads to my 2nd choice in sigil, of Speed. For one, as a roamer, moving around faster is just a better experience. More importantly however, since mobility skills had their travel distances normalized, swiftness is stronger than ever. You can chase down/out run people who only have leaps and no swiftness of their own.

Tip: Often times I will stop by wolves or cats and stack 3 minutes (the cap) of swiftness very quickly. Between doing that, drinking Elixir B, plus the guards you kill at camps, you will pretty much have perma Swiftness.

And finally I ended up using Mortar Kit over Supply drop for a various reasons. However, the main reason I chose it is because it allows you to escape very sticky situations. When being chased by an enemy group, strategically dropping Chill and Blind Fields will really hamper their efforts and secure your escape.

Right now I have the hardest time when fighting Mesmers. They can be very slippery making it hard to land your burst. Condition Necros can wreck your face if they manage transfer conditions back to you, just have to be extra careful. And finally, Condition thieves can be a pain; often times these fights go either way.

It’s not P/P and might be a bit expensive for a newer player, but it should give you a general direction.

(edited by gnotshr.9136)

does HGH needs a buff ?

in Engineer

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


I guess the first question to answer is, Why do you feel HGH needs a buff?

well, because besides from the 20% duration increase, 20% recharge and 2 stacks of might, there is nothing more. could use a bit more since it is a grandmaster trait after all.

Look at the other two Grandmaster Traits in the trait line.

Stimulant Supplier – Small heal and short duration Fury with you heal.
Iron Blooded – Negative 2% damage for every boon you have.

Seems to me HGH is a lot stronger then the other two. Lower cool downs, longer boon duration, and the ability to stack large amounts of might which synergies well with both Power and Condition builds.

If you want to buff any sort of skill you first need to identify its weakness; I don’t feel you have made clear why you feel HGH is weak and needs a buff.

does HGH needs a buff ?

in Engineer

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


I guess the first question to answer is, Why do you feel HGH needs a buff?

Where did you get your PreCurser?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


About an hour ago The Hunter dropped off a Sanctum of Rall General in Eternal Battle grounds.

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


there’s a lot of “i don’t like it so nobody can have it” mentality here.

if you don’t want to duel, turn the option off. then it won’t even affect you. what’s the big deal?

equally, there is also a lot of “i want it so everybody has to have it” mentality here.

if you want to duel, turn the option on…oh wait, there is no option.

problem sorted.

if a feature is implemented obviously it will be implemented for everyone. what you think there’s gonna be some kind of sign up sheet on the gw2 front page for those interested in dueling? no that’s moronic. luckily if it’s designed with a disable feature then nothing gets c hanged for those who don’t care for dueling. don’t be selfish.

I love how people who want dueling always call people who do not selfish.

So let me ask you some questions please

1. what about people who are dueling in open-world scaling up events for people who do want to do the events- do you see the duelers helping out? Or just scaling the events by their presence and ignoring them?

2. what about the suggestions of having arenas in the main cities with spectator mode?
would that be acceptable?
if not- why ?

1. Well, I’m honestly not too sure how much two extra people in the area will effect scaling. I guess if there were several groups of people dueling in the same area, that might become more of an issue.

However, in my personal opinion, when people want to duel, they don’t want to duel with random mobs aggroing on them. I think this would detour people from dueling in event areas. Could be wrong though.

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.

That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.


We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.

Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.

If you want to duel, you can get already get a custom arena and do it. The idea proposed in Open World PvP is only for those who want to guest into that specific server where they will be allowed to PvP each other in the Open World. The fact that you enter that PvP server means that you give consent to PK and be PKed.

For one, Custom Arenas are not free. They require Gems or Glory which take time to accumulate, and the arenas are only temporary.

Again, this thread is not about Open World PVP , yet folks keep bringing it up. This is about thread is about DUELS.

(edited by gnotshr.9136)

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.

That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.


We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.

Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.

Nobody is interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”.

You must not be read my entire post. You didn’t quote it all, let me try again.

That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.”

Seems to me, this person believes they can be “ganked” with out consenting to a duel. Or am I interpreting this wrong?

(edited by gnotshr.9136)

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Dueling happens all the time in WvW and in the Obsidian Sanctum. Come join the fun

This does not address the issue of dueling people on my our server. There have been several occasions where I wanted to duel a guild mate or someone I met in a party.

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.

That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.


We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.

Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.

Short bow evade spam

in Thief

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


its not hard to regen init if you spec for it. These days you can spec for init gain like nothing. Its a piece of cake to keep chaining evade on sb. Idk what thieves you guys are playing but a evade skill on a thiefs weapon slot is op.

It seems as if you know what you are talking about. Can you please explain how a thief kills people by spamming short bow evade?

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Tomes of Knowledge are 100% useless to me. I have 9 level 80’s and I am not going to buy a tenth slot for another character. What in the world am I going to do with 10 Tomes of Knowledge? I already have one in the vault collecting dust!

There are items in game bought with skill points. You now have 10 more.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Why is WvW not at all rewarding?

For me personally, the feeling that I get when I win a 3v1 in WvW is unmatched by anything else this game has to offer. The heart pumping, adrenaline filled joy that I experience when spiking that last man, is the REWARD.

List of Nerfs

in Ranger

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


This thread is mainly pointless for anything else than causing more hate.

Why not have a “List of Buffs” while at it? That way, we would actually be able to see the quantity of both.

My thoughts exactly.

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


To the Asura GoM ranger [SC] you sponsored by Nike?

<3<3 Finally a post about me. <3<3

Impact of physical appearance?

in WvW

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


As Contiguous said, it is harder to click on you; when you are in a group of other people, guards, or mobs, it increases that advantage.

Your red name will always will be there, however yours will be lower then other races. This makes it possible to hide behind certain terrain that is too low for others to hide behind.

steam powered pet upgradable for tinkerers

in Engineer

Posted by: gnotshr.9136


Its a very interesting idea. I noticed several posts about the issues with engineers and weapon/back slot skins. Some people have asked for customizable kits, etc. However, when I read this post I thought maybe having a customizable mini robot would be a nice alternative.

The mini would offer the engineer something unique to the class, just like custom kits would be, with out having to rework the class to fit in an actual pet.

They could add various mini robot parts as rewards for quests and to vendors. Karma, Badges, Tokens, etc could be used to acquire new parts.

It would be something completely cosmetic so not required for those that don’t have the desire to have a mini.

(edited by gnotshr.9136)

Save Yourselves - suggestion

in Guardian

Posted by: gnotshr.9136



Save Yourselves! is intended as a defensive spell.

And you’re getting this info from….?

IMO, the name “Save Yourself” sounds defensive.