Showing Posts For hahawinner.5273:
It was a good call to call it off and start looking at how to fix it in ways they didn’t do in the beta weekend. I rather them have a problem now and figure out how to fix it than to have the problem when HoT is released.
Yes, it sucks we won’t be able to do the raids but I’m fine with it as long as they are using this time to fix it. I think a good chunk of us understand that a “beta” is not an “early access” type deal. A “beta” is used to check for any issues that would/could arise from new or updated content. Keep on keeping on Anet!
<3 Curisu
Doesn’t really bother me too much. Yeah, I was a little bummed out when I couldn’t get a raid party going because of the things with the squad UI but, this is what beta tests are for. I rather have all this now than when it is live on the 23rd of October.
Guild Name and Tag: FreedomOrDeath[FREE]
What we do: WvW, PvP/sPvP, PvE, Fractals, Dungeons, Guild Missions, Teaching mechanics of classes if needed, PvP training, and Raids (soon tm)
Home World: Gandara (EU)
Preferred Language:English(Though we do have many multi-lingual people in our guild)!
Active Times: From 2pm-10pm GMT – but we usually always have people on during any time, most active during the times listed though. We have a guild event schedule that we do every day around 6pm GMT and do Guild Missions every Sunday at the same time as listed above.
Guild leaders in-game:
- Tsath.4527
- Stinna.1246
Other Info: We are a pretty laid back guild that will welcome anyone to us with open arms. Only requirement really is to be able to have a good laugh with us. We also have a TS3 server and occasional karaoke. Even though we are laid back, whenever we get serious, things get done.
UPDATE: I didn’t find out WHY it was doing it but deleting local.dat and re-patching fixed the issue. Thread can be closed.
Not sure what happened but all of a sudden, after I hit play, the game ends up crashing…tried deleting the gw2.tmp file and running the -repair command. Anyone might have any idea what my crash log says:
The dims.x and dims.y part I don’t like the sound of.
@Polly Wogger: Do you guys do any WvW or do you guys avoid it like the plague? I’m not looking for a guild that does WvW every day but I would like to hear that you guys at least go in a zerg every once in a while to just wipe people off the WvW map, had some really fun times doing that.
That said, I’m not a WvW/PvP crazy person, I honestly prefer PvE, world bosses, and dungeon/fractals runs and have an amazing mind when it comes to having to analyze on the fly(which does extend to WvW/PvP).
I have heard of your guild before so I know your one of the bigger guilds even without reading what you posted.
@mrwawa: Thanks for the offer but kinda looking for a guild that has been around for a while, last guild that I joined up with fell apart and it too was a “new WvW guild”.
I took a long break from GW2 after the culling was turned off due to my old PC not being able to keep up with it…but now I finally have finished my new PC build only to find out that my old guild has pretty much died out…
Last time I actually played was when the JP “Not So Secret” was added but I’ve tried to keep up-to-date with the changes in-game.
I’m a level 80 Asuran Thief, switching on and off between s/p (more for AoE-ing and blind/invis support) and d/d for damage dealing. I was decently geared when I had to stop playing but only had ascended accessories. I would be able to at least do 2+hrs a day and usually about 6+hrs on my days off.
Anyways, looking for a decent sized guild on Underworld with friendly, active, talkative people, preferably well versed in WvW, dungeons, Fractals, and world bosses. Would also like a guild that has and USES Teamspeak/Vent.
Any questions just leave em here
EDIT: I’d prefer NOT to change server but I am open to the idea of doing so as long as its a guild that seems to be worth changing servers for. Last guild I joined I changed servers for and it fell apart, rather not be stuck in the same situation again if I change servers
(edited by hahawinner.5273)
More beautiful drawings pop up
Wow, your still cranking em out Snow, I’m impressed :P
Always nice to come to this thread every few days to see your new drawing Zombie :P
The Charr looks like its about to rip someone’s face off, in that good kind of Charr way :P
I like the birds, its a nice extra touch. Don’t know why you call them a sorry excuse for birds though, look pretty cool to me.
This last one you just did she looks like she is enjoying the sun :P
Haha, at least your working at it
Those colored commissioned sketches that you did came out great looking.
Checking this every day and its great to see all these drawings
Wow, they look even better in color!
Now all girls who are going to do cosplay, cosplay BiscaWolf’s character please Great work once again Fsnow!
Decided to throw together this Wintersday themed BG from a screenshot with my Asura. Great for the holidays and thanks to A-net for making such a beautiful game
Just a suggestion to ya Fsnow:
Why not make a “to-do” list on your first post? Would help you keep track of all the request and people wouldn’t worry about “Oh he forgot me…” Not saying you have to, but I would do it, just for organization’s sake.i may, but i dont really think i will to be honest, because im still like, 2 months ago in terms of posts right? so some ppl may not be even checking the forums anymore xD, so if i skip somebody that doesnt even care anymore, there is no real problem, if i skip somebody that actually checks here from time to time, no problem i will draw theirs next absolutely with no complains, and even maybe give them something more than a sketch like i did previously, yknow as a sorry, i dont have any problems with that
Yeah, makes sense since you have quite a work log. Anyways, can’t wait to see the ones you crank out next Don’t work too hard, enjoy your holidays.
Just a suggestion to ya Fsnow:
Why not make a “to-do” list on your first post? Would help you keep track of all the request and people wouldn’t worry about “Oh he forgot me…” Not saying you have to, but I would do it, just for organization’s sake.
Found some more info on this:
in the spot with “—”, you put a capital letter for the first letter and an upper or lowercase for the second letter, like so
[&AzBbAAA=] or [&AzBBAAA=]
Seems to go in ABC order so you can figure out a lot of the codes this way.
(edited by hahawinner.5273)
As a recently added member to this guild, I have to say I’ve been having a blast(so worth the server change I had to do). These guys will keep ya laughing the whole night through and they actually know how to fight in a group when we do WvW/PvP stuff. If anyone is looking for a guild, I’d definitely recommend We R In Style.
Such wonderful art! Making me anticipate mine even more I like the beam sword you put on the one character :P
Well came across SOME info on it; Seems like these things are linked to read scripts in the gw.dat file or something along those lines but:
[&AzEnAAA=] gives “Where life goes, so too should you.”
[&AzInAAA=] gives “Sieze the moment.”
Got my info here if anyone wants the information:
If anyone could expand on this, it’d be awesome.
Was doing a round of Plinx in Cursed Shores today and noticed somehow someone said something in general chat with colors. It showed up in the chat bubble as light blue text and light green(like a name would be in general chat) in the chat box ; And no it was not a linked item or anything like that. It listed the person’s name, followed by a colon then the colored text, and then it said something in normal text in the same sentence.
Read through here earlier and found someone saying the pirate rune makes you say “Arrr” or something like that if you have it equipped.
Anyways, just would like to know how it happens.
Sorry to say I don’t have the answer for you but like many have said, it looks like you’d need to clear the cache of your router and clear the Mac equivalent of temp files. I know that the TP is css and js ran(from what it looks like) so it may ALSO be your java cache(if they have that in a Mac) that needs to be cleared.
Glad to see another person was able to get Incinerator. I too am working on it and currently working on getting the money for the lodestones, the 500 medals from WvW, and the gift of exploration as well. Been flipping other lower priced items in the TP until I can afford to take more money risks.
I think you guys are forgetting that their ears are kinda like ears a floppy eared dog would have, which means they are more flexible than our ears, so I suppose you could just give them a skiing beanie(ones with the long sides on them and they could tuck their ears up into the beanie like a girl with long hair does with a motorbike helmet.
(edited by hahawinner.5273)
Not gonna waste money on keys, just gonna try to get a few keys for map completions.
I think if there would be an “easy mode” added to jump puzzles, then people who do the easy mode shouldn’t get any reward or achievement period. Yes, I understand that some people aren’t able to do jump puzzles very well from medical conditions or just plain not being good at jump puzzles, but making a rewarded easy mode is just a horrible idea. The chest at the end of the jump puzzles are a PRIZE, this isn’t kindergarden where the fat kid get a medal in Phys Ed class for participation. And if “easy mode” gave out the achievement for finishing the jump puzzle, you wouldn’t of really achieved anything.
All you guys saying “change servers and then do the JPs” are making me laugh hard. You don’t have to switch servers to get those medals from the JPs, just sign on during an “off time”. Heck, in my server, just about no one attacks another person in the JPs unless they are attacked first; Ran around with someone from another server following me around the JPs and he just seemed to not know how to do it so he learned by watching me.
But the worst part about getting a legendary is the money you need to get, I mean 1g for EACH loadstone, ouch.
I’ve been playing around with MF the past month and a half or so with just MF food and MF guild banner. What I found is I made more money with MF[off npc-ing junk, white, blue, and green loot along with the money I make from selling things on TP and from finishing DEs] than without MF.
I have been using a total of 40% MF. I’m generally able to make anywhere from 50s-75s more while using MF food and MF guild banner than with no MF(in Orr).
One thing that I would like to point out is MF doesn’t increase the amount of drops you get(if it does, its by a very small amount), it increases the chance of getting RARER drops. Also, don’t know if this part is true or not but was hearing if you have stupidly low damage, your drops won’t be as good(which is why I just use MF food and MF banners over MF equipment).
I do the jump puzzles just because I like exploring and figuring them out. The chest at the end of em shouldn’t be the reason you do them or you’ll sorely disappoint yourself.
If you not they type that likes platforming or getting achievements, jump puzzles probably aren’t for you.
Loving that second picture that you drew for Tobran. I like em both but between those two, the second is my favorite
@Lunasun: I’ll send you a PM here, think I’ve fought a few of your members in WvWvW
[EDIT: Joined up with a guild so this message can be locked or whatever by a Mod]
Looking for a guild on Ring Of Fire that has the following:
- 20 or more ACTIVE, fun, friendly, mature [18+] people.
- Speak/type English fluently(I don’t mind other languages as long as English is the main language since I am only fluent in English; Know very limited French and Spanish though)
- Uses a VoIP client(Vent, Teamspeak, Mumble, ect.).
- Does PvP, sPvP, WvWvW, PvE, Dungeon runs, basically a little of everything.
If any guilds that are looking for members in RoF fit this description, just send me a PM over the forums. Hope to hear back from a few RoF guilds.
(edited by hahawinner.5273)
I’ll have to re-explore Queendale for myself and look around. I always found Metrica Province looked cool in the lab type areas around there.
Thanks for that answer, that’s pretty much what I thought since anyone can pretty much agree 100% is better than 30%(sorry if that sounded offensive, wasn’t meant to be in the slightest, half asleep typing this lol).
I’ve only played with probably a max of 70% MF on but been farming Orr with 30-40% MF(food and banner) but at least from your answer, I know there is a difference in loot from 30% MF to 100% MF
Thanks for actually testing this out with good sample sizes. This is the kind of stuff I was wanting to see from people testing this, not a “looks like this, but never really paid much attention” type of answer. If your wanting to try and make better sample sizes for this to get better data, send me a PM, would be happy to lend you a hand.
Before I start, I want to point out that MF does NOT increase your chance at getting drops, it increases your chance at getting RARER drops from monsters(source:GW2 wiki). MF does not effect chests, bag contents, or quest rewards, only drops.
What about salvaging ectos?
As the post said, only drops. I use Masters, Mystic, or BL salvage kits for getting Ectos.
Posted in another section answering to a person about farming and another person said something that made me think…The person posted that with a MF over 175%, he experienced that same rarity of drops that he would of gotten if all he used was just MF food(guessing 30% MF from Omnomnom Bars).
What I’m wondering is if there is a MF cap/limit. If there is, then that would explain that person’s post.
All I was getting at was that MF does effect things and that it is not garbage and it does do something. If you read the rest of my post, it said:
“I honestly just prefer using the MF guild banner and any MF food because I don’t like to be squishy with the gear. "
The gear does work fine, it just seems like MF only goes up to a certain threshold of MF percentage. If there is a threshold, like I think there might be, then that would explain everything and frankly, it would make sense since being able to have a “capless MF” would make gold worth less.
And I apologize if my post seemed to be offensive to you Xaaz, I did not mean to offend.
I have used MF gear before and it works fine as long as you have the toughness and vit to do it, since most tend to go for cheapy MF gear. I honestly just prefer using the MF guild banner and any MF food because I don’t like to be squishy with the gear. Only thing I’d consider putting MF on that I equip is a weapon(but even then, I tend to not use any MF gear).
Again though, since Xaaz does not seem to know how MF works and did not read my post, it does not increase drop rate, it increases the chance that you’ll get rarer items. If you guys want to see a difference, do this:
Farm The Cursed Shore with the events at Penitent Waypoint, Shelter’s Gate, and Jofast’s Waypoint(since these are connected events) without any MF what-so-ever for an hour. After an hour take an hour break(the drops reduce after running so many events on a map for an hour or so). After that hour break, run those events again for an hour, then sell all your whites, blues, greens to get a base line of what you make running those events. After this, again take an hour break and repeat the steps again but this time with just a MF food item(omnomnom bars are good for that) and a MF guild banner buff.
This is how I tested it (I did this over a course of 3-4 days) and found I made more with the MF banner and MF food on(about 50s-75s more than without MF food/banner).
There are a lot of beautiful places in GW2 to take screenshots. I personally love the top of the “Hidden Garden” jump puzzle in Mount Maelstrom. Anyone got any good suggestions for beautiful, cool, or just interesting places to take screenshots?
Before I start, I want to point out that MF does NOT increase your chance at getting drops, it increases your chance at getting RARER drops from monsters(source:GW2 wiki). MF does not effect chests, bag contents, or quest rewards, only drops.
I’ve played with this myself while farming in Orr. With no MF buffs or gear, I find that things that drop are more commonly blue and greens, with an occasional yellow.
When I use MF gear and buffs, I usually get a better shot at getting greens(worth more than blues obviously) and yellows. I even have gotten 2 exotics doing this. If you don’t want to use MF gear, you can use a guild MF guild banner+Omnomnom Bar which will give you 40% MF in total(and a nice 40% gold +from drops as the second effect from the Omnomnom Bar). Doing this in Orr has helped me be able to earn AT LEAST 1 gold a day from a little over an hour of play from just NPC-ing whites, blues, and greens and salvaging yellows(gotta get those Ectos!).
If your farming, remember to change to a different map every 1 1/2-2 hours because after a while of farming the same spots and events on one map, the drop rate seems to go down. After about an hour break, it seems to go back to normal though :P
Probably not the best picture I have but I don’t have this skin anymore to retake it(took it during a lag heavy raid in WvW so the graphics were turned down). It’s using that pirate-ish skin if you can’t tell too well from the picture. Would love if you could draw me(the guy Asura) with my guildie (the girl Asura) just laying back, chilling like that. If you can’t or don’t want to do both of the Asuras, just draw the guy Asura
Love your work, can’t wait to see what you come up with ^^
Well, haven’t really had time to finish throwing all of it together, but I’ll share what I’ve done so far. To use this, just do the following:
1)Make sure you have Rainmeter installed.
2)Open to “Documents\Rainmeter\Skins”.
3)Open the .rar file (you need WinRAR to open .rar files; 7zip should work too) and drag the “Lionhearts” folder from the .rar file into your “Documents\Rainmeter\Skins” folder.
4)Right click on the Rainmeter icon in your taskbar and click “Refresh All”.
5)A folder named “Lionhearts” should show up in your Rainmeter Manager now. Just click on the .ini files listed in the Rainmeter Manager to toggle the different parts of the skin on and off.
I tried to make it more user friendly than the original release. I am not offering support on how to use this because its a lot to explain and I’ve been quite busy in real life so not gonna have time to help everyone. Enjoy guys and thanks Lionheart for the awesome skin!
Mediafire Download(copy paste the link):