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Accessing Old Guild Vault After Server Change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


I am a returning Guild Wars 2 player who quit after launch. While I was playing, I created a one man guild to use the vault for personal storage. Later, I changed servers to play with a friend and realized that guilds were server-bound. I could no longer access my guild storage and soon after, I quit the game.

Now as I return to the game, I remembered that I had several items that were valuable in my old guild storage and would like to have access to it again. I would like a few questions answered about this.

How can I find out the name of the server that I once played in?

Does my personal guild still exist?

And if I return to my old server would I be able to access the guild vault as before?

Guild Bank and Changing Servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


I ran a one man guild with a 50 slot guild bank. I had a good amount of money saved up in it, around 200g. Yesterday a real life friend of mine in a different server asked for my help so I switched servers without thinking. Now I remembered that guild influence was server specific.

My question is this: is my gold and items gone forever? or will it be there when I switch back? or will it be there when I build enough influence in the new server and unlock the guild bank again?

To make a few things clear I was the only person in the guild no inactive accounts or anything just my account and no other.

Rangers with Power/Toughness/Vit Sets.

in Ranger

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


To the second poster:

At this point, its not so much a problem of the stats or looks, getting gear is not difficult. However these badges take up a lot of room and I already have more Gifts of Battle than I need. I need to get rid of these badges by buying the Invader set, but the problem is for who? Which class can make the best use of these stats? I have a guardian already with a full invaders set and was wondering if rangers can put them to good use as well.

Dyes used by npcs

in Lore

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


Using the dye remover on Order of Whispers armor only turns the dye names into ‘Dye Remover’.

I posted this thread under Lore because I felt that some of the dye names are themed and reflect the values of certain factions. For example Redemption dye is simply bright gold/yellow but its called ‘redemption’. Same with Wrath Dye which is just a dark shade of red. They could have been called crayon colors like the other dyes but maybe the developers named the dyes as such because certain organizations wore the colors in the game. While I do not know if this is actually the case, or if there are factions that use these dyes for their themes, simply having the same look is insufficient. I want to have the exact same dyes for the sake of the dye names as well.

(edited by hotdiabling.1973)

Rangers with Power/Toughness/Vit Sets.

in Ranger

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


I have 1500 Badges of Honor, and my ranger happens to be my only character without an exotic set. Buying a a full invader’s set sounds like a good option to me but having speed leveled this ranger under 10 hours, I’m still lacking ranger knowledge. So I want to know for what roles (such as spvp, wvw, pve, roaming, utility, tanking, support etc) a ranger would need to wear this tank gear or if it is viable in the first place. Detailed explanation of trait lines and upgrade/sigil options would be much appreciated.

Dyes used by npcs

in Lore

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


I just bought the Order of Whispers faction armor and figured I want to have the exact same colors the npcs have. If any player or developer happens to know which exact dyes are being used (not guesses or rough estimates) please post here. Since there might be people who might be interested in the Destinity’s Edge, Vigil, Durmand Priory colors among others, the answers to those will be appreciated as well.

(edited by hotdiabling.1973)

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hotdiabling.1973


Hello, today I was putting a buy order for arachnophobia the halloween bow. I put one in at 27g, and it didnt go through so i did it again. I thought it was bugged so i relogged, and next thing i know instead of having 100gold in my bag, i had 20. I want it all back please Anet this is incredibly rage-inducing.