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No, you don’t Wolfus. Keep dreaming. Your zerg battling 2-3 poor folks wandering around in the wilderness isn’t WvW.
Try again please. Also, make it more obvious that you’re just greedily obsessed with the karma/gold/xp train you and your friends keep riding. Address my points or go home.
Didn’t you just state that you’ve got 3 hour queues queuing at 12-3am europe time? If that isn’t indicative of maybe having a few too many people on at this time period (hint – time zones) then I don’t know what is.
I can’t speak for far shiverpeaks, but on Desolation we don’t have queues from anywhere near that time. And we pretty much have outmanned from 12am onwards.
The proof is already here for you dude its quite irritating for players like me when you choose to be naive.
Oh well if one anecdotal event happened where one mesmer claimed imbalance, thats all the discussion I need. Case closed boys, we can wrap this one up and let arenanet talk to the guy that got solo’d by illusions and let him deal with class balance for this game.
Please dude, you almost died to pets. as a THIEF. Honest to God my brain hurts thinking about it. I…rarely say this, but illusions aren’t the problem. You are.
And a damage spec thief that passively dies to an illusionary pet that fires once every half hour while the mesmer is on a treb (your example, not mine) is definitely a worthwhile addition to a team. Can I sign you up for my tourney team?
Don’t worry. You should be thankful this is your first hundred blades warrior! They’re pretty common. When you learn them though, they’re counterable unless they catch you completely off guard without a defensive spell up. And any class can kill you in this situation, frankly.
Like I said, practice against them (they’re EVERYWHERE in 8v8) and you’ll learn
“By low toughness I mean ~900.”
You keep giving the answer, but you’re not able to see it. Try and look at what I’ve quoted a few times, it might sink in.
“I’m running a low toughness P/P thief”
You’ve answered your own question
Way to be overly defensive and miss the point, Derpee. He didn’t claim anything about balance, he was asking a question. Nice to see your true colours though, son.
And for the record Drizzzle, yes, this is possible. Its a full glass cannon warrior versus a lack of toughness target. You need to dodge it, use a defensive, anything, and the warrior is then pretty kiteable. Practice a bit in SPvP until you get the hang of it, you’ll learn the animation eventually.
No, please don’t up the damage. Scepter doesn’t really need more damage love. I do whole heartedly agree with the life force increase though. Make us press this button for a reason – we want life force.
Lets be honest, no matter WHAT they do to it, short of increasing the damage then making it utterly overpowered for power builds (i’ve tried using feast as a joke with a full zerker build on a 6-7 condition target…yeah, the damage is amazing). We’re always going to want to stack more bleeds as condition. Pressing 3 is contrary to this, unless it had a specific purpose. See life force suggestion.
Nothing to see here guys, people using 8v8’s as a balance discussion.
So its fine for you guys to screw the balance over for the rankings just because the minority want to play player versus door from the early hours of the morning? Like, do you have fun smashing doors down with no defence or do you really just enjoy the free karma, xp and gold that you guys are given on a silver platter?
Think it might be the latter if you think about it. If you want meaningful world vs world, give suggestions of how to achieve it for all time zones. As it currently stands, you’re naive if you think that we’re all just “hiding in PvE when the scary late night gamers come out((”.
Suggestions of how to fix it please Wolfus. Come to Desolation and try it, its really easy like you claim, right?
Wait, you’re suggesting the #3 and #2 server combined can’t even keep 5% of the entire WvWvW map when it turns 2am? How odd. Must be a player issue, and not a French-Canadian time-zone issue. I agree, proof is definitely in your court.
Same experience as above. Guild of around 25ish people, all different classes (we’ve got one of each class, minimum) – not a single one of us have found it difficult. Are people just not using…dodge? I don’t understand. If you made this any easier, there would be literally no challenge and you could afk while the NPC’s kill the guys for you.
Please, don’t dumb this game down any further – the difficulty is at a nice state where you can die if you don’t pay attention, but if you dodge and make use of cooldowns you’re rewarded by success.
Should I just quote myself above, or will you answer the question and find proof?
Just as a tip, I can’t force people who are playing at night time to come to WvW. They paid for their game. They’re not gonna join WvW on the whims of the other 4 people struggling against 100+ french on every WvW map.
Please, try to objectively look at this and stop being stubborn. I’m not saying that having the night time advantage is a problem. Its WvW, its meant to be 24/7. But when you’ve got the audacity to claim we’re bad because we don’t have the people? Grow up dude, nobody can dedicate their lives to fighting a full Canadian guild rolling round. Its a different time zone.
Like I said, you’re free to come to Desolation and magically gather these players up. Please do so before claiming its so easy.
Also statistically, seeing as you mention it, we don’t have the players. Thats what the outmanned buff between 12-8am means. Try and learn what that is, please. Stop responding until you get proof, or counter my arguments instead of reaching for the classic straw man defence.
Suggestion to Kraken – swap to Desolation. Go to Desolation borderlands between 2-5ish, the majority time that the VS people are online night capping. Find more than 10 Desolation players. Do that, post a screenshot, and you can end this rumour about us having the players but just being disorganised.
Sound like a deal? put your money where your mouth is. Both Deso and FS are the same – we don’t have the players. We always have the “outmanned buff” (did you even know this buff existed?). The proof is in game already, stop spreading this misinformation or prove it yourself if its true.
End of discussion until proof is provided, tbh.
So, you want a ‘good pvp server’, you’ve tried the rank 1, 2 and 3 europe servers, and none of them are good enough. Got ya. Learn French or swap to NA dude, you won’t be happy unless you’re on top, I can tell already, and nobody is beating Vizunah atm with their 24/7 gameplay.