Showing Posts For iSpam.6124:

The MINI problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Well I think they should simply remain out and only go back in when you put them back in, but even more important, what about the mini arena?!! < Well I think they should simply remain out and only go back in when you put them back in, but even more important, what about the mini arena?!! < >

Big Boom in The Big City bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Me and a few others somehow randomly completed the achievement that gets you the dragon hat… since it’s a one time thing is it still an exploit? I had just left dragon bash and randomly it just completed.

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


I reported every person that used the exploit to communicate with me when it was available for abuse. At the end of each report I added how speaking to the enemy breaks their promise of anonymity in WvW.

This was a great fix when they removed the exploit.

I would get spammed constantly because I killed so many people. I focused more on solo fighting in EB Puzzle and when people were not verbally abusing me they were begging me to let them pass. It gets tiring and forced me to have to play with my online status as offline. But then the people that I wanted to message me, could not.

While I sympathize with those that want a way to talk to the enemy, it just cannot be because there is the risk of abuse. Use the forums.

Blame it on people that bot, hack, and have no self control for losing features that can be good thing yet spoiled due to abuse.

No one likes the people that just sit in the EB Puzzle and kill everyone. that’s just a huge pain in the kitten I don’t mind killing people on the way to completing, but it sounds like you were a bit of a dick. And as for reporting people, that makes you come off as an kitten So I really don’t see any merit to your argument. The only way I sympathize to not having the chat is people being rude to eachother, but you can just report them anyway.

New PvP Modes(Hunger Games, Infection)

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


So a lot of people probably remember the Hunger Games from one of the beta weekend events, and I really think we should bring that back as a mini game or some such thing. But me and my friend were talking, and we were thinking, this game could pull off an infection esque game where we have players as humans and the killed ones turned into risen or some such thing. I’d say that game mode would have a lot of potential, especially if you throw in some A-net innovation rather than just sticking to the classic formula

Huge event in Ascalon Ruins area

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


So I love the Ascalon Ruins and all the ghosts, and it is a huge and extremely important piece of lore, yet it’s hardly even mentioned in game. So I was thinking, there should be a huge event in the Plains of Ashford where a ghost zerg is terrorizing the area, taking over outposts and such. It could have a few different parts, maybe even an attack on the black citadel itself, which would be awesome. Maybe even a visit from King Adelbern himself

dyes available all characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


You can’t. Think about supply and demand for a second. If they were account bound, that would drop the prices extremely low. Now think about how much the mats cost to create those dyes, there would be no reason to bother anymore. You make them that easily available and they become useless. There needs to be a reason to work for them, if they just hand everything to you then it just gets utterly boring.

"smash the town" achevment doesnt work

in Wintersday

Posted by: iSpam.6124


obviously you did. I got it, you should go back around and make sure all the building parts, the weird light things down one trail and all that are completely broken. there is also a mini on the hill where toxx walks by that you have to get right next to. It’s not a bug, just you

Mystic Forge Recipes, How often do they work?

in Crafting

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Just like in the title, I’m curious how often mystic forge recipes work. Like say Mjolnir for instance, there is a recipe for it, but does the recipe work every time?

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


I do really miss this, it made everything much more complicated, with people being able to spy and double cross and such. I remember in one of the betas, me and a buddy convinced the two servers who were ganging up on us, that one had betrayed the other and was attacking their keep, and they actually attacked each other and we massacred both of them. It was friggin’ awesome.

We need kill spam in WvWvW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Don’t kill me

Unique profession specific armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Gotta say, one of the best suggestions I’ve read. Simple and easy to do, time to make the Archers engineers and thieves really stand apart ;p

Third Soldier Class: The Dragonknight.

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


The problem with trying to add a new class is keeping everyone balanced, and for the most part, all the classes are. Some would argue the thiefs are highly OP, but if you have experience against them they aren’t too hard to kill.
I’d say no on a new class, especially a dragon knight class..

Suggestion for Mini Pets <3

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


You can just buy an invisible slot bag, nothing in those bags are moved or deposited

New PvP Scenario Idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Bring back the hunger games mode from one of the BWE’s that was so fun

To Give Minis a Meaning *Possible Spoiler*

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


So I love minis, and in GW1 they were a sign of wealth and such, but in GW2 they seem pointless.. So I propose we give them a meaning. Now I hope I’m not spoiling some future update, but in LA, there is a spot near the asura gates that leads to WvW, there is a little arena like area with two mini mobs just standing in there. It’s my hope that in the future minis will become little gladiators, whom players will pit against eachother. In that case, Anet would probably have to make a better way for minis to become available. Just a thought, would love to hear more suggestions


Website Remembering Passwords.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iSpam.6124



Dude keep in mind it is ability to your web browser not releated with gw2. So please tell us which browser you are using first so we can help you or you can check your browser’s help topic about passwords ( or privacy ).

I figured so, but had no idea where it would be other than appdata.. I use google chrome

Website Remembering Passwords.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Is there any ways that we can stop the site from remembering our email password combo? Someone from Asia has been trying to get into my account and I don’t like having to change my password every other week just in case..

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


More than likely just have to rebuy deluxe :/ I still have mine luckily

Sad About Lack of Unique Halloween Armors? Next holiday suggestions?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: iSpam.6124


I’m kind of disappointed that there was such a lack of unique stuff in the events :/ Especially on the Mad King Armors.. I just hope A net didn’t do it so people wouldn’t cry about not getting any. The only people who should be allowed to be pissy are those affected by Sandy on the East Coast
So here’s my suggestion: Unique armors, because everyone loves a little aesthetic ;p

Digital Deluxe: I feel like an idiot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSpam.6124


Yeah.. for $20 extra it’s kind of kitteny for those of us who did.. the one times were kinda nice and I can understand them being one timed, but the golem banker and all that? I feel like it should be one limited to each char, with unlimited used but maybe a cool down or recharge..

Guild Armorsmith...

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


That’s on you because it actually says exactly what they are. I know because I bought one. I just wish it had a preview and that they looked better.

Hall of Monuments Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iSpam.6124


I don’t know how many have had this happen, but it appears my email is linked to the wrong GW1 account. Just so you know my GW1/GW2 emails are different. When I first prepurchased and linked, I checked the rewards calculator for my GW1 account and it said my accounts were linked. So I went on and bought the EOTN and got some points. Then I logged on to the headstart and went to the HoM and no rewards. Did some research, and discovered that my GW2 account is linked to a different GW1 account. Even though the GW1 account I use says it’s linked to an account. So I log onto this other GW1 account and there are two characters, one level 2 the other 1, but it says I have not bought any campaigns, so I can’t play them.. So I try logging onto GW2 with my actual GW1 account, and somehow an account was made under that email.. but no access to GW2.. I know you have stuff to take care of, so please do that first, I’ll be here enjoying the game anyway ;p