Guys stop trolling SFR. It is undeniable that the current point system in world vs world clearly shows 100% accurate evidence of how good a server is at world vs world. SFR have the best fighters in the entire world. Just look at their tick. Clearly shows they are the best at everything.
In world vs world if you are running with a zerg you need to be as tanky and as supportive as possible. I run 0/0/30/30/10 with full pvt gear and you can use knights trinkets if you really want a bit of damage. I play support in order to help my wvw guild with removing of conditions and healing them. I have 3.2k toughness and 24k hp with full pvt gear. But my damage does take a big hit which doesn’t really matter in zerg fights.
Don’t listen to what that guy said about thief. In zerg fight your damage doesn’t matter at all. It’s your survive ability. If you can damage players and get them downed but you can’t survive you will just go down and rally them.
Right now the most useful classes in wvw organized zergs are hammer stun warriors, support guards, 1 or 2 mesmer for vails, necro and ele.
This is the correct ranking system out of 10 for class usefulness in an ORGANIZED zerg fight.
Warrior 9/10
Guardian 10/10
Thief 2/10
Ranger 2/10
Engineer 4/10
Mesmer 7/10
Ele 10/10
Necromancer 8/10
How does outmanned buff make a fight harder?
Well I guess the fact that the server outnumbers you greatly has something to do with it. But that’s just a guess.
Except the outmanned buff does make fights harder for you because you are facing groups much bigger.
(edited by iiMulch.2138)
How does outmanned buff make a fight harder?
Well I guess the fact that the server outnumbers you greatly has something to do with it. But that’s just a guess.
We had some great fights later at reset with Ekitten was literally only GoD and ECL fighting with little to no pugs and numbers were completely even. We won so many times they started running everyone they saw us.
Oh and gl to deso guilds doing gvg. I will totally not crash your gvg you can count on it
I hope the deso community frowns upon your guild holy kitten. It’s so pathetic. Don’t come on the forums with this attitude when you keep getting wiped by our russian comrades. Whenever I see you on same map as za drots you get your kitten handed to you 1-2 times and you change map.
cheers to all other deso guilds, it seems TLA runs with fewer numbers than most others but fights anyways, it’s good to see that attitude.
There’s so much negative energy on the forum. Let’s all be happy and enjoy the fights. All forum warriors should take a week off
We had some awesome fights with ZB. They never wiped us to the point that we left. If they said that then they are lying. The first hour of the event they did kill us multiple times yes, but ask them what happened later on in our encounters. Actually don’t because I can tell you, we killed them multiple times.
The desolation community does not frown upon us. In fact a lot respect us because we are awesome.
So what happened today? Your blob logged on vizunah border and got wiped 5 times by zbs then scouts started reporting you were in seafarer border? Pathetic to bring such an attitude to the forums and then having to leave a border because another guild is too strong. GG
Yes I will admit we were very frustrated at the fact we were having such bad troubles against ZB and we all do agree that ZB are clearly one of the top guilds in EU. However, there isn’t a single other guild on sfr that can come close to ZB.
One more thing I would like to add is that we had an outmanned buff while we were facing ZB so that made it even more difficult.
If GoD is so good why dont u accept ANY gvg’s? And dont give me that “its not a real game mode” fudge. Atm u only seem to be too much full of yourselves and havent proved anything.
Because they would rather spend their time disrupting other guilds GvG’s instead.
No we only do it to guilds we do not respect. There a certain guilds in Deso but they know who they are.
Respect works both ways instead of coming across arrogant why don’t you help build trust between you and other guilds by being team players, everyone of your blacklisted guilds contributes allot to the team effort of desolation as a server.
You have so far excluded yourself from the community that has pulled this server together since the exodus of many a large guild from desolation, why you don’t bury the hatchet and make an effort to ease relations with these guilds i don’t know. Were all in this together and none of us can do it on our own.
Mate I respect all guilds on Deso but what I don’t respect is a guild that left the server, then came back when they were losing on the other server.
We had some great fights later at reset with Ekitten was literally only GoD and ECL fighting with little to no pugs and numbers were completely even. We won so many times they started running everyone they saw us.
Oh and gl to deso guilds doing gvg. I will totally not crash your gvg you can count on it
I hope the deso community frowns upon your guild holy kitten. It’s so pathetic. Don’t come on the forums with this attitude when you keep getting wiped by our russian comrades. Whenever I see you on same map as za drots you get your kitten handed to you 1-2 times and you change map.
cheers to all other deso guilds, it seems TLA runs with fewer numbers than most others but fights anyways, it’s good to see that attitude.
There’s so much negative energy on the forum. Let’s all be happy and enjoy the fights. All forum warriors should take a week off
We had some awesome fights with ZB. They never wiped us to the point that we left. If they said that then they are lying. The first hour of the event they did kill us multiple times yes, but ask them what happened later on in our encounters. Actually don’t because I can tell you, we killed them multiple times.
The desolation community does not frown upon us. In fact a lot respect us because we are awesome.
If GoD is so good why dont u accept ANY gvg’s? And dont give me that “its not a real game mode” fudge. Atm u only seem to be too much full of yourselves and havent proved anything.
Because they would rather spend their time disrupting other guilds GvG’s instead.
No we only do it to guilds we do not respect. There a certain guilds in Deso but they know who they are.
(edited by iiMulch.2138)
We had some great fights later at reset with Ekitten was literally only GoD and ECL fighting with little to no pugs and numbers were completely even. We won so many times they started running everyone they saw us.
Oh and gl to deso guilds doing gvg. I will totally not crash your gvg you can count on it
GoD, INVI, TLC do u actually have skill?!?!
Blobing like kitten and complaining about SFR blobs.
You are either trolling or stupid. We had 27 GoD in wvw. But whatever we have nothing to prove we already know we are better than you
The most epic reset ever!!!
thx for the fights with Coin, DVG, Irae, GoD, and both zergs from Elona and Desolation.
Thanks for this, really heavy fights!
Your guild gave us very challenging fights and we recognize that you guys are good. I wish I could say the same about the rest of your server.
Simple you see a new commander that is not experienced? Don’t follow him. Find one that is experienced or lead yourself.
GoD has the most whiniest members ive ever seen
Lol who’s whining?
iiMulch equal fight some day? :P another big mouth with 0 action haha. ofc we lose 60vs20 while other guilds / pugs hug you. do you try to prove something since its not working.
I don’t need to prove anything sir. I myself and my peers are aware we are better than you.
That’s not what it look like when we read you
I hope that one day i’ll have one third of your awesome skill, that way, i may be able to become powerfull enough if you let me some time to mature and be as strong as God members like you and who know, join you ?!!!!?
Don’t stop, your moaning make me want to improve to reach your lvl ! <3
I am afraid 1/3rd of my skill is not even reachable at the moment. It requires a lot of discipline, training and dedication. Which is not attainable by a human being such as yourself.
iiMulch equal fight some day? :P another big mouth with 0 action haha. ofc we lose 60vs20 while other guilds / pugs hug you. do you try to prove something since its not working.
I don’t need to prove anything sir. I myself and my peers are aware we are better than you.
How many guilds/zergs does it take to fight GoD? This picture kinda shows it.
Your whole skilled small scale group guys were attacking bay. Around 80+ individual groups. On your picture you can see most of SFR guys which try to defend the bay – on there way to bay – nice try of provocation.
To answer your question – we needed two guilds (BooM and KoA) and some pugs to fight vs. GoD and GT (maybe you forgot GT +pugs on the left side of your picture). And if I remember correct, the victory was on our side ;-)
So stop flaming.
First of all GT had 7 players. Secondly we farmed you guys for about 10 mins but because you kept respawning and coming back we had to move out because we lost half of our players. You did not win because I and about 15 other people were still alive. We just bailed out. If we count running as victory then in that case BOOM lost to us about 4 times because they run away if they don’t have KON behind them.
Yes, how dare people play the game differently from you….what do you care? Unless there are like a dozen people dueling when you have a queue to get in, it doesn’t really hurt your server to have a few people who aren’t actively trying to take objectives…
Yes it does hurt the server. When my guild has an event and theres another guild doing gvg it is really annoying because half of our players are still in que and the gvg guys ain’t doing anything to help server.
Everyone constantly whines about the dev team. They post things on the forums and all they receive is kittening afterwards. Oh, you are removing the quaggans? Shouldn’t have been pve in the first place. Come on people. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. This is especially true when we don’t even know what they are going to be doing in a bunch of their changes. You can be mad at them not caring about wvw or w/e, but when the devs do talk to us at least try to be courteous. The devs talk in the spvp forums a lot more than over here. Guess how most of the replies to the devs sounds over there, oh yeah, NICE.
So can we stop our collective kittening at least when devs respond? Make your case for them not caring, or kitten about something(maybe have a little less rng in our matchups please?) but for god’s sake be respectful people.
Just stop. The people in spvp forums are nice to devs because devs provide them monthly content. Of course us wvw players are gonna get mad when we haven’t recieved any sort of update except a few minor things like ranks. There is new content all the time for pve and spvp but wvw we still have same 3 copy pasted maps and out dated altar of power. Of course I am going to be angry at devs for not giving us anything.
No! People saying “time” it is not an excuse! It is nearly 1 year since gw2 has been out and wvw has been out for more than a year now in beta. It is still the same 3 maps copy pasted and orbs were taken out and no clue of what’s happening to them. Altar of power is still in map for some reason. All they gave us were ranks. They had more than enough time to create new maps. They just chose not to. I only play this game for wvw and arenanet are just giving a big middle finger to me.
No this is a horrible idea. Leave living story out of wvw. We are just gonna get full borderlands with pve’ers…
Or the people that play it.
Broken loot. Check.
Non-refundable wxp traits that say one thing and give you less? Check!
Widespread graphics issues? Yup, check!And that’s only the major bugs introduced by this PVE patch!
And that’s okay because they hotpatch the PVE stuff on the hour and in return we get:
Supply Mastery.
Hey Anet, keep it up and even getting 200 wvw ranks will be impossible as we’ve all quit the game in disgust.
WvW is your golden goose and you’re starving it to death. WvW is the only thing that GW2 can offer that many other games cannot.
Then again, you (anet) don’t care do you?
200 wvw ranks is impossible?
<—- rank 365
So a qq thread?
ofc we defend our keep if u attack with 60+, thats picture when half of your group got wiped lol. stop trying to make excuses and lying.
seems you like pics so i give u one too
couldnt fit all but i guess that tells enough
E: DO NOTICE! i had culling on that moment and it might seem less. zoom in and see all the names. your argue is invalid.
Nice now why don’t you show the group you had stacked up behind you? In that picture we were raging on TS because you guys had a big BOOM group but were too scared to jump on us because you needed at least 3 other guild groups to attack us at the same time for you to win. We feel sorry for how bad you guys are.
GJ Iron… oh i ment GoD at viz borderlandz
Good farm from u. 10god+15invi im sorry we blobbed u to death
eazy to do what ur doing against 25-30. what happened when we were together? alot down god ^^
Yeah I see what you did there but everybody is laughing at you. It is clear that you think calling us “Iron” will somehow insult us even though we literally have no Iron members or Ex iron members in our guild. We also existed before Iron. Just going to point that out there AGAIN but it is clear you’re mental capacity is too low to understand.
Lovely farming at redvale tyvm SFR both boom and Kon were good for lootbags
Good fight in Bay against seafarer. I managed to get 120 kills from that fight before we had to back out because we lost a lot of people.
Look at you chasing an upscale. YOU’RE SUCH A GOOD PLAYER
Not sure if troll or stupid
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it
(dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.It’s funny because GoD existed before Iron and we had no Iron members join us at all since they disbanded. They formed other Deso guilds. You just mad because you are bad.
Well, GoD isn’t a bad guild, but I have to admit you guys run with like 40-45 ppl sometimes.
On the other hand GoD improved that they can also run with like 20-25 ppl.But don’t blame other players for blobbing, remember you did it too
We run in groups of 40 but at least at least 15 are pugs. On our events the highest we pull is about 30
It made me sad how much sfr runs now.
Its sad how GoD is Iron V.2 and cannot admit it
(dont even try to qq back)
Blob win best win as always.
It’s funny because GoD existed before Iron and we had no Iron members join us at all since they disbanded. They formed other Deso guilds. You just mad because you are bad.
I said we only have 30 GoD inside.
Nice good fights on Seafarer borderland. We just took bay after farming them. After we took bay we went to tower with our 30 man zerg and this is what happens:
Fun fight in vizunha borderland against seafarer rest. All we have is 15 GoD 10 Invi and a few War and we wiped a blob with 50+ seafarers. Both BOOM and CON guild had to team up with blobs of 30+ to wipe us lmao.
Impressive counting. Almost as good as your skill on the battlefield. Just accept GvG challenges or u cant be taken serious …
I think us wiping your blob with an outmanned buff at hills and later at south supply camp is enough proof we are better than you. Anyway we will find out tonight when we have our real wvw event. Yesterday was just casual day.
You should have asked some of the FG/AFTL/pug blob from Desolation Borderlands to help you out, or tell them to not do the same thing you are complaining about.
I knew this was coming il have you know desolation map had no such constant blob we had 3 individual guilds working apart unless in the instance we had to defend an objective, open field and offensive operations where purely guild runs.
Tbh that statement is “pot calling the kettle black” CON and ECL tags where joined at the hip on our bl at reset. AFTL where 10 players with a detached commander leading the pugs the guild was scouting upgrading and keeping supply lines open joining in where fights materialized within our proximity.
Home borders get hit hard at reset and im pretty sure there is no surprise if the defenders don’t want to play fair, We placed 3 guilds between bay Hills and Garry but SFR went straight for Garry with their entire map force what did you expect we leave 15-20 guys to defend and compromise the objective hell no and how many times did SFR send a bigger force to defend Hills when 10 AFTL + a few pugs assaulted it? either your guilty of the same thing or your scouts can’t count.
Let’s be frank there is no argument Defense is completely different from Assault and holds more priority.
It is has been established that SFR scouts can’t count after they said we had a 70 man GoD/ INVI group in Seafarer Borderland when we had outmanned buff….
and GoD guys don’t try you were like 40 invi was the only with around 15 got scout there thx:)
you ran several guilds total of 70 and you always ran together trying to sandwich or just blob over and you get wiped<3 some got tired of it and decided to anti blob you and well you died in one second when we got same numbers so GG<3
You need to learn to count. We had 15 and invi had 10. You need better scouts.
Is this GoD some iron leftover guild?
GoD was one of the first WvWvW guilds on deso and it is the longest standing since launch. You clearly are new to wvw.
GoD complaining about getting outmanned? lol good joke ^^
Excuse me? We clearly had less than 20 people and we still owned you until you both had to co ordinate an attack to trap us. Dont worry soon you will learn to be as good as me
Fun fight in vizunha borderland against seafarer rest. All we have is 15 GoD 10 Invi and a few War and we wiped a blob with 50+ seafarers. Both BOOM and CON guild had to team up with blobs of 30+ to wipe us lmao.
Ah today I made about 6000 screenshots of us capturing a sentry point.
Seriously tho what was the Op thinking? Probably a new wvw player who got a bit excited that he captured some empty towers.
Want to have some fun trolling? My guild a few days ago went and wiped the other guild during their GVG it was really fun and got tons of free kills XD
The OP needs to learn how to play. Thieves give me no trouble as a PVT guardian. They can be annoying becaus everyone I nearly kill them they stealth and run away. I have never been killed 1v1 by a thief unless he was roaming with other people. Most of the time my hammer #2 skills takes out like 1/4 of a thieves hp.
This isn’t that hard. I know exactly how to do a boss. Use a conditiomancer and it dies super fast once you break its shield.
Thank you for the awesome GvG [NO] from millers. My apologies for GoD interfering with the GvG matches. Some people just lack respect.
Your welcome it was a fun GvG we basically wiped them out in 1.5 seconds.
Yes we were even numbers. Did you forget the 3-4 fights outside of garrison? We had more or less even numbers and we won. You guys should be proud, it was a good fight and your members gave me 2 exotics and 3 rares from lootbags.
Well this was fun. GoD’s raid on Piken square was awesome. We facerolled both kodash and piken. We were both even numbers too which is what makes our win even more greater XD
I done that earlier, I still crashed 5 mins when I started playing WvWvW. When I play pve or level my characters I don’t crakitten all. Just in wvw ever since latest patch.
I put the settings on wvw character limit and character quality to lowest and that seems to help a bit, I played for 1 hour with that setting and didn’t crash. But what’s concerning is that before 2 days ago I was able to play on max settings in wvw without any problems.
This is one of the crashes that happened last night
—> Crash <—
Assertion: m_data.Contains(ch)
File: ..\..\..\Game\Ui\Widgets\Chat\ChatEdit.cpp(1126)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 8320
Cmdline: -testVerticalFov
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 20849
When: 2013-07-13T23:58:37Z 2013-07-14T00:58:37+01:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:34:23
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 3374MB/ 8143MB 41%
Paged: 10505MB/16285MB 64%
Virtual: 1163MB/ 4095MB 28%
Load: 58%
CommitTotal: 5780MB
CommitLimit: 16285MB
CommitPeak: 6940MB
SystemCache: 3833MB
HandleCount: 44360
ProcessCount: 104
ThreadCount: 1356
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 2171MB
WorkingSet: 2097MB
PeakWorkingSet: 2099MB
PageFaults: 5271148
—> Game Context <—
MapId: 94
Flags: 0×241
ElapsedTime: 00:03:43
—> World State <—
<WorldState BufferCapacity=“63285904” BufferUsed=“45062344” DrawCalls=“1863” Fps=“30” EffectLights=“0” Lights=“32” Materials=“843” Particles=“8898” Submodels=“1843” TextureLoadsPending=“0” TextureMemory=“653962679” Triangles=“1000962” VerticesSoftwareTransformed=“0” VideoMemoryTotal=“207166872” CameraPos=“-7008.91, -19885.4, -870.849” CameraFwd=“-0.0799244, 0.790681, 0.606989” MapName=“wZY+N.HLDfZ” MapNamespace=“mR47S” MapSector=“IJwR+.zAWYn” MapType=“WvwRedHome” MapFloor=“3” MapId=“94” MapTimeOfDay=“0.000000” PlayerFacing=“0.359654, 0.595074, -0.718704” PlayerPos=“-7049.97, -19412.3, -426.156” PlayerVelocity=“0, 0, -0” />