Showing Posts For infynity.5284:
those figures were cut and paste from wiki… i rarely even see those two classes using these abilities and i rarely see ranger running dagger. i just dont see why there is this kind of skill difference to basically the exact same ability. sure make them different but this is weird…
Episode 15 explained a bit… not.
Crippling Talon
15 s recharge ½ s Activation time
Throw a dagger to bleed and cripple your foe.
Damage: 252 (0.75)
Crippled: 6 s
Bleeding: 8 s (1020 damage)
Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 1,200
Dancing Dagger
3 Initiative ¼ Activation time
Throw a dagger that cripples nearby foes and returns to you.
Damage: 336 (0.5)
Miscellaneous effect Bounces: 3
Crippled: 5 s
Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
Range: 900
In case you were thinking thief isn’t my main, its worse :P (not telling)
I have seen these get thrown at me a few times and wondered why they are kind of imbalanced. Would hate to see a thief getting a 3 point hitter like this, but its way over in the rangers favor when you compare these two skills. How often do they hit? and why the hell is a ranger’s dagger throwing better than a thief’s? lol
I certainly don’t think they need to copy everything about WSG, but I meant that the overall design of the map would be good to look at since it is linear with an open mid-field that gives defending teams a chance to intercept. Blood Gulch from the original Halo is another good example if you want to avoid the WSG reference, lol.
yeah i know what you mean entirely hey. they are such beautifully simple maps like a sports field but with terrain and obstacles to make it interesting. it would be great to see something like that. can even name it xx Gulch :P
Killthehealerffs’s right about the 5v5, it wont work for ctf, nor would it be very interesting. Don’t like the golem and castle idea though. You have to keep it simple man, throw in anything more than is needed and it will become a wtfteamltp issue.
I have no doubt they are brewing up some, or even have them in the testing stages.
The lack of dev communication is starting to frustrate me though. Maybe they are being gagged by management, if that’s true its sad. Video game players aren’t just customers, they are loyal followers to a cause and this is the age of the internet.
Is a monthly news update post too much to ask? You don’t have to give away any secrets. Just explain what you can to give us some contact. We’re feeling lonely
As long as the flag carrier has its own skill bar. Right now spirit watch is way too unbalanced since some classes are naturally better carriers.
Yea, agreed with this, but the map would also need to be larger or at least longer. Running the orb on Spirit Watch is a really short travel with tons of Line of Sight.
ANet: Take a page from WoW’s book with Warsong Gulch.
I was trying my best to avoid the dreaded wsg mention. You killed it Dak ;P.
Honestly I wouldn’t want it to be a copy anyway. Pvp is Just so lacking right now with its limited game modes and maps. It really should have had a CTF when it first started. I would have been happy with just 3 maps but all totally different game modes. Spirit watch is just a point capture system hidden by a ‘flag carry’ objective, which its not really, but it does provide some difference to the usual pace of the exact same pvp map modes.
CTF takes that system and gives the team a SINGLE unified objective to go for and defend.
I’d assume the flag skills would be ones like a warrior banner too, barely even need to program for this one.
Ahahaha wtf is up with this?
Chilli man thanks for posting this. Hopefully the garbage will see their humiliation. They probably don’t have the brains to read the forums though. That’s really weird, maybe they were just trolling? They are probably like 11 year old prep school captains from North Korea. Forgive them, their balls were on the line.
;) Peace
Is the puzzle as difficult as Mad King Clock Tower? I don’t want to be coming home from work stressed out to have to deal with constant failure.
here’s where you are wrong too…
1) Firstly, the invis re-work:
The back-stab ‘troll’ part of the Thief as you describe is what makes this class… a Thief. As it does in all classic rpg’s before mmo was even considered. If you had played one for even a decent ammount of time against a player character you would know how hard it is to land in 3 seconds. All the while avoiding mass aoe from other classes and hard hitters. Stealth is not a damage shield unless you run the trait, which wastes one needed slot and reduces your dmg output. I don’t even know how effective the trait is anyway because out of choice I haven’t run a shadow arts build in a long time.
2) Reduce dodge mechanics:
Wrong, the thief is a prime target because they are actually quite squishy when built for attacking and they don’t have the dmg+mobility of other classes like cloth wearers. They can run, but they can’t cause pain at the same time, so they have to rely on dodging as their only source of dmg mitigation. Cripple is a thief’s bane.
This being said I almost agreed with the first part of 2, but then realized S/D was given a buff after thieves complained they didn’t have enough mobility. This is also the only weapon set they can pull off your claimed evade casting. Unless you count short-bow Moonwalking or Failblossom. Both of which leave you lacking in precious initiative. Withdraw and Roll for Initiative basically remove you from the fight too so there goes that idea. They are also not the only class with endurance regain so don’t go saying they need to be nerfed when enough other classes get this as well.
Finally, you again fail to realize the casting times of most of the thief’s high dmg abilities, pistol whip as you see it leaves your target not being able to move for the entire duration. For a start you have to land that hit through timing then you have to hope the opponent doesn’t break out of it.
God I’m getting tired of breaking down the pathetic flaws in your nerf requests… but I shall persevere.
3) Damage:
Crit damage should not be allowed to exceed 50%
Wow you actually made a decent thought out comment here. Problem is, it’s not crit dmg that’s the problem, its conditions dealing insane amounts of damage over time. What you suggest should apply to every class, not just thief That way fights would play out longer, be more intensive and enjoyable and relative dmg would remain the same… wow we’re back to the start. Problem solved at the expense of fights of attrition.
4) Swap vigour and swiftness:
And whenever we dodge then we would regain half that endurance bar + vigor, all traits being as they are currently. Now who’s op dodge king?
5) Give thiefs the ability to set mines. (wow i found the mistake the poster before me was talking about.)
Right now the thief is a troll class that can destroy anythign 1v1, if we balance it out with the above changes we can reach a higher level of gameplay and skill cap on this class.
Traps right now… = Fail… Mines… wtf dude, from a thief? This isn’t call of duty.
Sure, we destroy any class 1v1. If they have no brain and/or sweet fa skill. I met an engineer last night who wasn’t turrenting and he was elite, met an elementalist who was pro last week. Ranger today who actually matched me with h2h, smartest ranger I’ve ever fought and lost to. Not going to comment on plate until they fix a few things.
6) RIfles on thiefs
Half agree with you on this because I like the idea of rifle thieves too… only its not very stealth-like, nor would it be very fair in my opinion. Stealth + Kill Shot = ROFLSAUCE
Solution: Shortbow Trait, +5% dmg and 300 range. Engineer gets one, why cant we?
The troll didn’t say 4 thiefs he said 4 thief characters, but you can already pick up on said troll’s bull kitten from claiming to have wasted that many character slots. -_-
if all you can pick on is my spelling after I have done a well thoguht out and structured post, well maybe my spelling isn’t the problem here.
Thanks for your input anyway
you haven’t been reading your own thread mate. if you look carefully at the first sentence i was defending you on your flawless grammar… its your post that’s not very thought out. cheers anyway Troll.
The troll didn’t say 4 thiefs he said 4 thief characters, but you can already pick up on said troll’s bull kitten from claiming to have wasted that many character slots. -_-
This is the most basic map in any online multilayer game, not just MMO’s but shooters as well. It’s closest equivalent in GW2 is Spirit Watch. It’s fun, but its not CTF.
I’d like to see a proper capture the flag match with 8v8 brought in. It needs those numbers to provide for Flag Defense, Flag Carrier and Attack Party / Flag Defense Party.
It should have a very uncomplicated layout (a valley is a good example), not like the multiple levels and hills of Spirit Watch, but with interesting terrain and enough hiding places. The flag carrier should not be restricted by a speed and damage debuff as soon as they pick up the flag either, rather it should be applied after a period of time. The points awarded for a capture could be limited as well to make kills the primary source of point scoring for the death-match like feel or courtyard.
It’s an easily understood map type for everyone.
Objective: Get their flag back to your flag without dieing.
I’d love to see a map like Reapers Rumble where the corn fields gave stealth or rocks / crystal could cripple.
I’d stick with d/d until you feel comfortable with it. You get an endurance regain from 1 for no initiative and you can CnD when you are in trouble.
S/D is another favourite of mine because of the shadowstep+condi clear from number 2 and dodge+high dmg from number 3. You also have CnD for pulling out when you need to.
Slot a Sigil of Bloodlust or similar stacking Sigil on your weapon and you will be fine.
If they brought back 8v8 (or even more, like a possible alliance battle map) things wouldn’t be so bad. The lack of team members is because of skill stacking to one side. The anet restricted 5/5 is part of the reason for this because there is no leeway for competition when every player counts on such a small team. Believe me, loosing teams almost always have at least 3 lower skilled players trying to counter a 4 skilled team.
Please get over yourself if you think rank has no meaning. It’s there to prove how long a player has been in pvp. Of course they have learned some skill by the time they hit rank 40 or 50 kitten and those players are the ones you will see in the stacked team.
It’s not punishment that they need for quitters, its reward for people sticking with consecutive losses. The model for the match ups is unfair, this Swedish tournament system or whatever its called is obviously flawed when there are so many match ‘rooms’ to choose from on limited servers in Hotjoin. My guess is personal player statistics get wiped unless you are playing on official Anet servers in solo/q and team/q and everybody leaves once skyhammer comes anyway. So getting an eventual win becomes a random act that you have to bring about yourself by jumping between games and opting for the winning team. I don’t know about you, but I would like to be progressing this limited reward system they gave us just a bit each night I play rather than having my face constantly stomped by a stacking team and getting 1 green for my efforts.
PvP is in a sad enough state as it is. Instead of adding more to an already lacking area of the game they shoved the mess under the bed by taking away match variety and now people are complaining more than ever. Exploits aside, I can’t understand the decision to remove a map from rotation that people enjoyed and keep one that so many hate.
i don’t think the pvp community expected to be receiving dungeon rewards ultimately though. now its just more garbage for my bank, some are nice mind you but i’d rather just pve those.
what players want is real decent unique rewards that you don’t get in pve.
they removed the daily pvp challenge and that resulted in the influx of pvpidontcare-ers who just want the overall daily and now have put in so much crafting garbage that its only slightly better than running a dungeon.
i saved up all of my glory including the booster from the preorder hoping to buy some sweet item at the end of it but found i was locked out by rank from good items, then they decided to remove the system and i lost it all because i didn’t spend it when they asked.
i really hope they do actually have some changes coming to pvp that will make it good again. there were a lot of items in there that you could only buy with glory.
what i don’t understand is why dungeon’s and pvp were linked in the first place. the rewards i can understand… but not the dungeons.
been doing that already
4) Ghillie Suit (5 initiative)
Go prone and become one with your environment. Initiative regen stops. Movement and skill activation breaks stance and Camouflage.
Initiative Drain: 1 per second
Camouflage: 2s
Camouflage: 1s per initiative spent while in stance.
This is one of the best suggested abilities I have seen in a long while.
I wondered why thieves didn’t get a rifle with sniper-like skills. But if you think about it, thieves are usually quiet, stealthy, and shadowstepping everywhere. A rifle in this game is noisy and cumbersome.
The above post is intelligent. The topic post is not.
Some of these skills suggested are insane really. Forget the dmg! 10s Fury and Might from an attack skill for a thief! are you kidding LOL and its in stacks. Perma stealth without even needing to position, jump or use and attack to gain a combo effect!? No skill at all. To top it off you suggest a literal 1-hit ability than nobody will know is coming and no way to dodge. Skills with Daze and Stun for 2s and no cool down? Please…
I’m sorry this post sounds like a 10 year old’s soldier fantasy. Can’t you see how overpowered some of those creations are dude. Its true, a thief would look so awesome roaming with a blunderbuss, but somehow to me it just doesn’t fit our profile. We are not an ‘Assassin’ or a ‘Sniper’. All this banter on top of the fact that I still drool over the want of a rifle for the thief in this game
A ranger should have received the rifle along with the short and long bow to fit their ‘Hunter’-like profile and that’s why I believe they will inevitably get it but not a thief. What we do deserve is a trait to boost short-bow range to 1200 (honestly devs we really do deserve this) included with a 5-10% dmg buff, having its dodge ability fixed and the kitten cast times set to the same rate as a ranger’s bow abilities.
I forgot to include this one.
Merciful Ambush
Stealth yourself and your target when reviving an ally – Stealth: 2s, 10s cooldown
OPLEETSAUCEMUCH! anetz? I mean common. You down someone and go for stompz and ze teef has soooo much timez to rez their teamz. This soundz like a Shadow Arts skill, but you put it in Trixiez. Omg! I guess getting 3s of stealth would be leik even more OP yes?
Voting at the end of a map would be fun and interactive, but you have to get rid of that kitten shield screen and score board popping up first, can’t they be displayed transparently? Another option might be to freeze the entire match while that displays and we vote. There’s already enough distraction at one time while you’re trying to finish off a fight after the bell.
I have to admit though the box checking system is full-proof. It lets everyone be happy.
Those are traits not skills.
yes you are correct, my mistake there, but on a grand scale and if this was a traditional rpg they would be considered skills. pity its not :P
Practiced tolerance and initial strike are actually pretty solid
i agree with that, but in the scheme of things you have to admit, they could use a little tweaking.
yes it is viable.
Saw one last night with 25 stacks of blood lust (killing 5 players). They sat near the opposing teams spawn and kept kill shotting scrubs. Probably hitting for around 10k+ I’d imagine.
Whats you’re favorite OP skill on Thief?
Practiced Tolerance
Gain vitality based on your precision – Precision converted to Vitality: 7%
… because leikz 10% would be liek way op and its such a useful skill and all to take up a slot vs limited other super ‘op’ traits. extraz 1200hp is swaggin vs all other classez with 1k auto attackz.
Concealed Defeat
Create a Smoke Screen when downed
Omg geez anetz you leik made this skill too hardcore liek. 7 seconds (6 after drop) of positional blind leik totally stops stomp flagz landing on your already mashed facez. too bad for range but like aoe?! like duh and yeah…
Back Fighting
You deal bonus damage while downed – Damage Increase: 50%
This is without a doubt the most obvious skill to nerf. I mean common 50% extra dmg while downed!!! Please anet that just isn’t fair. Like I mean 9/10 fights both my leetz dps pure regen guardian warrior with 1200 range grenades and magic fire spells that shoot ghost clones go down with the thief and they always kill me with such leetz 50% extra dmg! Please fix… k go.
Initial Strike
Attacks with the first weapon-skill slot have a chance to regain initiative.
Trigger chance 7%, Initiative: 1
No, no you… no 7% with 1 initiative point is just OP when 25% chance already from another 50% (give or take) crit chance. Don’t even think about making this 10% on both weapon sets. 1 set is already bad enough! We don’t want to go turning this into Practiced Tolerance. Move it to Grand Master, this is way too good to waste on Master. Nerf to 4% chance and 1/2 point initiative gain please. Maybe give them a 1/4 second evade at 25% chance to balance it.
… this is without quickness.
actually when i think about it now with quickness on its got a higher success rate. Its just plain server lag.
we’re talking about 2 players going for a drop on a downed opponent, lets say an elementalist for example, and both the poles drop but no server response. then the drop goes down for a second time and the elementalist mist-forms away and by this time the rest of their team come gliding in for 2 easy kills.
or lets say is a 2v2, and one of the opponents goes down. the other team’s first member goes in for a stomp while the other holds off the last opponent. stomp fails to register with no interruption (with or without quickness) and by this time the downed opponent is at 2/3 health, ports to their friend who gets them up with no trouble and they go on to win by destroying the other 2 who have basically been denied through a war of attrition and bad programing.
some ranger was complaining about this very problem last week. they had it a lot worse off it seems.
(edited by infynity.5284)
Please do something to address this lag or favoritism problem whereby a player has already finished the stomp without interruption but the opposing downed player is still alive and well.
Playing hotjoin last night i kept getting a lot of server lag / rubber banding during fights. A warrior kept hammer stomping me in particular while this skill was activating or i was in mid jump? (not sure the dodge time is so petty now) .
Playing from a country outside NA you get used to these things, but given the fact that we are the only class with the usual MMO rogue action point system to limit damage, this skill should be an instant cast for the amount it costs and / or give a lot more dodge or jump back.
I spotted a Canthan background on the mini panda tease screenshot on the site news page. That sylvan armor looks unique too… yay.
people don’t have much creativity these days cus they get locked into what is too obvious. namely short bow and venom
have a look at your rune options, check those sigils too and you’ll find you can make a very effective build that will share buffs and boons, heal you and your team and totally blind the kitten out of the enemy at the same time.
you need to go full in at least shadow arts and the rest in trickery, consider acrobatics too for the dodge return. go p/d or d/p for black powder and interrupts and spec for healing power and toughness.
vit. isn’t as useful but can keep you standing. use the dodge heal and when your hp go down heart seeker out of black powder for regen.
you cant kill, but you are a master support tank. this style of build worked quite well when i tried it middle of last year.
I’m going away for a bit over a week tomorrow and one of my PvP reward tracks isn’t finished, is this progress going to be reset after the timer finishes?
i have in my hand the new character for the upcoming as yet unnamed expansion beginning with ‘C’
A moon base with a freakin laser!
Near the end of the new trailer it shows a busted asura gate with the moon in the backround.
~Tin foil hat~ She’s going to hold Lion’s Arch hostage for one million dollars.
That’s no moon……….
… it’s a SPACE STATION. (*que dark-side music)
I feel like I’m Batman and Tyria is Gotham city now. Mind you I haven’t played in about 5 months so yeah… you get that.