Showing Posts For intimidate much.1298:
Thank you for the detailed explanation. All very interesting points. Sir Black, that is definitely another big problem in itself which anet has to look into.
interesting, feel free to elaborate
Hi, As a player who hot joins regularly, Ive seem to notice some problems and would like to attempt to share my 2 cents on perhaps how these things can be fixed. There may already be a similar post around but this will be my own personal opinion.
Hot Join is for all the casual players who don’t like to be competitive or for old and new players to test out their new builds. Its meant to be fun and not to be taken too seriously.
But I still come across countless servers where it becomes an unfair outnumbered fight and (some) players just waiting in spectate for a spot to free up on the winning team because you get extra exp reward(killing the whole meaning of hotjoin). In the same time I can’t blame some of those people because who likes losing right? And thats the problem, the reward system for hot join encourages people to take it a lot more seriously then (IMO) intended to be.
How do we fix this?
Balance out the exp rewards for both losing and winning teams.
This will then encourage both new and old players to join which ever team despite who is winning since everyone will get the same amount of exp reward. Its rather simple in explanation.
Always felt Anet didnt like to punish their players and think this would be a nice way to reward players who just casually want to spvp.
(edited by intimidate much.1298)
Aware of the build required to do maximum burst but that seems to only work with other medium & light class also with a high offensive build.
Straegen, I might revert back to the d/d but im just so bad with c/d haha
In 4 sec Thief may only kill upleveled character in wvw, everybody else running toughness+vitality+?
If you still believe in thief “deadly in 1vs1” you are wrong.
Anet should bust base damage for it, but for now thief is nothing in spvp, scout and hand-blaster in wvw. Pve… well even autistic can follow champ train and run out from red circles.
Hi Malik,
I still find thieves to be one of the more effective classes in 1v1 if played very well.
Quick question, can thieves burst damage and kill an enemy in less than 4 seconds anymore despite the class ( 1v1 ) ? I personally believe not. Which makes me question why some other classes can like the Ele and Engineer amongst others. I am not here to complain about how perma-stealthing has been hit despite running dagger pistol. I never liked the idea of constantly heartseekering into blinding powder. But the hit at inititve regen makes me a little sad… as I like to run a sword pistol build in Pve this will sort of break my build as i aim for sustained damage over burst.. nerf after nerf i had never raised an eyebrow and welcomed them all with a smile. But as the title says..
so let me hear your thoughts and keep it clean, polite and mature please.
Most of the time I manage to target the ranger, unless its a spirit build and in that case I dont even try to scorpion wire.
I have a ranger and im aware of the traits they have which can counter stuns/cc. One which stleaths you and another which gives stability if im not mistaken. But wire still fails on a some rangers which dont have these traits setup.
I have been using it for roughly a month mostly in spvp. mostly in sky hammer because its a fun map if you have some CC. Im not sure if it matters what class you are trying to pull aswell because 99% of the time i fail pulling rangers anywhere even when they dont have any counters for stuns. arenanet please fix the CC utilities! ):
Hello all my stealthy, evasive buddies. This is a very simple post with one goal, that is to find out if there is something wrong with this utility! And by this i simply mean, personally 70% of the time im using this skill it does not pull but simply just knocks them down. /:
Is this utility a bit buggy? or?
And might I add something which i have forgotten. I feel and believe thievies have very good mobility. they have a lot of shadow steps available to them and traits such as “Move 50% faster in stealth” (stacked on top of swiftness and a 25% constant speed buff). despite all this, thieves still usually have to get to a relative close distance to you to deal damage. so if you manage to pin them down, most thieves have low defence so it should be easy enough for you to kill them.
Understand that thieves were designed to kill…………… players. They do have that advantage of determinating if a fight starts or not.
And other profession where desinged to do what?
Warrior to farm cof?
Guardian to do fractals?
Enginieer to kill quagons?
Ranger to hunt rabbits?
So you basicly saing that Thief is the only pvp profession in game becasue its players vs players?
Lets just limit pvp to theifs becasue they where desinged to do it.
And when I get killed by Theif should i just smile and say “Silly me what im doing here playing pve profession in pvp, I need to make a theif and play Guild Wars 2 normally.”
Honestyl I have nothing against people playing Theif but it is so anoying profession to fight with, there is no fun in it and everytime I got defeted by Theif i feel in some way cheated.
thieves shine in pvp situations because they have the suprise factor, this makes other players panic in some situations which HELPS and this does not make the thief OP. it does not mean if other classes dont have this, they arent a match. maybe i should word it differently; thieves were designed to kill. not just players but even in pve. thieves provide good damage per second output.
By the way, warriors and guardians are PvE kings, still I have seen some players play them extremely well in WvW or PvP. So as every other class I have seen. I have gotten my butt whooped by each and every class before countless times. just understand how the thief plays and countering them is simple enough.
What class do you play?
You guys need a nerf , so please refrain from making such redundant posts in the future
/thread ty.
And might i ask you to refrain from replying any posts or messages unless you’re going to make a valid point and explain. not just say thieves need nerfs.
Posts like this will only bring more trolls/players to the forums whining unfortunately.
Hopefully not, I didnt make this post to debate about if the thief needs more nerf or not. I just telling people certain prcautions they can make before going into a fight. this preperation will help with fighting other classes too.
You guys need a nerf , so please refrain from making such redundant posts in the future
/thread ty.
Dont be so bitter. Whats redundant about giving advice? Im not telling anyone learn to play. May i ask, do you play a thief?
Im just writing this short post in case some people still feel thieves are a bit too much to handle in WvW or SPvP even after they did lower the damage and increase the reveal time amongst other things.
Something you can always do first is check videos on youtube about certain professions and how they fight. This is what I do to prepare myself for what other classes can possibly unleash on me and how I should counter it.
Which brings me to my next point; I believe Arenet is trying their best to balance all the professions out. Each profession has a slightly unique stronger advantage. For example, guardian’s with thier healing, mesmers with thier clones and so on. So the thief’s strongest point is its stealth. Which may I add if some of you may not know we are still vulnerable in this state(so keep swinging your weapon and if the chain keeps going, you’re hitting something). Im not going to go through what each profession can do but some of your best offensive chances are massive AOE (stuns, knockdowns, damage whatever you have) or a very defensive build like a warrior with a shield may block for 4 seconds(?) or a guardian with lots of ways of healing and going invulnerable and so on..
Understand that thieves were designed to kill…………… players. They do have that advantage of determinating if a fight starts or not.
So ultimately I would like to say.. dont hate on us
oh, my off hand weapon is always my get away weapon (not so important but helps).
Studying Games is what I like to do, if you’re gonna make a post, make one with a valid point.
(edited by intimidate much.1298)
Im not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes;
I have a free slot to make a character.
I attempt to make a character but when Im done with choosing the name, it goes back straight to my character selection screen without warning. I have managed to make my other accounts only becuase all I did was choose race and class and skipped to the end(still sometimes would not work and just go back to character selection screen).
Whats going on? This is very frustrating as I feel its impossible to make another character. Ive repeatedly tried making a female ranger for the past half an hour and has constantly sent me back to my character selection screen. I thought if it was being of the name already be taken, I tried again with a couple of different names. still, nothing.