Showing Posts For izual.4735:

Dodge roll into Infiltrator's arrow bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: izual.4735




Oh the Heartseeker!

in Thief

Posted by: izual.4735


Where is the pathetic button?

Speed/teleport exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: izual.4735


Your Honor. Thats true my client have been using teleporting skills but… Oh cut the crap. There are plenty of fraps showing this kind of behaviour. If he would use all those skill he wound’t have much speed and after 3 ‘jumps’ would be easy to follow.

Beating a dead horse on thieves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: izual.4735


Heck, the most talented player that I know is a thief, and I have watched him solo bosses after unexpected wipes, and know that I am a better player for running with him.

Because it’s class hard to play and all this bs and hate around it rose out of jealousy. Shadow refuge, Smokescreen, Blinding powder – doesn’t bring anything to team?

Personaly, I avoid partys that needs 2 guardians to start. It generaly means ppl are not skilled enough to go without it.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: izual.4735


After day at work I wanted to relax and slay some dragons.. and what happened? I got stock in overflow, with many others, while Tequatl was killed in my home server. I play on my server for the very beginning. This ‘brilliant’ idea makes all regular players pay for few hardcore players, not to call it otherway, hardcore guesting. Before the chest thing was a lot better and less lag.
Dear Anet, if you want improve your game, make chests account bound as they should be. Guesting should be limited to dungeons and guild events.
Thanks for reading my complains.