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"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Man if this game is grinding to you guys, must have never played Tera or Aion or any other MMO for that matter.

In less then a week my fresh 80 almost has a full set of exotic armor, yes I do still need a Longbow and Trinkets, but in other games that armor would have taken months, if I got it at all…

So, in other words you finished the non-grinding content in one “week”. Now, open the door and step into the wonderful grind that awaits you. Gear that takes months if you get at all is that way —>

This made me laugh.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Only reason it took so long is people hanging around waiting on a reversal of the new tier of gear. Not gonna happen. GW2 just another run of the mill MMO now.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Same with this game and every other MMO game you’ve played, you get everything and you’ll have nothing left to do. You’ll get bored, and find something else to do.

Spoken like a true PvE hamster, I couldn’t care less about ‘getting stuff’, I actually play a game because I enjoy the gameplay.

If you actually enjoy the gameplay, then go for it. Cuz those 100 stat points you might have earned on all 3 pieces, given the over 10,000 stat points on your character, over 3/4 of which are not from gear, they aren’t going to affect your gameplay.

The real trouble is GW2 as a game doesn’t have all that good of gameplay.

If people actually liked it, weren’t plagued by bugs, felt like they had content they wanted to play for itself, professions working in balance, we could accept that there’s a tier above exotic.

I hear this moronic reasoning all the time. Sure it won’t affect anything now but what about when its a full set of ascended? And you know they will they’ve said its going to happen.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Just thought I’d add some thoughts here.

First of all, I loved this game. I brought in other players, and family. I haven’t played at all since Nov. 15. My young son still plays, and I am glad he absorbs bandwidth and prevents other players from getting into WvW.

For those who truly don’t understand how some of us can have such a hard stance on this, please realize that vertical and horizontal progression are mutually exclusive. It’s one or the other, never both (for the same content).

Most people have not paid as close attention to his as I and others like me have. You guys are wrong on so many fronts. Here are a couple:

No more tiers: wrong, they will be using Infusion to continue the VP until expansion time. Confirmed on Reddit.

Gear is optional: wrong, when the desire is to get to max stats and then play the game on equal footing, no stat increase is optional

Doesn’t gate content: wrong, even though the current gating is very limited, it is impossible to continue adding new challenging content without balancing that content around the current max stats. Every single content patch must increase the gear-gate, or else the content would become trivial to anyone in max stat gear

ANet won’t add more: wrong, Mike O’Brien himself stated that VP is important, and will be a major part of the future of GW2. He even said that GW1 was stagnant and not fun.

ANet didn’t break their word: wrong, you can twist words all you want but I have been following these guys for a decade now. These are the guys who told us what was wrong with the MMO market, and how they were going to fix it.

They had to do this, no other choice: wrong, ANet never released a single horizontal progression content patch. Never, not once. The first content patch introduced VP. They never even tried, they just gave up and went the easy route (not my words, THEY called this the easy route)

GW2 doesn’t need you: time will tell, but I will say this… when the bugs are too much, and the content is too little, the MMO Locusts will move on to another game. They always do, it should be expected. GW2 would have been fine though because it had a strong and loyal community who were willing to pull out their pocketbooks and keep this game going. They’ve lost that, and all they have left are people who are basically indifferent or looking for the next-best-WoW.

Fantastic post.

Sums it up perfectly!!!

The problem is that the other side just doesn’t get it, or doesn’t want to get it because they need the carrot.

Agree, They have no CLUE how far reaching this fiasco will be. Not only for GW2 but for any future game they make. If GW2 is the titanic FoTM/Ascended was their iceburg, mark my words. The titanic didn’t sink instantly either.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Tried out the new swtor mmo trial and got hooked. Though I know as soon as I hit endgame I’ll be done playing cause I can’t stand grinding. Now they know how to tell a story, they’re awesome.

(edited by jamasont.4653)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


With the intro of Ascended I just lost motivation to play. I loved the game in a lot of ways but have zero interest in grinding or being out geared by others. I’d probably have stayed with this game for 5+ yrs easily. When I start looking elsewhere that’s my clue that It’s time to move on.

Seven nearest waypoints, all contested!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I dont see a problem with it.

It’s design and if people arent willing to fight for it, people shouldnt be allowed to use those advanced outposts.

Where’s your logic? I swear, really how hard is it to think it through on your own? Orr a good zone that just doesnt work when no one wants to go there cause you can’t solo it. Though you probably need that spelled out for you too. Problem isn’t with difficulty ie don’t make it soloable, its that no one wants to go there=dead zone because it’s designed to be done with a large group of people. BUT the large group of people needed is doing fractals. If the endgame outdoor zone in the game is dead how long till that affects player retention?

GW2,a family man's MMO!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I agree with the whole 1-80 experience

sadly, the ascended gear changed everything
even for the hardcores, it’s still considered quite difficult to get

+1, after ascended I have not desire to play this game anymore. I check back with little hope they’ll reverse it. Only instance in which I’d stay. This is no longer a family mans game.

Why The Stat Cap Is So Important

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I’m a minority, you’re a minority, a vegetarian is a minority, hence I’m a salad and I play sylvari for that.

Thats just the thing. We’re not the minority here and that’s whats gonna kill this game in the end.

GW2 Endgame - Level 80 Now What?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I think the issue is because most people are used to gearing up for somekind of content in other MMOs. However GW2 literally has no endgame. None. The only thing you have to do is 100 percent the map OR go for a legendary. You can grind for gear but for what? Just to look cool?

Most people were disappointed by the lack of actual content to complete at level 80.

I know this is a kinda crazy idea but why not have a life whilst you play a game on the side? You say GW2 has no endgame, WRONG. The whole game is endgame. Designed to be fun from lvl 1. I wonder what makes running the same dungeon dozens and dozens of times= a fix to GW2? To actually think that is completely asinine.

The REAL Manifesto:...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


“We don’t make grindy games” that’s the part of the manifesto they broke.

Yep. FOTM violates the spirit of the manifesto as a whole and that specific bit of it. I don’t see how anyone can even try to argue otherwise.

Now maybe the manifesto is wrong. Maybe people want a gear treadmill. But that is very clearly not what the game was marketed as and originally supposed to be.

FOTM violates this because it forces you to do only FOTM over and over for ascended gear, and not WVWVW, or PVE, or other dungeons.

Which, Chris Whiteside has already stated in the Reddit AMA, will be changing. Soon.

Again, where is the problem?

Talk is cheap. Now if he’d said it will take as long to get ascended as it does to get exotic that would have meant something.

Top blunders in MMO history...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I can’t help to think that you didn’t even try on your top MMO blunders. SWG didn’t make the list but nerfing windfury did?

Nerfing Windfury was one of the top blunder in the history of MMOs? Mind=blown.

You just assume I’ve played SWG? Mind=blown. LOL, some people…

Top blunders in MMO history...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


GoD was the EQ screw up way way more than anything PoP had. For the mere fact that they tuned the raids/end group for level 70’s, but didn’t increase the level beyond 65. It was so bad it caused EQ to just die out.

That and everyone hates discord theme.

Guess I didnt see that cause I quit before it came out. I do remember people leaving in droves with PoP though.

Top blunders in MMO history...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


And seriously, nerfing monks is one if the biggest blunders in MMO history? Classes get nerfed. Deal with it.

Thats just the thing I’m not used to getting screwed over and will not put up with it. But hey thats why I have my opinion and you have yours.

Top blunders in MMO history...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


In everyones opinion what are some of the famous blunders difference MMO franchises have made over the last decade or so. For me here are a few and why.

Everquest: 1. PoP and having to get flagged to use all the raid zones.
2. Countless major nerfs to favorite classes such as mitigation nerf to monks.
3. The HUGE disparity between raiders and groupers.

WoW: 1. BG’s and disparity between raiders and groupers. PvP was a blast till BG’s and gear started to matter ie at high lvls/raiding.
2. Eliminating hybrids making you either full tank/dps/heals.
3. Nerfing windfurry, I know it was OP when it procc’d but you had to rely pretty heavily on it so was balanced imo and didn’t proc too often.

GW2: 1. Adding a gear treadmill.
2. No open world PvP and it’s very gear dependent. I hate getting steamrolled just cause x players got better gear.

Screenshot proof how the game needs to change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Yeah. They really need ascended gear to be available in places other than fractals so those who don’t like dungeons can continue the karma trains in orr if they prefer.

I wonder how long till “Heroes” will be available.

But I would say that your server is an EXTREME version of that. It most definitely is not the same on all servers. Dragonbrand for example was not that way by a longshot.

Yes it its. Dragonbrand might have a couple that aren’t contested but Orr is pretty near deserted. Only did a few events there with less than 5 people each time till I gave up. Was kinda hoping for more since I just got lvl 80.

Is GW2 A Different MMO Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Vertical implies a power progression, it’s that simple.

Having to grind out upgraded gear to take on new game content is vertical progression. It’s that simple.

It is that simple but you just can’t fix stupid. Talk to this guy till you’re blue in the face he still won’t get it.

Why Autoattack Needs a Reassessment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


My only issue with auto attack is that it stops working at random and very frequently (at least for me). Recently I was fighting the druid ice champion thing in Frostgorge and my auto attack stopped working at least 30 times in that fight alone.

I have this happen ALL the time but usually just starting an attack. I have to attack twice for it to work.

In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


If you hate the game so much now, why are you still here?

There’s plenty of us who still love the game, and a single tier of new equipment isn’t going to change that.

Get a life or something kid.

That’s why people are complaining… What kind of life do you have while grinding for gear in a game?

Really kid?

I work a full time job(40 hours a week), I have a girlfriend, and a life. Yet I’ve managed to gear out 2 level 80’s and run a guild all by myself without much help.

I don’t want to hear “Oh I can’t have a life and do this” because that’s just a lame excuse.

LOL, I work a full time job(40 hours a week), I have a girlfriend till she leaves me for playing too much, and NO life. Yet I’ve managed to gear out 2 level 80’s and run a guild all by myself without much help. Though this isn’t relevant cause I’m talking about exotics not full ascended gear.


In just one weekend..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Considering 90% of the forum complaining came from about 10% of the actual game population. I’d say they’re doing alright.

Gotta love when people just make up stats out of thin air… Recent User Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


You know, having such an anger-attack over gear that is only slightly better than what’s already out makes little sense. The game already has a gear treadmill, now it just also has an endgame.

The most confusing part of all of this complaining has been the idea that if you don’t get to have exactly what you want, you’re going to go onto review sites and try to ruin the game so that no one else has any fun either. You complain about the psychology of selfishness that gear gating represents, but then you choose to break away from the community you purport to defend and try and ruin it for everyone.

I don’t know what’s more difficult to understand – behaving this way over a few optional added features that are a miniscule difference in comparison to what’s already in the game, or making threads about how you’re going to “review bomb” the game and assuming no one’s going to point out to these sites that this is going on.

I bet when you go to Subway and someone puts Mayo on your sub, but you totally asked for Ranch (NOT known as mayo!) you are just like “whatever brah, I can dig it” and go on your way.

Well you know what? Sometimes I don’t want mayo. I want ranch. The sandwich said “Chicken Bacon Ranch” not “Chicken Bacon Mayo”, so why give me the mayo Subway lady? I did not ask for the mayo friend. I even said “hold the mustard”, but I got the mustard too. So now I got me some Chicken Bacon Mayo and Mustard. This is just not the sandwich I ordered friend.

LOL, +1. Though I think it’ll go over their heads.

Should max stat gear be easy to be obtained?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Correct Naughty :P

This is an MMO

MMO’s are based on “more effort, more reward”
Stop trying to destroy a perfectly good MMO with the constant whining that all should be equal.

Stop trying to destroy a perfectly good MMO with the constant whining that you deserve better stats because you have more free time.


Look most of us have lives. So making it more towards the folks that can spend 6+hrs playing everyday is ubserd.
The only happy people are with those with to much time on their hands. As for the rest of us…

MMO’s aren’t made for casuals in mind, by design, not even this one. Nothing new here why are ppl surprised?

GW1 was.

But there is no debate, just fact.
GW1 wasn’t an MMO, it was listed as a co opRPG with some multiplayer tacked on. The actual game world was instanced, and you only seen other players who were in your group, no one else. Basically the game was hardly massive, and was more a giant dungeon, for your group.

GW2, is an MMO, and MMO players expect progression, casuals don’t want it. But by definition, MMO’s are timesinks, and not designed for casuals.

You sound pretty arrogant and yet till ascended gear there was no stupid gear grind. Hmm sounds like somebodies WRONG. Thats what made GW2 such a breath of fresh air. The death of every MMO i’ve played so far has been the growing divide between casual and raider till half the pop (casuals) drop their subs and move on. Nothing fun about a mindless grind and I like many just won’t do it.

Should max stat gear be easy to be obtained?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


My warrior is my third 80, the moment it hit 80 I had a full set of exotic armor and weapons with green accessories, within 5 hours of it hitting 80 I was bored of it… if the gear is too easy to get then it just means that people like me will be bored that much quicker.

As a side note, I’m not interested in getting any form of ascended gear because it require me to run fractals… and I hate running dungeons in any form, no matter how good (or bad) they may be, years of WoW just turned me off of the concept of dungeons in ALL games.

And yet you want to change GW2 into another WoW/run of the mill MMO with a gear treadmill. You don’t make much sense in your post, imo. How does running the same dungeons for a piece of gear over and over and over and then again make a game fun?

(edited by jamasont.4653)

Should max stat gear be easy to be obtained?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jamasont.4653


The whole reason most of us are here playing this game is because it was supposed to NOT be a gear treadmill. I’ll stick around a little to see how things go but one foots out the door with the ascended gear intro. Just have no interest in that sort of game hence why I quit WoW years ago.

No geartreadmill, no WoWars2

in Suggestions

Posted by: jamasont.4653


its not too late. remove the stat buffs from infusions, and lower ascended gear to exotic utility.

Sadly it is too late. Sorry but me and my friends all came to this game FOR the fact that it was anti gear treadmill/grind. No way in hell will I do that again. Everquest then WoW both sucked because of this. But hey, obviously there are plenty of people out there that are happy to have their lives revolve around and be based upon an MMO.

Who keeps killing a dev's thf/war in pvp

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I disagree. I’ve played other classes seem much tougher/easy all around compared to an Eng. Thing I hate about Engi more than anything is that we’ve got all these cool abilities/kits but most of it is subpar/sucks and can’t use half of them in PvP/PvE cause you’ll lose. I’d love it if all of our kits were viable in PvE/PvP.

why did you select norn?

in Norn

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Because I couldn’t be an ogre. Not the goofy demon/vampire/pig Ogre’s Anets got but really big fat ugly Ogres.

Pistol vs Rifle DPS discrepancy?

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


rifle will do more dps but only up close.

Second pistol not firing...

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Pistols are pretty cool but it kinda bugs me to see only one of my pistols firing in combat.

puzzling newbie experience, answers pls?

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Its not just you an eng specc’d to tank just can’t take the hits. I wouldnt expect to solo champs often only gonna happen when they’ve got very weak to no ranged and you have room to kite.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


@ Lite- Not real sure i either just knock them back sometimes I eat the 100 blades but I have been hit with one that did any significant damage in a long time. If you don’t like it and think that the “mobility” is lacking then thats all well and good. Thieves and Warriors don’t scare me at all. Map mobility is great with the perma-swiftness.

@Coglin For some reason it is happening to me only on Khylo but the kit trait that casts the healing circle(cant think of the names as im not on my gaming comp) isn’t casting the healing circle when I equip the elixir gun. It isn’t casting it at all.

Been working more with pistol/shield and its pretty fun and the aoe knockback is really nice for node clearing.

How’re you getting perma swiftness?

Anyone else use kits as main weapon? Loving the elixir gun.

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Nekroseth-dude, you’re playing the wrong class. Thats like saying I like playing rangers but dont ever use ranged weapons cause I dont like them or the pets cause they’re boring.

Engineers don't compare to other classes in terms in Defense

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


Eng defense definitely needs work feels soo weak in that regard compared to other classes. If they’d just put better traits in inventions line. You spec full defensive with any other class and you notice a big difference in survivability.

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I’d prefer to keep things how they are just raise dps with the rifle maybe add a bleed to auto attack or remove #5 skill and replace with a ranged attack. Pistol dps is a little low but I dont enjoy it like I do the rifle. I kill stuff twice as fast on other classes the damage output difference is way to much. It makes the rifle near unusable PvE cause I get too antsy waiting for the things to die.

Edit: just made lvl 20 switched my traits and armor and dps is looking good. Survivability still underpowered compared to other classes but maybe it wont be so noticeable later on.

(edited by jamasont.4653)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I love everything about my Eng cept the fact that my dps is low and survivability sucks compared to other classes. I just hate having to give up strength to play a class that I love. Only talking about PvE. Just wish there was a really defensive build that would equal or be somewhat close to other classes. Grenades not really an option till they put in a target npc option for them.

(edited by jamasont.4653)

Rolled Engi, loved it, But hate the way Rifles work

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


I agree with the OP. I love the rifle but get completely underwhelmed by it on the Eng so I switch to the warrior+rifle. Really cool but the Eng version’s dps blows feels so weak after playing my warrior. Also dont consider grenades because I loathe ground targeting. Wish they’d give the option of targeting the enemy with them.

Can an engineer survive without bombs or grenades?

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


2k+? and 6k+ blunder seriously you think thats a lot?