Showing Posts For krade.4021:
Just because you killed me doesn’t mean my thief was dead
Dugald I think we all saw your sig
Goodjob blobbing it up NYS and SONG
Something tells me you’ve never fought MERC or ATM.
Well they’re not fighting MERC or ATM now. We can’t blame guilds for blobbing it up I merely said it was good job, nothing much.
‘oh hey we can’t siege quentin lets pvdoor the remaining 30% of the gate’
Goodjob blobbing it up NYS and SONG
‘Legit OOC and running into the crowd’
the best GvG guild, IRON
Nice to see TC likes to bring a whole map zerg to gank the GVG and still end up getting wiped
ok outmanned buff = map zerg
waha’s crazy, he doesnt sleep
One day TC, I hope you own up to your spawn camping tendencies, we all do it at times. Just you seem to enjoy it every day, guess a huge lead in points isn’t enough for ya. Are there other exits, of course, we know they exist. Just saying, be honest with yourselves.
Oh but again this must be 30+ pugs I’m watching…apologies.
~From a concerned person.
You’re like posting this every 2 days or something lol. It’s just a game…
I find it funny all this complaining from FA about an accidental bug that may have been exploited by a few, yet they were glitch capping Jerrifer’s just about every day…hypocrites much?
Thanks for the good fights NNK and TFV in TCBL today! But…. I don’t like your sab arrow carts
Well it would be pretty awesome and probably more balanced than this matchup.
Such a shame too, this matchup was pretty good about a month ago until one of the servers decided they wanted a t1 amount of population.
I think it’s more like some of KN decided to take a ‘break’ and FA quitting the week..
All about positioning, just like arrow carts I think.
I guess it’s better to PM one of the guild leaders with proof(fraps of him/her walljumping or glitchting)? This is Anet forums..
everywhere is siege capped in tcbl what sorcery is this?!?
I can no longer hide in keeps????!?!?!!
Yes we are struggling against SoR but we never stop fighting. Any individuals/guilds transfer will be morale boost for coasters! Free transfers is ending.. hurry up!!
We really need EU/OCEANIC/ASIAN guilds. You can’t imagine how much impact you will do during those prime time, we have 0/4 queue during those timezones. Even having a 20 man guild running during those timezone will earn us at least 50+ppt. We probably have the weakest oceanic/eu/asian coverage among t2/t3/t4, trust me.
We always had a decent number of Singaporeans in the server, it’s just that we hardly group up. With the new addition guilds from CD, it’s time for us to gather! huat ar
Welcome [CYN] to Tarnished Coast! Looking forward to work with you guys
Hi Cynical, do check out!
Additionally, if you’re interested in joining PiNK in WvW you can visit!
Sia la hi fellow Singaporeans from [Val]! Just come join Tarnished Coast la, no horse run one. You will have lots of fun during Asian timezone because we don’t have a four map queue compared to other servers with huge oceanic guilds. We the Singaporeans in the server can become Guild wars 2 kakis man! Rhongomyniad[PiNK], Theongreyjoy[TSL], Caught Littering[KH] we are all in different guilds and we normally run with our guilds during early morning/afternoon GMT+8. Although some NA guys stay up late to play with us but hor we’re often outmanned. SO SIAN! If you guys could come over and run together with 20-30 man with everyone from different guild we gonna be ai zai one. Not only that, heard about our great community right? Not hao lian I swear it’s really awesome. Confirm guarantee plus chop
I agree with everything that was said in the above quote….. I think.
:P singlish is what we use!
Sia la hi fellow Singaporeans from [Val]! Just come join Tarnished Coast la, no horse run one. You will have lots of fun during Asian timezone because we don’t have a four map queue compared to other servers with huge oceanic guilds. We the Singaporeans in the server can become Guild wars 2 kakis man! Rhongomyniad[PiNK], Theongreyjoy[TSL], Caught Littering[KH] we are all in different guilds and we normally run with our guilds during early morning/afternoon GMT+8. Although some NA guys stay up late to play with us but hor we’re often outmanned. SO SIAN! If you guys could come over and run together with 20-30 man with everyone from different guild we gonna be ai zai one. Not only that, heard about our great community right? Not hao lian I swear it’s really awesome. Confirm guarantee plus chop
Edit: [CYN] and some other smaller CD guilds also joined us already! Don’t wait liao heh
Welcome [FIST], [KH] and [CYN]!
(edited by krade.4021)
From Singapore too! It’s good to know we actually have a decent number of us.
They increased the cap for server population, if anyone out there needs to transfer you can do it now! We’re still in need of NA/Oceanic/asian/late night guilds! PM either Lanimal.6541 or Rhongomyniad.5081 for more info!
Good way to fight thieves(stealth)